why worship God ?

did you ask me about what I meant by worship or was that someone else ?

I said the question depends on how worship is defined. You defined it Biblically. I mistook your answer for a general one rather than your personal one. Misunderstanding.

but if people tell me they are God then I expect a demonstration of Gods power otherwise its not real.

There are many "powers" God has. God is, for example, love. God is the power, the force of love. "Biblical" Christians such as FS affirms this, as your own tag-line does. How is love expressed? Through us. Love is expressed through us, but the love itself is not of us, but of God. So God is in us, through us. God's power manifests in and through our lives.

To say that God is defined, for example, through creating the world in 7 days and so we are not part of God, since we can't do this... it puts God into a box. It defines God and then sets God up as an oppositional category to something else. But perhaps God does not "work" this way. Perhaps God is more like love, something that flows in and through other beings. In this case, God is defined differently- rather than being a separate entity that does something, God is a force or process, a State of Being that manifests through "individual" beings.

This means that anything can be worship, if it is done with a sense of the sacred. When I water my plants, if I do it with joy and love, it is worshipping God- God in the plants and God in me. When I hug someone who is crying, I am hugging God and I am being at one with God. I am manifesting God's love through me and sharing this, touching that which is God in another. As Mother Theresa said, "O Jesus- You who suffer, grant that, today and every day, I may be able to see you in the person of your sick ones and that, by offering them my care, I may serve you. Grant that, even if you are hidden under the unattractive disguise of anger, of crime, or of madness, I may recognize you and say, "'Jesus, you who suffer, how sweet it is to serve you.'" (No Greater Love)

From another Christian saint (St. Patrick's Breastplate):
Christ ever with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me
Christ within me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me
Christ to my right side, Christ to my left side
Christ in his breadth, Christ in his length, Christ in depth
Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me
Christ in the mouth of every man who speaks to me
Christ in every eye that sees me
Christ in every ear that hears me.

I can think of no greater worship to offer than to offer my own self, to try to consistently offer myself as a vessel for God's love and power to flow through me and to be birthed into the world through aware, compassionate action. It is the best I have been given to offer God- to offer my life, my mind, my perceptions back to God and to serve God by serving that of God in the living beings around me. God is infinite and needs nothing. But God in each being can be served, comforted, loved, and cherished.
Worshipping God? Is that the most important thing for God's people and God-worshippers?

I personally don't know how to worship God. I used to think I knew what that meant. Now I don't. "Worship" doesn't mean anything to me anymore. I used to think it was singing hymns but with the life experience I have presently accumulated, singing hymns no longer feels like a meaningful way of thinking about one's devotion or connection with God. Praising God doesn't mean anything either anymore.

Singing hymns and chanting praises to me now seems more like a part of a sheep mentality. Someone else does it so you do it too. It now seems more like becoming a part of a social-political identity than just about devotion to God.

Hymn-singing and praise-chanting seems very much a part of the traditional Christian spiritual diet. I have just figured out that it isn't my favourite cuisine or staple and nor does it provide me with much spiritual nutrition. Although there is a standard response to the question of why Christians do it, it no longer makes sense to me why everybody has to do it that way.

I can no longer rationalise it. Instead, my focus is no longer on worship but devotion. I see life as a journey. I am on a road. I am walking towards a particular destination. I have a fair idea of what I will find when I get there. I have a mental image of what it will be like. But I will most probably be surprised at how different my destination will be to the mental image in my mind. It will, no doubt be a memorable experience, but it is not going to be something that will match precisely my preconceived notions of the destination.

God is a fellow traveller. He is on the journey with me. He too, is out here for an experience. My destination is also his destination. He is going where I am going and I am going where he is going.

Worship is very much like falling in love and getting married. Living, in contrast, is much more important and difficult.

This is a really nice post. It's honest. I like that.

As an SDA growing up, my folks held morning and evening worship services in our home with us every day of the week. We were called each morning and each evening to what was simply known as worship. We might sing a song, but we always had a reading from the Bible along the lines of whatever the Sabbath School lesson of the week was, and then a round of prayer. It wasn't a ritual, it was more about the daily walk my parents intended for their family. Much more about participation than adoration, is how I recall it.

I like how the atheist (me) believes that I am one with God, while the believer thinks they are separate from God.

It's all topsy-turvy. :D

But how can you be an atheist if you believe in God? :confused:

Hmm, I agree with your statement, God is seprate from nothing that he created, he both is and presides over all of his creation. Including us.

Seriously though, I don't think you can really call urself an atheist if you believe in God in any form. If you believe in a creator, a driving force that sparked all this crazy schtuff off, you can't really be an atheist. ;)

It's alright not to be an atheist tho. You won't loose any cred with me. :D
But how can you be an atheist if you believe in God? :confused:

I consider myself atheistic in regards to God as creator of the universe and man, God as all-knowing ruler, etc.

God is, IMHO, as much a product of creation as creator, personal because it is part of me, but not because it watches over me.

God is wisdom and compassion, but not judgement and vengeance. And I certainly don't believe that God sent His only son to die for our sins, or that Satan lurks around each corner trying to tempt me. That's just silliness.

I hope that clears things up a little.
I consider myself atheistic in regards to God as creator of the universe and man, God as all-knowing ruler, etc.

Ah I see. So in your terms, God is everything, not God made and is everything, right?

I gets it... I hope.

God is, IMHO, as much a product of creation as creator, personal because it is part of me, but not because it watches over me.

Ah, so creator, yes, but not ruler over all? Ok, now I think I get ya.

I tend to think of God as both creation itself, and creator of creation, if that makes any kind of sane sense.

He created it all, and is it all, because he is everywhere and is in all of his creation. And at the same time is separate, the same as we are our ideas, they are a part of us, yet we are separate from them.

God is wisdom and compassion, but not judgement and vengeance. And I certainly don't believe that God sent His only son to die for our sins, or that Satan lurks around each corner trying to tempt me. That's just silliness.

Well, in terms of Satan, and the Jesus dying for our sins part, I tend to agree. But I believe that God is everything, and in everything, even judgment and vengeance. Then again, I believe that he created it all as well, so there ya go...

As far as Jesus goes, I don't think that saying he is the only son of God is really a good way to put it. I tend to think, rather, that he is God. A part of God that came down and experienced a separation of consciousness from himself to the same extent that we experience it. Jesus is God joining his creation truly instead of vicariously, and experiencing this plane of consciousness first hand. I've also written in the thread "Jesus died, we're all saved?" some of my other thoughts on the subject, and they're really complicated so I won't re-type them here, sankyu! lol.

I hope that clears things up a little.

It did. :) I hope what I just wrote answers more questions than it creates. :D

See ya!
Namaste g2g,

As paul said our goal is to have the Christ mind. You and the father are one!

I(you/we) am in G!d and G!d is in me and I am one with G!D and G!D is one with me. I and the creator are one. I am part of creation(result), and part of creation(act). Now this is like the metaphors of the wave being part of the ocean, there it is, now its not. The water doesn't change, it is the same water yet there are multiple waves. One wave disappears and the next uses the same ocean as its existence and then disappears. I am a wave, I am on this plane of existence temporarily and an expression of G!d in this plane.

G!d is in me, but not like a raisin is in a bun (Eric Butterworth I believe)

And thank you for the seven days comment. It establishes how far apart we are.

John 17:9 (New International Version)

9I pray for them. I am not praying for the world, but for those you have given me, for they are yours.
John 17:20-26 (New International Version)

Jesus Prays for All Believers

20"My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, 21that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. 22I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one: 23I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me. 24"Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world. 25"Righteous Father, though the world does not know you, I know you, and they know that you have sent me. 26I have made you known to them, and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them.
I see where you are going with us being one with God and each other etc.

But the Bible teaches that this unity is for Christians believers in Jesus the Body of Christ.

That is my understanding of the Bible.
Namaste G2G,

I've learned and utilized natural healing techniques, however I don't consider those healings miraculous. One interesting thing about biblical healings is we don't get any follow up. This person was healed, and so was that, but what about tomorrow, or 5 - 10 years later, did the healing last (like cancer in remission) or come back (like cancer formerly in remission) We just don't have those stories. My inclination is that a lot had to do with the presence, the presence of the healer, or of Jesus, just let me touch the hem of his garment, no don't go see my servant just say so and he'll be healed. That aura, that presence of a healer is a powerful thing.

But while this is what my elder brother and wayshower teaches me, I completely admit I am not there in this plane, I haven't fully incorporated or grocked all his teachings. I'm afraid I'm still invested in things that rust and moths will eat away, I have not completely taken in not to worry about where my next meal will come from or the rent money. My ego is still out there working for my daily bread and thinking I'm involved in the process...still out there making car payments. I've not had my road to Damascus experience...so I'm not there yet.

yes I to am a work in progress.

However nor can I make a cell phone, or a nuclear bomb, but they exist. Just because I do not know how to use all the tools that G!d has provided does not eliminate my oneness from him.
one with God, is easy to say. but it must go beyond some intellectual idea, it must be real and be lived, otherwise it is imagination.

As far as our differences, I am not litteralist, do not believe G!d created the world in 7 days, or 7 periods, or 7 eons, or 7 ages...I believe the story to be allegory.
i belive the Bible contains both allegory and fact.
G2G, How do you describe your connection (or lack of it) to God?

well i feel far from God at this moment.

How would you correct my alleged misconception of being intimately connected to God?
well I cant see whats going on inside you so I dont really know, but on the forum you come across as being smug, arrogant and highly egotistical not qualities I would associate with someone who is intimate with God.
Okay Glory

You ask God to build me a doghouse and paint it red.
You ask me to build a doghouse and paint it blue.

When you come by my place in 7 days to check it out, what color do you suspect my doghouse is going to be?


Probably Teal :eek:
one with God, is easy to say. but it must go beyond some intellectual idea, it must be real and be lived, otherwise it is imagination..
As an intellectual idea for me it is tough, fleeting, everytime I think I've got it, it dissappears. It is yet again something that defies complete description, but has an inner understanding/knowing.

As for it being real and lived, we have no choice. We are all living it. It is our judgemental self that says that others are not doing as well as we or vice versa.
"I don't think god requires worship." :- Will(A christian)

So why in the bible does he -demand- worship? Why in the bible does he -demand- exclusive rites to being your sole one and only god? What would you call, what you do every Sunday?
Namaste 17th,

Surely you don't believe that I believe that He wrote the bible? The bible was written by humans answering questions of the ages with the goal to control the masses. I believe it had divine inspiration, but was warped by human hands.

Tis upto divine minds to interpret it. Like I said, any G!d with such ego issues that needs worship ain't worth the time of day.,

imo obviously

btw, wil only has one L, there is a little less L in me than there used to be, but also a little L left as all here know.
As an intellectual idea for me it is tough, fleeting, everytime I think I've got it, it dissappears. It is yet again something that defies complete description, but has an inner understanding/knowing.

As for it being real and lived, we have no choice. We are all living it. It is our judgemental self that says that others are not doing as well as we or vice versa.

it is just another type of doctrine really or theology what ever you want to call it that some people proclaim as truth, some people look down on Christianity and proclaim "no its rubbish, I have the truth" but the chances are all they have done is latched onto to a doctrine that is preferable for themselves.
it is just another type of doctrine really or theology what ever you want to call it that some people proclaim as truth, some people look down on Christianity and proclaim "no its rubbish, I have the truth" but the chances are all they have done is latched onto to a doctrine that is preferable for themselves.
I don't see any of it as rubbish (Christianity, Islam, Hinduism.....etc)

I see it like a clarinet, or a violin...in the right hands they are beautiful, to the untrained.....oh my.
well I cant see whats going on inside you so I dont really know, but on the forum you come across as being smug, arrogant and highly egotistical not qualities I would associate with someone who is intimate with God.

God must love the smug... cause He sure do love me. :p
God made the smug, CZ! You are part of God's plan! :p

Lol, but seriously, Wil I agree. Nothing is rubbish. Even rubbish isn't rubbish. God made it all, therefore it is all relevant.

And God made people that feel the need to worship him also. It's really hard to argue when you see things my way without sounding like a hypocrite I find... :)
