What, less than 1,000 people have died from this swine flu, as compared to what, 300,000 people worldwide who die from the regular flu every year?
But there are concerns about pandemic:
VOA News - WHO Says Swine-Flu Virus Could Infect 2 Billion
What, less than 1,000 people have died from this swine flu, as compared to what, 300,000 people worldwide who die from the regular flu every year?
I started to exhibit flu like symptoms last Wednesday. Because I work with vulnerable adults I'm banned from work and had to get in touch with NHS Direct. They referred me to the new pandemic website. I filled in their questionaire, clicked on my four quite mild (for flu) symptoms and was immediately issued with Tamiflu
No-one has seen or spoken to me and I'm not that ill or in any of the high risk groups. They're dishing it out willy nilly to people who may not need it without even looking at them. And it was free! It's going to cost a fortune and people are going to take advantage
There's a lot of panic and over-reaction and it's all very unnecessary
When one looks at the rate of poliio you'll notice the decline in polio prior to the issuance of the vaccine. You'll also notice it dissappeared in some countries that never used the vaccine. You'll also notice that the definition of polio and menangitis changed with the vacine and cases which would have prior to the vaccine been called polio nnw had a new name and menangitis was suddenly on the rise...all just so the gov't could show their huge success rate.^ What?? Snake Oil? I guess since my health was destroyed by contracting the human parvovirus, I am cautious about being infected with any "flu" virus. I would love to see a vaccine that cures all viruses like the polio vaccine has wiped out poliomyelitis. Since polio immunization has become widespread in the United States, cases of polio are rare. However, now many parents are refusing to have their children immunized because of fear of complications from the vaccine. Oh well. to each their own and I, for one, am glad that I have a choice.
No flu vaccine for me....
When one looks at the rate of poliio you'll notice the decline in polio prior to the issuance of the vaccine. You'll also notice it dissappeared in some countries that never used the vaccine. You'll also notice that the definition of polio and menangitis changed with the vacine and cases which would have prior to the vaccine been called polio nnw had a new name and menangitis was suddenly on the rise...all just so the gov't could show their huge success rate.
No flu vaccine for me....
Anyone remember the horrors a few years back when they couldn't produce the vaccine and they had the same media hype as this swine flu today?? And what happenned...less than 30% of those who normally get vacinated did and the flu cases were the one of the lowest in history.....hmmmmmm
I find this subject one of the most difficult dilemmas of trust facing us today. The reason being that I firmly believe the next world war will not be fought using explosives, but germs. Our capitalistic system encourages drug companies to poison and cure us for their profit but they may also work in tandem, but very secretly, to protect us from germs being developed by the enemies of the west, (China, N.Korea, Iran etc all have big budget germ warfare programs). Inoculation programs may just be for profit or they may be a genuine effort of protection, it is impossible to tell. This is just one of the reasons why I argue that all medicine and healthcare should be the responsibility of state and not private industry.It wouldn't take much for a mandatory vaccination program to be implemented and that really concerns me.
In particular when I see that people who do get the flu shot are more likely to catch a flu.
A strong immune system will do more for you than any vaccine. (IMO)
Yes another bit I read was by Louis Pasteur...who everyone touts as fathering our thoughts on germs... Near the end of his life his contemplation was not on those that died from the germs, but why others lived and why some were untouched...immune system exactly that is what should be researched...not how to kill or irradicate the enemy (germ, virus, whatever)(hmm love your enemy....hmmm what doesn't kill us makes us stronger) not to irradicate the enemy but improve your own army so it can combat it.It wouldn't take much for a mandatory vaccination program to be implemented and that really concerns me.
In particular when I see that people who do get the flu shot are more likely to catch a flu.
A strong immune system will do more for you than any vaccine. (IMO)
But we see the wholesale privatization of the military these days being the popular trend of things to come.I find this subject one of the most difficult dilemmas of trust facing us today. The reason being that I firmly believe the next world war will not be fought using explosives, but germs. Our capitalistic system encourages drug companies to poison and cure us for their profit but they may also work in tandem, but very secretly, to protect us from germs being developed by the enemies of the west, (China, N.Korea, Iran etc all have big budget germ warfare programs). Inoculation programs may just be for profit or they may be a genuine effort of protection, it is impossible to tell. This is just one of the reasons why I argue that all medicine and healthcare should be the responsibility of state and not private industry.
Just think if the drug companies would invest all their lobbying money toward research that would provide a means to help bolster our immune systems. As long as we have the special interests in charge of our government (here in the USA, at least) we will never see true health care reform ie single payer.
According to The Associated Press, the drug industry's trade group PhRMA (the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America) and the drug company Pfizer "reported spending more money than other health care organizations on lobbying in the second quarter of this year" - $6.2 million from PhRMA, $5.6 million from Pfizer. "Including its latest report, PhRMA has now spent $13.1 million lobbying so far this year. Pfizer has reported $11.7 million in lobbying expenses for 2009."
This is part of the reason, as Alicia Mundy and Laura Meckler recently wrote in The Wall Street Journal, that "the pharmaceuticals industry, which President Barack Obama promised to 'take on' during his campaign, is winning most of what it wants in the health-care overhaul."
Their story describes "a string of victories" plucked from the Senate Finance Committee by drug company lobbyists, including no cost-cutting steps, no cheaper drugs to be allowed across the border from Canada, and no direct Federal government negotiations with the pharmaceutical companies to lower Medicare drug prices.
And that's not all. The Senate Health Committee is giving the biotech industry monopoly protection against competition from generic drugs for 12 years after they go on the market.
No wonder the cost of reform keeps going up and up and up. What a bunch of bull.
Just think if the drug companies would invest all their lobbying money toward research that would provide a means to help bolster our immune systems.
Ten things you're not supposed to know about the swine flu vaccineI don't know about mandatory shots or not, for now it looks voluntary, but that could change pretty fast.
Maybe one could invest in some of that Hollywood rubber skin to put where they would give you the shot so that it would not get into you. The stuff is pretty realistic, but I don't know if it would work.
I certainly don't want whatever evil potion they have concocted.
I totally don't trust them. (and that is sad as I would like to).
#4 - Doctors still don't know why the 1976 swine flu vaccines paralyzed so many people. And that means they really have no clue whether the upcoming vaccine might cause the same devastating side effects. (And they're not testing it, either...)
THURSDAY, Aug. 20 (HealthDay News) -- Health experts do not believe that the delay in receiving swine flu vaccine will thwart the U.S. government's strategy to protect Americans against the newly circulating virus.
But having only 45 million doses on hand by Oct. 15, rather than the originally anticipated 120 million doses, does throw a slight wrench into plans to vaccinate those who might need the shots the most.
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