Let There Be Light and There Was Light

Hey IG, you are being too hypothetical and romantic. I don't think you are in tune with reality. To test what you say, picture in your mind locked up in an iron cage with a child of yours and being fed 5 grams of food once a day. Suddenly, the feeder misses coming for a week. If you have not eaten your own child by then, you will fight it like a wild beast for that meager morsel of 5 grams of food. Am I being gruesome? I don't think so.

Ben, where is your self control and discipline? Haven't you heard of people that have gone on hunger strikes until they literally die of starvation? Humans are capable of not eating even though they're literally starving, yet you don't think you could do the same to save the life of your own child?

Which is more powerful, our mind or our survival instincts? How do you think a Buddhist would answer this compared to a Jew or Christian?
Ben, where is your self control and discipline? Haven't you heard of people that have gone on hunger strikes until they literally die of starvation? Humans are capable of not eating even though they're literally starving, yet you don't think you could do the same to save the life of your own child?

Which is more powerful, our mind or our survival instincts? How do you think a Buddhist would answer this compared to a Jew or Christian?

Are you gonna tell me that you have not heard about cannibalism when that plane clashed in the Andes? IG, there is no self control and discipline when survival from starvation is in question. I don't believe in the opinionated attitude to starve oneself to death for the achievement of some foolish objective. But this is way out of the theme of the thread. I would like to get back to it. There is much more Theology to learn from it.