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I'm not a scientologist (never will be) but I really despise them. Seriously though the only people that benefit from Anti-depressants are companies supplying them. Side effects can range from making your condition worse to adverse reactions.

Everyone goes through bad patches, sometimes these periods can last days, weeks, months even years but ultimately we recover. Some of the greatest people ever lived suffered from depression and bipolar, and had to do without anti-depressants. Do they interrupt a minds natural cycle maybe disrupt a creative cycle? Would someone be able to tell me if they have taken them and if they had any positive or negative effect?
Nah I got no problems with Scientologists that’s too broad to make a judgment on despising, I usually despise individuals (more the act then the individual) that cause unnecessary harm. However I was actually talking about the Anti-depressants.
Oh ok I see.. So are you speaking of anti-depressants in general? Or are you speaking of the "methods" and "drugs" used by scientologists to make people clear and also their anti drug organisation?

I think I should just go over here now lol.... (my bad)
I'm not a scientologist (never will be) but I really despise them. Seriously though the only people that benefit from Anti-depressants are companies supplying them. Side effects can range from making your condition worse to adverse reactions.

Everyone goes through bad patches, sometimes these periods can last days, weeks, months even years but ultimately we recover. Some of the greatest people ever lived suffered from depression and bipolar, and had to do without anti-depressants. Do they interrupt a minds natural cycle maybe disrupt a creative cycle? Would someone be able to tell me if they have taken them and if they had any positive or negative effect?

I took some the other year for about 6 months I tried 3 different types the prozac one was best for me, it was really nice, like having a holiday no stress no worries and endless patience the only downside was a lack of libido.

For some people they really are a godsend :)
Oh ok I see.. So are you speaking of anti-depressants in general? Or are you speaking of the "methods" and "drugs" used by scientologists to make people clear and also their anti drug organisation?

I think I should just go over here now lol.... (my bad)

Sorry dude. Scientologists are against anti-depressants also so hence i put that at the begining.
I have occasionally suffered from depression. I refuse drugs. It's just not my thing. I found other ways to cope, mostly by being very attentive to how I feel so that I can deal with it before it gets out of hand. My depression would probably be considered clinical because it often isn't caused by any particular change in my life. My brain just has glitches every so often. Fortunately, there are ways to sort of push it back to what it's supposed to be doing.

My friends who have taken anti-depressants had problems and I wouldn't want to do that. They were like zombies. No feelings. No lows, but no real highs either. I'd rather ride the roller coaster than the merry go round, personally.

My big issue with anti-depressants is that first, they become addictive unless people get off them relatively quickly. I don't want to be addicted to anything. Second, it was never clear to me how I was supposed to learn how to de-stress and become happy on my own if I was chemically altering how my brain works. I found that it was a lot of work, but more lasting than it seemed to be for my friends, to take the road of meditation and lifestyle change (i.e., way more exercise, eating right, lots of time outside, no TV, etc.- to naturally boost serotonin levels). Also, vitamin supplements help. Low vitamin D and some of the others can make one depressed.

If I wasn't an emotional person, I wouldn't be me. I like being sensitive, creative, and so on... and from what I've seen of the effects of drugs on my friends, all that goes out the window on anti-depressants. One of my friends, a young mom, told me that on anti-depressants she felt indifferent to life- even to her own baby. No more lows, yes. But also no real joy. That seems a false sort of peace and stillness. Instead, I focused on how to work through and transform my suffering, how to cope with negative emotions and how to change my life to make me happier. Just like I don't want to cover up pain with narcotics, because the pain is telling me something about what my body needs, I don't want to cover up depression with drugs either. I want to know what my body/brain needs to be optimally healthy.

All that said, there is a point where some (relatively few) people are so out of whack that regular therapeutic methods will not work. Better for someone to be on anti-depressants than suicidal (though apparently some of the anti-depressants can make someone suicidal, oddly enough). Having had a family member commit suicide and finding him, that is the worst possible outcome, and some mental illness is serious enough to warrant drugs and hospitalization until the person is stable enough to have more lasting therapy.

My 2 cents.
nice post Path of one.

The way I view it is, I get rewarded (positive emotions) for positive outcomes and punished (negative emotions) by negavtive outcomes. This is the system which gets me the things I need and the outcomes I require.

To me anti-depressants is like messing with your soul.

Same can be said for hard drugs aswell..
I took some the other year for about 6 months I tried 3 different types the prozac one was best for me, it was really nice, like having a holiday no stress no worries and endless patience the only downside was a lack of libido.

For some people they really are a godsend :)

You sound like a good case. But did it simply mask your problem rather then sovle it?
To me anti-depressants is like messing with your soul.

My wife has suffered from depression since her teens. Anti-depressants give her (and countless others like her) an opportunity to live her life without being severely debilitated by her illness. It isn't messing with her soul, it has helped to save it.

Everyone goes through bad patches, sometimes these periods can last days, weeks, months even years but ultimately we recover.

Some people don't "ultimately recover". Some people live with it their whole lives. Some people end their lives because of it.

So please PM, be a little more considerate of others and the conditions under which they live (that you seem to have no clue about) before you pass these sweeping judgements.
It is important to distinguish between mild to moderate clinical depression, like mine is, and that I find manageable through non-drug means, and moderate to severe clinical depression that results in suicidal tendencies and severe debilitation.

There are some people whose brains do not function properly in terms of the hormone cascades that allow happiness, and some that, like Diabetics, would need medication more or less permanently to fix these hormonal problems.

That said, I think anti-depressants are over-prescribed in the US (what isn't?) and many are pushed by their doctors onto drug therapies when what they really need is more support and long-term solutions. This, I rail against. Several doctors have wanted to put me on anti-depressants for being "stressed out" and none of that was necessary. What I needed was learning meditative techniques and life management/balance skills. I needed to learn how to be happy and take better care of my body. But this is not a "quick fix" method that is covered by insurance. So they prescribe pills instead. And that is what I take issue with.

Like C-section rates in the US, we treat people far more often than we need to. It's a symptom of our quick-fix society, and it is debilitating to most people's real progress. Of course, for the relatively rare person who really does need treatment- whether C-section, anti-depressants, or antibiotics- such treatment is a Godsend and Western biomedicine plays a very important role in saving their lives. The problem is in distinguishing who really needs it versus who needs support in healing themselves.
Yeah true... I can see use for those that desperately require them but again this is a dark issue because theres no way of knowing the long term effects of the depression or if the drugs are going to make a situation worse or not. Depression comes and goes, whos to say these drugs arent making the situation worse.
I prefer to use drugs for recreational purposes only.

If there is any way I can stay away from a prescribed med I will.

That being said if I couldn't find an alternative (something holistic), I would take it if it drastically increased the quality of my life without adding side affects that made the increase neglible.
CZ as someone who had had numerous breakdowns ive been offered anti-depressants on afew occasions and never took them. Today ive completely recovered from these episodes its been a long enough period of time to be confident enough to say they may never return. I wonder what would have happened if I took these Anti-depressants.

Our depression and down periods are what make us so special.

Philosopher Søren Kierkegaard had refused to get married because he thought he was unsutable for it because of his depression. There are loads of cases of creative people say like Van gogh, smart people (not the kind of inteligence you can measure by IQ) is helped by our down periods, to a certain extent.

I agree that there are cases this is not the case but im just highlighting another point of view.
Yeah true... I can see use for those that desperately require them...

In your OP you said, "the only people that benefit from Anti-depressants are companies supplying them."

It's nice to see you're making some headway.

But I have to ask, why is is so easy for a dissenting opinion to get you to change your mind? I would guess that it's because you haven't adequately considered your position before posting.

You're concerned about the long-term effects of anti-depressants, when I think you should be concerned about the long-term effects of poorly considered personal opinions.

Think about it.
In your OP you said, "the only people that benefit from Anti-depressants are companies supplying them."

It's nice to see you're making some headway.

But I have to ask, why is is so easy for a dissenting opinion to get you to change your mind? I would guess that it's because you haven't adequately considered your position before posting.

You're concerned about the long-term effects of anti-depressants, when I think you should be concerned about the long-term effects of poorly considered personal opinions.

Think about it.

Do they have drugs for condescension ? :(
My titles and OP can sometimes be sensaionalist yes I admit :) Also admit that on occasions of a good argument my view can change. And sometimes its a view I already hold but dont express or sometimes I don't even agree with everything I say and post.