Purchased Bewilderment
Thank you for the reply Paladin,
That sounds simple enough.... Although when I attempt that, it falls at the first hurdle.
I do not practice any religion. So there doesn't seem a right for me to become insulted lol and jump to the defence of a god.. I am working the clogs in the old cranium to try and figure it and wanted to come here to see if I could be inspired to chains of thought, and check others opinions. As I am genuinely intrigued, now I am aware of doing it. You know, like when all of a sudden you notice say a smudge that has been on your TV for years, never noticed... But now you have you can't stop staring at the damn thing.
It falls at the first hurdle or do you?
Alex, I've watched you interact with others now for how many years? Five?
In all that time I have watched you exibit an entire range of human reactions from snarky, to clever retorts, from sublime love of all things to a distrust of human motivation. I have laughed along with you and sometimes wondered if you hadn't gone over the top.
All in all I respect your outlook and admire your efforts to " deep and suck out all the marrow of life" As it were.
But as I told Code, there is nothing in religion that needs defending. If it were so, the reality behind that religion is lacking. It becomes an empty thing shallow and soon forgotten.
Nothing for a young man to defend. So exactly what is being defended here? Something from within ourselves, something that needs protection or at least we think so.
The Buddha once taught that we live and die within our own minds and I find this to have merit.
So now what do we have left?
There is awareness. Awareness of behavior and awareness of thoughts.
There is no resolution, no greater truth, just an unending course from one thought to another, from one question to another with no end in sight.
If one seeks, then that is what they will have... the search in itself which in the end turns out to be nothing, simply a chimera seen only indirectly, disappearing when our attention is on it fully.
Peace to you my friend!