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Few questions:

1)Do you support the idea that women should not go out of the house at all without male family member? Why (Qur'an reference only, please)?

2) Is hijab compulsory, or is it only recommendation from the Holy Qur'an?

3) Why can't Muslims abide by the Noble Qur'an only rather than referring towards the collections of the hadiths for "explanations, clarifications" and such?

Thank you.
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2) Is hijab compulsory, or is it only recommendation from the Holy Qur'an?

Nothing is "compulsory" in religion, as you know, according to the Quran.

3) Why can't Muslims abide by the Noble Qur'an only rather than referring towards the collections of the hadiths for "explanations, clarifications" and such?
(In my personal opinion) There are two extreme positions: one is to reject the hadith completely; and the other is to accept every hadith in Bukhari and Muslim as infallible. The right path probably lies between these. The hadith manuscripts are valuable historical documents, but they are not perfect. The Quran should be the only book which should be accepted as containing religious injunctions. However, the proper application of the commandments (only the ones mentioned in the Quran) should be understood by consulting the hadith.

There are many things in the hadith which have no basis in the Quran. For example the stoning to death of people, or covering of the face (the veil), and other such injunctions which are only found in the hadith, which contradict the injunctions of the Quran.
Wasalaam alaike dear sis!

2) Is hijab compulsory, or is it only recommendation from the Holy Qur'an?

I found the link: Is Hijab Compulsory? - by Dr. Ibrahim B. Syed, Ph.D


"The Quran does not suggest that women should be veiled or they should be kept apart from the world of men. On the contrary, the Quran is insistent on the full participation of women in society and in the religious practices."
By Dr. Ibrahim B. Syed, Ph.D

Thanks dear sis! I'm been ruined if I couldn't get this post, you know sometimes one needs other to put someone on the right track.

May Allah bless you,Ameen!
O my God! I don;t think this statement is true!


"The Quran does not suggest that women should be veiled or they should be kept apart from the world of men. On the contrary, the Quran is insistent on the full participation of women in society and in the religious practices."
By Dr. Ibrahim B. Syed, Ph.D

Dear sis! very sorry it feels as I've lost my knowledge, I wasn't so poor like that...I...

very bad interruption someone did in my life that I lost all my abillities...really!

Do lot of prayers for me!
No I think it is true:


"The Quran does not suggest that women should be veiled or they should be kept apart from the world of men. On the contrary, the Quran is insistent on the full participation of women in society and in the religious practices."
By Dr. Ibrahim B. Syed, Ph.D

Or may be not! God knows!

Alaykomsalam, dear sister

1)Do you support the idea that women should not go out of the house at all without male family member? Why (Qur'an reference only, please)?

Well, dear sister there is nothing which prevents women from going out of the house without male family memeber. Women in the time of the prophet Muhammed peace be upon him were allowed to go mosques alone as well as doing shopping alone. The same as taking parts in battles, and the examples are reallly numerous...

The fact that the women should be supported by a male family member is agreeable to save women from any dangers they may face....If there is no danger on their safety, then they are all allowed to go out alone...

The essence is to protect women. Since protection and safety are secured, then women can go out and travel alone, or with women gorup..

2) Is hijab compulsory, or is it only recommendation from the Holy Qur'an?

Hijab is compulsory, sister. When women in the time of the prophet peace be upon him heard of the verses which ask them to veil their scarves, they cut a part of their clothes and put it on their heads.

By the way, Amica, what do you mean by "recommendation"? and can you give some examples of other "recommendations" by the Quran.

Listen, sister, I v gona through this issue of Hijab very deeply and I know it is compulsory. If a Muslim girl gives up wearing her scraf, then she will open the door for another source to determine her clothing. Accordingly, this girl gives up a divine source to submit to an egostic or human source. While in reality, w live to submit to the only and the one God, the Best Knower...

3) Why can't Muslims abide by the Noble Qur'an only rather than referring towards the collections of the hadiths for "explanations, clarifications" and such?

Oh, sister, how it is breaking to read this. I know you didnt mean, Yet how can we neglect the light can we ignore the key to can we turn our back to the sayings of our door to God...How can we learn without a teacher, and how can we be guided without a guider...How?!!!

The prophet Muhammed whom God's mercy and peace be upon him forever is our teacher, dear. He is the one guiding us to the safe shore. He was a walking Quran as His wife Aicha peace be upon here said. He was a Quran in practice, and we all know that a theory is not as appealing as it becomes when it is put into practice. If we dont refer to hadiths, we will be lost into different human iinterpertations, and who is the best to interpret the Quran but the prophet Muhammed peace be upon him. Who would us tell us about the five prayer, the amonut of zakat,the rituals of pilgrimage and more and more. Quran is the first source of ligeslation in the life of a Muslim, and the prophet's sayings comes in the second level. But, we can never ever be attached to the Noble Quran without the prophet Muhammed peace be upon him sayings...

We cant understand a book no matter how simple it is, without the guidance of a good teacher...

Thank you.

You'r welcome. I hope it may help...

Salaam DIB

Hijab is compulsory, sister.

I suppose you mean that it is "compulsory" in the sense that prayer is compulsory, not in the sense that the Saudi style govt thinks it is "compulsory".

Oh, sister, how it is breaking to read this. I know you didnt mean, Yet how can we neglect the light can we ignore the key to can we turn our back to the sayings of our door to God...How can we learn without a teacher, and how can we be guided without a guider...How?!!!

The prophet Muhammed whom God's mercy and peace be upon him forever is our teacher, dear. He is the one guiding us to the safe shore. He was a walking Quran as His wife Aicha peace be upon here said. He was a Quran in practice, and we all know that a theory is not as appealing as it becomes when it is put into practice. If we dont refer to hadiths, we will be lost into different human iinterpertations, and who is the best to interpret the Quran but the prophet Muhammed peace be upon him. Who would us tell us about the five prayer, the amonut of zakat,the rituals of pilgrimage and more and more. Quran is the first source of ligeslation in the life of a Muslim, and the prophet's sayings comes in the second level. But, we can never ever be attached to the Noble Quran without the prophet Muhammed peace be upon him sayings...
Sister I don't think you are being fair when you equate questioning the hadith, with rejecting the Prophet's example. If someone questions a hadith on solid grounds, it does not mean that he, or she, is disobeying the Prophet.

Do you remember the hadith about the fly falling into the cup of tea? Now if someone questions the validity of that hadith, it doesn't mean he is questioning the Prophet, it means he is questioning the validity of a hadith. Take the example of Imaam Maliki who used to reject any hadith, no matter what its chain of narration if it contradicted the practices of the people of Medinah. He was alive well before Bukhari, 450 years closer to the time of the Prophet in fact.

We cant understand a book no matter how simple it is, without the guidance of a good teacher...
Understanding is given by Allah to a person's heart sis. Allah is the guide.
Salaam DIB

Alaykom salaam, brother..

I suppose you mean that it is "compulsory" in the sense that prayer is compulsory, not in the sense that the Saudi style govt thinks it is "compulsory".

Yes, brother. And I think that was the question of Amica. Muslims should submit to God, and not to any other authority...

Sister I don't think you are being fair when you equate questioning the hadith, with rejecting the Prophet's example. If someone questions a hadith on solid grounds, it does not mean that he, or she, is disobeying the Prophet.

Oh, yeah, brother, I may have given that impression, but this wasnt what I meant. On the contarary, brother, I am with questioning the hadiths and even the meaning of the Quran verses...God asks us to search and ask till certitude resides in heart...

What I am against is to depend on the Quran alone, or to ask for a Quranic proof alone, without refering to the hadiths. What's this but neglecting the sayings of the prophet?!!

Do you remember the hadith about the fly falling into the cup of tea? Now if someone questions the validity of that hadith, it doesn't mean he is questioning the Prophet, it means he is questioning the validity of a hadith. Take the example of Imaam Maliki who used to reject any hadith, no matter what its chain of narration if it contradicted the practices of the people of Medinah. He was alive well before Bukhari, 450 years closer to the time of the Prophet in fact.

The same as I said above, brother...

Understanding is given by Allah to a person's heart sis. Allah is the guide.

Allah is the best guide. That's something undoubtful. Yet, this doesnt mean that some people can be guiders too. Allah gives some people guidance to guide others. Hence, some mothers, fathers, teachers, wise people are guiders to others. You, too, c0de, are a guider to some. The prophet Muhammed peace be upon him used to pary for God:" Oh, Allah, make us guider and guided"...

Hence, the prophets were the best guide people on earth: Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammed peace be upon them all...

We should do the same as Imam Malik used to do: to question the validity of a hadith, but not to neglect all hadiths at large, and be just a quranist...
No I think it is true:


"The Quran does not suggest that women should be veiled or they should be kept apart from the world of men. On the contrary, the Quran is insistent on the full participation of women in society and in the religious practices."
By Dr. Ibrahim B. Syed, Ph.D

Or may be not! God knows!

Assalamulikum wr wb sister :)

Sister, Hijab is fardh [obligatory] in all four madhabs [and I think it may be in Shia Islam too], thus it is fardh according to the consensus of the Scholars; here's a verry good article on it sis:

Why Hijab?

hope that helps


Thank you all for these insightful replies. See, I personally never have had any issues with hijab or women who wear hijab. In fact, I think that women look more professional :) with hijab.
I have never worn hijab in public. I do wear it when praying. It may take me some time. However, a brother recently scolded me really badly. He felt that I am on the verge of kufr/ubelief, that I am disobeying God's commandment and went on to say basically that I am a bad person. :( I do have my faults. No one of us is perfect. But his reaction made me really feel down and more aware of my slow progress in adapting to a better islamic lifestyle. Speaking of discouragement... :(
That is why my questions about hijab.
I have read many commentaries on the hijab. Some feel that it was way for early Muslim community to protect women in a society that had opressed them before Islam came to the Arabs. Also, some say that early Muslim community looked towards the believers among the People of the Book (Jews and Christians) who had women cover their heads as well. However, according to the current biblical translations, the Jewish and Christian women wore headdress as a sign that they have no religious/socio-political authority in the judeo-christian society.

Although I accept that the hadith collection may contain certain truths as to how to implement certain islamic teachings and practices, I do agree with Code and his (her?) observation that the Holy Qur'an should be the only Hadith we are to follow. The Holy Qur'an is the Word of Allah SWT and hadith the collections men and women collected many years after Prophet Muhammad's savs death. Also, I agree that questioning the authencity of the hadiths is not rejecting the holy Prophet pbuh or his teachings. Questioning the verses from the Holy Qur'an I am definately apprehenisve about because I feel that what I am unable to understand from the Book at this time will be revealed as the time goes on.
3) Why can't Muslims abide by the Noble Qur'an only rather than referring towards the collections of the hadiths for "explanations, clarifications" and such?

Assallamu aleykum akhi,

Question 3: I would first like to say; "my people have deserted the Quran" (25:30). This comes to mind quite quickly.

Islam(submission) is most likley the most misunderstood of the religions, there are many so called scholars and Muslims worldwide that misrepresent the religion. I would submit for thought, that the hadiths are the source of this, they are filled with human agenda, you read one hadith and it will contradict the next hadith and that hadith contradicts the holy Quran. Some fellows say you need hadiths to understand the Quran, for the Quran is to difficult to understand. I believe this not to be truth. It has been writen so you may understand it, why would Allah wish to make it difficult for you to learn? The best thing to do, which shall never steer you wrong is to abide by the Quran and abide by the Quran alone.

What do you make of these?


Hasbun Allah wa ni'am al-wakil.
DIB said:
If a Muslim girl gives up wearing her scraf, then she will open the door for another source to determine her clothing. Accordingly, this girl gives up a divine source to submit to an egostic or human source.
hang on, though, DIB, are the precise measurements and material and style of wearing it, the way to put it on, whether you can take it off to swim, play sports, or in non-mixed environments, in front of family members etc defined in the Qur'an? i doubt it. in which case, it is a *human* source that you have to trust to *interpret* the Qur'an. this idea that the *practical codification* of a law derived from the Qur'an is *therefore* "divine" is a total fallacy and plays into the hands of those who wish to make themselves the conduits for G!D's Will - the case in point being below:

Amica said:
I have never worn hijab in public. I do wear it when praying. It may take me some time. However, a brother recently scolded me really badly. He felt that I am on the verge of kufr/ubelief, that I am disobeying God's commandment and went on to say basically that I am a bad person.
amica, he had *no* right to do that. you should have smacked him one for showing you such disrespect. who the hell was he to take it upon himself to be the boss of you? ask him whether he plays sports. ask him if he swims. ask him if he wears modest MALE garments - no SHORTS? this is just typical male-chauvinist-PIG behaviour and a total lack of humility.


are the precise measurements and material and style of wearing it, the way to put it on, whether you can take it off to swim, play sports, or in non-mixed environments, in front of family members etc defined in the Qur'an? i doubt it. in which case, it is a *human* source that you have to trust to *interpret* the Qur'an. this idea that the *practical codification* of a law derived from the Qur'an is *therefore* "divine" is a total fallacy and plays into the hands of those who wish to make themselves the conduits for G!D's Will - the case in point being below:

Well, Quran says that in front of non-family males (there is a long list of "family males" in Quran), there should be a loose clothing over a womam's bosom & ornaments, so thats pretty much specfic. Ornaments is usually interpreted by scholars as hair & jwellery or any other beautification. Measurement or material is obviously not that important, as it will vary according to personal preference & culture. Also, there is no point of wearing hijab in non-mixed environment (unless one is in lesbian environment ;))
amica, he had *no* right to do that. you should have smacked him one for showing you such disrespect. who the hell was he to take it upon himself to be the boss of you?


Now thats what im talkin' 'bout!

10 points!

My dear brothers and sisters in Islam, I would like to bring to all of your attention to the following ruling of the entire Muslim Ummah, out of concern from what I have read from a few posters in this thread:

The Quran so overwhelmingly and decicively orders for the Sunnah to be followed/obeyed, that it is undeniable to any believer, hence the Umaah have concured on the followig ruling:

if someone were to say: "We do not take except what we find in the Qur'an," that person would be an apostate by consensus of the Community, and would not thereby be obligated to pray more than one rak`a between the going down of the sun and the dark of night, and another one at dawn [cf. 17:78]. For this is the least that has been called salat, and there is no limit (hadd) set for the most in that chapter. One who follows such a position is an idolatrous disbeliever (kafir mushrik) whose life and property are licit. The only ones to go that path are some of the extremist Rafidis upon whose apostasy consensus has formed in the Community. And success is from Allah Almighty and Exalted. Now, should someone follow only what the entire Community has agreed upon and nothing else, leaving all that they differed about with regard to what the texts mention: such a person is a transgressor (fasiq) by consensus of the Community. These two preliminaries make it obligatory to accept what is transmitted.7

ref: Shaykh Gibril Haddad, The Probativeness of the Sunna, Part X1V

Peace and blessings...

Bananabrian, I agree with you. It was disrespectful to me. I decided not to fight a fight I cannot win, so all I said to him was to remind him that we are all not the same and that one person may get to achieve things slower than the other.

OFATMI, thank you for your reminder about the commandments and such, however I have an issue of taking hadith more seriously than the Holy Qur'an and I think that is what is happening in a lot of Muslim communities around the world. How can you call someone an apostate if they want to follow Qur'an only? Didn't Allah Almighty say in the Holy Qur'an that: it is detailed, clear and that we do not need a better hadith? It is as if He foretold something that is occuring today.
I am not saying that the whole hadith collections should be disregarded. All I am saying is that if something contradicts the Holy Qur'an, than it probably is not accurate and it should not be considered part of the Sharia Law. Prophet Muhammad pbuh would not contradict the Holy Qur'an and many forget that.

It will still take me time to put on a hijab. :)