Satan, the Illusion, is how I would interpret his influence on the lives of Buddhists! Sin would be equated with ignorance, so the ignorance from humankind springs forth from the Illusion. To me, the Illusion promotes a false perception of reality or how things really are. For example, I may identify myself with the clothes I wear or the money I make, but this is a false reality I hold tightly to due to the power I let the Illusion rule over me. While having these things is okay, it is not well for us as human beings to let these things possess us. One only has to look at the materialism preached in hip-hop culture as an example. From this perspective, I would say that depression for healthy human beings as also coming from the Illusion. I need to see my true being, which basks itself in pure love 24/7.
God is love.
I have to admit I know nothing of buddism. But my bliefs are that God uses Satan for His divine purpose. God can not do, think, or be around evil there for God uses Satan. God created Satan and Evil Isa 45:7 Therefore He is responsible for everything we do. Heres the thing WE ARE ACOUNTABLE FOR OUR CHOICES. God gave us a brain so that we can make choices. But our choices are not free from cause. something or someone always influences the choices we make and if something or someone always influences our choices then our choices can not be free. There goes free will. Our will is not free. It is always influence by something or someone.'