dan b
Hello Bible studyers,
After studying history and theology I see an amazing biblical miracle that is little acknoledged by most people. How could the writters of the Book of Genesis have known that civilization began in Mesopotamia about 4000 BC?
Gen.4;22 - Mankind uses metal
Gen.3;23 - Mankind to till ground
Gen 2;20 - Adam names the animals
Gen 2;8 - put man in garden
Gen.2;5 - there was not a man to till ground
Jn. 1 - beginning was the word
Gen.2;7 - Breath of life(ability to use language)
Gen.1;27 - Human created
Gen. 1 - the world created
It is evident to see that the first few chapters of Geneis are describing the beginning of civilization in Mesopotamia around 4000BC. We now know these facts to be true from archeological evidence that has been gathered and analysed. This was only done during the last two hundred years during the 19th and 20th centuries. But how did the ancient bible writer know these things?
The Holy Bible was only compiled about 500BC. It's books were carried around for a few hundred years earlier. This is before there was any real historical realization pretaining to the entire world. That civilization began in Mesopotamia in the forms of language, writing, agriculture, discovery of metal and more, is the statement that is described in the second Genesis Creation Story. (Gen.2;7- ) These innovations first originated here, and then after numerous millennium spread throughout the rest of the world. dan b
After studying history and theology I see an amazing biblical miracle that is little acknoledged by most people. How could the writters of the Book of Genesis have known that civilization began in Mesopotamia about 4000 BC?
Gen.4;22 - Mankind uses metal
Gen.3;23 - Mankind to till ground
Gen 2;20 - Adam names the animals
Gen 2;8 - put man in garden
Gen.2;5 - there was not a man to till ground
Jn. 1 - beginning was the word
Gen.2;7 - Breath of life(ability to use language)
Gen.1;27 - Human created
Gen. 1 - the world created
It is evident to see that the first few chapters of Geneis are describing the beginning of civilization in Mesopotamia around 4000BC. We now know these facts to be true from archeological evidence that has been gathered and analysed. This was only done during the last two hundred years during the 19th and 20th centuries. But how did the ancient bible writer know these things?
The Holy Bible was only compiled about 500BC. It's books were carried around for a few hundred years earlier. This is before there was any real historical realization pretaining to the entire world. That civilization began in Mesopotamia in the forms of language, writing, agriculture, discovery of metal and more, is the statement that is described in the second Genesis Creation Story. (Gen.2;7- ) These innovations first originated here, and then after numerous millennium spread throughout the rest of the world. dan b