
Maybe she had an outer body experience its not outside the realm of possibility. Just because you have not experienced it doesnt mean shes crazy.
Lol, it's not that. I'm more worried about his lack of mindfulness while having them. Dangerous, imo.
I know what you mean, but what you refer to as heaven is not heaven but material pleasure.
Why do you say this?

Heaven is where God is, it is his abode and this defines heaven. Where God is, that is heaven.
Then there is heaven on Earth, and heaven in heaven.

Suffering only happens in hell. No one likes suffering and no one would consider it heaven to be suffering.
I find that a lot of people like suffering. I agree that most are not willing to suffer others, but they sure as hell are willing to make others suffer them.
This is exactly what enlightenment is, and yet it is not possible for mind to come along, it is impossible to fathom that with mind. There will be an impression, this is the minds interpretation of what has happened.
The impression of the experience was merely that of non-duality, of having no border between inner and outer, no barrier because I simply was not there - I merely observed relative to this bodies position. What has been instilled in the time which I cannot recall though? I only know it was pure love.
One person's pure love is another person's pure evil. :(
If you are happy though, then I will be happy for you. :)
Dang it, Lunitik, I'm worried about you!

Do you know it is your mind that protests? Is there anything within you which is drawn to those words? Can it recognize its true nature, remember that it has forgotten itself because it is too much attached to its current situation? Can anything within you remember it is everything, and yet the absence of what it perceives as something here in this place? Do not allow mind to answer, stop giving mind power over you. It is so puny, but you allow it to limit you through your belief in its power.

Mind is so delusional it has seen pure love and utter contentment and it has told you this is wrong, what more proof does your being need to know it is time to leave the delusions it has succumbed to? Find what you really are again, stop giving power to the mind for it has no power of its own - only you fuel it. Stop letting it grab you up into its insanity, simply watch its nonsense and know it is not what you are. Are you ready to wake up? I do not know, but why continue your coma if you are given permission to come out of it?
One person's pure love is another person's pure evil. :(
If you are happy though, then I will be happy for you. :)

How can pure love be evil?

Human love can be evil, certainly, that clinging to other, that objectifying and need to possess that we call love as humans is very evil. I do not speak of this kind of love.

I speak of a love that cannot even cling to your concepts of you, how much less your concepts of other? It simply is, and it overflows, inexhaustible.
Mind is the door between inner and outer, will you keep it closed and reject existence or will you open it and let the beauty seep into your home? Will you continue to separate yourself from truth, or will you welcome the guest and realize it was you all along? Will you allow that infinite embrace, so warm and passionate that you will melt into it?

Mind will want to protect you, but what can happen if existence itself protects you? You simply trust in that and do not give any weight to minds protests. This is why I say mind must die, it will still be useful to you afterwards but it will struggle endlessly to maintain its current position of power. You have given it its power though, it is utterly absurd that you permit it to convince you you cannot have it back. How can it stop you if you are insistent?

Man suggests, God rejects.
Mind suggests, Being rejects.

It is interesting that the root of "man" in sanskrit is the same as that for "mind".
The names of God simply refer to beingness, isness, that which is...
Do you see?
How can pure love be evil?

Human love can be evil, certainly, that clinging to other, that objectifying and need to possess that we call love as humans is very evil. I do not speak of this kind of love.

I speak of a love that cannot even cling to your concepts of you, how much less your concepts of other? It simply is, and it overflows, inexhaustible.
You speak of love like a hidden spring that someone finds wandering, attributing the spring to nobody, not even themselves. I believe you clearly do attribute it to yourself though, for doing something, nothing, and finding. The impression is in your mind, which by your words was not permitted there.

I attribute love to a person or group who does the loving. Are you a loving person?
You speak of love like a hidden spring that someone finds wandering, attributing the spring to nobody, not even themselves. I believe you clearly do attribute it to yourself though, for doing something, nothing, and finding. The impression is in your mind, which by your words was not permitted there.

I attribute love to a person or group who does the loving. Are you a loving person?

Human love is something of mind, it is why it is evil.

Pure love is something else, it pours out of you from existence itself. Buddha has called That the Truth Body, so I suppose "nobody" is not correct. It is not a body as you think though. When you are silent, there is only love, as you remain silent it builds up and then can be shared. If you can remain silent at your core, it becomes simply impossible to stop from sharing it, you simply overflow without a care for where it will land. Human love is a very limited thing, it is evidenced in its brevity and the ease with which it is forgotten - for instance in a spurt of anger or so on. The problem is that these words are the same in this language, so you think you know love - I know you do not based on our discussions, though. Perhaps it is better to say it is compassion, a higher form of love. It is not really understandable until it is known though, I have tried to cause you to know but you are not ready.

It is perfectly good, everything has its right time, but you do not know religion truly until it does occur. All you know today is your concepts and beliefs, true religion is a realization, an experience which cannot be doubted... I hope it graces you soon.
sin, satan, serpent, self

These all stem from the same root, they all reference mind.

People become identified with mind, they think the stage of mind is all there is to life. They allow mind to become a master over them, taking them wheresoever it wants; if the mind expresses anger, the person will go totally into the anger. Can you withdraw from the sense of anger that has arisen and simply watch the anger?

In that separation from the stage of mind, you can use the energy and passion of anger for something higher - anger is a powerful emotion. Then you can investigate deeply into this stage, who is watching this play? Still, whatsoever is said will be a dualistic concept for you.

Enlightenment is the art of watching this watcher, but how can the eye see itself? It has only ever seen itself, in this realization you experience non-duality. Now the barrier mind creates around you has been disintegrated, now you see that you are all, that what you have considered life so far is merely a single expression of what you truly are. You realize the absurdity of seeking, because you yourself were always what was sought.

These are just my words though, you will conceptualize and try to understand... can you go into that space though? Can you experience what I am saying for yourself, know it for yourself? This is my challenge to all who read my words: Can you find yourself behind all the concepts, ideas, memories and dreams mind has constructed? Can you find the true master which has allowed itself to believe these things for so long?

Understand, mind has no power other than whatsoever you give it, it is a useful tool but do not permit it to rule over you, you must remember what you truly are and let that light shine on the world. Even the best intentions go awry when you are in darkness, all that is needed is to flip the switch, return.
The problem is that these words are the same in this language, so you think you know love - I know you do not based on our discussions, though. Perhaps it is better to say it is compassion, a higher form of love. It is not really understandable until it is known though, I have tried to cause you to know but you are not ready.
LOL! "I tried to cause you to feel love, but you were just failing to know it." Tell it to the people who know you...

It is perfectly good, everything has its right time, but you do not know religion truly until it does occur. All you know today is your concepts and beliefs, true religion is a realization, an experience which cannot be doubted... I hope it graces you soon.
... you don't know me. :)
LOL! "I tried to cause you to feel love, but you were just failing to know it." Tell it to the people who know you...

... you don't know me. :)

Well you know love so when you feel it you do recognize it.
LOL! "I tried to cause you to feel love, but you were just failing to know it." Tell it to the people who know you...

... you don't know me. :)

It is not possible to know me because I am not predictable, I do not follow any pattern. Let me say another way then, that I have tried to wake you up, but you remain asleep.

It is not very different, love is the sensation that accompanies awareness. In deep sleep, how much will you be aware of? Very little, perhaps your alarm clock in the morning, but not a fly landing on you or cars outside the window. It is quite similar, mind restricts awareness to its limits, but you can be more, you can break down the wall of mind and know infinite expanse.

Or you can allow mind to write off what I say so that it remains in control of your being, this is absurd though because now your being has believed its own invention. Mind is not your real self at all, else how can it be watched? Who is watching it? You think you are observing with mind, but you are observing what the mind has perceived only.
For me, allowing mind to rule you IS hell.

Heaven is to overcome this prison, to become free from it.

You do not seem to know that mind is a prison though, which is exactly the difficulty in leaving. There are no chains, no locked doors, nothing, you simply remain in your cell because you think it is a mansion.

This thought alone is your shackle.
Do you know it is your mind that protests? Is there anything within you which is drawn to those words? Can it recognize its true nature, remember that it has forgotten itself because it is too much attached to its current situation? Can anything within you remember it is everything, and yet the absence of what it perceives as something here in this place? Do not allow mind to answer, stop giving mind power over you. It is so puny, but you allow it to limit you through your belief in its power.

Mind is so delusional it has seen pure love and utter contentment and it has told you this is wrong, what more proof does your being need to know it is time to leave the delusions it has succumbed to? Find what you really are again, stop giving power to the mind for it has no power of its own - only you fuel it. Stop letting it grab you up into its insanity, simply watch its nonsense and know it is not what you are. Are you ready to wake up? I do not know, but why continue your coma if you are given permission to come out of it?

I have a friend whose personality became "shattered" from this sort of practice. (Much like multiple personality disorder.) His waking mind would just "exit," here and there, not just while in meditation, but also while he was actively doing things. The need to continue doing things (instead of going catatonic) lead to the development of other personalities/sections of consciousness that would continue whatever he was doing when his waking self "exited." :(

Can you see the drawbacks of such "compartmentalization" of consciousness?
It is not possible to know me because I am not predictable, I do not follow any pattern.
Be predictable for others as you would prefer others to be predictable for you... captain chaos.

Let me say another way then, that I have tried to wake you up, but you remain asleep.
Is a person asleep, interactive?

It is not very different, love is the sensation that accompanies awareness.
It is no secret: you treasure sensation and awareness.

... mind restricts awareness to its limits, but you can be more, you can break down the wall of mind and know infinite expanse.
Yet, you still don't know me. :)

Or you can allow mind to write off what I say so that it remains in control of your being, this is absurd though because now your being has believed its own invention.
You are truly a snake oil salesman! :D

Mind is not your real self at all, else how can it be watched? Who is watching it? You think you are observing with mind, but you are observing what the mind has perceived only.
What value is it to break into your dwelling, and to perceive everything that is not mine?
I have a friend whose personality became "shattered" from this sort of practice. (Much like multiple personality disorder.) His waking mind would just "exit," here and there, not just while in meditation, but also while he was actively doing things. The need to continue doing things (instead of going catatonic) lead to the development of other personalities/sections of consciousness that would continue whatever he was doing when his waking self "exited." :(

Can you see the drawbacks of such "compartmentalization" of consciousness?

I have not described any kind of compartmentalization at all, I have discussed unification of consciousness. I have discussed removing the absurdity of mind-as-master from the equation. Your friends seems to have gone the other direction, he has allowed many minds to reside in a single consciousness...

Personality being a particular pattern of mind, although I am quite aware of Multiple Personality Disorder, and yet there is something which has watched them coming and going... something has remained constant.
Be predictable for others as you would prefer others to be predictable for you... captain chaos.

It is not a chaos at all, it is a spontaneity.

Predictability is utterly boring, why would I would to be around someone so monotonous?

Is a person asleep, interactive?

Do you interact with people and places in your dreams? What is different?

It is the same comparing normal human experience to what I am speaking, that of Buddha and Christ.

It is no secret: you treasure sensation and awareness.

Awareness, certainly.

Sensation is not consistent though, it simply comes and goes and thus is not very interesting.

What value is it to break into your dwelling, and to perceive everything that is not mine?

It is not a breaking in, it is a breaking out of the jail your current beliefs and concepts - deep concepts such as even who you are, what you are - have created.

When you know what you truly are, you will understand the absurdity of the second part of your statement here. Not only is there nothing that isn't yours, there is nothing that isn't you. There can be no possession, you have imagined it all to avoid being alone.
I have discussed removing the absurdity of mind-as-master from the equation.
Removed not just "as master" I would say! :eek:
Your friends seems to have gone the other direction, he has allowed many minds to reside in a single consciousness...
Yeah, I suppose I could call him my "friends" rather than my "friend," but I won't. :(