Gnōthi seauton
As there is a thread that has seen recent discussion under the `Christianity' forum along these lines, it only seems appropriate to try and open this question up to everyone, regardless of current choice of religious belief (or lack thereof).
The answer to the question would seem simple enough for an atheist, but there are plenty among us who count ourselves agnostic, to varying degree, and several who fit under the broad heading of `gnostic.' Some just prefer to acknowledge that they are "spiritual," or "spiritual but not religious," while others take pride in owning a religious identity according to any number of current world traditions.
My interest is in seeing what diversity of beliefs people have about Inspiration itself. What does this term mean, does it apply to all of the world's religious traditions (and their Teachings), and if our answer is qualified then which writings do we find particularly useful. Could it be that some of us feel there are MANY Divinely Inspired writings, while we, personally, only subscribe to - or find especial guidance from - a small, select set of these?
I myself fit into this latter category. It is not easy at all for me to try to describe what I believe about spiritual Inspiration and Divine guidance in its many forms (as Humanity and other Kingdoms currently experience it). But in general terms, I do believe in a common origin for ALL Spiritual Wisdom which is disclosed to, taught to, or otherwise presented for Humanity. The source of this Wisdom, as many Theosophists would tend to agree, is held to be the Spiritual Brotherhood of our planet.
Because I believe in a Divine Order which embraces ALL beings within Cosmos, it makes perfect sense to me that every inhabited planet (and there are trillions of trillions of them) has its OWN Spiritual Brotherhood. Not each planet is the same, nor do the various inhabitants resemble us in appearance, or in exact belief. But I absolutely cannot imagine another evolution within Cosmos wherein the Divine does not look after Its countless, yet all equally-cherished Progeny.
Since I believe that EACH of us is a Son or Daughter of God as well as an incarnated son or daughter of Man, I hold to the idea that many gnostics and Theosophists do -- that we are each a Christ-in-the-Becoming. But since this condition existed a trillion, billion years ago (elsewhere, if not here, "Before Abraham, I AM"), it makes no sense to me to say that God's Revelation has been for today's Humanity alone, or for any particular group of us more than the other, or that in fact, everything we need to know was chiseled out onto a set of tablets 3,000 years ago, or carved into a tree beside Aunt Polly's house one summer day in 1865. This all suggests to me the idea of solidity, of the unchanging and of stasis.
If anything, God certainly seems to me to be CHANGING, to be EVOLVING, and to be Progressive. Surely, if there is a Divine, God is the very MAGNET, the Motivation, the Purpose - which both drives evolution, progress and change (as if from behind) ... as well as pulls us toward some definite, yet not easily definable Goal, or Goals. That leaves a whole lot of in between, but what I do not see is any kind of evidence that ANY Revelation has yet been, or ever will be provided to Humanity, which precludes any additional Revelation, or which renders all prior Revelation obsolete.
This view will, and does, drive some people absolutely nuts. What drives me nuts, is that anyone could disagree who has even the tiniest corner of even one of their one eyes open. But then, it's easy enough to acknowledge that sometimes we all drive each other nuts. I drive myself nuts just about every day, yet somehow, some way, I'm still here to ask questions about Scriptures and wonder what other people think.
I also want to know WHY. WHY do you believe what you believe? How did you come by that belief or set of beliefs? What inspired YOU in your search, and what has your journey taught you about (Life, the Universe and Everything, or) yourself, the world, other/all people, and the Divine?
Sadly, many people do not feel that their own journey is worth sharing, yet if it were not, we wouldn't have discussion sites such as this one, and religion wouldn't continue to be such a hot topic - always factoring in as one of the three taboos, if nothing else. Fortunately, it need not be such a taboo here, and people WANT to hear about what has brought us to this point in our religious and spiritual exploration.
Shall we continue?
The answer to the question would seem simple enough for an atheist, but there are plenty among us who count ourselves agnostic, to varying degree, and several who fit under the broad heading of `gnostic.' Some just prefer to acknowledge that they are "spiritual," or "spiritual but not religious," while others take pride in owning a religious identity according to any number of current world traditions.
My interest is in seeing what diversity of beliefs people have about Inspiration itself. What does this term mean, does it apply to all of the world's religious traditions (and their Teachings), and if our answer is qualified then which writings do we find particularly useful. Could it be that some of us feel there are MANY Divinely Inspired writings, while we, personally, only subscribe to - or find especial guidance from - a small, select set of these?
I myself fit into this latter category. It is not easy at all for me to try to describe what I believe about spiritual Inspiration and Divine guidance in its many forms (as Humanity and other Kingdoms currently experience it). But in general terms, I do believe in a common origin for ALL Spiritual Wisdom which is disclosed to, taught to, or otherwise presented for Humanity. The source of this Wisdom, as many Theosophists would tend to agree, is held to be the Spiritual Brotherhood of our planet.
Because I believe in a Divine Order which embraces ALL beings within Cosmos, it makes perfect sense to me that every inhabited planet (and there are trillions of trillions of them) has its OWN Spiritual Brotherhood. Not each planet is the same, nor do the various inhabitants resemble us in appearance, or in exact belief. But I absolutely cannot imagine another evolution within Cosmos wherein the Divine does not look after Its countless, yet all equally-cherished Progeny.
Since I believe that EACH of us is a Son or Daughter of God as well as an incarnated son or daughter of Man, I hold to the idea that many gnostics and Theosophists do -- that we are each a Christ-in-the-Becoming. But since this condition existed a trillion, billion years ago (elsewhere, if not here, "Before Abraham, I AM"), it makes no sense to me to say that God's Revelation has been for today's Humanity alone, or for any particular group of us more than the other, or that in fact, everything we need to know was chiseled out onto a set of tablets 3,000 years ago, or carved into a tree beside Aunt Polly's house one summer day in 1865. This all suggests to me the idea of solidity, of the unchanging and of stasis.
If anything, God certainly seems to me to be CHANGING, to be EVOLVING, and to be Progressive. Surely, if there is a Divine, God is the very MAGNET, the Motivation, the Purpose - which both drives evolution, progress and change (as if from behind) ... as well as pulls us toward some definite, yet not easily definable Goal, or Goals. That leaves a whole lot of in between, but what I do not see is any kind of evidence that ANY Revelation has yet been, or ever will be provided to Humanity, which precludes any additional Revelation, or which renders all prior Revelation obsolete.
This view will, and does, drive some people absolutely nuts. What drives me nuts, is that anyone could disagree who has even the tiniest corner of even one of their one eyes open. But then, it's easy enough to acknowledge that sometimes we all drive each other nuts. I drive myself nuts just about every day, yet somehow, some way, I'm still here to ask questions about Scriptures and wonder what other people think.
I also want to know WHY. WHY do you believe what you believe? How did you come by that belief or set of beliefs? What inspired YOU in your search, and what has your journey taught you about (Life, the Universe and Everything, or) yourself, the world, other/all people, and the Divine?
Sadly, many people do not feel that their own journey is worth sharing, yet if it were not, we wouldn't have discussion sites such as this one, and religion wouldn't continue to be such a hot topic - always factoring in as one of the three taboos, if nothing else. Fortunately, it need not be such a taboo here, and people WANT to hear about what has brought us to this point in our religious and spiritual exploration.
Shall we continue?