Formerly Known as GloryToGod


Pathetic earthlings
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Hiya NiceCupofTea here,

formerly know as GlouryToGod, Brian was not keen on changing my username so here I am brand new, shame to loose all that history though,

I still want to give Gloury To God

So Grace and Peace from God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ :)
I've changed my name twice already, lol. I was once "Cage", then "-James-" and now "GateKeeper". I only use one account, but my past and present persona's reflect my state of being. Cage in that at the time I felt caged. James in that I was just kinda existing as a name, and now gatekeeper in that I am responsible when it comes to what I allow to enter my heart. My name changes simply reflect my state of mind. GateKeeper will the one that sticks as I see no more life changing realities for me.

GK - aka (Cage and -James-)

Btw, Welcome NiceCupOfTea!! What does your new persona signify?
OH, K, thanks for that. and welcome back. Perhaps I should change my name to "shot-o-whiskey"? !!! LOL on second thought, that would be shortened to s-o-w!!!

Love the Grey
OH, K, thanks for that. and welcome back. Perhaps I should change my name to "shot-o-whiskey"? !!! LOL on second thought, that would be shortened to s-o-w!!!

Love the Grey

LOL I have been hitting the Whisky a bit or is it Whiskey. So far Singleton and Jim Beam Black have been the best :)
canadian mist? But in Oz I love Ballantynes, (only if its on special) otherwise i stick with the black douglas. LOL. purely for medicinal purposes. LOL.
OH, K, thanks for that. and welcome back. Perhaps I should change my name to "shot-o-whiskey"? !!! LOL on second thought, that would be shortened to s-o-w!!!

Love the Grey

Yes Yes, in my case it would be B.O.W as when I drink whiskey I don't stop until the bottle is gone. :D (Bottle-O-Whiskey)

See what I mean ....

Yes, let's RISE AND SHINE and give G!d the GLORY GLORY
RISE AND SHINE and give G!d a nice cup of tea...
Children of the Lord!


you not givin G!d the glory no more?
"Cup Of Tea" was a character in the 2003 movie "Northfork" played by Robin Sachs. Any connection here? :)
none at all, never heard of it .

It was a great movie, but didn't get much attention when it came out. I saw it at a local movie house that shows indy films and such.

Robin's character laments that he wanted to be named Earl Grey, but that was already taken. :D

Northfork (2003)

Anyway GTG/ NiceCupOfTea, welcome...again! :)
mmm cant be sure really, but i have been given a bottle of famous grouse whiskey not tried it yet though.

be assured, it goes very well in a cup of tea, but even better as a toddie, eucalyptus honey and lemon, why, just what l'm drinking at this very moment:)