You don't have to be a member of a family to be a Christian, the community is the family — otherwise those without families would be ruled out.
Once again, the community is made of families. Community is the exended family. Everyone is born from parents. God said, it is not good for man to be alone
Religion came about because of the human fall. It is the hospital for sinners to be redeemed. It is not the original Kingdom of God.
Also God takes priority over the family —Matthew 10:37
"He that loveth father or mother more than me, is not worthy of me; and he that loveth son or daughter more than me, is not worthy of me."
There is no question that becoming one with God as an individual in order to create God's centered family is the first step in growing to maturity and being able to bear fruit (Gen 1:28)
Matthew 12:46-49"As he was yet speaking to the multitudes, behold his mother and his brethren stood without, seeking to speak to him. And one said unto him: Behold thy mother and thy brethren stand without, seeking thee. But he answering him that told him, said: Who is my mother, and who are my brethren? And stretching forth his hand towards his disciples, he said: Behold my mother and my brethren."
Jesus was rejected and misunderstood by his own family. They even thought he was crasy. Jesus had a very miserable childhood even after his parents and relative received personal vision of who he was. Even John the Baptist send his own disciples, while in jail, asking Jesus if he was the one to come. He had also lost the vision he had received earlier. People who believed in him became his spirituals children and family. Jesus came to graft us a the wild olive branch to the tre of life
Remember that Christ is talking about adoption into the 'Divine Family' one might say ... everything on earth — the human family — is, or rather should be, ordered according to heaven ... your argument puts family before God.
Genesis 2:24, Mark 10:7, Matt 19:5 Ephesians 5:31 clearly indicate that man should become one flesh with his wife. This is the next step after becoming one with God as an individulal. We find God in our spouse and are not created to be single.
A&E fell in this regard and their marriage as our first ancestors was not blessed by God. Jesus himself could not marry. His own parents did not understand their responsibility in finding him a bride. The marriage of the lamb did not happened and was postponed until his return.
This is why celibacy often became promoted in Christianity until now. Christianity, Catholicism especially put priesthood above married life but it is not the original request of God in the bible. Ultimately everyone needs to become one flesh. The couple is the image of God, not singleness.
There, you see, you put the family over God. God is the source of love, and thus takes priority.
I am not putting the family before God. It is the opposite. God wants us to experience parental love. Since God is a Parent Himself, it is part of our growth to become closer to Him. The best way to experience God's love is through a God centered family.
Without the human fall, the love between Adam and Eve and their family should have become the model for their descendants. Their children would have experienced God's love through their parents.
Since God is invisible, Adam and Eve were the physical body of God on earth. They unfortunately became our fallen parents.
Where does love come from? Not the family, because there is love apart from family, and there are families without love — most marriages in history were towards material benefit, love was something you worked at ... Love is divine gift.
Jesus came as the second Adam to restore and recreate the original heavenly family where God can dwell. Since Adam and Eve, we are carrying the original sin and as Jesus said, we do the will of our father, Satan. Humanity is working back toward God from the servant of servants, then adoptive children. The ultimate destiny is to be God's own children.
We should not confuse the original plan of God in genesis with the restorative path back to him shown in the bible. What you are describing is part of that path and not the original plan.
You are talking of a spiritual community on the path to the Kingdom, not the Kingdom. The kingdom of heaven on earth was supposed to be the extension of Adam ideal family. It is not a community of individuals friends. St Paul described marriage as a distraction from God because fallen men are not spiritually matured for God centered marriage.
Through a God centered family, we learn to love mankind. I can see a senior citizen as my own grandfather, or a mother as my own mother. The Kingdom of God is the extension of the family. Is not it the responsibility of Christianity to teach God's ideal ?
The 3 dimensions of love are experienced in the family as a child, as a spouse and as a parent.Fully maturing our love is necessary as a preparation for our life in the spiritual world. It is part of God's plan. God is the ultimate source of love but the different dimensions of love has to be experienced for our spirit to grow.
Catholicism instituted celibate priesthood in the 11th century but St Peter was married. I read recently that 150,000 had left in order to be married. Here in America, the Catholic church has paid billions because os sexual scandals. I believe that we are in the last days and the rules of restoration are changing. God's centered marriage is part of spiritual growth and building the kingdom.