Unhappy with time limit

Sinful Hypocrite

Active Member
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I was in the process of editing my last post and when I submitted it said there was a time limit and would not allow me to post . Therefore I feel that I must not come to this forum any longer as I have trouble typing and will be unhappy if that were to happen again.
I gave a simple remedy in response to your other post.
The solution is quite easy....I am sure you will get it in no time.
Wouldn't want you going about pouting or anything.;)
It said it was a 20 minute limit.
I stated how I have trouble typing.

I have been at other forums for a long time and never saw that requirement anywhere else before.

I wonder about your consideration of persons with handicaps. I know that it will probably happen again and I feel that my time would be better appreciated at a site which does not do that.

Thank you anyway.
The limit is there simply to stop people going back and re-editing their posts so as to be non-sensical to the discussion.

Lots of forums have that in place.

As mentioned above, why not use a word processor first (such as Word, Open Office suite, etc) to compose your reply before pasting in, to ensure you're happy with the reply?

if it wasn't for the limit, i'd be editing posts i made 2 years ago

... i guess i work best with tight deadlines lolz
Don't laugh, c0de - I've seen some people on other forums do exactly that - get in a huff and start editing hundreds of their previous posts!
so basically:

time limit on posts = limit on neurosis

More like time limit on posts = idiot prevention + maintain discussion integrity! :)
More like time limit on posts = idiot prevention + maintain discussion integrity! :)

I believe people should be allowed to be naughty in order that we may find out about their thoughts of rebellion and misbehaviour!:D
Sorry if I came across rude/cold, I wasn't aware you were handicapped. I'd suggest you take the first idea then and just pre-write the posts on some form of software then when satisfied post it, again sorry I wasn't aware you had typing problems.
Sometimes in the middle of an overly verbose post (me, verbose??? yes, it's been known to happen) I feel the need to go outside, walk, smoke a cigarette, think about what to say next, and I have learned to remember to hit ctrl-A (highlight all) and ctrl-Insert (save to clipboard; crtl-C on some other systems) in case I get timed-out. If I neglect to do this, and lose the whole post to the Internet demons, that is obviously an omen that I really wasn't supposed to make that post anyway (happened a couple times in a row when I was coming back to that "Islam, rationality and science" debate with c0de, so that's why I decided it was time to let that one be).
Sometimes in the middle of an overly verbose post (me, verbose??? yes, it's been known to happen) I feel the need to go outside, walk, smoke a cigarette, think about what to say next, and I have learned to remember to hit ctrl-A (highlight all) and ctrl-Insert (save to clipboard; crtl-C on some other systems) in case I get timed-out. If I neglect to do this, and lose the whole post to the Internet demons, that is obviously an omen that I really wasn't supposed to make that post anyway (happened a couple times in a row when I was coming back to that "Islam, rationality and science" debate with c0de, so that's why I decided it was time to let that one be).

rrrrite... the "internet demons" made you do it...

(Twinkie Defense Alert!!)

...whatever makes u sleep @ night dude


Wait... i wanna take back that comment above... i'm a total douche sometimes

It was definitely an epic debate and you're a worthy opponent Bob.

Hopefully, we both learned stuff from it. I know I did.

in any case, water under the bridge.
Needing 10 posts first to let us allow to post a link, is not nice either. I'm sure the captcha at the registration blocks out all the bots, no? Oh well. I have to to make it up to 10, need a post to write with links.
Needing 10 posts first to let us allow to post a link, is not nice either. I'm sure the captcha at the registration blocks out all the bots, no? Oh well. I have to to make it up to 10, need a post to write with links.
Namaste Waleed,

Everyone has the right to create their own forum and garner their own members. Use of anothers forum has rules you either decide to abide by or not participate...tis simple enough.

The 10 post idea is to reduce spammers, promoters, and prophets. Your methodology puts you on thin ice right out of the gate. Of course you knew that.