Apparently, before I could be seen as worthy to receive your explanations, I would have to already accept your beliefs.
Not at all. But you
could try, "Would you please explain x?" or "What did you mean by y?" ... or if we must be terse,
"What are you trying to say by z?"
I may come across like a know-it-all, yet it's a tough task to simply snap one's fingers and automatically find
the right fit for what one has to share. Probably on this thread, I should have held my tongue from the outset. However, by way of explanation:
My belief is that the
elohim whom and which were responsible for the original appearance of Humanity upon our planet ... are of different orders than those who brought about our
physical existence - which did not occur for many millions of years AFTER the original Adam, or first types of Humanity. This is supported by the Bible - Hebrew Scriptures, anyway - and it is Kabbalistic. Yet I have found that it is taught by plenty of the world's Faiths, in one form or another.
elohim Whom and which were at work 18 million years ago may continue to have certain roles and responsibilities relative to Humanity. For example, if we are kind stewards of our animal companions, practicing
right animal husbandry, then we may have a wonderful, uplifting influence upon that Kingdom, and this is very much like the relationship of this particular order of
elohim to us. Not that we are
pets, because this is getting the parallel backwards. The original relationship would be
this order of Elohim relative to us, and only then
(potentially) mirrored down in the relationship of Humanity to the dometicated animals.
But these different orders of elohim are
not the same as the highest orders, which include the
Planetaries, or
Seven Spirits before the Throne. The days of the week very much do reflect a Heavenly Order, so that we may have a practical, observable understanding thereof. And the ancient Greeks knew this, the ancient Egyptians, the Hebrews and Chaldeans, the Hindus, the Zoroastrians, etc. They may have been called Amshaspends, Prajapatis,
Elohim, and so on. But as one great Teacher has said,
What's in a name?
Sancho, you asked the same question I believe, nuanced for a discussion relative to the
Tetragrammaton, but not with the intent of heading for Gemmatria and such.
The days of the week, if one is familiar with Romance languages, have an interesting correspondence with the
heavenly bodies (Elohim), for whom and which they are named. Monday, for instance, is
lunes in Spanish, or
lundi in French. This refers to and corresponds with
the moon, even if that heavenly body may actually be symbolic of, or
`veil' yet another (Vulcan or in this case
Tuesday, or
martes/mardi, refers to
Wednesday, or
miercoles/mercredi, refers to
Thursday, or
jueves/jeudi, refers to
Friday, or
viernes/vendredi, refers to
Saturday, the Sabbath in Judaism, and most relevant to this discussion ... is
sabado/samedi, and this corresponds with Saturn.
Sunday, or
domingo/dimanche, refers to the
`Sun's day,' and thus definitely corresponds to a celestial orb.
There are correspondences with the Elohim
numerologically speaking, and I cannot provide the complete background for such a numbering scheme ... one, because I am not fully qualified, and two, because I believe that would be a tangent to a discussion of the
naming of the Divine, and the adjustment from
elohim/Adonai/YHVH to "the Lord."
However, there are the following correspondences which are of note:
Monday - Moon/Vulcan or Uranus - Elohim #7
Tuesday - Mars - Elohim #6
Wednesday - Mercury - Elohim #4
Thursday - Jupiter - Elohim #2
Friday - Venus - Elohim #5
Saturday -
Saturn - Elohim #3
Sunday - Sun or Vulcan - Elohim #1
Once again, I realize this all seems somewhat esoteric ... but I would also point out that the Book of Revelation, a piece of Scripture in the
Christian New Testament, has direct reference to the
Seven Angels before the Throne of God. Further, the Catholics have their
Seven Archangels, their
Seven Deadly Sins and corresonding Seven Cardinal Virtues.
EVERY tradition speaks of a Sacred Seven, and the fact that these are also mapped to the
days of the week, each week forming one half of the moon's current period of 14 days of waxing and 14 days of waning, is no mere coincidence.
Other discussions would bring to light that the ancients did not know of so many as Seven sacred orbs within our own system, either 2000 or 3000 years ago ... while a case can be made that they knew of as many as 10 or 12 such bodies many tens of thousands of years prior. Science, as yet, does not know of
invisible planets, for even while the astronomer Herschel
OBSERVED the planet Vulcan, on more than one occasion ... scientists today have done their best to DISCOUNT his observations.
Why? Why such a rigorous effort, especially since
NUMEROUS additional astronomers have seen Vulcan on their own, following upon Herschel? That planet may no longer be visible by ordinary means, yet careful calculations would - and one day SHALL PROVE - its existence, even if we cannot
SEE that orb through a telescope at present, in the range of VISIBLE light bandwidths. We will know it is there by its perturbations of other planets' orbits, most notably
You see, bob x, I cannot
pull Vulcan out of my pocket and
shake it around in front of your eyes, thus PROVING for you - or anyone else - that it exists. If that is what you wish, you will find my contributions useless. Yet I can quote for you the astronomers who HAVE SEEN IT DIRECTLY ... and - if I am not mistaken, you will happily dismiss that as
insubstantial, irrelevant, etc. N'est pas?
Nor can I
prove that the ancients knew of Saturn, and that they understood this, as other orbs, to
correspond with the Sacred Seven Elohim (and the highest order of such) ... because I cannot
pop in the VHS tape and say,
look, see how they're discussing this subject and making the same parallels that I have tried to make!
What I can do, is tell you that
I have spent plenty enough time - not your
40 years - but perhaps 20, studying precisely this sort of thing. And thus, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt what I'm talking about ... if not in the
every particular, then certainly in the
broad outline or brushstrokes.
Shall I assert it dogmatically? PAH! Why should I? I become a fool. It is not dogma, it is an arguable case, and I've presented for you PLENTY to see some of the connections.
There was a correspondence, I say, betwen the
Elohim associated with (expressing through and `upon') Saturn ... and the `God of the Jews,' yet what is the significance of this, if we feel compelled to
dismiss the statement out of hand?
Entire BOOKS have been written to demonstrate these connections, and many chapters spent on explaining
just how and why these correspondences, and this one in particular, came about ... and what is their significance for Judaism, for Christianity, and for religion today & into the future, as a whole.
Not that I am not interested in exploring the topic further, but why should I
simply quote ad infinitum when it is not a point that I dispute? I feel that if I present a statement or two, maybe a set of correspondences, and say something about
why this makes sense, and even show you that the very LANGUAGES people speak reflect this truth ... then the LEAST you should be willing to do is explore a little on your own. I don't think that's asking too much, at all!
By the way,
MONDAY=Moonday, and
TUESDAYis from the Old English and Proto-Germanic for `Tiw's Day,' referring to Tyr, the
Norse God of War(umm, MARS). WEDNESDAY, if you research this, has the same connections with the Norse mythology as Tuesday, and thus corresponds, in its English derivation, with
Mercury. Thursday refers to
Thor's Day in the Norse mythology, yet in Sanskrit the correspondence is just as in the Romance languages; it refers to
Brihaspati, the Prajapati associated with Jupiter.
FRIDAY is the day of
Frigg, or Freyja, but again in Sanskrit we can see a direct reference, as in the Romance languages, to the planet Venus. SATURNDAY, I mean umm, SATURDAY, has such a direct linguistic correspondence with
SATURN in the English that I think the point could be missed only by the most obtuse ... while SUNDAY is not simply the
`Sun's Day' in Romance languages, it is, once again, a reference to
Surya, the Sun God, in the Indic languages.
But, I will be the first to agree. When we try to begin our foundation here upon the EARTH, building our
tower to the Heavens, and seeking to make everything fit into OUR framework, and OUR standards of what is high, holy and important ...
the tower crumbles every so often, and reduces our best efforts to - rubble. Our divisions, our failure to recognize these connections between our languages, our mythologies, our cultures, our world's
faiths and religious traditions, as well as between ALL PEOPLES, everywhen and everywhere, guarantees that this
Tower of Babel will be a doomed effort, every time we begin it on improper footing.
I believe that there is
One God, whether we say
No God but God, or
`Thou Art That' (`I am That I Am,' better rendered, `I AM BECOMING').
But if you ask me to defend that, I will politely decline. Some articles of FAITH, as Gnosis, do not lend themselves to be picked apart, put on display, bandied about, or otherwise
justified in the eyes of men.
This is not a statement of pride, or intended to sound haughty. It is an acknowledgment that
if there IS such (a/the) `G*d,' that Being does not need our justiifcation ... or argument, in order to exist. For such a Divinity to be
expressed, on the other hand,
in our hearts, in our minds, through the work of our hands and feet .... THIS is something we are proving - or not proving - every minute, of every hour, of every day.
I'd rather help, than hinder.