feminine aspect of God ?


There is a River
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where is the feminine aspect of God in Christianity or is it all about the father (abba, Daddy) and the son ?
I think it is more a revelation of ones culture and how one come to grips with traits one sees more as agreeing with a certain gender or not.
where is the feminine aspect of God in Christianity or is it all about the father (abba, Daddy) and the son ?
Severely lacking.

You may be interested in this book Amazon.com: The Goddess in the Gospels: Reclaiming the Sacred Feminine: Margaret Starbird: Books

As Blazn says I think it is the male dominated society...as we know when there are head counts of the tribes...this number only included men of age...not women, children or elderly...

We use the collective He, Him and Father while saying that G!d is genderless, but somehow most Christians would have issues of saying She, Her, or Mother... At my church many have a tendency to say Mother/Father G!d.

As far as I am concerned, G!d is my provider, She gives me everything I need.
I have a belief on this. When God created woman He created her as a companion for Man or as a compliment to Man. When Man and Woman wed they become One flesh and both were made in the Image of God. I believe that God has all the aspects of Woman AND Man woman being emotional and relationship oriented while man is a logical and a critical thinker.

I believe that one day in eternity.. we will be whole as we are meant to be. Like Christ. With Masculine and Feminine aspects. That is why there will be no marriage.. because the need to combine the two wont be there.

my 2c
I have a belief on this. When God created woman He created her as a companion for Man or as a compliment to Man. When Man and Woman wed they become One flesh and both were made in the Image of God. I believe that God has all the aspects of Woman AND Man woman being emotional and relationship oriented while man is a logical and a critical thinker.
I believe that one day in eternity.. we will be whole as we are meant to be. Like Christ. With Masculine and Feminine aspects. That is why there will be no marriage.. because the need to combine the two wont be there.

my 2c

Rather than God having our aspects, I think we have God's aspects-- all of us-- and our differences are artificial.

If you believe in God, then you probably believe in souls. But do you believe that there are male souls, and female souls? When God created Adam and Eve he created their bodies, but it was the same life that he breathed into them, wasn't it? I think that's why there is no marriage in Heaven: because we'll find ourselves without gender, and then marriage will no longer make sense.

People who search God for feminine qualities lose sight of the fact that feminine is a human term, and does not apply to God. When we look at the world, we see that everything is created male and female, and interpolate that the same must apply to God. It does not. In any artwork or literature you will always be able to see signs of the creator, in the same way that every child (the "one flesh" created by the unity of male and female) resembles their parents. In this way, our world resembles God and all of his qualities. Trying to classify them as male or female just confuses things.
Nice, and heck, that is worth at least a quarter!

To continue the contemplation though, what would that look like? Who would we be betrothed to? /united with? This very contemplation is why I don't see the next incarnation/plane of existence to be earthly at all.

oops my bad...if we'd like to continue this discussion someone can start another thread.

Back to the G1d!ss. It was always more reasonable to me...just thinking about the creation part...
Nice, and heck, that is worth at least a quarter!

To continue the contemplation though, what would that look like? Who would we be betrothed to? /united with? This very contemplation is why I don't see the next incarnation/plane of existence to be earthly at all.

oops my bad...if we'd like to continue this discussion someone can start another thread.

Back to the G1d!ss. It was always more reasonable to me...just thinking about the creation part...

I believe we are betrothed to Jesus Christ we are the "bride" There is to be a wedding supper so I would guess thats who. I dont know what it would be like.. I just know that any form we have will be whats pleasing to God.

whats interesting to me is that only women have that commonality with God.. being a "creator" We give birth to life which is what He did during creation.

I like this bit taken from GotQuestions.org

God is said to give birth in the book of Job and portrays Himself as a mother in Isaiah. Jesus described the Father as being like a woman in search of a lost coin in Luke 15 (and Himself as a "mother hen" in Matthew 23:37). In Genesis 1:26-27 God said, "Let us make humankind in our image, after our likeness," and then "God created humankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them, male and female he created them."Thus, the image of God was male and female - not simply one or the other. This is further confirmed in Genesis 5:2 which can be literally translated as "He created them male and female; when they were created, he blessed them and named them Adam." The Hebrew term "adam" means "man" - the context showing whether it means "man" (as opposed to woman) or "mankind" (in the collective sense). Therefore, to whatever degree humanity is made in the image of God, gender is not an issue.

I think it sums it up rather nicely.
I agree with many of u...

male and female, in his image he created them... to me, that suggests God is genderless- beyond gender designations... secondly, God as spirit, in the trinity, has all the "female" qualities u think a male, authoritarian father figure God lacks... here, as spirit, God nurtures, comforts, loves...
the shakti, creative and wisdom energy of life itself was sanitised into the concept of the holy spirit and the virgin mary imo
I have a belief on this. When God created woman He created her as a companion for Man or as a compliment to Man. When Man and Woman wed they become One flesh and both were made in the Image of God. I believe that God has all the aspects of Woman AND Man woman being emotional and relationship oriented while man is a logical and a critical thinker.
I agree that a man and a woman united in love represents the image of God. After having matured individually, our next stage of growth is through a marriage centered on God where he can dwell. By having children, we can also experience God's love as a parent.
We enter God's kingdom of heaven as a family not as an individual. Our life on earth is a preparation for our eternal life.(Genesis 1:28) We can still live on earth trough our children and descendants.

I believe that one day in eternity.. we will be whole as we are meant to be. Like Christ. With Masculine and Feminine aspects. That is why there will be no marriage.. because the need to combine the two wont be there. my 2c
Faithful servant, while would all our investment on earth, all the relations we build, the children we raise be lost ? Our life on earth is a training on how to love. We take our relationships with us and leave our lineage on earth. Our relationship with our spouse should be eternal.
Quick Question here -

In this day and age of gender social equality should pastors and evenagalists reform and start teaching the truth of Gods word in respect to feminine traits of God and female hero's of the Bible? example tell stories of Queen Esther as heroic as King David and as important.

Lots could be done to balance the scales and let young people know how
equaly important both genders are in our religion both in history and now.

Quick Question here -

In this day and age of gender social equality ...

I believe everyone is of value. So, yes, everyone that is noted in the bible is worth teaching and learning about, and in doing so it will include all people rather than excluding others. There are many viewpoints and socio-cultural of constructs of the time that would explain the bible, if we researched it, and made it known in worship. All of which would lead to greater understanding of God's word.
Quick Question here -

In this day and age of gender social equality should pastors and evenagalists reform and start teaching the truth of Gods word in respect to feminine traits of God and female hero's of the Bible? example tell stories of Queen Esther as heroic as King David and as important.

Lots could be done to balance the scales and let young people know how
equaly important both genders are in our religion both in history and now.


OK, let's talk about that. Don't you think that stories like Haddasah becoming Queen Esther, which is so similar to Cinderella and other such tales, really just serve to prop up patriarchal values? I mean, it's really Mordecai who is "made" in the story. Think about it...we always have these heroines who conform to some male fantasy as a stand in for real feminine power. It's always about the scantily clad females. One wonders how they fight in such costumes.

Surely The First trinity is-'I AM', Then Jehovah, The Great Creative Force of All, generating by Immaculate spirit, Life within The Virgin Mary; Mother of God made flesh; Jesu; and, indeed, of All life. I gather there are many feminine counterparts,
in other Religions.
Lucky (I mean Lucius) following your link I found a page an the same site that is about interfaith dialogue between Bhuddists & Christians. Told from the point of view of a Japanese person who feels that Christianity is much more absolutist than the East.

Thanks - that's an interesting article.
I would tend to agree that in the past traditional Christianity has been narrow and dogmatic, intolerant and also a tool in the hands of those who hold power.
Perhaps this is linked to the absence of the femminine aspect of God in mainstream Christianity.

Personally, I have looked quite deeply into eastern religions, esp. Hinduism, and I feel certianly that's given me a much broader view of things. However, I feel that despite all the abuses etc over the centuries, the core of Christianity is spiritual light and love.
There has always been a mystical tradition in Christianity which has remained half hidden, and has not been emphasized much by the churches. These days that seems to be more in the ascendency.

On the topic of Buddhism and Christianity, the writings of Thomas Merton are worth checking out.
These are all interesting thoughts.

As far as Scripture is concerned, Yahweh is masculine and means "He is" or "He will be". Elohim is masculine plural meaning "Mighty Ones" often used as the name of the angels or saints. Abba is masculine and means Father. All Scripture says that the Lord is male or masculine.

Marriage is a symbol of the union between Christ and the Virgin Bride (the body of followers who maintain pure doctrine). There is no further marriage upon Christ's return because those of the elect are already married to Christ. The symbol of "one flesh" in the union is the uniting of Christ and the Saints as the multitudinous Christ as expounded by John and Paul. If you do all that Christ commands then you are Christ just as Christ did all the Father commanded which made him the Father manifested. This is further explained by the name of the Father "Yahweh Elohim" which is "He who will be the Mighty Ones."