Many people don’t know if God exists. They don't know if a higher power exists. So how do we know that there is a God? How do we know that there is a creator? Let me share a story with you.
One day two friends went fishing with a little boat. One of them was an atheist (non-believer) and the other was a believer (he believed in God). As they were fishing they had a conversation with eachother.
The Atheist: Why do you believe in God? We can’t see God. The Universe was created by itself.
The Believer: Let me ask you a question. Is the boat we are sitting in created by itself?
The Atheist: No, off course not. It is a skillful carpenter who has made the boat.
The Believer: So you agree that this boat is not created by itself?
The Atheist: Yes, I agree.
The Believer: When such a little thing as a boat can’t be created by itself, then how can the enormous Universe and our huge planet be created by itself?
The Atheist: I don’t know.
The Believer: Now you know why I believe in God.
Many people claim that God doesn’t exist because we can’t see God. You can’t see heat or cold neither, but it does’nt mean that heat and cold don’t exist. You can’t see heat or cold, but you can feel it. You can’t see God, but you can feel God’s presence. You can’t see aliens neither, but it doesn’t mean that aliens don’t exist. So even dough you can’t see something, it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist. And since you can feel God’s presence, this is a sign that God exists. If God has answered your prayers, that’s another sign that God exists. The creation of the Universe, the sun, the moon, the stars, the planets, the earth, and the nature is a proof that a higher power exists. In addition to these things, thelogians, philosophers and scientists has proved that God exists.
Allah has created the Universe, and is the higher power that maintains it. The universe is not created by itself. The Universe is not created by chance. Not even a little pencil can be created by chance. So when not even a pencil can be created by itself, then how can the enormous, harmonious, symmetrical, mathematical and scientific Universe be created by itself? When not even a little pencil can be created by itself, then how can the advanced and complex human body be created by itself? Did you know that the human brain is more than 40 000 times more advanced then the most advanced computer that exists in the world today? Think about. When a flower grows, who makes the flower grow? Human beings don’t make the flower grow. Human beings can never make a flower grow. If a flower is going to grow, it needs energy from the outside. Energy that makes it grow. It is higher power that makes the flower grow. And that higher power is God the Almighty, the All-knowing. God is the one who created the Universe. And God is the one who maintains it.
Many people claim that the existence of God, is not compatible with science and rationality. If the existence of God is not compatible with science, then why is the existence of God proven by science? If the existence of God is not compatible wih rationality, then why is the existence of God proven by reason? If the existence of God is not compatible with science or rationality, then why did some of the greatest scientists and philosophers believe in God? Albert Einstein, Nicolas Copernicus, Sir Francis Bacon, Galileo Galilei, Isaac Newton, Leonardo Davinci, Louis Pasteur and Rene Descartes were scientists who believed in God. Aristoteles, Immanuel Kant, Voltaire, Spinoza, were philosphers who believed in God. Some people claim that Socrates also may have believed in God (from the interpretations of the dialogues of Platon). And guess what, some of the greatest human rights activistists also believed in God. Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X and Nelson Mandela were human rights activists who believed in God.
A couple of years a ago, there was a study in the Usa, were they wanted to find out how religious people and non-believers are when it comes to cleanliness. A study were some academics studied the lifestyles of religious people and non-believers. Do you know what they found out? They want out that does who believed in God, were more concerned with cleanliness than does who didn’t believe in God. Those who believed in God, washed their hands more times each day, than those who didn’t believe in God.
Did you know that people who believe in god, and have connection with religion/spirituality, are those who are most happy. And that religion is linked to a happy life. This is confirmed by a study done by Professor Clark and Dr Orsolya Lelkes. Their findings suggested that religion can offer a protection from life’s dissapointments and that religious people had higher levels of satisfaction.
What we found was that religious people were experiencing current day rewards, rather than storing them up for the future
- Professor Andrew Clark, Paris School of Economics.
Did you know that all psychological problems have a religious/spiritual cause? It is lack of belief/spirituality that makes many people depressed and experience other psychological problems. When someone believes this life is created by chance, and don’t know the meaning of life, he/she might easily get psychological problems. Many people who don’t have a belief system based on a religion, get an emptiness in themselves that they fill with alchohol, parties, materialism. They are never content and constantly want more material things, and constantly want to do things that only give them pleasure (not happiness). The famous psychologist Carl Jung, found out that all the psychological problems of his patients, had a religious cause. He had worket as a therapist in many years. And found out that all of his patients, that had psychological problems, had a lack of religious belief/spirituality. There are no man-made ideologies or philosophies that can give people true happiness and inner peace. Only God can answer our prayers. So it is important ask god to guide us. And show us the way. If you ever get stuck, and life seems hard, ask God to show you the way. Pray to God alone. And God can answer your prayers.
One day two friends went fishing with a little boat. One of them was an atheist (non-believer) and the other was a believer (he believed in God). As they were fishing they had a conversation with eachother.
The Atheist: Why do you believe in God? We can’t see God. The Universe was created by itself.
The Believer: Let me ask you a question. Is the boat we are sitting in created by itself?
The Atheist: No, off course not. It is a skillful carpenter who has made the boat.
The Believer: So you agree that this boat is not created by itself?
The Atheist: Yes, I agree.
The Believer: When such a little thing as a boat can’t be created by itself, then how can the enormous Universe and our huge planet be created by itself?
The Atheist: I don’t know.
The Believer: Now you know why I believe in God.
Many people claim that God doesn’t exist because we can’t see God. You can’t see heat or cold neither, but it does’nt mean that heat and cold don’t exist. You can’t see heat or cold, but you can feel it. You can’t see God, but you can feel God’s presence. You can’t see aliens neither, but it doesn’t mean that aliens don’t exist. So even dough you can’t see something, it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist. And since you can feel God’s presence, this is a sign that God exists. If God has answered your prayers, that’s another sign that God exists. The creation of the Universe, the sun, the moon, the stars, the planets, the earth, and the nature is a proof that a higher power exists. In addition to these things, thelogians, philosophers and scientists has proved that God exists.
Allah has created the Universe, and is the higher power that maintains it. The universe is not created by itself. The Universe is not created by chance. Not even a little pencil can be created by chance. So when not even a pencil can be created by itself, then how can the enormous, harmonious, symmetrical, mathematical and scientific Universe be created by itself? When not even a little pencil can be created by itself, then how can the advanced and complex human body be created by itself? Did you know that the human brain is more than 40 000 times more advanced then the most advanced computer that exists in the world today? Think about. When a flower grows, who makes the flower grow? Human beings don’t make the flower grow. Human beings can never make a flower grow. If a flower is going to grow, it needs energy from the outside. Energy that makes it grow. It is higher power that makes the flower grow. And that higher power is God the Almighty, the All-knowing. God is the one who created the Universe. And God is the one who maintains it.
Many people claim that the existence of God, is not compatible with science and rationality. If the existence of God is not compatible with science, then why is the existence of God proven by science? If the existence of God is not compatible wih rationality, then why is the existence of God proven by reason? If the existence of God is not compatible with science or rationality, then why did some of the greatest scientists and philosophers believe in God? Albert Einstein, Nicolas Copernicus, Sir Francis Bacon, Galileo Galilei, Isaac Newton, Leonardo Davinci, Louis Pasteur and Rene Descartes were scientists who believed in God. Aristoteles, Immanuel Kant, Voltaire, Spinoza, were philosphers who believed in God. Some people claim that Socrates also may have believed in God (from the interpretations of the dialogues of Platon). And guess what, some of the greatest human rights activistists also believed in God. Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X and Nelson Mandela were human rights activists who believed in God.
A couple of years a ago, there was a study in the Usa, were they wanted to find out how religious people and non-believers are when it comes to cleanliness. A study were some academics studied the lifestyles of religious people and non-believers. Do you know what they found out? They want out that does who believed in God, were more concerned with cleanliness than does who didn’t believe in God. Those who believed in God, washed their hands more times each day, than those who didn’t believe in God.
Did you know that people who believe in god, and have connection with religion/spirituality, are those who are most happy. And that religion is linked to a happy life. This is confirmed by a study done by Professor Clark and Dr Orsolya Lelkes. Their findings suggested that religion can offer a protection from life’s dissapointments and that religious people had higher levels of satisfaction.
What we found was that religious people were experiencing current day rewards, rather than storing them up for the future
- Professor Andrew Clark, Paris School of Economics.
Did you know that all psychological problems have a religious/spiritual cause? It is lack of belief/spirituality that makes many people depressed and experience other psychological problems. When someone believes this life is created by chance, and don’t know the meaning of life, he/she might easily get psychological problems. Many people who don’t have a belief system based on a religion, get an emptiness in themselves that they fill with alchohol, parties, materialism. They are never content and constantly want more material things, and constantly want to do things that only give them pleasure (not happiness). The famous psychologist Carl Jung, found out that all the psychological problems of his patients, had a religious cause. He had worket as a therapist in many years. And found out that all of his patients, that had psychological problems, had a lack of religious belief/spirituality. There are no man-made ideologies or philosophies that can give people true happiness and inner peace. Only God can answer our prayers. So it is important ask god to guide us. And show us the way. If you ever get stuck, and life seems hard, ask God to show you the way. Pray to God alone. And God can answer your prayers.