Alaykomsalam, dear sister
1)Do you support the idea that women should not go out of the house at all without male family member? Why (Qur'an reference only, please)?
Well, dear sister there is nothing which prevents women from going out of the house without male family memeber. Women in the time of the prophet Muhammed peace be upon him were allowed to go mosques alone as well as doing shopping alone. The same as taking parts in battles, and the examples are reallly numerous...
The fact that the women should be supported by a male family member is agreeable to save women from any dangers they may face....If there is no danger on their safety, then they are all allowed to go out alone...
The essence is to protect women. Since protection and safety are secured, then women can go out and travel alone, or with women gorup..
2) Is hijab compulsory, or is it only recommendation from the Holy Qur'an?
Hijab is compulsory, sister. When women in the time of the prophet peace be upon him heard of the verses which ask them to veil their scarves, they cut a part of their clothes and put it on their heads.
By the way, Amica, what do you mean by "recommendation"? and can you give some examples of other "recommendations" by the Quran.
Listen, sister, I v gona through this issue of Hijab very deeply and I know it is compulsory. If a Muslim girl gives up wearing her scraf, then she will open the door for another source to determine her clothing. Accordingly, this girl gives up a divine source to submit to an egostic or human source. While in reality, w live to submit to the only and the one God, the Best Knower...
3) Why can't Muslims abide by the Noble Qur'an only rather than referring towards the collections of the hadiths for "explanations, clarifications" and such?
Oh, sister, how it is breaking to read this. I know you didnt mean, Yet how can we neglect the light can we ignore the key to can we turn our back to the sayings of our door to God...How can we learn without a teacher, and how can we be guided without a guider...How?!!!
The prophet Muhammed whom God's mercy and peace be upon him forever is our teacher, dear. He is the one guiding us to the safe shore. He was a walking Quran as His wife Aicha peace be upon here said. He was a Quran in practice, and we all know that a theory is not as appealing as it becomes when it is put into practice. If we dont refer to hadiths, we will be lost into different human iinterpertations, and who is the best to interpret the Quran but the prophet Muhammed peace be upon him. Who would us tell us about the five prayer, the amonut of zakat,the rituals of pilgrimage and more and more. Quran is the first source of ligeslation in the life of a Muslim, and the prophet's sayings comes in the second level. But, we can never ever be attached to the Noble Quran without the prophet Muhammed peace be upon him sayings...
We cant understand a book no matter how simple it is, without the guidance of a good teacher...
You'r welcome. I hope it may help...