Well-Known Member
Can I not express what I currently know even if it is wrong? Arguing is rambling on and on, disregarding insightful replies altogether. I can understand the irritation of spending hours learning about a particular religion, and, in my case, having someone say Baha'is worship the Sun despite evidence that says otherwise. Do I continue to say Jesus is the Trinity? No.
Tradition does change even though religious people often deny that. History shows that Traditional faith does evolve and change. In some cases, religion may amend the myth so that it fits with real scientific findings or the literary mythology is regarded as allegorical or metaphorical. Some European Christians regard the virgin birth of Jesus, his divinity, crucifixion, and resurrection as metaphors for a philosophical world view. Literal scriptures do not change. Interpretation of scriptures can change if linguistic experts correct prior mistakes, or the stories are viewed metaphorically rather than literally.
Step into my shoes for a minute.
Last year I attended a Baptist service on the fourth sunday. It is when the sunday school teacher, sitting at the front of the church, teaches the children, who gather around the altar, before the entire congregation. What did he teach? Evolution is a "man-made" doctrine: it is not what the Bible teaches.
Evolution is not a man made doctrine. It is actual biological fact proven by many overlapping sciences. What is man made about the Fact of Evolution is Darwin's Theory of Natural Selection. Ancient Greeks proved the world was a sphere by accurate empirical measurements of shadows cast by two poles in Egypt at Noon. Celts believed Earth was egg shaped. In 412 CE, after the Christians took control of the Roman Empire, the knowledge that the Earth was a sphere was considered heresy against the teachings of the Bible interpreted literally. Greek spherical geology and heliocentrism were suppressed in favour of Christian geocentrism and flat Earth.. The torture and murder of female scientist-philosopher, Hypatia of Alexandria, those discoveries of the Greek thinkers died. It was the beginning of the Dark Ages that lasted more than a millennium. For believers to accommodate to the facts required a flexibility and metaphorical re-interpretation of scriptures = new tradition.
In other words, Adam (and Eve) did not have a corrupt "substance" (or "nature"), and, before the "Fall," they were not subject to the law of death. After the Fall this corruptible substance was passed on throught sex. Jesus escaped this inheritance because he was of the same substance as Adam and Eve before the Fall. This model of the Incarnation presupposes humanity is fixed. This was taught to me in my Batist Church while I was growing up. In this model of Incarnation Jesus repairs a damaged world, which was brought into being through the disobedience of the first parents (Gen. 2-3).
I have long regarded the Genesis myths and original sin from a different point of view. Rather than dismissing it all as primitive superstition as do most Atheists and Agnostics, I take a different view.
To me Genesis is the story of mankind's ascent not a fall. It begins with the Garden of Eden metaphor. It was the remembered stories of Hunter-gathering. In the garden (hunter-gatherers) man and woman could just pluck fruit from the trees. There was no need for work. It was truly a paradise in the memories passed down.
To a Stone Age farmer tilling the soil in Iraq under the hot sun, sweating, wearing blisters on his hands with the plow handles, it must have seemed that we lost something.
There were the stories passed down for ages about the Hunter-Gatherer days. In retrospect those memories of hunter gathering must have seemed like paradise. No need to till the soil, just live off of the land's abundance. Why did we lose that? It must have been a magic garden. We are now tilling the hot dusty soil to survive. We must have screwed up to be kicked out of that ancient garden.
Forgotten were the harsh realities of hunter gathering life, starvation, and limited populations. The "Good Old Days" are always better in the memory than in reality. Man must have been kicked out for some reason.
It must have been some offence to the gods or God. What would offend the gods the most? Attempting to be as smart as the gods or to become gods? The fruit of the Tree of Knowledge is the challenge to the God severe enough to be kicked out of the magic garden. Man then had to fend for himself.
Athanasius believed this. So did Augustine. In the Literal Interpretation of Genesis Augustine believes paradise was free from suffering, from death, from illness. In the City of God Augustine believes Adam and Eve, if they would of not taken of the knowledge of good and evil, would of had sex free from lust. This model of Incarnation also influenced John Calvin and Thomas Aquinas.
There is no evidence that the world was a peaceful free of suffering at any time in the past 1.2 billion years. Cambrian animals attacked and ate each other. There were predators and prey back to the Ediacaran Period. Humans have suffered as far back as 4 million years ago. Australopithecus skulls were found with the holes from a death dealing Leopard bite. Humans were on the menu of savage predators for the past 4 million years. The lion never lay next to the lamb, except while eating out the lamb's entrails.
There was a golden age of peace and non-violence a couple billion years ago in the early Proterozoic. At that time there were bacteria (Archaea) and blue green algae that made the first oxygen atmosphere. There were no animals yet. There could be no predators then. Anaerobic bacteria may have suffered from the toxic effects of oxygen production. Who knows if single cell proto-plants and bacteria experience suffering. When the first multicellular creatures evolved after 600 million years ago, predation, pain, and a mindless food chain was not a fun place to live. Hominids arising from early apes (15-11 MYA – Pierolapithecus catalaunicus) through Sahelanthropus to Ardipithecus to Australopithecus to Homo habilis to Homo sapiens all suffered from disease processes (arthritis, osteomyelitis, structural deformities, and likely many infectious diseases), predators, and human vs human fighting for at least 300,000 years.