Ten Questions

1) Who is G-d? The Creator

2) What is G-d? That in terms of which everything exists, but His essence is unknowable.

3) Where is G-d? Paradoxically, He is in matter but also outside of it.

4) What is Soul? G-d in matter.

5) If God created the Universe and us, then why need a religion to reach him? To clarify possible options.

6) What is Justice? A feedback mechanism.

7) What happens after death? One continues on with the evolution toward the Omega point.

8) What is Heaven and What is Hell? Transient experiential states.

9) Why are we here (in this world)? To be a reflection by which G-d becomes conscious of Himself through the realization of spiritual values.

10) What is time? An aspect of the organization of the evolutionary world of forms.
10) What is time? The fourth dimension of conscious experience.

Lunamoth, very nice observation. Actually, the other three dimensions are spatial. We know this from practical experience and it holds at dimensional scales the size of the universe and subatomic. Time is not an artificial or human construct. It is very much as real as things that we can touch and see. In fact, physics has proven the equivalence of time with the other three spatial dimensions !

We know that the universe is at least present in these four dimensions, maybe more, maybe many more.

Perhaps this has some interesting theological implications ? Any guesses about what is going on in those other dimensions :) ?

My guess is that in one of those other dimensions I am rich and handsome :D:) Anyone have a time machine :confused:
Time is not an artificial or human construct. It is very much as real as things that we can touch and see.

Time is only as real as the experience of the phenomenon we call time. I would propose that if you either extinguish the human race or the make the universe in which humans live disappear, time will cease to exist.:D

Ok, maybe the former wouldn't work, as time is a property of the universe and the interaction between measurable entities inside it as defined by mathematical relationships, not of human perception.

Yet, I would argue that "time" is only as real as its practical usefulness in a human being's personal life journey. The less practically useful it is, the less real it becomes.

People often complain that time flies. They get so busy doing something that they lose track of time. This is what I mean. The numerical quantity means much less than the experience of itself. The experience of time somehow escaping from our iron grip doesn't seem real and we are surprised (and often shocked and horrified:eek: -- oh no I've got an exam tomorrow! I forgot study! Ahhhhh!!!!!!) at how much "time" has numerically elapsed.

In fact, physics has proven the equivalence of time with the other three spatial dimensions!

I'm not so sure about equivalence. Time is temporal and not spatial, though the temporal dimensions may indeed have some spatial properties.

My guess is that in one of those other dimensions I am rich and handsome :D:)

You aren't? Oh what a shame!:eek::D

Anyone have a time machine :confused:

That's the thing, once you build a time machine, the observable and accessible universe ceases to be four-dimensional.

Time as we know it before the advent of time travel is the time-line of the three spatial dimensions. At the moment, time travel has been "invented" as an idea. It just hasn't been implemented. When that happens, the observable and accessible universe is no longer four-dimensional, but at least five-dimensional, because if you can travel back and forth in time, not only do you have a time-line of the first three spatial dimensions, but you also have a time-line of the fourth dimension (ie. the fifth dimension, second temporal dimension). You have a time-line of time-lines. The fourth dimension is merely the first temporal dimension. The fourth dimension becomes semi-spatial because of time travel.

But this is where it gets interesting. What if, instead of moving in the first (4th) temporal dimension, you want to travel within the second (5th) temporal dimension, or a combination of both. You want to move in a direction that isn't parallel or anti-parallel to the unit vectors of the either of the first two temporal dimensions.

In what direction, for example, does the progression or propagation of time travel? The question, therefore, of whether you're changing history or changing the time-line is a question of whether you're moving parallel or anti-parallel to the direction of propagation of time. In a sense, it doesn't matter then if we are moving in the first or second temporal dimension. All that matters is that we are moving parallel or anti-parallel to the direction of propagation of time.

But having said that, it's probably not possible to know if we are moving in the fourth or fifth dimensions at all. The universe doesn't have a compass for the three spatial dimensions, so why would it have one for temporal dimensions?

The important thing then is to be able to sense the direction of propagation of time and bias the time machine in that direction (or against it).

We could develop a whole theory (maybe more for fictional purposes:)) for the physics of time-travel as we would like to think of it. What causes the propagation of time?

Maybe it's a bit like gravity. The universe is being pulled in a particular direction. The time machine is like a kind of rocket ship exploring the depths of the universe. But instead of a space ship, it's a time ship.:D:eek::)

Maybe it's like electromagnetic propagation, the propagation of light and photons, which, actually wouldn't be much different to the idea of gravity if you believe in so-called "gravity waves," where the influence of the force of gravity propagates at the speed of light -- and that gravity is just another force in the universe that emits particles and waves just like electric and magnetic fields and forces.

So . . . time is propagating at a fixed speed independent of its orientation.
I'm sure that many men and women have been touched by God through the practice of Islam. Why do you choose to only focus on the negative?

Touched by something I have no doubt. It is not negative. I see it as a positive action to dismiss Islam at every turn. But I do not want to hijack the thread, so I shall leave it at that.
LOL. you say peace to you... and yet you attack ?:mad:
I am not Islamic, I love God and Jesus Christ, please dont turn these interesting questions and answers into an attack on another human being.:eek:
Love the Grey

Oh I was not aware that not liking someone's words and ideas and stating that fact is an attack. I confused this for a debate forum! Or are you only welcome here if you are willing to mutually massage the ego of delusion and laziness of dogma?
oh dear, my apologies inuk, but as you were the ONLY person saying that someone else beliefs was superfluous twattle etc, that in my opinion is a attack. I may be wrong, but then again that is my humble opinion.
inuk.... There is a thing called tact. Look into it. :)

What! And leave myself open to an accusation of ambiguity?

Seattlegal gave praise, I brought balance. Are we only to praise each others ability to quote old bits of pilfered text?
oh dear, my apologies inuk, but as you were the ONLY person saying that someone else beliefs was superfluous twattle etc, that in my opinion is a attack. I may be wrong, but then again that is my humble opinion.

I humbly apologise for my individuality. They are not his beliefs. He quoted verbatim from a dusty old tome of extremely dubious origin. So if you think about it and re-read what I say the only bit that can be interpreted as a personal attack is when I said "maybe one day you will actually seek truth" which I see rather more as an encouragement to think for him/her self than an attack. I am here in part to challenge the validity of belief in deity and there is no way to do so without challenging the foundations of logic on which such beliefs are built. Using tact or guile to do so is a handicap and a deception I would rather not employ or be limited by. Additionally I doubt very much anything I say will make a difference, the cast iron certitude of your average verse quoter is unshakeable.

No it is not an anti-Islam thread, but it does appear to be developing into an anti-free thinker thread.
No it is not an anti-Islam thread, but it does appear to be developing into an anti-free thinker thread.

I don't see how it is developing into an anti-free thinker thread. You see, this isn't a Muslim message board. People are just suspicious about your agenda and are defending Islam to be fair and respectful. If we allow one person to vent anger toward one religion, they might as well do it for every other religion. Thus to be fair, we have to defend even beliefs that aren't our own.

People don't like being demonised and vilified for their beliefs.

Why should we defend you when someone attacks your beliefs when you attack those of others? That's what I'm saying. You have to give in order to receive.

Are you a free thinker? Fair enough. We will come to your defence when someone lashes out at you (and you're losing:)) if you don't attack people's beliefs unreasonably. If there is criticism, I would like to think you can be reasonable in the way you provide it. Criticism can be given in the spirit of reasonableness.

Is this not reasonable?

No, this isn't a debate forum as far as I know. It's more like an education forum where we learn about different religions.
1) Who is God?
2) What is God?
3) Where is God?
4) What is Soul?
5) If God created the Universe and us, then why need a religion to reach him?
6) What is Justice?
7) What happens after death?
8) What is Heaven and What is Hell?
9) Why are we here (in this world)?
10) What is time?

Hi SeekTruth,

Those are the type of questions I relish for it gives me an oppurtunity to tell people about God and the truth, so here goes:

1. the Creator of the heavens and the earth

2. God is unknowable in the sense that He is nothing at all like anything we can ever imagine; God is beyond conceptualisation, nonethless He is not without attributes, for example, when we say that one of Gods attributes is that He is the Most Mercifull, then we know what this means in terms of things such as how easily God can forgive us if we turn to Him in sincere repentence, but the attribute itself which is an attribute of the essense of God is unknowable in terms of how it is, such as we know that 'mercy' in humans is in the form of emotive feelings, etc, but Gods attributes is totally unlike that of humans

here is a link that lists Gods attributes:

99 Attributes of Allah SWT

3. not in His creation and the six directions [north, east, south, west, up, down] do not contain him, but God is everywhere in His knowledge, i.e, He sees, hears and has full power and control over everything that exists...; God may not have a 'litteral presence' outside of his creation too [if there is such a place] for 'litteral presences' are associated with created things, i.e, we know that created things have a litteral presence [such as a physical or spiritual or 'energetic' presence] and God is nothing like created things in the slightest.

4. the 'real human being' that exists in our bodies which are the vessels for carrying them; the soul is a 'spirit' rather than anything 'physical'

5. indeed, why not?; thus there is; Islam. :)

6. does 'justice' really need an explanation?; we obviously know some of the basic 'justices' of life such as to be fair to all and punish and redress the obvious crimes etc, and for the more elaborate and comprehensive laws pertaining to life and society that fall under the catogory where mankind are fallibe in determining what they are, we need to look at Gods religion and see what God says about it.

7. at the moment of death, the angel of death iether comes and rips a persons soul out of his body and starts to punish it, or takes it out smoothly and the soul enters into a life of eternal bliss; the soul returns to the body in the grave after the body is burried... and the inmate of the grave is made to sit up and answer 3 questions which two angels will ask him;

who is your Lord?, what is your religion? and what do you say about the messenger sent to you?; the ability to answer those questions correctly will depend on how the person lived his life on earth [what level of faith he had...]; thenceforth, the torture or bliss will continue for the soul and body untill the day of Judgement...; after the person is Judged on the day of judgement, he will iether go to the garden of heaven, or to the fire of hell; non-believers who go to hell will remain there forever and sinfull believers who end up there will be 'purged' in it and they will come out of it and entered into heaven; heaven is eternal too.

8. Heaven is a vast beutifull garden, with houses made of bricks of gold and silver, trees with branches laden low with all types of fruits, rivers of honey, sweet milk and other nectars, flying horses and beutifull virgin maidens and basically, one can have whatever one desires in heaven; this is the reward of people who undergo hardship on earth, obeying their Lord and refraining from following their desires...;

hell is an abyss of fire, a fire 69/70 times hotter than the earth fire; there are different levels of hell and heaven, each one more terryfying and torturous or more beutifull and blissfull then the other respectively and people will be entered into them according to the level of evil or good they commited while on earth.

9. we are here to know and worship our Lord, the one and only Creator of the universe.

10. the seconds that tick away...; it is a created thing :)

hope that helps

2. ... when we say that one of Gods attributes is that He is the Most Mercifull, then we know what this means in terms of things such as how easily God can forgive us if we turn to Him in sincere repentence, ...but Gods attributes is totally unlike that of humans

here is a link that lists Gods attributes:

99 Attributes of Allah SWT

Yes, the 99 attributes can be thought of as qualities of G-d's relationship with His children; they don't necessarily define G-d.
I don't see how it is developing into an anti-free thinker thread. You see, this isn't a Muslim message board. People are just suspicious about your agenda and are defending Islam to be fair and respectful. If we allow one person to vent anger toward one religion, they might as well do it for every other religion. Thus to be fair, we have to defend even beliefs that aren't our own.

Saltmeister is being quite reasonable.

Each great religion can vilified for past and present abuses.
Each great religion can be praised for past and present charitable acts.

Each great religion has members who commit crimes in the name of God.
Each great religion has members who live humbly, together with God.
Namaste SeekTruth,

thank you for the post.

1) Who is God?

which deity are you referring to?

2) What is God?

deities are beings that have arisen on other planes of existence and, like all sentient beings, are bound by their karma and will be reborn when their current karmic energy is expended.

3) Where is God?

there are 20 some odd planes of existence that sentient beings can take rebirth in which, to a human, would seem like they were deities. if you are speaking of the being that fancies itself the creator deity, it resides in the Brahmavirha, the Brahma Realm.

4) What is Soul?

it would depend on ones' definition though i would say that, using the standard understanding of such a term, sentient beings do not have souls.

5) If God created the Universe and us, then why need a religion to reach him?

it didn't and one doesn't.

6) What is Justice?

a civilized veneer for revenge.

7) What happens after death?

a sentient being takes rebirth based on their karmas' vipaka.

8) What is Heaven and What is Hell?

there are several heavenly realms and several hellish realms though, it should be noted, even in the hellish realms the Bodhisattvas roam seeking to help sentient beings put and end to the cycle.

9) Why are we here (in this world)?

sentient human beings are the most fortunate rebirth that a being can have, it is extremely rare to be reborn as a human, let alone a human that has the privilege of encountering the Dharma. our rebirth here represents the single best opportunity to Awaken and attain Liberation.... that is why we are here.... or to help others do so.. it sort of depends on the person.

10) What is time?

a measure of change in space, i.e. the decay rate of a proton.


1) Who is God? A single deity
2) What is God? Everything
3) Where is God? Everywhere
4) What is Soul? A unique and mystrious force that is core to life
5) If God created the Universe and us, then why need a religion to reach him? To compliment our progress towards him
6) What is Justice? Wrong made right
7) What happens after death? Continue your journey towards God
8) What is Heaven and What is Hell? Heaven is Closeness to God and Hell is distance from God
9) Why are we here (in this world)? To develop
10) What is time? A limiting force on our exsistence
5. indeed, why not?; thus there is; Islam. :)

misread that question a bit; thought it was '...why not a religion to reach him'

We need a religion to reach him as there is a way to reach him, and that is by worship and purifying our beliefs of Him, and as we dont know exactly how to worship him [in a comprehensive way] or how to purify our beliefs of Him [in a comprehensive way], then it is neccassary for God to reveal to us and guide us in this; also a religion where we obey God in Gods terms carries the true spirit of sacrifice and surrendering our will to His [which is the true and ultimate obedience as a slave to his Master], whereas worshipping God as we feel like it and please lacks true sacrifice and is tainted with following our desires....