This is pure psycho-fantasy. It is not bonefide knowledge --it's mental speculation, "not that there's anything wrong with that" ---it just simply the opposite of Bonefide.
All truths must be conferred upon the “Under-stander” Student by authority.
You do not know what to fear until it is reported as something to fear and avoid ---this knowledge descends from an unbroken chain of authorities who command the title of ‘Elders’ etc.
I am not interested in knowledge at all, knowledge is of mind which is an illusion and doubt engine only. You have drawn certain conclusions through mind, you have decided that certain historic figures have something special which you must follow, why?
Why postpone anything? Do you think Brahman cannot continue managing your life if you are not involved in it, identified with it? You simply do not trust existence.
We must be taught right from wrong because our tendency is to be slovenly, lusty, lazy and stupid ---all are physical/mental Sense-Stimuli Faculties are inadequate ---our biological ability to see, feel, hear, smell & taste are limited and also simply a product of “Behavioral Conditioning”.
Mind needs right and wrong, immature beings need instruction and barriers of behavior. It is because otherwise they will do things which are destructive and not see anything wrong. We still have murderers in this world, many of which have absolutely no conscious at all. Do you think, however, that telling them murder is wrong will stop them at all?
What I say, it will create a deep change in a person, you will understand the nature of things. In that understanding, you will see murder even of a small bug as destroying a cell of your own body. Who will do this with a clear conscious? Most will be utterly reluctant to do real damage to themselves, but this is close to how things truly are already... humans have merely forgotten.
Is my eyes deceiving me?
Is your post requesting two-diametrically opposite requests?
Don’t you mean to say “You are trying to lecture”
Yes I have had such experiences too!
Yet my answering the morning constitution is much more common, daily in fact ---and I have no control except to clench and follow its dictates.
Having an experience that you could not describe to invoke and did not expect to suddenly occur is not a dependable bench-mark.
I totally agree, and yet you have assumed it is not possible to enter at will. I say that true meditation is exactly this, it is for the purpose of deepening what you are describing as a satori (actually probably just a kensho) and eventually, when you are ready, samadhi will happen. You must work towards that though, at first the experience is accidental almost. Then, gradually, you understand what has triggered it and can begin experimenting. You will know eventually exactly how to induce it reliably, but it will remain a work to accomplish. Then you will find this gets easier and easier until it just happens whenever you want it, there is no longer a difficulty entering the space at all...
Of course, samadhi means you will reside in that space, you will be lost to it utterly. This is the goal, although it is extremely scary, entering into it absolutely feels as though you will die - such fear is there, it is unimaginable. I have not had the nerve yet to go into that, although it is there to tease me, patiently waiting for my final let go.
Astral-projection; or a moment of insight; or the sudden evaporation of all thoughts and memories, thus leaving one’s raw Pure-Consciousness exposed; or a fleeting glimpse of the Bio-mechanical-mathematical-emotional-economic “Order of Reality” does not make one and Enlightened being.
Krishna is a Person. The Krishna I refer to is Thee one and only God-Almighty that has been hidden from mankind.
To be Conscious of that revelation is enlightenment. Now the work of “re-linking” in the pastimes of Krishna’s existence and proceed.
Remember, the specificity of something Absolute cannot be replaced with any alternative. IE: You cannot open a safe with the wrong combination of numbers; nor can you call a telephone number dialing the wrong series of numbers.
This is something I cannot accept, Krishna has become enlightened and thus these statements are perfectly good from him. You saying he is the one though, it is not so, he has still experienced relatively to his body. He has still interacted with all around him, he is not omnipresent at all although he has created 10,000 of himself in one story. He is a normal man that has gone beyond, it is possible for all of us.
Krishna, as the God, who is the Supreme Personality of Personal-ism is revealed in no other scriptural source. No scripture makes the same claims; nor can they ---they properly/honestly invoke the state of ignorance that we are living in ---only Absolute revelation of God and only by God Himself can pin-point God’s own Personality; and the nature of that personage would be an “Absolute”.
Personality, personage, personalism, what is the relevance of any of this? They are pseudo expressions, they are not genuine at all. The void is all there is, you are already that, do you know it? I do not think you do, because still you are devoted to another that has encountered this truth...
Krishna was a beautiful man, utterly trusting of existence, for me his celebration is far more profound than any other that has entered the space. Always, there is something missing in other enlightened beings. Many become quite anti-life in their messages, they pit material and spiritual against one another. Only Krishna has been a complete cosmos, an example of utter integration - I love him.
Still, he is no different from you or I, he is simply more awake.