I have no personal sense of immortality. All I meant is that whether I like it or not I have had some fractional influence on the way life unfolds and expresses itself on this planet. That is now irreversible. I have existed. I always will have existed. I have no desire nor expectation for even my name to be remembered beyond my sons or grandchildren. Though my every action may be of potential influence the actuality is that the odds of any significant action making any tangible difference to the whole is so remote as to be almost zero. I am not infected with a Warholian angst for my 15 minutes of stardom. I just enjoy looking at what there is to see. I nurture a role as a spectator, my ego requires no recognition.[/b]
You compensated that feelings of immortality by your sons and actions.... ...You feel you are immortal..Your body is mortal, but your soul is not.
I do not believe in spirit or soul in the sense that there is a part of our conciousness that survives death. And I know you can have no evidence for such a notion outside of you own will to believe it. For if you did you would be the first amongst the billions of those that profess such a belief to actually produce any proof. Since such a belief has no material or mental benefit to me in my actual existence I see no value holding it. And given that I am capable of evaluating evidence it would be a shame to waste that capacity.If that body is going to return to its world: dust, that spirit is also going to return to its world.
How do you know he said such things? He could not read or write, allegedly. His 'sayings' were, allegedly, collected by Uthman and many were destroyed, the remaining compilation is your Koran. Since this took place some 80 years after Muhammad I would say the chances you can trust what is quoted as being of his mouth is fractious. Given the Korans many self-contradictions and abrigations it is certainly far from perfect. Though I realise believers see the opposite I think I know why they do so and can present a good argument as to why.The Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) said: "No human's will move from his station of accounting until he is asked about four things: (1) his lifetime, how did he consume it, (2) his body, how did he wear it out, (3) his knowledge, how did he use it, and (4) his wealth, how did he earn it and how did he spend it."
I see every evidence that the entirety of creation is infinitely complex and driven by entropy and rebirth with some evolutionary imperative ever present. There is no creator required to explain anything. The scientific godless explanations are invariably far more observationally/factually accurate. There is mountains of evidence to say that the universe has no sentient program and its complexity hints that it could not have one. Every religious creator is no more than mans magnified ego taking credit for all we see.you in other words declare that you have a clearcut evidence that there is no god..no creator of you, and this amzaing world by its earth, heavens, people, animals, mountains, oceans, plants...
Pleasure is pleasure. Take it where you can find it. There are people who have perverse pleasures of course, and so we have human laws to deal with them. Gods law is just superfulous and can and very often does actually compound the incidence of pereversity.Of course, brother, we must do so. Living life doesnt mean emerging in a pure matrialistic life which contributes to the pleasure of that mortal body. In other words, matrialistic pleausre is a mortal pleasure.
It will be a short otherwise unimportant one. What use is there dwelling on it?but dont forget the Last Day...
I believe I have reams and reams worth of evidence.You have no evidence that what I believe in is superstition.
There is no test. Perhaps the vision of reality I have gives me the strength you find in a personified ideal. I know that you would probably class some things as sins that I would not. Others we would agree on. I am not tempted to murder, injure, steal nor prevent ANY individual from doing what they want to do as long as they like me, seek no harm over others. I do not need a god to be a reasonably decent primate within the human troupe. In that sense religion is useless to me.Plus, my fear from God brings equilibrium to my life cause any human being is very weak in front of temptations. Fear of God gives me strength and willingness to pass the test.
Mostly I prefer to trust my instincts. They are not static pejoratively bestial traits but the honed distillilation of experience. Some pleasures do carry some risk of conflict, infidelity for example, but such rare temptation to pleasure if carried out with discernment can be one of the greatest pleasures of all.Yet, in moments of great temptations, love may be weakned due to the rise of instinct, then fear here plays a very important role in bringing one back to his balance, and not doing bad.
Lets take the case of an infidelity. If exposed there are 'innocent' third party's in every case. Someone always gets hurt. But mating instinct and love will always prevail over an emotional hurt. Most of us in the west fall in love a few times and would not contemplate marrying someone we did not feel we loved. We fall out of love almost as often as in though. In my experience you engage in an infidelity because you find love and pleasure in a physical experience with someone other than your official partner. You do so because you either love more than one person or do not have the love to hold you committed to your recognised partner. In more traditional societies like yours in Morocco religion has developed to provide faithful, obedient brides for loveless relationships. The taboos are strong and heavy because the bond of love that brings true faithfulness is absent from the outset. They are not god given taboos, they are societal.By the way, I see this bitterness and sadness that these people experience as a clear sing of divine mercy and love...
!! I cannot believe you said that !! How untrue. There are so very many terribly cruel parents. Believing such a thing you would be doing a great disservice to so many children.If only you could see, Tao? If only you could know, Tao? I have never ever seen a vengeanful parent though he/she may punish his/her children. It is all for their benefit.
So god needs us? Then he will have to be a better person to be accepted by me Outside of human action there is no benevolence in this universe that we know of. We created it not god. It is ours, not gods. It is our credit. Not gods.God is need of us. He is all Strong...Yet, he never stops His bestowing on us because of a sin..
We come from very different worlds. I have visited Tangiers, Cassablanca and Marakesh so I have seen a glimpse of yours and enjoyed the experience enormously. Yet growing up where I did in a city at the cutting edge of western intellectualism I cannot share your experience, your understandings and motivations. I am the product of my place and space in time. And I will enjoy its brief expression more fully than any generation before me because my society has created the tools to allow me to do so. Evolution is in action and bestows on us the tools to solve every problem. Gods hamper and tie as to the monolithic certitudes of our pastoral village history. We live in a new village now, all of us. The global village. The shade tree is our internet terminals. Some desert god has no place in my life and it would be rather naive of you to think it ever could.