That was so much more informative than I expected. Thank you very much. I had no idea. I also very much appreciate the links you provided. Really, I can't believe you went to so much trouble to explain all of that to me. Thank you!
You're certainly welcome!
Yeah, I get a bit long-winded sometimes, then I wonder if I've really said what I was trying to say. Or - have you ever felt like you understood something, but then as you tried to explain it (aha! the litmus test) to someone else ... you found that maybe you weren't so sure
after all? lol
Well, the 2nd half of my post was very much like that. I owe so much to my studies of Theosophical teachings, and also to the contributions of esotericists from the past 75-100 years. By no means can the majority of these individuals (and groups of individuals) recall previous lives, but I have read about a half dozen or so
extremely detailed & vivid accounts (where recall was aided by a Teacher) ... and this is
part of what informs my understanding of -
how the ancients viewed things like Deity/Divinity, Gods & Goddessess, etc.
Then there is my own partial recall of previous lives since ~1350BC (Egyptian, Greek, Galilean, Persian, French, and a couple of American) ... and things I have studied in conventional anthropology, archaeology, philosophy, history, etc. Put it all together, and I have an understanding that is -
part conviction, part speculation or
educated guess, and a great deal in between (or, analogical necessity).
For the record though, even though I cannot say I remember much
in detail from say,
a Greek life, about the time of Pythagoras ... nevertheless, knowing that there
was such, and having the
living thread of this prior experience weaving itself through my present consciousness, is a testament, or testimony, even in its own right! I can't quite find the words for it, but in terms of ancient Egypt, I'm convinced that I was
there (
most of us were!), and that even then,
we knew that the Pyramids were Ancient.
As for whether or not ET helped Atlantean Humanity lift the stones into place (

), I have
no memory or indication of that!
Seriously though, the point blank, straightforward statements which I have come across time & time again, is that various of the cities - both Atlantean and
post-Atlantean (such as the earliest Egyptian), and monuments/Temples such as the Great Pyramid & Sphinx - were sort of
projects, or contributions, of Humanity's earlier Adepts, or Initiate-Kings. These served many purposes, but
least of all (or NOT EVEN an aspect, rather), would be anything having to do with the
ego, or earthly personality of the
king in question.
And of course, this is precisely the
opposite of what the
best Egyptologists have managed to dream up, whether regarding the pyramids as
tombs (once again, this is quite a
reverse of their function!) ... or imagining that architectural renewals and revisions in the religious philosophy & priestly hierarchy (as in Akhenaton's time) were instigated
for the Pharaoh's own earthly posterity.
The experts are quite on the right track when they can at least
acknowledge that the Egyptians were looking
well ahead, such as in terms of the afterlife. And yet unfortunately, it
is true that the
glory of most ancient Egypt declined, over tens of thousands of years (much like Atlantis, but on a smaller scale) ... such that what conventional Egyptologists regard as
earliest Egypt was really just the
lull, in between perhaps the
2nd GREAT Dynasty - and that final,
3rd series of lesser dynasties, which we record as 1st - 31st Dynasties.
Egypt interests me tremendously, for personal reasons among others. But as far as how various other ancient cultures regarded the
spiritual principles in nature and in man, I think we should always seek to approach the subject with an open & a curious mind, and an eager curiosity. We should read the theories of today's experts with attentiveness, but we should pay equal respect to the accounts of eyewitnesses -
and these, if at all possible, from within the culture, religious sect, or social group under consideration, rather than just
"great and learned historians," who have tended (as often as not) to
misunderstand & misinterpret what they witnessed!
No, I wouldn't advise or recommend
past-life regression, even if we
do believe in reincarnation. It's not where my own memories & insights came from, and it's not always as
helpful as people seem to believe. Instead, I think it's much more worth considering what has been said a thousand different ways by that many & more who have come to this insight on their own:
History records all that occurs, both in the visible and invisible worlds, and preserves it there, inviolable and intact, for all future generations.
We may not, as yet, have an accurate
outer technology that can
read these records, and thus we have countless psychics who
claim to have "accessed the akashic records," and pretty soon aliens built the Great Pyramid, and they created Jesus, too, and God knows what else!
Sure there's an
Akashic Record; we even see this Biblically as
"the Book of God's Remembrance" (Malachi 3:16). In Sanskrit the word
`lipika' refers to those four, specific
entities - or
planetary representatives of these greater, Solar Entities - whose function is to
etch, or record, all that transpires on Planet Earth ...
thereby serving as the active agents of God's Memory, as it were, for all of Humanity.
An excerpt from the
online Theosophical Glossary:
The lipikas correspond to the Egyptian forty Assessors of Amenti, to the four Recording Angels of the Qabbalah, the Hindu four Maharajas and chitra-gupta, the Christian seven Angels of the Presence, and to the Book of Life of Revelations. They are directly connected with karma, with the Day of Judgment, or the Day-Be-With-Us, when everything becomes one, all individualities becoming one, yet each knowing itself. (underlining mine, to show parallels between four different religious traditions)
Who built the Pyramids, Why, and When?
We may not know ... for many more decades, or centuries. But one thing (for me, at least) is certain. The Record of the epic event -
as all others - is permanently and unalterably preserved ... and one day,
it shall be verifiable and disclosed.
Wouldn't it be - my goodness - something like one of the greatest gifts
imaginable ... to have access to the true
Akashic Light, or Library (not in the astral plane, but
far, far past that, spiritually)? I know a good number of people who, after thumbing through
records on say,
the Great Pyramid and Sphinx, would fast be turning the pages
forward, maybe to ~2000 years ago, and
"checking," just to be sure.
Again, the details escape me, but as for broad outlines and brushstrokes, I haven't a shadow of a doubt as to what they would
surprisingly find. And until we have each developed the higher
Siddhi (Spiritual power, vs. psychic
gift) of accessing this Akashic Library,
who's to say?
Well, there are those who have already seen a number of its "pages," and
thus we have the basis for quite a few of the world's Sacred Scriptures. And do we not know well, that
even to read the accounts of those who have `
seen clearly' - takes a certain kind of gift, an open approach and preparedness, even a good measure of
courage, and willingness to
suspend what we have (for various reasons) always cherished as
unquestionable truth?
Easier to see the expected, and familiar, and
drive ourselves around in circles, for even if the spiral widens only slightly, we do not deviate too greatly from the
familiar, and comfortable, and convenient. There is nothing basically wrong with this approach, in the last analysis, for as long as the spiral
does widen, if only according to the
behests of nature - and the path of least resistance (or slowest growth) - at least we will be making
some progress!
I just find myself asking -
Can we really afford, any longer, to cling so tenaciously to the comfortable & convenient, or does the Truth not insist - gently but firmly - that we
shake loose of our malaise, and assess our situation (individually, and collectively) more realistically!
Pontius Pilate had a ready response to this question, and the personality nature (as opposing the Soul, or
spiritual nature) will do anything it can to
dodge the proverbial bullet ... yet whether we are decidely
agnostic, a self-proclaimed Seeker, or
a spiritual aspirant, whatever outward religious path we have chosen, at least all of these are better than the extremes of
materialism (which proudly shuts the door on all possible spiritual revelation), and the smugness of religious & moral self-righteousness & self-certainty (which does the same).
I have found myself dangerously close to either of these extremes at times, so I have to just kind of sit back, re-center, and remember the
values (and spiritual principles) which underlie all that is, and all that we are and can be. One can still believe in these, and live one's life accordingly,
whatever the outer trappings, and regardless of the other details as to one's walk in life. Thank God for that!
Peace ... Namaskara,
~zagreus/taijasi (Andrew)