Dude, you replied to my post but your reply didn't actually address what I said. The point you rebutted was not my premise; it was a reply to a rebuttal. That huge reply made it sound like my premise was that other religions were invalid because they were not like Christianity, which is 100% not what I said, and 100% not what I meant. In this way, your reply was off-topic because it argued against something that was not my premise, while implying that it was my premise. That's off-topic, isn't it?
Ok . . . I think I get it now . . .
It wasn't supposed to be an extension of your discussion with wil. I was aware of what was going on, but thought that I could comment on one of your posts in isolation. I realise now that with you deeply engaged in a discussion with wil, that wasn't going to be so easy. I think I may have the unhealthy habit of fishing around for posts I can reply to so that I can make rants. Maybe the reason why it backfired this time was that you were locked into a debate and I was trying to hijack the discussion for my own pleasure.
I thought I might say . . . this is the first time I've been told off for doing that.
Despite what has happened, I don't think off-topic discussions are necessarily a waste of time. I might be able to get credit for extracting some background information. A lot of important stuff could happen behind the scenes.
BTW, a little nettiquette: When one puts the
or the
or the
or the
emoticons after a statement, it comes across as a joke. When one puts a
after a statement, it does not. If it wasn't intended as a cheap shot, then my apologies, but in the context of the three posts I read yesterday, it certainly seemed not to have been made in jest.
The word "heretic" seems to have been carefully chosen as an allusion to my supposed intolerance to the ideas of others.
I don't recall anyone ever telling me they didn't want to reply/respond to my post. Nobody has ever shut down a discussion with me. It was a shock when you did this to me. I did take offence and did take it personally, because apart from saying my first post to you was off-topic, you also said something about me making a "pent-up rant." I felt like I was being censored. It had something to do with my style of discussion, my personality.
"Intolerance" isn't the word I tend to use when I want to criticise people for being nasty, but I will have to play along. Yes, "heretic" did mean "intolerance," but that first paragraph wasn't supposed to be accusing you of it. It was a question, not a statement. I have seen people ask questions "in jest" before. I was trying to ask if you were censoring me, not that you were being intolerant. You usually don't ask if someone is intolerant. You accuse them of it.
The last three posts weren't supposed to be malicious. "Cheap shot" implies that I'm being malicious. Maybe some of what I said were "cheap shots" by their nature, but I was quite confused at that point, thinking you were "censoring" me. I wasn't sure what to think. Those "cheap shots" were part of that confused response. I was trying to guess what you were thinking.
It's not my policy when posting to criticise someone's behaviour or style of discussion. I know where that leads. People spend whole pages blaming each other over "cheap shots."
I've been registered here for four years. It's just a surprise that I started doing it with you. I don't think I've ever done it before. I was caught completely off guard. I normally only criticise ideas. But quite recently I've found myself criticising fellow users/members. I thought I had seen everything. I thought I knew myself.