Thomas, I told you a reply was forthcoming:
Hi Taijasi —
I am still open to discussing what 'reincarnates', but as I see it currently, it's the nature, not the person ... the universal, not the particular. So the question before all, for me, is what is it you say that reincarnates?
I say no different than philosophers, Gnostics, mystics, spiritualists, Vedantists, and Theosophists of all times.
I affirm that I have a body, but I am not that body.
I affirm that I have emotions, but I am not those emotions.
I affirm that I have a mind, but I am not that mind.
What this leaves, transcendent of form, is Consciousness. There are still vehicles for this Consciousness, and in my highest duality I am Atma(n), using the Buddhic vehicle. The points for discussion, as on another, similar thread, may focus on the distinction between ATMA and Atma
However, there are differences between Buddhi-Taijasi and Manas-Taijasi, and this too should be considered. The Immortal, reincarnating
Ego {Higher Ego, from the Latin, which term 19th Century Theosophy coined
before modern psychology or Eastern studies redefined this word} ... or Soul, resides
as an entity in its own right upon the higher mental plane.
From there, a Triune focus of Will, Love-Wisdom and Active Intellect inform the lower, threefold personality. The `I-maker' Principle of Consciousness, as it is called, is
Ahamkara ... and this is understood in Advaita Vedanta as follows:
"In its lower aspect, the egoistical and mayavi principle, born of avidya (ignorance), which produces the notion of the personal ego as being different from the universal self."
~ Encyclopedic Theosophical Glossary
Thomas said:
But, my dear Taijasi — that's what Theosophy does, it categorizes everything!
Yes, Theosophy is not for those who seek easy answers.
First one must learn something about the stage of `pure quietude' referred to in the Raja Yoga of Patanjali. The sincere student learns mental discipline, which requires for its preliminary the gradual re-polarization of consciousness out of the emotional body into the mental. This alone can require several lifetimes of meditative practice (!) ... yet the real work cannot properly begin until the foundation is laid!
Categorization, in the form of Viveka,
proper discernment, will be necessary when undertaking a study of subtle metaphysical matters. Otherwise, how do we know what it is we've fixed our
conscious attention upon?
What, you would dismiss with the
jagrat, svapna, sushupti and
turiya states of Yogic awareness, simply because these
categories are not familiar? I cannot see how you then proceed to understand our human constitution. You may very well consider some of what I'm saying as
a priori, but if you simply ask I will be glad to tell you which is that, and which is based directly on some type of ~ experience.
For example, I cannot speak with any real authority or extensive familiarity regarding these Yogic states. What I can tell you, however, beyond a
shadow of a
doubt... is that it is the `Real Self' which has subjected
itself to these various conditioned states of awareness, or Consciousness.
Buddhism emphasizes that
conditioned being is what we are trying to understand [as illusory, inasmuch as it leads us to false conclusions regarding the ULTIMATE nature of things], in order to TRANSCEND, as you seem to already recognize. There are many paths to arrive at this same result, and I have never questioned that Christianity is among the world's great religions ~ being the Path
par excellence for a certain mentality, for Souls (as well as personalities) of a certain disposition. It has its exemplars, yet it is entirely unsuited and unsuitable for many others.
The physical plane is, for us, the plane of greatest illusion [
maya], for herein we come to the false conclusion that Consciousness Itself - close enough to our REAL SELF [Soul] in this discussion - is
separate from that of other human beings ... and animal beings, angelic beings, etc. We do not rightly grasp our proper relationship in the Great Order of Being, as it has been called, and the resulting improper self-understanding one Master has called "the dire heresy of separateness."
[False identification of the
ego, or personality awareness with its
upadhi, the dense physical body, is itself a considerable obstacle in understanding the nature of self, Consciousness, Soul and thus ~ the Divine.]
Categorizations will become useful, again, if we wish to gain an accurate picture of our relationship to all other beings [and we can keep it simple by focusing on other humans for now] ... upon the astral and lower mental planes ... but in order to understand
what reincarnates we must visit Christ's allegory of The Prodigal, wherein that question is appropriately answered.
We can study specific passages regarding reincarnation by looking directly to New Testament Scripture ... Revelation, Ephesians, the Gospels, plus certain commentaries or concordances. I have an interest in this, but not in getting bogged down if one is unwilling to see the parallels to a doctrine which has been universally preached for millions of years upon this planet [and of course, others].
This naturally raises the issue of what one is willing to consider as evidence, testimony or authoritative source material when it comes to religious or spiritual teaching [note the *thread topic*] ... but an alternative approach, or at least a parallel, is to speak from one's own experience. This can provide for better discussion anyway, but it DOES require a common enough worldview or shared set of assumptions,
a prioris, etc. If you think we have that, then we may be able to discuss the matter. I suppose we'll see ...
Thomas said:
I would say, from my Christian perspective, that the soul is not complete until it is in harmony with all other souls ... it's good lies in itself, as existing, and in others, as communicative, so the soul is outward-facing.
Yes, I can see this. The Soul in modern Theosophical thought, however, is a being unto itself. It is, simply put, a
mostly perfected human being of a previous round of evolution. It has, to a certain high degree, attained its liberation ... and thus
does not incarnate into the worlds of form at all. Rather, it is a threefold entity, whose parallel to our own threefold state exists on a higher turn of the spiral, and for it, the
equivalent of the physical plane & body is the Higher Mental. THERE is where the spiritual Soul "incarnates" ... the way I understand it.
So the Soul already exists in a state transcendent of human suffering and transgression [`sin'] by virtue of its having attained that state in a prior round of evolution. It is not being
punished by its current condition, its relationship to us [to you, to me] by being here, now, as the `Friend of the Ages;' rather, it is making a voluntary
Sacrifice, and thus
making Holy something which has
fallen into material incarnation
in complete accordance with the Divine Plan. If this last point is disregarded, misunderstanding will naturally result ...
Such, anyway, is what I must believe, not simply based on my experience [which is true], but also because I cannot believe in a Deity of such imperfection as depicted in the common interpretations of the Eden
allegory. What I CAN and must accept is that the Divine Sacrifice [the "Lamb slain from the foundation of the world") finds its microcosmic mirror in my Soul and in yours. I believe it to be Universal, because God is just like that.
Regarding Adepts and Initiations ...
Thomas said:
See ... categories. This opens up a whole raft of inquiry:
The first is that categorising 'fixes' things. It 'abstracts' things from their context, so what you're left with, as a category, is somewhat 2-dimensional.
Oh yes. We are left to find enough example to either prove, or disprove, every hypothesis. In my life, sufficiently for me, I have proven what I need to on this matter. For you, it may be otherwise ... yet you have proven something else, however similar or dissimilar. I can probably address this more directly, but I do agree that we have to have
specifics if we wish to come to understand the Universal. It does no good to simply theorize
ad infinitum.
Thomas said:
If you're going to categorise by degree, then you necessarily must have the whole picture in view ... and as the cosmos is constantly in flux, you can't.
Not so, not so. Think about the fractal, and ask yourself what it is that is repeating. If the PATTERN is what we're trying to understand, don't confuse the individual or the specific with the Universal. And while it is true, as I say, that we NEED the individual to prove or demonstrate that Universal [what else was Christ than precisely this?] ... we must not mistake our world, our self, as THE EXCEPTION. This is ever where we get into trouble!
Thomas said:
Once man thinks he knows all the answers, he's living in his own world, not the real one. As someone said, the one saving grace of all philosophy is that it knows there is far more than it knows ...
Did it ever occur that Socrates was simply trying to show us humility? That we must be ready to see the Infinite expanse, marvel at its wonder and Majesty, but not gasp at the horror of what lies BEYOND?
I do not consider myself preparing for
a long, peaceful sleep. Rather, I intend to become more and more vigilant, because I know that the Way is not easy. It was not designed that
way ... and it would be boring as such, at least imho. So, while there may be a few more lifetimes before I can wield the law as an advanced Initiate, I know that what I am looking forward to is CO-Creation, as an AWAKENED Being, and not
a long, peaceful rest ... as a
separate one.
This, the transcendence which you speak of, must become a Reality at some point, Thomas. You cannot speak of a Divine that exists transcendent of the `I-Thou,' then consider an
eternality of duality. The two are incompatible. I will only meet you halfway, as far as what I have experienced and consider to be possible ... inasmuch as there is usually a BOTH-AND which solves such communication issues or misunderstandings as you and I typically have. IOW, until our AT-ONE-ment with our Soul is attained at the 4th Initiation, yes, we can imagine a deepening `I-Thou.' Yet, when God challenges YOU to yield your Individuality to God, finally and
at long last ... will you? Will you be ready? Will you
let go?
This is the 20 cent question, isn't it. Forget millions of dollars, pounds sterling, what-have-you. I think God wants to see what we do with
what we currently have. And if Earth, like all planets, is not a giant schoolroom ~ CHRIST's Schoolroom ~ wherein we are preparing for an ETERNITY with God ... then please,
count me OUT!
I know I said WITH God, rather than "as" God. Did I say I was a
high Initiate at present? Alright then. But you see, one doesn't have to BE a tree, to see a tree. And one doesn't have to BE a school principal, to meet a school principal. Having met a few in my time, not to mention teachers, students, and parents of the kids I tutor, I happen to know a little about how schools work. I may not find the administrators' positions to all be equally glamorous, but in esoteric
work, GLAMOUR is considered a problem anyway, rather than a fringe benefit.
What, have you never met anyone so much farther advanced than you spiritually, that you knew this as clearly as you know your own name? Have you never stood in the presence of one who - if you are honest with yourself - can see right through you, and know you for
exactly who and what you are? I daresay your own wife can do this, and perhaps your children, at times.
So you see, we do not even need to be enlightened. This, as you say, is simply a testament to the presence of the [SAME] Soul within each and every one of us. But this, the World Soul, is on a much higher level, the Buddhic, or even Atma-Buddhi. Let's just keep it simple for the moment, and speak of
The Temple of Solomon: The Higher Mental plane. It will be apparent in a good deal of Christian artwork as
that Halo around the Intellectual Principle, inasmuch as this latter is sheathed or encased in a physical vehicle.
So, I believe in a Threefold Soul [mirroring THE Holy Trinity, on ANY level you wish to consider it, or Transcendent of them all] ... focused in a vehicle of rarified mental substance, named in the East ~ [all sorts of terminology, just pick a school of Yoga or Philosophy and I will go play fetch for you; else, let's talk Western] ... with a
lesser or
lower turn of the spiral, consisting of a threefold PERIODIC vehicle for this Immortal Soul:
- Mind, active in the lower mental world [etheric, gaseous, liquid and solid sub-states of matter]
- Emotional awareness, active in the astral world [4 ethers, plus gaseous, liquid and solid sub-states of matter]
- Physical etheric consciousness, brain-centered, active via the system of chakras or force-centres [7 major, 21 minor, 1000s of nadis] and nervous plexi ... [4 physical ethers]
- All of this, this THREEFOLD personality instrument, incarnate within the dense vehicle [gaseous, liquid and solid sub-states of matter, aka flesh]
Here is the relationship between little self and Greater Self which most Theosophists believe in, yet which I do think I can show you as existing in every world religion there has ever been. It cannot be other, unless God forsakes His people ... or unless illusion, falsehood and unrighteousness triumph over Truth.