14 Bible Verses That Indicate Jesus Is Not God

Then jesus being the firstborn would be Michael the Archangel. Who else besides god would have incarnated. If you disagree then tell me who you think Jesus is.

Yeah, I disagree and I'll tell you who Jesus WAS because since two thousand years ago he is no longer. Jesus was a Jew, a loyal Jew whose Faith was Judaism and, this that he was the firstborn is a Pauline attempt to promote his policy of Replacement Theology because, the firstborn son of God is a reference to Israel in Exodus 4:22,23. "Israel is My son, so, let My son go that he may serve Me."
Anyone want to know why Christianity is slipping around the world? Because Bible Preachers prattle on, not to the questions of the congregation, but to whatever they think important. And then continue for 20 miinutes, wave a few wands, dance a gig or two while the choir sings and then expect everyone to be on the same page.

No actual discussion, no Q&A, just force fed pablum that was force fed to them...misery loves company....they will feel better about themselves if they get someone to shake their hand and say great service... ah another sheep fed...get the lambs ready for slaughter....no growth, no thinking....we need more sheep.
Anyone want to know why Christianity is slipping around the world? Because Bible Preachers prattle on, not to the questions of the congregation, but to whatever they think important. And then continue for 20 miinutes, wave a few wands, dance a gig or two while the choir sings and then expect everyone to be on the same page.

No actual discussion, no Q&A, just force fed pablum that was force fed to them...misery loves company....they will feel better about themselves if they get someone to shake their hand and say great service... ah another sheep fed...get the lambs ready for slaughter....no growth, no thinking....we need more sheep.

They need some one to stand for Christianity which was the Faith of Paul according to Acts 11:26 as I stand for Judaism which was the Faith of Jesus
according to Matthew 5:17-19.
They need some one to stand for Christianity which was the Faith of Paul according to Acts 11:26 as I stand for Judaism which was the Faith of Jesus
according to Matthew 5:17-19.

The faith of Mt 5:17-19 is pre-upper room. The pentecostal espiritu is the Circumcision of the Heart as portrayed in Deut 30

6 And the Lord thy God will circumcise thine heart, and the heart of thy seed, to love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, that thou mayest live.

And this Spirit Baptism is the Comforter promised by the Son, originally sent by the God of this same Son of God.

And the New Testament Covenant is just as the Jer 31 verse prescribes:

31 Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah:

32 Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith the Lord:

33 But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the Lord, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.
33 But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the Lord, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.

Do not forget that the New Covenant was made with the House of Israel and the House of Judah as one People; one only kingdom, just as we have in Ezekiel 37:22. No Gentiles automatically included, although they are invited to join but it must be according to Isaiah 56:1-8. The difference was only in the method in which the Law would be taught. Not by Scribes, or Prophets by we would have it within our own hearts. (Deut. 30:11-14; Jer. 31:34)
Or rather he was not one of the gods before his deification;
That is: not a god on earth. But to some a god in the heavens.

Much like a Roman Emperor - it was pointed out at the time that they were only gods from the time of being appointed a god and not before then.
And here is the 15th: "And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice and yielded up his spirit." He died that is. God is immortal.
I am an old style Unitarian - not a UU. By that I mean that I do not believe in the Trinity. If the Trinity does not exist, Jesus cannot be a God.
And here is the 15th: "And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice and yielded up his spirit." He died that is. God is immortal.
He took on a human body. That body died but then was resurrected. He is immortal. The question is was his prehumen identity Michael or God.. He can appear as his resurrected human body but can also raise that up to reveal his prehumen self.
I am an old style Unitarian - not a UU. By that I mean that I do not believe in the Trinity. If the Trinity does not exist, Jesus cannot be a God.
Its more like a four leaf clover. White Light , Multicolored light, the body, and black light. However the trinity refers to his spirit soul and body. The black light spirit isn't mentioned, why I don't know.
Goozlefoot... I don't know the difference between Unitarian and UU... can you start a thread to discuss?

me I believe us all to be manifestations of the one... expressions of the all... not complete expressions... the old parts of the elephant trick...
He took on a human body. That body died but then was resurrected. He is immortal. The question is was his prehumen identity Michael or God.. He can appear as his resurrected human body but can also raise that up to reveal his prehumen self.
If he died he is mortal. To be resurrected doesn't make you immortal. There are other accounts in the OT of people being resurrected. There are accounts of people without mothers and fathers or beginnings or ends. If resurrection is a sign of immortality there are several immortals that have become so with the help of modern technology.

Its more like a four leaf clover. White Light , Multicolored light, the body, and black light. However the trinity refers to his spirit soul and body. The black light spirit isn't mentioned, why I don't know.
Or he didn't die at all and was made to appear to be dead. And all this colored light stuff is from someone trying to explain the light of God that passes through us all, but brighter in Prophets and Brightest through the Messiah (PBUH).
If he died he is mortal. To be resurrected doesn't make you immortal. There are other accounts in the OT of people being resurrected. There are accounts of people without mothers and fathers or beginnings or ends. If resurrection is a sign of immortality there are several immortals that have become so with the help of modern technology.

Or he didn't die at all and was made to appear to be dead. And all this colored light stuff is from someone trying to explain the light of God that passes through us all, but brighter in Prophets and Brightest through the Messiah (PBUH).

His human body died and was made immortal thru resurrection. His prehumen self is immortal and never died. This is what is called a mystery but its not so much a mystery.
Revelation is the revealing of god and his kingdom and what he does and doesn't do.
Very smart....but do you have anything to refute, argue or disprove these very well selected Bible verses? Or perhaps you do have a verse of your own where Jesus said the contrary? "I am God" a blasphemy for which he was crucified. Of course you do not! It is because Jesus was "declared God" at the council of Nicea, where they removed entire books from the collection that then comprised of the "Bible". They were of course sloppy and could not possibly remove it all.
Welcome, everyone, to this week's edition of our favourite game show, Guess The Point. This week's contestant is Soleil10. Tell us, Soleil, because we're all very much intrigued: What is the point of posting 14 verses that indicate that Jesus Christ and God are not identical beings? Particularly on a forum where most people won't argue, because they believe in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit?
Yeah, I disagree and I'll tell you who Jesus WAS because since two thousand years ago he is no longer. Jesus was a Jew, a loyal Jew whose Faith was Judaism and, this that he was the firstborn is a Pauline attempt to promote his policy of Replacement Theology because, the firstborn son of God is a reference to Israel in Exodus 4:22,23. "Israel is My son, so, let My son go that he may serve Me."

Jesus is still alive.