Why would Jesus save?

Are you saying this is what happened?
What I'm saying is if Jesus is God or of God and had something to do with writing the Laws of Physics, one must consider the probability that Jesus could and can make use of those laws, to his advantage.
If God is the God of yesterday, today and tomorrow and is outside of time, then our linear time does not apply to God.

Occams Razor..."all things being equal, that which is left regardless of how improbable...must be possible".

What I'm saying is if Jesus is God or of God and had something to do with writing the Laws of Physics, one must consider the probability that Jesus could and can make use of those laws, to his advantage.
If God is the God of yesterday, today and tomorrow and is outside of time, then our linear time does not apply to God.

Occams Razor..."all things being equal, that which is left regardless of how improbable...must be possible".

We all use the laws of Physics to our advantage. I don't see how this advances your argument. I agree, God exists unchanging outside time. Jesus was born in Bethlehem, according to the Gospels.
Matthew 1:21
And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.
So Jesus the man could not in any way be God. We also know he prayed to God, and even in Gethsemane pleaded with God. These actions are inconsistent with his being God in a literal way.

We could say that he was imbued with God, saturated with God, a window into God, and this would be consistent with his words.

(BTW The last bit you mentioned is Sherlock Holmes, not Occam)
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Jesus the man who put away his Godhead for a time, was born to a woman. When he completed his mission (after relying soley on God the father as a perfect human should), and after he gave up his life, received his Godhead back, and takes his place as one with God the Father, and God the Holy Spirit. These are not my argumental points. They are two thousand years old.

Not so sure about the Holmes origination thought...:)

Search Results

  1. Occam's razor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Of two equivalent theories or explanations, all other things being equal, .... the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth." ...
Sorry, I didn't intend to drag this out so long. Occam first. I think you must be looking at a different Wiki from me. Mine says:
Of two equivalent theories or explanations, all other things being equal, the simpler one is to be preferred.
We are so close to agreemnet on the other issue. You are saying, with scriptural authority, that Jesus put aside his quality of being God. That's fine by me. He put it aside - he didn't then have it. He couldn't put it aside and still have it.

But this could run and run. I think we're as close as we're going to get. :)
...so if he is the same human being who ate the barbecued fish, he is now over two thousand years old. The disciples saw him ascend, upwards. If nothing changed since then I can only assume he is now in Earth orbit.

He is beyond "orbit". He is the same human being who ate the grilled fish.

It's no use saying Jesus IS human in a sense that only applies to Jesus. That is circular. Human is solid flesh and blood, heart lungs liver and the rest. Does Jesus have these organs today? Please don't say yes.

Jesus DOES have these organs today. By virtue of His perfect Divinity, these organs are maintained in perfect working order indefinitely. Upon the Resurrection, we may also be so supported, by the Grace and Will of God.
Sorry, I didn't intend to drag this out so long. Occam first. I think you must be looking at a different Wiki from me. Mine says:

We are so close to agreemnet on the other issue. You are saying, with scriptural authority, that Jesus put aside his quality of being God. That's fine by me. He put it aside - he didn't then have it. He couldn't put it aside and still have it.

But this could run and run. I think we're as close as we're going to get. :)

Not worried about Occam lol. Both sound quite logical.

As for Jesus, yes scripture states he put away his divinity. God can not be tempted, is not afraid, is all knowing, can not be injured, can not die, can not feel hopeless or alone.

Jesus was tempted several times, was so frightened he sweat blood, had to grow, mature and learn, was injured so badly his face and body were unrecognizable, did die, did dispair before his death.

But then he changed while lying in the tomb. His body changed, his persona changed, his focus changed. In short he resumed his divinity.

Jesus is man and God, but more important, he is our savior and redeemer.
You do not understand something and conclude that it is "psychotic", thereby branding all believing Christians as "psychotic".

Your "diagnosis" says more truth about you than about the targets of your keyboard crusade.

PS: Since you still seem to be on the "science" kick, just what are your publications in your field? I provided mine, after all.

I do not need to be a geologist to know the Earth is a globe and 4.5 billion years. I do not need to have a Ph.D. in Geotectonics to know continents drift. I do not need to be a board certified psychiatrist to be able to study about psychosis in a number of textbooks and see that Christianity has a psychotic structure excluding reason, logic, and scepticism and demonstrating grandiosity, and delusional belief in phenomena that violate laws of physics. I am educated. I do not need to have a Ph.D. in History to read history books. My degree and publications do not enter most of these discussions. And you will not trick me into revealing my true identity and make me a target of Christian or Muslim terrorists.

Not worried about Occam lol. Both sound quite logical.

Occam's wager was very funny. The real message is that if you have a choice (choice not proven) between believing in one single god among thousands or no god. Choose the very worst god. If you choose a nice kind god and are wrong the evil god will send you to hell. So choose the Hell God to be save.

As for Jesus, yes scripture states he put away his divinity. God can not be tempted, is not afraid, is all knowing, can not be injured, can not die, can not feel hopeless or alone.
Jesus was a great man, reformer, and preacher of a new kinder compassionate religion. Some of his ideas have survived but most were blacked out by the Christian Church to make the great man Jesus into the Revelations genocidal killer leading an army of killer angels. Jesus knew he was not god. He never claimed to be God. He said he was subordinate to God, and preached God's message. However that message was polluted and turned nearly 180 degrees by the Catholic Church which began rule of oppression, torture, persecution, and perversion by Theodosius II.

Jesus was tempted several times, was so frightened he sweat blood, had to grow, mature and learn, was injured so badly his face and body were unrecognizable, did die, did dispair before his death.
Jesus was good. He was persecuted because he preached liberation from the Old Testament God. Did the High God change his mind in some holy epiphany? Did the High God regret his crimes and truly reform?

But then he changed while lying in the tomb. His body changed, his persona changed, his focus changed. In short he resumed his divinity.
This is not supported by logic or by the gospel accounts. Jesus did not die (brain death and necrosis). If he walked out of the tomb, he suffered a transient coma from early brain with neural recovery lying supine. Thus he appeared to be dead but was not dead. That is a common experience. That is why they had burials in England with a rope in the tomb to the surface where it could ring a bell if the person awoke. They were called bell ringers.

Jesus is man and God, but more important, he is our savior and redeemer.
Jesus is not a god. He never claimed to be God. More important is his message of justice, charity, love, compassion, and forgiveness.

And you will not trick me into revealing my true identity and make me a target of Christian or Muslim terrorists.

If you believe that is what would happen, you are the psychotic, and you need to seek professional medical help for your paranoid delusions.
If you believe that is what would happen, you are the psychotic, and you need to seek professional medical help for your paranoid delusions.
Let's go easy on the criticism. There is nothing wrong with one expressing their concerns, hopes, and frustration. It is obvious Amerigen doest not hate Jesus, only what man appears to have done to force Jesus into a box.

I can empathize with his thoughts on the matter. Though I am certain, all in all Jesus can rise above anything, and reveal himself to anyone, as he truly is. :)


I do not need to be a board certified psychiatrist to be able to study about psychosis in a number of textbooks and see that Christianity has a psychotic structure excluding reason, logic...
I think it would be better to avoid accusations of insanity. The Soviet Union used to incarcerate dissidents in mental asylums on the grounds that you would have to be mad to criticise the Communist regime. If all those with a religious faith were psychotic we would have a very strange world indeed. It does not make sense to call a system psychotic - a system cannot have hallucinations.

Amergin, this good god/bad god stuff all sounds rather silly to the average believer. If it was all a calculated bet to get an infinite life extension then you might have a point. To a thoughtful believer, God is like a the summation and source of everything you hold good, God is no more optional than your own heart. God is not only "out there" but inside as well.

You can certainly criticise the Church. That's fair game. Just about all Christians criticise the Church.:)