Bodyweight conditioning


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For anyone who has been in the military, bodyweight exercises are nothing new. Many of us remember grass-drills and getting "smoked" by the drill Sgt until we were eventually transformed into lean mean fighting machines.

I am told however that body weight conditioning drills are becoming more and more the exercise of choice for fitness fans and gym memberships are slipping as people realize that two dimensional exercise is simply not providing good functional strength.

Anyone else getting back to this kind of workout? is a great place to start
Everything old is new again.

Exactly so, the old time strongmen knew quite a bit about functional strength that has been forgotten in this age of machines that quite frankly do little more than develop strength along one axis only. Change the axis and there is little power left.
Ask any muscle bound brute to demonstrate how many pull ups he can do. Not many, usually. I would much rather be lean and mean than big and buff. Think of it as related to survival. Who can pull himself back up and over the cliff? Who can run the fastest for the longest? Not the big guys, usually. And bodybuilders have the same health related problems that other overweight people have. It doesn't seem to matter that the extra weight is in big muscles.


Now that sounds evil, I have to try that :D

In Krav Maga class we often go full bore punching and kicking while a partner holds a shield. We progress to fighting while on our knees and then on our back with a partner standing over us. Continuing to fight with every thing we have fighting back to a kneeling position then to standing again. It takes about three minutes for the drill and about a minute to get the breath back again.
Our instructor likes evil, wicked drills like this :)
not to mention that the bodybuilders have to consume large quantities of calories to maintain their size.
dont believe the hype there is nothing remarkable about bodyweight exercises over any other form of exercise.
What type of workout do you favor?

I am just getting over a back injury so none at the moment, but I spent 3 years Jujutsu and 2 years MMA. IMO it does not really matter what sort of workout you go for whats important is that you work hard and stick with it IMO.
Sorry to hear about the injury, I have had a few of those as well. I favor a mix of bodyweight (ala Pavel) freeweights and kettlebell. I find this combo is very martial art specific. After years of training I find certain types of exercise are indeed more functional than others and foster better core strength than others.
But you bring up a good point on being consistent in your training. Ever hear of Steve Cotter or Steve Maxwell?
Sorry to hear about the injury, I have had a few of those as well. I favor a mix of bodyweight (ala Pavel) freeweights and kettlebell. I find this combo is very martial art specific. After years of training I find certain types of exercise are indeed more functional than others and foster better core strength than others.
But you bring up a good point on being consistent in your training. Ever hear of Steve Cotter or Steve Maxwell?

No not heard of those guys but I do have a couple of kettlebells gathering dust, I trained for a bit in Krav Maga it was very aggressive and hard to calm down from for me anyway I even punched a hole in one of my doors whilst training in the stuff :eek: where do you train ?
Pikes Peak Krav Maga. My wife and I both enjoy it, I come away feeling very pumped too :) I've done TMA and Internal Arts but the Krav is a simpler system and fits into my workout routine quite seamlessly. As far as the exercise program is concerned I found out through trial and error that working to failure with heavy weights tends to make my punches somewhat sluggish. Since I began the mix of bodyweight and kettlebell I have increased in speed and power.
Now I hear of something called Z Health that is supposed to target specifically, neural response. Might be trendy, I dunno yet.
Can there be any more strenous or thorough bodyweight exercise than Juijutsu or MMA? :eek:

Oh you mean your bodywieght:cool:

LOL yeah that two.

I think my time in martial arts is over unless I get into Aikido or something.

Violent and aggressive martial arts are so bad for you spiritually IMO.
LOL yeah that two.

I think my time in martial arts is over unless I get into Aikido or something.

Violent and aggressive martial arts are so bad for you spiritually IMO.

Some people tell me they have the same reaction to strength training as you report with Krav. You might ask Seattle Gal how she was able to resolve her Christian outlook with the Zen that was part of her TMA experience. Aikido and Internal arts like Bagua and Tai Chi might conflict with your Christian background as well.
The thing I like about Krav is that there isn't a push to accept another culture. Which is good because my Yiddish is terrible:eek:
Some people tell me they have the same reaction to strength training as you report with Krav. You might ask Seattle Gal how she was able to resolve her Christian outlook with the Zen that was part of her TMA experience. Aikido and Internal arts like Bagua and Tai Chi might conflict with your Christian background as well.
The thing I like about Krav is that there isn't a push to accept another culture. Which is good because my Yiddish is terrible:eek:

Yeah that is a good thing about Krav, its something I also I liked about modern Jujutsu and MMA that there is no obvious spiritual aspect to them.
That bodyweight site made me injure my back.... *prepares to hack site*.

Martial arts are good :) You have "Choson Ninja" who is a christian... Yet he practices and trains in nintaijutsu. lol he's a crazy lil Korean dude!

This is him speaking of a few pressure points.


Thanks to this dude I perfected the ninja quick punch and double punch tech and also knock out blow! :D It's a good feeling to know you can drop someone with a heavy impact to the brain lol..

Or you can just roll like us islanders.....


car keys... Headbutts and some windmilling.... lets av it you slag! Oh... yeah... Caution heavy language.