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It was a common name. Yeshua ben Pacheria lived in Ashdod, and is as unrelated to "our" Jesus as any of the other few-dozen Yeshuas we know of.
Why does the Talmud report that Yesua ben Pacheria was the son of Miram Magdalene? His healing and magical arts surely resemble those of the later Jesus of Nazareth. The earlier Yeshua was tried for sorcery and executed in the Jewish manner of stoning. Then his dead body was hung on a tree for all to see. I hypothesise that hanging on a tree could be confused with crucifixion. Since if was the Jews who tried and executed Yeshua ben Pacheria, it might have led to the misconception that the Jews killed Jesus. We now know the Romans are described as executing Jesus in a political mechanism, crucifixion, for claiming to be King of the Jews.
Tacitus and Suetonius are quite straightforward that Jesus was crucified by Pontius Pilate.
Neither Tacitus or Suetonius were physically present at the alleged trial by Pontius or the crucifixion. Publius (or Gaius) Cornelius Tacitus lived from 56 CE to 117 CE. Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus lived from 71 CE to 135 CE. Neither was even alive at the alleged time of the trial of Jesus. Suetonius merely mentions a "Cult" called Christians. Their information was worse than second hand hearsay. Tacitus and Suetonius recorded hearsay about hearsay from Christians who heard it by hearsay from their parents. Second and third degree hearsay is not very good evidence in court.
You have an utterly unrealistic notion of what we have surviving from Roman bureaucratic records. The Dignitatem ("military ranks") is helpful, for example, listing all the legions and major sub-units: but we only have one copy, apparently assembled from two different documents, one listing the western units as of some time a little before 400, the other listing the eastern units from about a century later. We have several copies of the Acta Augustana, written late in his life listing what Augustus considered the major accomplishments of his life, because it was carved in stone at several locations. From Spain we have several city charters, indicating the standardized structure of local government, because for a while it was a habit to incise these onto brass plates. Once, we get minutes of a Senate meeting, on the occasion of the adoption of the Theodosian Code (the first attempt since the Twelve Tablets of the mid-Republic to assemble, reform, and systematize all of Roman law on every topic; later superseded by Justinian's Code), but all the Senators did was stand and chant in unison (they must have had a script beforehand), things like "All praise to the divine wisdom of our august emperor who has enacted such wholesome laws!" repeated a few dozen times; this was a special case (we only have the minutes because some copyist put them as a preface to a copy of the Code) and it was probably not always so "North Korean" (even late we sometimes hear of the Senate denouncing the emperor and declaring him deposed, as when the Goths marched on Rome in 410). Otherwise we get scattered fragments, and your notion that we have such a thing as a list of every execution that was ordered (do you also imagine that we have minutes of every trial?) is light-years from the truth.
There is the infamous Acts of Pilate, which scholars show that was written in the 2nd Century. Obviously Pilate did not write it. There are no written records of any Jesus being executed for sedition composed by Pontius Pilate.
He was not claiming to be a Hasmonean; he was claiming to be a Davidite. A large number of other Davidite claimants were also executed, such as Judah of Galilee and two of his sons in AD 7, other descendants of Judah in the mid-40's, a "Yeshua of Genassereth" in AD 70 (more likely to be a relative of "our" Jesus than others of that name); and all of these deaths we know about only through Josephus, and scattered references in other chroniclers, just as in the case of "our" Jesus.
I concede on the Hasmonean Royal line. However the claim on the Davidian Line is flawed geneologies have been proven. And if Joseph his human father was a David descendant, the Christian faith claim Joseph was not the real father of Jesus. The entire story is hearsay on hearsay, and mutilated myths, stories of other would be messiahs. Since Jesus is not documented by any non-Biblical sources, one might assume he is either entirely fictional or perhaps a fusion of other figures like Honi, Simon bar Kochba, Hanina ben Dosa, John the Baptist, and other itinerant preachers plus the non-Jewish virgin born saviours like Mithra (Mithras), Lugh (of Ireland), Baldur (Teutonic), Krishna, Horus, Osiris, Apollonius, Hesus, Apollo, or Aplu. Kersey Graves wrote a book on the other Sixteen divine/human saviours.
The "rock" was a kind of Cosmic Egg, the primordial unity that was the universe until the "Big Bang" or "Let There Be Light" moment when Mithra emerged.
That is no more absurd than the Judeo-Christian myth of an immaterial deity impregnating a virgin Jewish girl to produce a god-human hybrid with confusing philosophy to explain the absurd concept. Your interpretation of the rock being a cosmic egg prior to the Big Bang is highly irrational.
No, there was never any such version in the Roman Empire: it first appears in 19th-century French anti-clerical writings, has been thoroughly repudiated by scholars, and now is found only on the Internet. We have been through this before. Mithra could not have been "born of a human virgin" because no humans (or any multiplicity of objects, of any kind) existed: his emergence was the beginning of creation.
Are you joking? There were humans around long before 6th BCE when Mithra was born? Humans of the genus-species Homo sapiens had been on Earth for 200,000 years. Other species of Humans such as Homo habilis go back more than 2.2 million years. Humans were around on Earth long before Mithra, and long before Christ. Humans from H. habilis, H. ergaster, H. erectus, H. heidelbergensis, H. antecessor, and H. sapiens lived long before Moses created JHWY. The Earth was here 4.5 billion years before we invented gods. The Universe burst into existence 13.7 billion years before Mithra, Christ, Lugh, Lieu, Baldur, or Horus were invented by superstitious humans.
The myth of any human-god hybrid being born of a human virgin is rubbish. It violates the laws of genetics, trans-genus reproduction, and common sense.
Bull**** again. Mithra could not have been "visited by three magi" because no humans (or any multiplicity of objects, of any kind) existed: his emergence was the beginning of creation.
Mithra lived in the 6th Century BCE. The remarkable similarities of the Mithra Myth and the much later Jesus Christ Myth are unmistakable. I did not say the Magi visited Mithra. I said the Magi visited the infant Jesus according to the Bible. This mainly shows that much of the Christ Myth is borrowed from the Iranians. It might have reached Palestine and Asia Minor during the times of the Seleucid Empire, the Greco-Persian successor state to Alexander's Empire. There is nothing original in the patchwork Christ Myth.
Bull**** again. The Mithraist communal meal consisted of beef and beer.
That is true. But in the secondary Roman Cult of Mithra as a Sun God, the communal meal consisted of bread cooked in a solar disk shape which was stolen by the Christian Church. Roman Mithraists abandoned the killing of the Bull.
When they slaughtered the bull, the worshippers were sprinkled with the blood. There might be some symbolic resonance here with the Eucharistic "wine" but there is scarcely a resemblance to baptism (it was not a one-time initiatory ritual, but something repeated often).
No such concept appears in any version of Mithraism that we know of.
I concede that I am not sure about that. Church Father Tertullian wrote:
What are the historical origins of infant baptism? | - Worlds Largest Bible Study Site
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] "[Non-Christians] ascribe to their idols the imbuing of waters with the self-same efficacy [of purification]. ... For washing is the channel through which they are initiated into some sacred rites--of some notorious Isis or Mithras...[/FONT]
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[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Moreover, by carrying water around, and sprinkling it, they everywhere expiate country-seats, houses, temples, and whole cities: at all events, at the Apollinarian and Eleusinian games they are baptized; and they presume that the effect of their doing that is their regeneration and the remission of the penalties due to their perjuries.
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]My Pre-Christian Celtic ancestors had Druidic Baptism (in Old Irish - Baiste--Geintlidhe.)[/FONT]
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Sorry, but you have failed to show that Christianity is not just another Iron Age Pagan Cult. Every idea is borrowed.