2 Timothy was written long before there was such thing as a Bible, mee, so it couldn't have been referring to the modern codex.
As for God talking - sure, used to happen a lot. Very profound experiences, but kind of extreme as well.
These days less extreme - more like listening to your intuition - though I like to call it "touching to the Universe".
A couple of years ago a business colleague went missing in the states. There was a public call for help in finding him, and fears for his safety. I touched the universe and felt that he was indeed still alive, but he was in a confused state, and not able to contact anyone. I couldn't mention what the universe had told me in public, though, because I knoew it could worry his family further.
Turned out he'd got off a plane without a passport, as as the authorities got hold of him he had a big panic attack and wouldn't make much sense, so was held in jail until British embassy officials were able to help him.
If you listen to your intuition, it's always there - and while it may be subject to interpretation, if you listen carefully enough, you can hear something of the pulse of the universe.
Perhaps not the most Christian of answers, though.