Are all Scriptures divinely inspired?


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Terra Firma
As there is a thread that has seen recent discussion under the `Christianity' forum along these lines, it only seems appropriate to try and open this question up to everyone, regardless of current choice of religious belief (or lack thereof).

The answer to the question would seem simple enough for an atheist, but there are plenty among us who count ourselves agnostic, to varying degree, and several who fit under the broad heading of `gnostic.' Some just prefer to acknowledge that they are "spiritual," or "spiritual but not religious," while others take pride in owning a religious identity according to any number of current world traditions.

My interest is in seeing what diversity of beliefs people have about Inspiration itself. What does this term mean, does it apply to all of the world's religious traditions (and their Teachings), and if our answer is qualified then which writings do we find particularly useful. Could it be that some of us feel there are MANY Divinely Inspired writings, while we, personally, only subscribe to - or find especial guidance from - a small, select set of these?

I myself fit into this latter category. It is not easy at all for me to try to describe what I believe about spiritual Inspiration and Divine guidance in its many forms (as Humanity and other Kingdoms currently experience it). But in general terms, I do believe in a common origin for ALL Spiritual Wisdom which is disclosed to, taught to, or otherwise presented for Humanity. The source of this Wisdom, as many Theosophists would tend to agree, is held to be the Spiritual Brotherhood of our planet.

Because I believe in a Divine Order which embraces ALL beings within Cosmos, it makes perfect sense to me that every inhabited planet (and there are trillions of trillions of them) has its OWN Spiritual Brotherhood. Not each planet is the same, nor do the various inhabitants resemble us in appearance, or in exact belief. But I absolutely cannot imagine another evolution within Cosmos wherein the Divine does not look after Its countless, yet all equally-cherished Progeny.

Since I believe that EACH of us is a Son or Daughter of God as well as an incarnated son or daughter of Man, I hold to the idea that many gnostics and Theosophists do -- that we are each a Christ-in-the-Becoming. But since this condition existed a trillion, billion years ago (elsewhere, if not here, "Before Abraham, I AM"), it makes no sense to me to say that God's Revelation has been for today's Humanity alone, or for any particular group of us more than the other, or that in fact, everything we need to know was chiseled out onto a set of tablets 3,000 years ago, or carved into a tree beside Aunt Polly's house one summer day in 1865. This all suggests to me the idea of solidity, of the unchanging and of stasis.

If anything, God certainly seems to me to be CHANGING, to be EVOLVING, and to be Progressive. Surely, if there is a Divine, God is the very MAGNET, the Motivation, the Purpose - which both drives evolution, progress and change (as if from behind) ... as well as pulls us toward some definite, yet not easily definable Goal, or Goals. That leaves a whole lot of in between, but what I do not see is any kind of evidence that ANY Revelation has yet been, or ever will be provided to Humanity, which precludes any additional Revelation, or which renders all prior Revelation obsolete.

This view will, and does, drive some people absolutely nuts. What drives me nuts, is that anyone could disagree who has even the tiniest corner of even one of their one eyes open. But then, it's easy enough to acknowledge that sometimes we all drive each other nuts. I drive myself nuts just about every day, yet somehow, some way, I'm still here to ask questions about Scriptures and wonder what other people think.

I also want to know WHY. WHY do you believe what you believe? How did you come by that belief or set of beliefs? What inspired YOU in your search, and what has your journey taught you about (Life, the Universe and Everything, or) yourself, the world, other/all people, and the Divine?

Sadly, many people do not feel that their own journey is worth sharing, yet if it were not, we wouldn't have discussion sites such as this one, and religion wouldn't continue to be such a hot topic - always factoring in as one of the three taboos, if nothing else. Fortunately, it need not be such a taboo here, and people WANT to hear about what has brought us to this point in our religious and spiritual exploration.

Shall we continue?
Interesting- I like the topic. I hope folks respond- I'm very curious about how people think about the issue of divine inspiration and scripture.

My interest is in seeing what diversity of beliefs people have about Inspiration itself. What does this term mean, does it apply to all of the world's religious traditions (and their Teachings), and if our answer is qualified then which writings do we find particularly useful. Could it be that some of us feel there are MANY Divinely Inspired writings, while we, personally, only subscribe to - or find especial guidance from - a small, select set of these?

As a Druid, I believe in the awen. Awen is divine inspiration, which can range from mild artistic or philosophical openness to possession, channeling, and ecstatic madness. Personally, I try to cultivate a balance point on the spectrum. I believe awen is open to everyone, regardless of religion, but it can be colored by our religious perspective unless we cultivate, as much as possible, a mystical approach with the aim of removing our preconceived notions of divinity, humanity, self, and other.

Because of this, I think many, if not most, scriptures are divinely inspired- but inspiration is just that. It is not truth, but rather the divine winding its way through ourselves and all that entails. Scripture can be helpful as a starting point, but I am more interested in the continuing revelation personal to my journey than in "right" and "wrong" ways to read scripture. For me, it is about the here-and-now.

Of course, outside of the most superficial study, it would be nearly impossible to have any real depth in studying all scripture. In my own spiritual path, scripture takes a definitive backseat to experience and practice. Myth is to jumpstart one's own journey, to open oneself to the Divine. It is not the end-point, but one of many vehicles on the path. Furthermore, in Druidry (and some other Pagan traditions), we can talk about the Book of Nature, that the living universe around us create a sort of scripture that we can experience directly. Like all scripture, Nature itself is full of symbology and metaphor, meaning and engagement.

At this point, while I have read the major scriptural works of most of the world's religions (at least in part), and I read Celtic mythology and Christian scripture, I am primarily interested in engaging with mystical experience directly- with interacting with the beings with whom I contact and connect.

As such, my own journals are scripture- they are the records of my own divine inspiration- as are my poetry and art.

If anything, God certainly seems to me to be CHANGING, to be EVOLVING, and to be Progressive. Surely, if there is a Divine, God is the very MAGNET, the Motivation, the Purpose - which both drives evolution, progress and change (as if from behind) ... as well as pulls us toward some definite, yet not easily definable Goal, or Goals. That leaves a whole lot of in between, but what I do not see is any kind of evidence that ANY Revelation has yet been, or ever will be provided to Humanity, which precludes any additional Revelation, or which renders all prior Revelation obsolete.

I agree about Revelation, and the position is not wholly unheard of in Christianity. The Quakers, for example, believe that revelation is personal and ongoing.

As for the Divine, I believe S/He encompasses both chaos and still, change and stasis. As a spiraling out and back, there is singularity and there is manifestation. From the perspective of the Divine as a total being-ness, the Divine transcends both our understanding of change and stasis by encompassing both at once in a seeming paradox.

I also want to know WHY. WHY do you believe what you believe?

Because it works as a path to develop me into a more loving, peaceful, and connected being. What doesn't work to this end is carefully examined and then either rectified or thrown out.

How did you come by that belief or set of beliefs?

Oh, so many things. My own soul's memory that unfolds, the experience I have had as a mystic since I was a kid, my relationship with many beings- God Herself, Christ, the stars and earth, the elements, the animals and plants and minerals, other human beings... Studying religion for over a decade, wherein I saw bits and pieces of my own experience reflected in the human record. My beliefs evolve as my experience goes on. My beliefs are merely a reflection of my mind's attempt to grasp what my soul experiences, what permeates my being.

What inspired YOU in your search, and what has your journey taught you about (Life, the Universe and Everything, or) yourself, the world, other/all people, and the Divine?

Egads. That would be book-length! LOL :)

If there's one thing I can offer from this... I am inspired by love and light. I am inspired by symbiosis and connection. I am inspired by the spiraling outward and inward of the Divine, and the meeting of life-force and Divine Light in my center.

My journey is teaching me, a little more each day, how to be a vessel for this Divine love and light... how to manifest the Divine in a conscious, aware way. And what my unique essence is within this larger being in whom I move and have my little being... what is mine to give to others.
Namaskar and thanx brother guess that was the issue this christian was getting to liberal over there, despite the tenor of the OP.

How about...

and then there is...

by Daniel Nahmod

Words and Music by Daniel Nahmod
(c) Nahmod Music Co. (ASCAP)
There’s One Power, invisible
And you see it everywhere and every day
One Power, indescribable
And you speak of it with every word you say
Mysterious, until you know the truth
As simple as the love inside of you
Call it God, call it Spirit
Call it Jesus, call it Lord
Call it Buddha, Ba’ha’ulla
Angel’s Wings or Heaven’s Door
But whatever name you give it
It’s all One Power, can’t you see
It’s the power of the love in you and me
We speak so many languages
Have different clothing, different colors, different names
But different is only dangerous
When we forget that in the heart, we’re all the same
We’ll remember once we close our eyes to see
That such distances were never meant to be
Call it God, call it Spirit
Call it Jesus, call it Lord
Call it Buddha, Ba’ha’ulla
Hashem or Heaven’s Door
It’s Muhammad, it’s your mind,
It’s your soul, it’s your sign
It’s the universe, it’s music
Mother Earth or Father Time
But whatever name you give it
It’s all One Power, can’t you see
Whatever name you give it
It’s the very air we breathe
It’s the power of the love in you and me
It’s the moment of creation / It’s an everlasting peace
It’s the freedom of forgiveness /It’s the sweetness of release It’s the joy of inspiration / It’s the sunshine on your face It’s the birthright of all nations / It’s the boundlessness of space It’s the beauty of a baby / The serenity of sleep It’s the anger we abandon /For it’s love that’s most deep It’s One Power
It’s the power of the love
That lives forever in you and me
It’s the power of the love
In you and me

The way I see it if a Siberian had the answers to the universe right here right now right in front of me I'd miss it all together because I just don't speak Siberian.

But G!d or whatever you call that entity that is all that is or the conduit for said entity (like we discussed earlier about elohem...I like how G!d refers to itself as plural sometimes) But anyway as I see it G!d has connected to each and every society in each and every millenium probably millions of times or rather actually CONSTANTLY but those (often the daft or the little ones eh?) but those with ears may hear. But we are constrained with 3d and words to describe the indescribable conversation or understanding we've just had so all our sacred texts all our divine inspirations are woefully inadequate as a whole but...but the beauty is...that the tao is enough for taoists, the gita is enough for Hindus, the Darma is enough for Bhuddists, the Torah and Moses are enough for Jews, Jesus and the Bible are enough for Christians, Mohamed and the Koran are enough for Muslims, and on and on and in between....

I've heard enough just eloquent, amazingly connected to spirit folks from so many traditions to know they are one with the creator....and who the hell am I to say otherwise. I know that Jesus resonates with me, and the bible is my scripture...but that is me....for thee you could have gotten your understanding with some more ancient text, or some newer revelation....and that is glorious because whatever it takes for you to understand your oneness or your connection if you aren't ready to grock one....that is beautiful too.

peace beloveds.
Shall we continue?

"... for every one of you did We appoint a law and a way, and if Allah had
pleased He would have made you (all) a single people, but that He might
try you in what He gave you, therefore strive with one another to hasten
to virtuous deeds;..."

5:48 Al Quran

There is much more to these words then meets the mind...

As a Druid, I believe in the awen.

and as a druid, you are also a "keeper of the world and master of nature"...

World of Warcraft - Druids - Character Class

^^ see... i have proof

: p

Thanks so much, folks. path, I couldn't have - said it better? No, I couldn't have said it at all the way you have expressed your beliefs. I can only nod, and pretty much agree wholeheartedly, even though I might not identify myself as a mystic. Some of my experiences definitely fit into this category, however, although these are always precisely the kinds of experiences which transcend the mind's tendency to categorize altogether, and cut across all the little boundaries which we often feel a need to impose in our day-to-day experience.

Most of all I admire the folks who are strong, who are courageous, and who - even though there is always consequence, sometimes quite unpleasant - nevertheless continue to bring this Light and Love to others, and to our living, breathing Planet Earth, Whom and which most certainly needs healing now as She has never needed it before.

You both, wil and path, express and channel these Aspects of the Divine, as I know so many others do - some in the mainstream religious traditions, others on a mystic, esoteric or eclectic path, and others agnostic, humanistic or rigorously scientific, artistic, political, etc.

There are treatises on the art of war, on lovemaking, on the sciences and on other subjects which many might not consider religious at first glance. Perhaps some of these are nevertheless Divinely inspired as well? A thought ...

c0de said:
and as a druid, you are also a "keeper of the world and master of nature"...

Well, I don't play a druid, but I did just do the weekly on my mage ... and I'm trying to get my hunter up there, bit by bit. Holy/prot pally is also 80, but meat shield can be a tough job, and healers get no respect. No respect I tell ya, no respect! :p
Life can be looked at metaphorically as a book and we all as living pens of light.

We are constantly writing the true you inspired....and, by what?

The texts are like maps or reference works to assist us in connecting with the chief architect/director.(like guideposts along the way)
Perhaps this is why they use mathematics and geometry, as all life follows a pattern which we can understand via the language of mathematics (if we are mathematically inclined and speak/read that language) or via the symbology of geometry (for those who are more visual oriented).
This then would make such things have a "sacred" nature.
Hi Taijasi —

I'm working on really tight time schedules this year, so don't have the time to engage in depth, but thought I might pop in a couple of responses ...

Short answer I would say is 'yes' ... but then that would involve an a priori agreement as to what constitutes a Scripture or Sacred Text ... ?

... does it apply to all of the world's religious traditions (and their Teachings), ...
Again, I would say yes.

and if our answer is qualified then which writings do we find particularly useful.
In my own experience, and according to those whom I respect, the answer seems to be pick one, and go with it, and one will find an inexhaustible source of wisdom, kaleidoscopic and infinite. It is, after all, the Voice of the Infinite who speaks ... everything I learn about my own tradition tells me there is so much more to be learned.

Again, all Scripture is kataphatic, in that it gives shape and form to an essence ... and the art is to immerse oneself in the essence, not in the forms ...

Could it be that some of us feel there are MANY Divinely Inspired writings, while we, personally, only subscribe to - or find especial guidance from - a small, select set of these?
I think there are many beautiful women in the world, but I reserve myself for one, my life's partner ... I am attracted to her like no other, and she reveals herself to me in ways she reveals to no other, and likewise I find myself opening to her in ways I would not with another ... but the big plus, I suppose, is that she also reveals to me more about myself than I, or those others, could ever know ...

The source of this Wisdom, as many Theosophists would tend to agree, is held to be the Spiritual Brotherhood of our planet.
I tend not to agree. I don't want to offend here, nor get drawn into argument ... the idea of 'brotherhoods' or whatever that remain veiled and secret, does not conform to what I understand of God, or the Good. I'm a Platonist, so to me it is in the nature of the good to make itself known ... the idea of any secret organisation operating in secret "for the good of all" or "until conditions are right" offends me ...

... that we are each a Christ-in-the-Becoming.
Interesting concept. I would press on then, to argue the case for the Christ to whom all being seeks to be ... for the Christ must exist prior to the desire to become Christ ... as Christ said to St Catherine of Siena, "I Am He Who Is, you are she who is not ..." that's the crux of it, for me.

If anything, God certainly seems to me to be CHANGING, to be EVOLVING, and to be Progressive.
Ah, again, I disagree. We are changing, evolving, and becoming ... to assume such of God suggets anthropomorphic reflection to me ... it also suggests such a God is, by definition, not the God of the great metaphysical or spiritual systems, as God is Infinite, Absolute, and so forth, not subject to any spatiotemporal conditioning, nor subject to any form, state or condition to or from which it could change, evolve, progress, etc ... God is beyond all forms, states, modes of being or manifestation ... so the terms 'change' does not apply in any sense.

but what I do not see is any kind of evidence that ANY Revelation has yet been, or ever will be provided to Humanity, which precludes any additional Revelation, or which renders all prior Revelation obsolete.
Nor do I.

What I do see is that revelation is entire in itself in that nothing more need be added to the essence of the message, albeit the material and physical manifestation lies in some indefinite future and has not as yet been revealed.

Why do I believe what I believe?

Because it's a Mystery that calls me into the depths of Itself? Or because it's the only system that makes logical sense to me? Take your pick, I suppose.

and healers get no respect. No respect I tell ya, no respect! :p

thats cuz unlike medics, they dont carry any MORPHINE!

... clearly, sir, you are in need of a REAL video game:

Here, try this:


Ah, again, I disagree. We are changing, evolving, and becoming ... to assume such of God suggets anthropomorphic reflection to me ... it also suggests such a God is, by definition, not the God of the great metaphysical or spiritual systems, as God is Infinite, Absolute, and so forth, not subject to any spatiotemporal conditioning, nor subject to any form, state or condition to or from which it could change, evolve, progress, etc ... God is beyond all forms, states, modes of being or manifestation ... so the terms 'change' does not apply in any sense.

See... Thomas knows whats up

(get it?)

Thomas, thank you for chiming in! I wondered if I might hear from you!

Thomas said:
I think there are many beautiful women in the world, but I reserve myself for one, my life's partner ... I am attracted to her like no other, and she reveals herself to me in ways she reveals to no other, and likewise I find myself opening to her in ways I would not with another ... but the big plus, I suppose, is that she also reveals to me more about myself than I, or those others, could ever know ...
I like this comparison between the husband/wife relationship and an adherence to a particular spiritual path, and thought immediately of Sophia within the Christian context, central as this concept is to mystical and esoteric traditions.

As a student of the different faiths I find an appeal in many such presentations (Isis, Astarte and Sophia most notably), yet it is only after the much more recent Theosophical revival that I begin to feel truly at home. There is a long, long list of women whom I believe to have been the amanuenses of the Divine. This includes but is not limited to: Alice Bailey, H. P. Blavatsky, Lucille Cedercrans, Annie Besant, Anna Kingsford, Francia La Due, Helena Roerich, and many additional students of the Wisdom writing in different parts of the 20th and 21st centuries. This does not mean that men have not played their part, but it is Women who carry the Torch of Prophecy at the dawn of the Era of Cooperation. And this, I hope, to help balance the uneven distribution of `power' within the curiously out of kilter Humanity of today.

Thomas said:
I tend not to agree. I don't want to offend here, nor get drawn into argument ... the idea of 'brotherhoods' or whatever that remain veiled and secret, does not conform to what I understand of God, or the Good. I'm a Platonist, so to me it is in the nature of the good to make itself known ... the idea of any secret organisation operating in secret "for the good of all" or "until conditions are right" offends me ...
No, I don't think this is the place for an extended discussion, either. Perhaps another thread, another time. All I would suggest is that the idea of Brotherhood is precisely the same, when rightly understood and presented by Theosophists and esotericists, as what Christ meant by the following words: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ (Mark 12:31)

While the Purpose of God includes a gradual Revelation of All that is within the Kingdom(s), I do not think it would be helpful or prudent to hand this to Humanity in its present conditions ... with free license to "do what we will" with the abundant powers of nature, unchecked. Thus, I am not offended in the least by the idea of a Guardian Wall which protects Humanity from itself and from the nescience which continues to characterize us, in large part.

I would be offended if I had the least reason to suspect that a conspiracy were underway which was motivated by anything other than the inclusive Spirit of Light and Love and Purpose. I haven't the slightest hesitation or doubt that this is how the Spiritual Government rules our planet (in contrast to how plenty of our earthly rulers continue to behave ... which reminds me of the first few lines of a well-known Invocation by G. K. Chesterton).

So while I would be the first to accept that one of the ways God intends for us to grow is to learn from our mistakes, I also think it is fair to say that God Protects us from the greatest of all possible devastation which could afflict the Globe, or any of its subsidiary Kingdoms.

This has everything to do with the Teaching regarding the Root Races, and it involves a study of the alternating cataclysms which close each cycle of development with alternating purification by:

  • Fire - Polarian Root Race - many millions of years ago
  • Water - Hyperborean Root Race - many mya
  • Fire - Lemurian Root Race - 5+ mya (?)
  • Water - Atlantean Root Race - 800K, 200K, 75K, 12K years ago
  • Fire - Aryan Root Race - remote future (we hope, eh?)
  • Water - Sixth Root Race - very remote future
  • Fire - Seventh Root Race - close of evolution on this Globe
The possibility of building a truly sustainable society is certainly not precluded by this teaching, yet if we are capable of thinking - at best - on a scale of decades, or perhaps (and I'm reaching here) a hundred years or so into the future ... should we be at all surprised that God (and God's Servants) Plan according to a timeline of 1,000s, even millions of years? We must remember that, while God does not move tin soldiers each step along the way, or do the work for us, nevertheless it is absurd to think that there is not a pretty good, clear Idea (or rather, a comprehensive Vision and set of Goals) of just what it is God intends for us - in the longest run.

It is possible for many great Civilizations to have their natural rise, Golden Era and decline even within one small portion of a Root Race, and I would say that our success in the past - as well as the present - can largely be viewed according to the diligence and the earnestness of the effort with which we have applied the Teachings which God has sent to Guide us. And of course, we may also make a study of how the world has received, honored and listened to its Prophets and Saviours. I just wish this latter study gave us a bit more optimism regarding the future. The The

Thus, once again, while I do agree with Voltaire's sentiment(s), I deeply yearn for that day when God's Wisdom shall be much more Universally recognized - not according to how I wish and hope that it may be, for my greatest Hopes, dreams and visions will always fall somewhat short of the Ideal (and thank Goodness for that, else it's all over). What I pray might earnestly might befall us, is that we may be able to get on with the process of building the Temple of the Divine (vide R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz as well as Freemasonry in general), where this takes place in body and Soul, in Heart and mind, such that even our Planet as a whole is accepted as the unhewn ashlar, and the Song of Creation might be continued in Unison and in earnest.

I don't want to divert from the discussion of Inspiration and Scripture, however, so I would welcome more commentary and contributions, and maybe a shifting of gears to get back to the main idea. :)
We must remember that, while God does not move tin soldiers each step along the way, or do the work for us, nevertheless it is absurd to think that there is not a pretty good, clear Idea (or rather, a comprehensive Vision and set of Goals) of just what it is God intends for us - in the longest run.

Fallacy: reductio ad absurdum

If God has a "clear idea" of the end,
by virtue of Him knowing our end/"longest run"
(even before there was any "us",) then by definition,
we are "tin soldiers".

Solution: Either give up your pride, or give up your faith
(in an Omnipotent/Omniscient God.)

I suggest the former...
Sounds like you don't believe in the Omniscience of the Divine, c0de. Although not a theist, I believe in Divine Omniscience implicitly. Clearly we differ in this area.

It also sounds to me like you are assuming what I mean by "clear Idea" ... and that, despite my parenthetical effort to add some definition to this concept, in the hope that confusion would not arise.

If God does not have a comprehensive Vision, including a set of Goals (and also an overall PURPOSE) for the inception, evolution and Perfection of Humanity, then this is no `god' I want any part of or relationship with whatsoever. Thus, in your option to give up pride or faith, I would actually much prefer to part with the latter. At least pride has in it the kernel and possibility of true Spiritual-SELF-confidence ... while faith, if not supported by reason, experience and effort - amounts to little more than warm sentiment.

So you see, I have given up belief in a theistic God altogether, and I try to avoid anthropomorphism at all cost. This is not the proper time or place to start talking about the Christian concept of Predestination ... or to explore the kind of theological issues which it seems you may be interested in.

Rather, I think I should ask you, what do you believe about Inspiration and the world's religious Scriptures? How did you come to believe as you do?

Lingua franca if we must, I am interested in opinions on the OP ... :)
As there is a thread that has seen recent discussion under the `Christianity' forum along these lines, it only seems appropriate to try and open this question up to everyone, regardless of current choice of religious belief (or lack thereof).

The answer to the question would seem simple enough for an atheist, but there are plenty among us who count ourselves agnostic, to varying degree, and several who fit under the broad heading of `gnostic.' Some just prefer to acknowledge that they are "spiritual," or "spiritual but not religious," while others take pride in owning a religious identity according to any number of current world traditions.

My interest is in seeing what diversity of beliefs people have about Inspiration itself. What does this term mean, does it apply to all of the world's religious traditions (and their Teachings), and if our answer is qualified then which writings do we find particularly useful. Could it be that some of us feel there are MANY Divinely Inspired writings, while we, personally, only subscribe to - or find especial guidance from - a small, select set of these?

I myself fit into this latter category. It is not easy at all for me to try to describe what I believe about spiritual Inspiration and Divine guidance in its many forms (as Humanity and other Kingdoms currently experience it). But in general terms, I do believe in a common origin for ALL Spiritual Wisdom which is disclosed to, taught to, or otherwise presented for Humanity. The source of this Wisdom, as many Theosophists would tend to agree, is held to be the Spiritual Brotherhood of our planet.

Because I believe in a Divine Order which embraces ALL beings within Cosmos, it makes perfect sense to me that every inhabited planet (and there are trillions of trillions of them) has its OWN Spiritual Brotherhood. Not each planet is the same, nor do the various inhabitants resemble us in appearance, or in exact belief. But I absolutely cannot imagine another evolution within Cosmos wherein the Divine does not look after Its countless, yet all equally-cherished Progeny.

Since I believe that EACH of us is a Son or Daughter of God as well as an incarnated son or daughter of Man, I hold to the idea that many gnostics and Theosophists do -- that we are each a Christ-in-the-Becoming. But since this condition existed a trillion, billion years ago (elsewhere, if not here, "Before Abraham, I AM"), it makes no sense to me to say that God's Revelation has been for today's Humanity alone, or for any particular group of us more than the other, or that in fact, everything we need to know was chiseled out onto a set of tablets 3,000 years ago, or carved into a tree beside Aunt Polly's house one summer day in 1865. This all suggests to me the idea of solidity, of the unchanging and of stasis.

If anything, God certainly seems to me to be CHANGING, to be EVOLVING, and to be Progressive. Surely, if there is a Divine, God is the very MAGNET, the Motivation, the Purpose - which both drives evolution, progress and change (as if from behind) ... as well as pulls us toward some definite, yet not easily definable Goal, or Goals. That leaves a whole lot of in between, but what I do not see is any kind of evidence that ANY Revelation has yet been, or ever will be provided to Humanity, which precludes any additional Revelation, or which renders all prior Revelation obsolete.

This view will, and does, drive some people absolutely nuts. What drives me nuts, is that anyone could disagree who has even the tiniest corner of even one of their one eyes open. But then, it's easy enough to acknowledge that sometimes we all drive each other nuts. I drive myself nuts just about every day, yet somehow, some way, I'm still here to ask questions about Scriptures and wonder what other people think.

I also want to know WHY. WHY do you believe what you believe? How did you come by that belief or set of beliefs? What inspired YOU in your search, and what has your journey taught you about (Life, the Universe and Everything, or) yourself, the world, other/all people, and the Divine?

Sadly, many people do not feel that their own journey is worth sharing, yet if it were not, we wouldn't have discussion sites such as this one, and religion wouldn't continue to be such a hot topic - always factoring in as one of the three taboos, if nothing else. Fortunately, it need not be such a taboo here, and people WANT to hear about what has brought us to this point in our religious and spiritual exploration.

Shall we continue?

I agree with path of one.

Interesting- I like the topic. I hope folks respond- I'm very curious about how people think about the issue of divine inspiration and scripture.

I would have to describe myself, as my avatar name suggests, as someone who is still looking and hasn't settled on any one belief system, though I do have many ideas on the subject. I inherited a negative concept of God, and therefore didn't believe in him. Initially I described myself as atheist, but have since become more spiritual. I have read a lot of Buddhist and Taoist stuff, as well as Hindu and some of the Qur'an. Through getting a better understanding of the Tao Te Ching, the first verse in particular. I now believe there to be a universal force underlying all of creation, causing each living thing to come in and out of existence. Whether this is God or an unconscious force who knows.

Another major conclusion I have come to is that there are universal truths, or you could call them laws if you like, that all things in the universe always adhere to. This is the 'inspiration' of all our divine teachings, our understanding of the universe. It explains why so many religions agree with each other in their fundamental teachings (renunciation, compassion and wisdom). If there is a God, and I am not denying his existence, then he would be the source of the universal truths, of creation, and we have taken our own understanding of the divine from creation itself. As it says in the first verse of the Taoist text Tao Te Ching

"The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao.
The name that can be named is not the eternal name.
The nameless is the beginning of heaven and Earth.
The named is the mother of the ten thousand things."

The name that can be named is creation, the nameless is God (Tao and God are interchangable depending on your belief). God himself is not knowable, accept through what he has created, he is the "beginning of heaven and earth", and it is the creation that is the "mother of ten thousand things", the universe and it's laws are the mother of all that we see, and therefore mother to all of our religions. This is my understanding of the verse anyway.
I guess I am saying that our theological understanding comes from our reasoned and logilac understanding of the universe around us.
Are all Scriptures divinely inspired?

Are all cats black ?

It seems unlikely.

If divine inspiration is a bias toward good, though, I am in.

Perhaps we should create some ideas which we can agree on. They may include ethical and moral practices. A little history. They may include some rituals to sooth our spirits. Some music, dance. Divinely inspired scripture ? Unlikely. Why would divinity waste time creating scripture when she could build a universe :D.
As there is a thread that has seen recent discussion under the `Christianity' forum along these lines, it only seems appropriate to try and open this question up to everyone, regardless of current choice of religious belief (or lack thereof).

The answer to the question would seem simple enough for an atheist, but there are plenty among us who count ourselves agnostic, to varying degree, and several who fit under the broad heading of `gnostic.' Some just prefer to acknowledge that they are "spiritual," or "spiritual but not religious," while others take pride in owning a religious identity according to any number of current world traditions.

My interest is in seeing what diversity of beliefs people have about Inspiration itself. What does this term mean, does it apply to all of the world's religious traditions (and their Teachings), and if our answer is qualified then which writings do we find particularly useful. Could it be that some of us feel there are MANY Divinely Inspired writings, while we, personally, only subscribe to - or find especial guidance from - a small, select set of these?

I myself fit into this latter category. It is not easy at all for me to try to describe what I believe about spiritual Inspiration and Divine guidance in its many forms (as Humanity and other Kingdoms currently experience it). But in general terms, I do believe in a common origin for ALL Spiritual Wisdom which is disclosed to, taught to, or otherwise presented for Humanity. The source of this Wisdom, as many Theosophists would tend to agree, is held to be the Spiritual Brotherhood of our planet.

Because I believe in a Divine Order which embraces ALL beings within Cosmos, it makes perfect sense to me that every inhabited planet (and there are trillions of trillions of them) has its OWN Spiritual Brotherhood. Not each planet is the same, nor do the various inhabitants resemble us in appearance, or in exact belief. But I absolutely cannot imagine another evolution within Cosmos wherein the Divine does not look after Its countless, yet all equally-cherished Progeny.

Since I believe that EACH of us is a Son or Daughter of God as well as an incarnated son or daughter of Man, I hold to the idea that many gnostics and Theosophists do -- that we are each a Christ-in-the-Becoming. But since this condition existed a trillion, billion years ago (elsewhere, if not here, "Before Abraham, I AM"), it makes no sense to me to say that God's Revelation has been for today's Humanity alone, or for any particular group of us more than the other, or that in fact, everything we need to know was chiseled out onto a set of tablets 3,000 years ago, or carved into a tree beside Aunt Polly's house one summer day in 1865. This all suggests to me the idea of solidity, of the unchanging and of stasis.

If anything, God certainly seems to me to be CHANGING, to be EVOLVING, and to be Progressive. Surely, if there is a Divine, God is the very MAGNET, the Motivation, the Purpose - which both drives evolution, progress and change (as if from behind) ... as well as pulls us toward some definite, yet not easily definable Goal, or Goals. That leaves a whole lot of in between, but what I do not see is any kind of evidence that ANY Revelation has yet been, or ever will be provided to Humanity, which precludes any additional Revelation, or which renders all prior Revelation obsolete.

This view will, and does, drive some people absolutely nuts. What drives me nuts, is that anyone could disagree who has even the tiniest corner of even one of their one eyes open. But then, it's easy enough to acknowledge that sometimes we all drive each other nuts. I drive myself nuts just about every day, yet somehow, some way, I'm still here to ask questions about Scriptures and wonder what other people think.

I also want to know WHY. WHY do you believe what you believe? How did you come by that belief or set of beliefs? What inspired YOU in your search, and what has your journey taught you about (Life, the Universe and Everything, or) yourself, the world, other/all people, and the Divine?

Sadly, many people do not feel that their own journey is worth sharing, yet if it were not, we wouldn't have discussion sites such as this one, and religion wouldn't continue to be such a hot topic - always factoring in as one of the three taboos, if nothing else. Fortunately, it need not be such a taboo here, and people WANT to hear about what has brought us to this point in our religious and spiritual exploration.

Shall we continue?
God is not changing. He will never change. He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorow. We are changing. Our ability to think of god is changing. Many of us are becoming saviours, and many are unbecoming. Before god seemed to us a hard task master, but only because this is how we thought of him. Christ came to destroy those thoughts. Christ came to set the captives free. Why would he need to free us from his fathers creation? Well........we are not held captive in his creation. We are held in the place of deficit. In the father there is no deficit, why would one that has all be jealous or vengeful? Who is this supposed god of the old testament? The prophets gnew the father but who did the world know? Better yet who is it that the world now excepts as god? Is he a hard task master, would he expect you to be right and if not force you to become right with the fear of hell? Of course by now i gnow you gnow. I see many gnostic principles in your mind along with many of the principles of the four winds.(swastica without the right turns is a compass, the ways all come from one point, the center. We are all blown about by these winds. N christianity, E judaisim, S islam, W hindu. Swastica is what happens when we all try to be right. Continuing to try to be right only closes of the ways and makes a window in which you see a cross. If we get rid of the rights we will continue in our own direction being blown further and further from the center where truth is. If we resist the winds and press back, by the paths of this cross we will return to the center, to the all. Our view will be unobstructed, in that place, the father exists.) You realy would have a hard time expressing what you gnow to others wouldnt you?