I would like to know your references for Lucifer being placed as a teacher for Adam and Eve, as well as jealousy being Lucifer's sin, rather than pride.
Seattle, I would be more than happy to respond
The revealing of the identity of the serpent takes place in Isaiah 14:12 “how you have fallen from heaven O Lucifer son of dawn.
Lucifer the archangel is the serpent who tempts the daughter of God to eat the fruit that God said not to eat.
So rather than a “serpent” tempting the daughter of God to eat the fruit…we are dealing with a revered presence in the Garden…. Lucifer the Archangel.
What was Lucifer’s role in Eden ?
Ezekiel 28:12-19 is very revealing. Lucifer is referred to as a “covering cherub.” This is akin to guardian angel. Lucifer was there to “
protect, serve and share his wisdom”.
Why would scripture use the symbol of “serpent”to represent the archangel Lucifer ?
We can see the consistent use of the symbol as a methaphor for
wisdom. Jesus said be “wise as serpents” but gentle as doves
Ezekiel 29:8-17 reports about the “covering cherub” in Eden. “Your heart became proud on account of your beauty, and you corrupted your wisdom because of your splendor. So I threw you to earth.”
So it is Lucifer who was placed in the Garden, a most revered angel of wisdom and light, to protect, to “cover” the son and daughter of God during their growing period.
How utterly convoluted is his actual demeanor. Something has so affected him that now, rather than protecting and serving, he becomes”serpent” bent on corrupting the daughter of God; enticing her with the very fruit God had instructed them not to eat
I will respond to the next question on another post