francis king is back!

Sam Albion

Reaction score
in hell, Liverpool, UK
Hello reprobates! Tis me, Francis King! I couldn't log in as Francis King, as I've changed my email addy since I last logged on, and it wouldn't let me log in as FK... bah...

I have had a little look 'round, and ... good to see you all!

I hope I shall be soon trading mother-lovin' insults with y'all again just like the old days!
Welcome back Francis, you have been missed! What news of the outside world? :)
Hello reprobates! Tis me, Francis King! I couldn't log in as Francis King, as I've changed my email addy since I last logged on, and it wouldn't let me log in as FK... bah...

I have had a little look 'round, and ... good to see you all!

I hope I shall be soon trading mother-lovin' insults with y'all again just like the old days!

I can get this issue addressed if you want? Simply PM your new email, and I'll get that changed - all you'll need to remember is your original password.