Does God Talk to You ?


There is a River
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Well does he ?

and what was the last thing he spoke to you about ?

and what makes so sure its God ?
If one believes in Gods word (scripture) then according to John 5:37 Ye gave neither heard His voice at anytime nor seen His shape. God speaks through His spirit and through His word (scripture). Many of times I would ask God for understanding on a certian matter and latter while reading His word (scripture) there the ansewer would be. So to ansewer your question. God has never spoke to me with a voice, but He has spoke to me in other ways. Praying is talking to God and meditating is listening for God. Most of us are always on the move and our minds are always turning hundereds of mph we never just stop and listen. Just being still and listening. It's unbelieveable what you will hear when one is still and quiet.

he speaks to us through the bible, it is inspired of God
2 timothy 3;16-17:)
2 Timothy was written long before there was such thing as a Bible, mee, so it couldn't have been referring to the modern codex. :)

As for God talking - sure, used to happen a lot. Very profound experiences, but kind of extreme as well.

These days less extreme - more like listening to your intuition - though I like to call it "touching to the Universe".

A couple of years ago a business colleague went missing in the states. There was a public call for help in finding him, and fears for his safety. I touched the universe and felt that he was indeed still alive, but he was in a confused state, and not able to contact anyone. I couldn't mention what the universe had told me in public, though, because I knoew it could worry his family further.

Turned out he'd got off a plane without a passport, as as the authorities got hold of him he had a big panic attack and wouldn't make much sense, so was held in jail until British embassy officials were able to help him.

If you listen to your intuition, it's always there - and while it may be subject to interpretation, if you listen carefully enough, you can hear something of the pulse of the universe. :)

Perhaps not the most Christian of answers, though. :)
maybe l'm a naturalist and a sweetie - i smell god in a fragrant flower and see god in the the milky way, natural but super.
l hear the divine voice in humans singing and in the wind blowing
l touch it in love with another and in myself when l feel joy
l also think intuition is a gateway
I'm not sure if this is possible to directly talk to the most gracious and if you did, this would still only be a subtle expression.
With the Indwelling Spirit one has constant access. I see it as part of the guidance system that makes it possible to stay attuned to spiritual presence.
It is the presence of the Divine Spirit, the water of life, that prevents the consuming thirst of mortal discontent and that indescribable hunger of the unspiritualized human mind. Spirit-motivated beings "never thirst, for this spiritual water shall be in them a well of satisfaction springing up into life everlasting."

~from the Urantia Book
John 10:27 (New International Version)

27My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.

God spoke to me shortly before I became a Christian, well actually I was never sure if it was God, Jesus or the Holy spirit, but it was all about his love for me.

I think it was God anyway, it was like someone was talking to me in my head, thoughts that were not my own.

I must say that I think a lot of the time when people say God has spoken to them its not really God its either intuition or imagination.
maybe l'm a naturalist and a sweetie - i smell god in a fragrant flower and see god in the the milky way, natural but super.
l hear the divine voice in humans singing and in the wind blowing
l touch it in love with another and in myself when l feel joy
l also think intuition is a gateway

Do you also smell in him in horse (censored)?
See him in the injustice?
Hear him in the voice of the homeless man begging for food?
Just, curious.....
If one believes in Gods word (scripture) then according to John 5:37 Ye gave neither heard His voice at anytime nor seen His shape. God speaks through His spirit and through His word (scripture). Many of times I would ask God for understanding on a certian matter and latter while reading His word (scripture) there the ansewer would be. So to ansewer your question. God has never spoke to me with a voice, but He has spoke to me in other ways. Praying is talking to God and meditating is listening for God. Most of us are always on the move and our minds are always turning hundereds of mph we never just stop and listen. Just being still and listening. It's unbelieveable what you will hear when one is still and quiet.


The Holy Spirit IS God. :p
Do you also smell in him in horse (censored)?
See him in the injustice?
Hear him in the voice of the homeless man begging for food?
Just, curious.....

yes, in those things too, its all part and parcel of the whole shebang
Well does he ?

and what was the last thing he spoke to you about ?

and what makes so sure its God ?

Of course He does. In Thought in Impressions in Dreams in Emotions in Worship in the Word.

half of what prayer is is listening to the voice of God.. If you are praying and not hearing then shut up and listen to Him for a change.. it might change your whole prayer life.

You can do a word study on any online bible and in the perimeters put voice in and see how often the Lords voice is "heard" in the old and new testaments.

Winner misquoted the bible when he said that no man has seen the shape of or heard God.. Jesus said that no man hath seen nor heard the Father. If you read the bible you would see that its clearly not the case in the Son and the Spirit.

The last time I spoke with God and "heard" his "voice" was when I was praying because I was afraid for my daughter and He sent his peace upon me through a gentle breeze as I sat on my porch. "Fear not for I am with you." Thats how I know it was God..
I must say that I think a lot of the time when people say God has spoken to them its not really God its either intuition or imagination.

God spoke to me shortly before I became a Christian, well actually I was never sure if it was God, Jesus or the Holy spirit,

Yeah that was your imagination/desperation....
I'm curious because I think our imagination and intuition came from God- they are gifts from God to me. Our imagination, much like our reason, is what allows us to choose to grow in our faith.

I experience my intuition as divine messages- sometimes for a practical purpose (check up on so-and-so) and other times for a spiritual one. It's the inner voice of the Spirit that I receive when I still my brain's chatter.