The person above me is of the opinion that..."

[nativeastral] In life there are no rules, only suggestions. It's not against the law if they can't catch you. [/nativeastral]
Rule change! Rule change! Who came up with this rules topic? When do I get a turn? *Stretches hand into the air* Pick me! Pick me!
[Phyllis]*a pride of :kitty:s enter stage right and head straight for center stage, a pair of them with a small banner loosely tied to their tails. The :kitty:s "tune up" then, after they are ready, they begin "singing" their best Twisted Sister imitation, the pair with the small banner raise their tails, exposing what is printed on it:

"We're not gonna take it...anymore!"

*after their performance, the :kitty:s with the banner lower their tails, then the :kitty: chorus exit stage right, a couple of kittens performing some tricks before following the rest of the chorus*[/Phyllis]

Isn't there a rule in this thread against someone posting more than every third post? Seriously, some people need to start paying more attention to how things work around here. Particularly someone who just posted after me. (Dream, I'm not saying any names, Dream.) If they would just chill, then I wouldn't have to moderate! Sheesh!

Isn't there a rule in this thread against someone posting more than every third post? Seriously, some people need to start paying more attention to how things work around here. Particularly someone who just posted after me. If they would just chill, then I wouldn't have to moderate! Sheesh!
[Dream] Science Rules! [/Dream]
[Shawn] My favorite thing about chess is the horse, of course, of course. [/Shawn]
<greymare>I never met an animal I didn't like. Sometimes I like them waaaaaaaaaay over there. *points towards Tasmania*</greymare>

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
[Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine]
Ok, here's the thing. Animals are not really people. I know you can't believe that I don't know this, but I do. Animals don't know it though, and that is what I like about them. They see us all as one big dysfunctional family. Meow!
[/Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine]
[123]Some animals make very good soup.... and I'm hungry![/123]
I am particularly fascinated by the wild haggis... A small (pig sized) Creature which is very territorial, in oct-nov it has a very unique mating call which is so amazing to hear..... I can watch them as they run in their herds over the green green hills of home.

(my bad! sorry I didn't look at the post number.....)