Swine Flu

there are forms to fill in at my place of work,an old folks home, for the staff, but its not mandatory [yet?]. Difficult decision for me as l am against having vaccines.
Our health authorities and governments do struggle to convince us that they are acting in our best interests. Well, they do not want to scare us do they... After all there is no state capable of deliberately manufacturing a virulent and deadly strain of flu....is there? These flu jabs would not be a masked effort at protecting us from such a hidden assault?
North Korea can unleash 13 types of biological agent, South Korea says - Times Online
How soon we forget about all the chemical bio wmd yellow cake stories about Iraq....Over here we argue about the trillion dollars over ten years health care would cost....hmmm just about the same as that waste of a war!
From email today. Comments appreciated.

Please read this or at least skim it all to the bottom and forward it widely. Help protect your friends and families from being damaged from this. Every person you send it to could be one life you save from a lifetime of pain and suffering.

Also, please don't take my word for any of this but do your own research starting with the links to articles and video interviews from Doctors provided at the bottom of this email. The Doctors in the articles and videos are screaming from rooftops for people to avoid the non-FDA approved ingredient SQUALENE that will be in the swine flu shots as an immune booster. Squalene boosts the immune response of the vaccine so people will only need one shot instead of two, allowing twice as many people to be immunized. Squalene will only be in the shots and not in the nasal swine flu vaccine.

Squalene has been proven to be what caused the Gulf War Syndrome from independent investigations. More on this in a minute but you must avoid this ingredient at all costs.....

Before I say any more, also be awar e that this vaccine booster is not being used in any of the swine flu vaccine trials going on currently but will be in the final vaccine given to the masses. Read more about this later in this email....

I have done a lot of reading and listening to concerned doctors about this topic. I'm just passing on what these doctors are saying.

For starters they say don't buy the hype:
Did you know that the swine flu is proving to cause less hospitalizations and less deaths than last years' seasonal flu! It is very, very over-hyped and not a big deal!
Don't buy into the fear campaign.

The doctors (5 male and 3 female) I list at the bottom of this email are begging people to not take the swine flu vaccine. These 8 doctors are just a few of the many concerned doctors.

I'm not even going to talk about the full dose of Thimerosal (50% mercury by weight) that will be in the swine flu vaccine at 250 times the amount of mercury [LINK] that is considered safe if you were to have the mercury in your food or beverage. This alone is reason enough to not have your children take it.

Why are so many doctors telling people to avoid the Swine flu vaccine?
Because the swine flu vaccine will have the booster(adjuvant) SQUALENE which has been proven from independent studies to be what caused Gulf War syndrome from the Anthrax vaccine given to the troops during Gulf War I which the government had to admit had squalene in it after they were sued by the gulf war vets.

Squalene has never been approved by the FDA but is being offered in the swine flu vaccine under "EMERGENCY USE AUTHORIZATIONS" not requiring the long clinical trials normally necessary.

Squalene has also not been thoroughly tested for safety in Children or Pregnant Women.

The FDA hasn't allowed it be used before because of the very justified concerns about it being too dangerous from animal testing. They're allowing it for the swine flu vaccine because of what they say are the special circumstances of this emergency and the need for a booster. Squalene allows people to gain immunity to the swine flu with only one shot instead of two so that twice as many doses of vaccine will be available.

--25% of the 697,000 US military personnel got Gulf War Syndrome after getting the Anthrax vaccine.
--25% of the troops that never left the U.S.A. but still received the Anthrax Vaccine containing squalene got Gulf War Syndrome!
They didn't get Gulf War syndrome because they were in Iraq ..........

The Gulf War Syndrome
sufferers developed symptoms including arthritis, fibromyalgia, lymphadenopathy, rashes, photosensitive rashes, malar rashes, chronic fatigue, chronic headaches, abnormal body hair loss, non-healing skin lesions, aphthous ulcers, dizziness, weakness, memory loss, seizures, mood changes, neuropsychiatric problems, anti-thy roid effects, anaemia, elevated ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate), systemic lupus erythematosus, multiple sclerosis, ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), Raynaud’s phenomenon, Sjorgren’s syndrome, chronic diarrhea, night sweats and low-grade fevers.”

More about Squalene:
Your body has squalene in every cell of your nervous system and brain. In fact, you can consume squalene in olive oil and not only will your immune system recognize it, you will also reap the benefits of its antioxidant properties.

The difference between “good” and “bad” squalene is the route by which it enters your body.Injection is an abnormal route of entry which incites your immune system to attack all the squalene in your body, not just the vaccine adjuvant.

After injection of squalene your immune system will att empt to destroy the molecule wherever it finds it, including in places where it occurs naturally, and where it is vital to the health of your nervous system.

Once your immune system creates antibodies to squalene it will attack the human body destroying the squalene in your nervous system and brain for the rest of your life.

Proof Gulf War Vets were damaged from the squalene that was in the Anthrax vaccine:

A test was developed to detect anti-squalene antibodies in GWS patients, and a clear link was established between the contaminated product and all the GWS sufferers who had been injected with the vaccine containing squalene.
A study conducted at Tulane Medical School and published in the February 2000 issue of Experimental Molecular Pathology included these stunning sta tistics:

“ … the substantial majority (95%) of overtly ill deployed GWS patients had antibodies to squalene. All (100%) GWS patients immunized for service in Desert Shield/Desert Storm who did not deploy, but had the same signs and symptoms as those who did deploy, had antibodies to squalene.

In contrast, none (0%) of the deployed Persian Gulf veterans not showing signs and symptoms of GWS have antibodies to squalene. Neither patients with idiopathic autoimmune disease nor healthy controls had detectable serum antibodies to squalene. The majority of symptomatic GWS patients had serum antibodies to squalene.”[xi]
Squalene: The Swine Flu Vaccine?s Dirty Little Secret Exposed

Their bodies are being attacked daily by the antibodies to squalene and this attack will never stop.

You say:
They're testing the swine flu vaccine....
But they're not testing it with ANY ADJUVANTS(boosters)!

None of the current tests are being done with SQUALENE. NONE. This has been verified by Neurologist Dr. Blaylock.
Here is a quote from Dr. Blaylock on his site:
"There are 5 tests scheduled for safety before mass vaccinations will resume. I looked up on clinicaltrials.gov the actual studies being done. It is instructive to note that the only studies actually being done do not contain any adjuvant (the immune booster) either for babies or adults. Yet, when the mass vaccinations begin, the vaccines will have adjuvant added, possibly squalene."

They're adding this booster to the final product after testing it pre-adjuvant. Plus the first rounds of the swine flu vaccine are coming out now in the form of a nasal vaccine. These nasal vaccines coming out first will NOT have squalene so people will think it's safe after no one gets injured but the shots will have it.

Plus most of the symptom s caused by squalene are long term problems that won't show up immediately but will cause a lifetime of suffering.

DO NOT GET THE SHOTS. It's not worth the risks for a flu that is no worse than the regular seasonal flu......
If you insist on getting the swine flu vaccine get the AstraZeneca nasal vaccine
MedImmune because they don't have squalene.

TO PROTECT YOURSELF from any flus or colds:
A majority of the doctors below say to do one thing from new research that has come out the last couple years:
They say to simpl y take 5,000 IU per day of Vitamin D3 for adults and 2000 IU of Vitamin D3 for children which can be bought at the grocery store. The FDA's RDA is way too low say these doctors.
Vitamin D is the sunshine vitamin. In the winter people get low vitamin D levels because their skin gets less sunshine, and low vitamin D levels are why people get sick more often in the winter. Building up your vitamin D levels has been proven to be more effective than a flu vaccine at preventing the flu!
Link: Avoid Flu Shots, Take Vitamin D Instead by Donald W. Miller, Jr., MD

Dr. Mercola(he runs the #1 most popular health newsletter), Dr. Blaylock(he is a retired neurologist), Dr. Rima Laibow(she runs another popular health newsletter), Dr. Anders Bruun Laursen, Dr. Kent Holtorf, Dr. Nass(she is a vaccine expert), Dr. Sherry Tenpenny(she runs the Vaccine Information Center), and Dr. Leonard Horowitz (author and public health expert) all are screaming from rooftops to stop people from harming themselves from the swine flu vaccine.

Here are links to the research they are passing on to you that has been compiled on the dangers of squalene:

Dr. Mercola Interviews Dr. Russel Blaylock on Swine Flu and the adjuvant Squalene:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnaiubV Jv8E&feature=related

----YOUTUBE Video--- Interview with Dr. Rima Laibow:
H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine Ingredients: Squalene Causes Gulf War Syndrome:
YouTube - H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine Ingredients: Squalene Causes Gulf War Syndrome

----GREAT Article about Squalene from Dr. Mercola's site:
Squalene: The Swine Flu Vaccines Dirty Little Secret Exposed
Squalene: The Swine Flu Vaccine?s Dirty Little Secret Exposed

----Great Article20from Canada :
Swine Flu Vaccine: A Public Health Experiment
Swine Flu Vaccine - A Public Health Experiment - In the News - Vaccination Risk Awareness Network

----Squalene in Minute Amounts Caused Horrible Autoimmune Disease in the Gulf War Military Vets- references the comments of Dr. Nass about squalene in H1N1 vaccine:
AUTISM PREVENTION FATHER BABIES 24-34 PATERNAL AGE IS KEY IN NON-FAMILIAL AUTISMVaccines: Squalene in Minute Amounts Caused Horrible Autoimmune Disease in the Gulf War Military Given It One Million Times More Squalene in H1N1 Vaccines of

----Chapter 3 of the Book "Vaccine-A(anthrax vaccine) The Covert Government Experiment that's killing our Soldiers" by Gary Matsumoto
This chapter is provided online for free to view. It talks about the history of squalene all the way back to the 1930's
Vaccine A: The Covert Government Experiment That’s Killing Our Soldiers by Gary Matsumoto

----What's the Danger of Swine Flu Vaccinations? By Dr. Anders Bruun Laursen
What's the Danger of Swine Flu Vaccinations?

----Information about the harms of Squalene from Dr. Horowitz:

----Reitired Neurologist and20now health truthseeker Dr. Blaylock's=2 0website:

----Dr. Tenpenny's Vaccine Information Center :
Swine Flu Hype
Swine Flu Hype

----Swine Flu Vaccine contains 25,000 times the amount of mercury considered safe by Dr. Kent Holtorf on Fox News:
The Swine Flu Vaccine Contains 25,000 Times The Amount Of Mercury That Is Considered Safe | Bird Flu Pandemic

----Avoid Flu Shots, Take Vitamin D Instead by Donald W. Miller, Jr., MD
Avoid Flu Shots, Take Vitamin D Instead by Donald W. Miller, Jr., MD
"We examined the relationship between squalene antibodies and chronic symptoms reported by Navy construction workers (Seabees), n=579. 30.2% were deployers, 7.4% were defined as ill, and 43.5% were positive for squalene antibodies. We found no association between squalene antibody status and chronic multisymptom illness (p=0.465). The etiology of Gulf War syndrome remains unknown, but should not include squalene antibody status."
-- [FONT=&quot]Phillips CJ, Matyas GR, Hansen CJ, Alving CR, Smith TC, Ryan MA.. Antibodies to squalene in US Navy Persian Gulf War veterans with chronic multisymptom illness. Vaccine. 2009 Jun 12;27(29):3921-6. Epub 2009 May 3.

Wil, some issues to ponder, but not panic about. A relatively small number of children have died from swine flu, but on balance probably it makes sense for children to receive the vaccine (if it is available in your community).

The articles that you reference, none of which are peer reviewed, are informative but not to be accepted without doubts.
The whole bit about the blanket indemnification for the makers of the vaccines so any who get harmed cannot sue for damages should give people something to think about......that is really fishy, yet it seems that the majority don't seem to pay any attention to info like that.
I find it perplexing and suspicious that this "swine flu" is actually a pretty mild strain as flu's go and our governments (yeh the guys that gave $1000s of your taxes to bankers and the industro/military machine of expensive lost causes) now want to give it to big pharma. But it is not just about money...the methodology behind the campaign and the ingredients used does look like mass imunisation... I just do not think it is for swine flu. The media is extremely quiet about the real threat of bio-warfare, the media is owned by the same shareholders that invest and get rich from banking, the industrial/military and big pharma. I think they are trying to protect us... just not from a naturaly occuring flu. There is an arms race going on involving several seperate groups including the small rogue nations of Iran and N.Korea, both of which invest heavilly in genetic research. The only way to be prepared for broad protection from potential threat is mass immunisation against the threats posed by known agents. The military did not, I believe, seek to attempt a mass poisoning of its own troops during Desert Storm, but was making the effort at protecting them from agents that small nations are now capable of producing. In our global marketplace the delivery of agents into the food chain is a very real concern, and one that achieves scant media attention. I think our governments are engaged in mass imunisation and they do so because they are concious of the threat we rarely consider.
Plausible theory, but I think the truth is far more sinister.
But, I hope that is wrong....for all our sakes.
It is interesting to me the quantity of vaccine ordered. It far exceeds the number of vaccine supplied before or ever taken before. Why do they think we are suddenly going to stand in line for it?

No vaccine for me, will my kids get it? I don't know. I've expressed my opinion on this (no) to my ex, but she will do what she will do. I'm comfortable that I have the fix sitting in my house...if it gets here we'll kill it. But I'm not interested in their pre-emptive strike.
The decision has been made for me as both my 4 year old grandson and 5 month old grand daughter have been exposed to the H1N1 virus one week ago via daycare/preschool children who have it. And now so have I so all we can do is wait to see how contagious this really is. Several friends have contracted the virus and say that the first 3 days are pure hell and that after one week, you start to feel better if you don't end up with secondary complications.

In July, the first death in the state of Colorado was reported:

"A 41-year-old woman from Peyton is Colorado's first reported death related to the H1N1 flu, authorities said Wednesday.The El Paso County Department of Health and Environment called the death "sad news" and a reminder that the public should be aware that "H1N1 flu can cause serious illness."The woman has been identified as 41-year-old Debra Burton. She worked at NORAD and US NORTHCOM in Colorado Springs."

And we haven't had access to the vaccine until next week so even if one wanted a shot, one couldn't get it around here. It seems to me that there is a shortage of the vaccine and yes Wil, people are standing in line to get it if they can.

Another case from channel 5 news on November 2nd..

"Two weeks ago, Kayla Kammrad got the flu. When her fever spiked to 105 degrees and she had trouble breathing, she went to St. Thomas More Hospital in Canon City.
Doctors told her she had the H1N1 virus. She stayed there for four days, but when her oxygen level dropped, doctors transferred her to Penrose Hospital in Colorado Springs...
Monday night, she was listed in critical condition.

....Williams describes his daughter as a strong and healthy 22-year-old woman, with no history of medical problems. She was a gymnast and basketball player at Canon City High School.
Now married, she works full-time and attends classes at Pueblo Community College, all while taking care of her two boys, ages two and four. The boys haven't seen their mom in two weeks. Williams says he notices that the older boy is starting to worry."

So I guess there is nothing to worry about..who knows? I will let you know if I survive. ;)

There is strong indications to show that this is TB and not influenza.
So anti-biotics are effective.
Garlic has long been known to have anti-biotic properties.
If you get the flu, and go into the doctor, have them run a TB test just to be sure.
Hello friends and neighbors! Well, I have a case of the H1N1 flu and won't be posting for awhile. I am truly miserable and feel like I am coughing my lungs out. It started Friday afternoon and I was without a voice for the whole weekend. Last night I started running a low grade fever and today am feeling like a zombie. I struggled to the Doctor's office with my mask on to protect others and sure enough..they are 95 per cent sure that this is what I have since the seasonal flu has yet to make an appearance here (and the Rapid Influenza Diagnostic Test sorta confirmed it. TTFN..can't think clearly and need to rest. Be back as soon as I can. :D
Hello friends and neighbors! Well, I have a case of the H1N1 flu and won't be posting for awhile. I am truly miserable and feel like I am coughing my lungs out. It started Friday afternoon and I was without a voice for the whole weekend. Last night I started running a low grade fever and today am feeling like a zombie. I struggled to the Doctor's office with my mask on to protect others and sure enough..they are 95 per cent sure that this is what I have since the seasonal flu has yet to make an appearance here (and the Rapid Influenza Diagnostic Test sorta confirmed it. TTFN..can't think clearly and need to rest. Be back as soon as I can. :D

Hi Janz,

Bummer. I hope you get over it soon. My husband had a flu exactly as you described, 3 days of hell and then another week to get back to semi-normal. Being just 25 min north of you, we have the same situation of limited vaccine available.

Two weeks ago I saw a line outside the high school where the only vaccine in town was given for high-risk categories of folks: babies and people in wheelchairs and other compromised health conditions all standing in the freezing wind for hours waiting! Made me glad we were not eligible for the vaccine this time around. I would get the vaccine if available, but I don't have strong feelings either way about it at this time. I am pretty sure I've already been exposed and so have built up some immunity. I think my two girls had a milder version of it too.

Have you got someone who can bring you some groceries?

Hello friends and neighbors! Well, I have a case of the H1N1 flu and won't be posting for awhile. I am truly miserable and feel like I am coughing my lungs out. It started Friday afternoon and I was without a voice for the whole weekend. Last night I started running a low grade fever and today am feeling like a zombie. I struggled to the Doctor's office with my mask on to protect others and sure enough..they are 95 per cent sure that this is what I have since the seasonal flu has yet to make an appearance here (and the Rapid Influenza Diagnostic Test sorta confirmed it. TTFN..can't think clearly and need to rest. Be back as soon as I can. :D

Janz, sorry to hear you got H1N1, I hope you recover quickly. My understanding is the tricky part is related to lung function, so make sure that if you get serious lung problems you go to the hospital, you may need some extra treatment.

Please let us know when you are better.
Hello and Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate it today.
@luna, Avi and CZ:

Thanks for the well wishes and suggestions. I do love hot lemon juice with honey and a splash of bourbon. ;)

So far I am slowly feeling better; very weak and fuzzy headed. My dear husband of 28 years, took this week off from work, so I had my gopher. go-fer this and g0-fer that. Plus my daughter and her family live within 10 miles and my mother-in-law as well, so I had plenty of helpers.

I will post more probably starting next week but just wanted to check in to say that I haven't bit the dust, yet. :D