
you apply human attributes to God, for me it is blasphemy.

You mean to say:
"We humans apply God-attributes to Humans ---for me that is the criminal-mentality of a thief".

We are mites, doing mite's things.

Devine revelation is not a Human Invention.

Work 24/7 is the way humans spend their time.

It would never occur to the human mind to conjure up a Fantasy that there is a God ---Such sentiments are the remnants of a Golden Age when such knowledge was known and passed down as such.

After such Pillars of ancient society dissappeared ---such knowledge of Godhead also dissappeared. Remnants of such things would have been passed down and thus would have only been a shadow of the original knowledge.

Knowledge comes from knowledge.
Life comes from Life.

It is not that a machine's chemical nor mechanical actions could stir sentient life into being.

Eternal Un-manifested Spirit energy is different from
manifest temporal time and matter energy.
So it comes down to he said she said. At least donnann does not intentionally set herself at the center of creation.

I do not set myself up as anything, I speak of the ultimate reality... you do not realize that I also say you are the same. The beyond is one, it is your true nature as much as mine, it is the source of all things in this universe. The only difference between you and I is that I have remembered this, I have returned to that and known it again. It is within you as well, it is you, but you are too much identified with what is happening to you here...

Friend, you really, really need to do some reading. Look up the Bon heirarchy (angels) look up the Gaiwiio of Handsome Lake. And I really, really doubt that Christianity had any influence on the Tibetians or the Seneca.

Instead it is you with your limited conceptions that do not see them.

Panta Rhei! (Everything Flows!)

Human imagination, how can duality exist in utter unity, in what physics calls the Unified Field? In oneness, there cannot be two...
You mean to say:
"We humans apply God-attributes to Humans ---for me that is the criminal-mentality of a thief".

We are mites, doing mite's things.

Devine revelation is not a Human Invention.

Work 24/7 is the way humans spend their time.

It would never occur to the human mind to conjure up a Fantasy that there is a God ---Such sentiments are the remnants of a Golden Age when such knowledge was known and passed down as such.

After such Pillars of ancient society dissappeared ---such knowledge of Godhead also dissappeared. Remnants of such things would have been passed down and thus would have only been a shadow of the original knowledge.

Knowledge comes from knowledge.
Life comes from Life.

It is not that a machine's chemical nor mechanical actions could stir sentient life into being.

Eternal Un-manifested Spirit energy is different from
manifest temporal time and matter energy.

Humans investigate their nature when they realize the impermanence of this reality, this is usually triggered due to some loss of a loved one or a catastrophic event which brings us face to face with our mortality. I would say this is how meditation has been discovered, it is a deep investigation into death, an attempt at suicide without the violence of stabbing yourself or jumping off a cliff...

The unmanifested is possible for the manifest to encounter due to our sentience - we are truly blessed to have this ability. This encounter is above time and space, which is necessary for matter to exist. Manifest and Unmanifest is another duality, basic concepts of Jnana or Advaita or Buddhism will make it clear that all dualities must be transcended through our seeking...

You seek Krishna-consciousness, do you not? What do you think that is? It is exactly a transcendence of the concepts in mind, it is to remove the filter of mind and see what truly is. In Satori, in Krishna-consciousness, there you will know what I speak... your devouring of knowledge will not help you get there though. Go home, drop all your books and your false knowledge and let go into the void. Trust existence to carry you on, you simply say yes to it. Be mindful along the way that all mind thinks is false, all of it... simply detach from it and remain at your core. Above all, keep present in mind neti neti: neither this nor that is truth, both are concepts in your mind...

If you continue to fight to be as you are, if you retain these ties to this reality, you cannot know anything of the beyond, of your true nature. You are simply wasting your time studying these things, trying to understand that which cannot be known with mind. Scripture has been recorded to point you on your way, you will have to go there by yourself though. It is not possible for a book to truly express it, language simply isn't refined enough to talk of it - language has been created for mind, by mind, how can it describe what is beyond mind?

Let go into now, let go and trust, know love for the first time.
I do not set myself up as anything, I speak of the ultimate reality... you do not realize that I also say you are the same. The beyond is one, it is your true nature as much as mine, it is the source of all things in this universe. The only difference between you and I is that I have remembered this, I have returned to that and known it again. It is within you as well, it is you, but you are too much identified with what is happening to you here...

You may not, but your words do. Take the post out of your own eye before you point out the mote in anothers'.

Human imagination, how can duality exist in utter unity, in what physics calls the Unified Field? In oneness, there cannot be two...

Easy, you have your conceptions and I have mine. The unity exists in the plurality. Do not think your unity trumps anothers'.

The key is that everything (the entire Kosmos, including that which is beyond) flows. Not is.

Panta Rhei! (Everything Flows!)
You may not, but your words do. Take the post out of your own eye before you point out the mote in anothers'.

Again, my words speak of truth, it is your interpretation of them or your own understanding projecting onto them which causes any issue. Whatsoever I say of the beyond applies to everyone, this body is no different from your body, this mind is no different from your mind. All that is different is I know I am neither, you think you are both - or at least are still identified with them, thus have not transcended yet.

Easy, you have your conceptions and I have mine. The unity exists in the plurality. Do not think your unity trumps anothers'.

I do not have conceptions of the beyond, although my speaking on it is similar to a conception. It is because I must attempt to express something which words cannot suffice in describing...

There are certainly levels of experiencing that unity, but you are perfectly correct that it cannot ultimately differ for anyone. We are all ultimately one, our true being is not different from one to another, there is only one ultimate being. It is only ego which conceives itself as individual, as separate, and ego is a concept created in the mind... it is your understanding of "I" essentially...

The key is that everything (the entire Kosmos, including that which is beyond) flows. Not is.

I cannot agree, there is something which is permanent and unchanging. That is what I pointed to just now with the Hare Krishna gentleman, one method of experiencing the divine is to let go into herenow with utter trust. In this, you will leave spacetime, you can encounter the ultimate, the eternal, the infinite. That is not flowing, it is utterly constant, it is merely the observer of all that is in motion, all that comes and goes...
You seek Krishna-consciousness, do you not? What do you think that is? It is exactly a transcendence of the concepts in mind, it is to remove the filter of mind and see what truly is. In Satori, in Krishna-consciousness, there you will know what I speak...

You arguing with me?
You debating something with me?

You ask me about the subject matter and I will reply with a response.

You ask me about the yoga of "Being conscious . . . of Krishna".

You ask me about santori-states of Krishna-consciousness and I'll give you the scoop on the amrita.

Get your facts straight,
Lunatik, as you do not agree with my hypothesis of experience, entities, or actual occations as physico-mental-spiritual things that are the actaul constitueants of the Kosmos, I do not agree with the existence of some "ultimate truth" or "ultimate reality". The Kosmos is just too complex (IMHO) for such naiveity. Understand you are not me, cannot read my mind, and nearly everything you create out of the phantastical phosphors in your mind are illusion.

Betrand Russell once related the story of his meeting with a famed solopsist who commented "it just makes so much sense, surely I wonder why there are no many more of us" (or words to that effect).

Panta Rhei! (Everything Flows!)
You arguing with me?
You debating something with me?

You ask me about the subject matter and I will reply with a response.

You ask me about the yoga of "Being conscious . . . of Krishna".

You ask me about santori-states of Krishna-consciousness and I'll give you the scoop on the amrita.

Get your facts straight,

I am trying to advance a dialog...

I have had satori's, I do not need your input about them. Do you see any difference between "Being conscious . . . of Krishna" and satori though?
Lunatik, as you do not agree with my hypothesis of experience, entities, or actual occations as physico-mental-spiritual things that are the actaul constitueants of the Kosmos, I do not agree with the existence of some "ultimate truth" or "ultimate reality". The Kosmos is just too complex (IMHO) for such naiveity. Understand you are not me, cannot read my mind, and nearly everything you create out of the phantastical phosphors in your mind are illusion.

Betrand Russell once related the story of his meeting with a famed solopsist who commented "it just makes so much sense, surely I wonder why there are no many more of us" (or words to that effect).

You label it a cosmos, you must then recognize that there is order?

Certainly, at the level of normal experiencing, there is a multitude of things, experiences etc... ultimately, all is one though, can you confirm it? I have encountered it already, I merely ask you whether you can go into that space as well?

Please stop labeling me though, after briefly looking at this latest label you have chosen, let me say one thing right off the bat: mind is not a certainty either. Not only this, mind does not exist at all, it is a process of brain which we observe through language. Without language, what is mind? The only thing that is is consciousness, pure awareness. Is this individual though? I will posit that this comes from a single entity that is all pervading... can you verify?

There is an ultimate place of truth and there is a place of complexity and chaos. Both exist and are purposeful. Life that can tolerate the experience of chaos will use itself there again and again toward what is being provided to the area that can be called Infitniy, or Truth, United Circumstance.

Life that can not tolgerate the expereince of chaos and what is called complexity which is really pieces of the life of knowledge not seen whole, moves into what is truth and activity that is continuous and built upon.

Neither one will ever be removed and they can be understood together by life caused interested in what is always happening.

So you do not believe it is possible to reside permanently in truth, in that united integrity? Not only is it possible to cease perceptions of chaos, but it is for me the only goal of spirituality...
You label it a cosmos, you must then recognize that there is order?

Kosmos is just a hellenic term for all that there is. Yes there is order but there is also an entirely unknowable disorder called quantum theory and chaos or complexity theory.

Certainly, at the level of normal experiencing, there is a multitude of things, experiences etc... ultimately, all is one though, can you confirm it? I have encountered it already, I merely ask you whether you can go into that space as well?

"I have encountered it already"... since your postings show no evidence of this allow me to doubt. We hav had this discussion before, my "space" or "beyond" is not copasetic with yours. I seek only experience and knowledge of the Divine. And have no pre-determined dogma or beliefs to model that beyond with. "The tao that can be spoken of is not the tao" works for me.

Please stop labeling me though, after briefly looking at this latest label you have chosen, let me say one thing right off the bat: mind is not a certainty either. Not only this, mind does not exist at all, it is a process of brain which we observe through language. Without language, what is mind? The only thing that is is consciousness, pure awareness. Is this individual though? I will posit that this comes from a single entity that is all pervading... can you verify?

You are quite mistaken. Number one I used no label. Number two, do you not find it a little difficult to keep a straight face and say "mind does not exist..only brain" and "the only thing that exists is consciousness, pure awareness"? See my post #248 at "Can...evolution" thread. Consciousness is (usually, at least among philosophers of the mind) defined as the relationship between mind and not-mind. So per the commonly accepted rules of English you statement is null and contradictory. Look up "David Chalmers" or "The Hard Problem of Consciousness".

Now to the point, I reject (do not hold that it is either reasonable to beleive or that it is factual) the notion that consciousness exists without mind. One needs a container for water, the mind is the container of consciousness (be it my puny consciousness or the consciousness that is all-inclusive). Consciousness can be individual (as can be experience). It can also be goup (as can be experience). If there is "one entity" (not something I claim) that one entity is the Kosmos (everything that is physcial and mental, the universe, and everything that is beyond).

By your linear logic, if it is consciousness it must have a physical brain, where is it? Again, by your linear logic (an the definition of consciousness usually used in rational discourse in English) if there is consciousness there must be something to be conscious of and therefore the consciousness is either of everything except itself or of itself and all the above is meaningless. I do not care to believe that G!d or the Kosmos is so sinister that H! or Sh! would trick us in such a manner (this is similar to my problem with "G!d made the fossils to trick us" rap of various anti-evolutionists).

As far as my experience goes... reality is real. Reality is made up of the universe and that beyond the universe. The universe consists of the physical, the mental and the spiritual (which can be considered a apecial case of the mental) as made manifest in actual occasions or experiences. I believe the beyond is the mind of G!d (perhaps G!d H!rself) which contains the consciousness of all and, since it is consistent (a tautology of sorts), it is reasonable to believe this. But I do not know (it is unknowable in that I cannot prove it to be true), hence my claim to be agnostic. I do not claim this is the tao, it is rather my humble attenpt to model it in English.

Panta Rhei! (Everything Flows!)
Kosmos is just a hellenic term for all that there is. Yes there is order but there is also an entirely unknowable disorder called quantum theory and chaos or complexity theory.

There is much truth to be found in the various Hellenistic lines of thought, but again it is restricted to mind. Greek thought is very interesting indeed, and I especially enjoy that they view all as a whole, they have not yet split the outer and the inner trains of thinking...

Our perceptions create a chaos or complexity, this reality is very simply in reality. All things much balance because they come from a singularity. This means that if we fight to take things in one direction, there must then be a response of reality to take it equally in another direction somewhere else. From this basic design, all of this has arisen. Starting first with unmanifest and manifest becoming a balance, as there is growth of That knowing itself, so the existence itself grows.

You can say that existence itself is also on a spiritual journey to find itself, we are the expressions of the investigation.

"I have encountered it already"... since your postings show no evidence of this allow me to doubt. We hav had this discussion before, my "space" or "beyond" is not copasetic with yours. I seek only experience and knowledge of the Divine. And have no pre-determined dogma or beliefs to model that beyond with. "The tao that can be spoken of is not the tao" works for me.

What exactly are you expecting as evidence? I have attempted to cause it to arise in you, this is the only way to prove it that I see, but you are unwilling to go into what I point at.

For me, knowledge of the divine is not good enough, but experiencing it is all I have pointed at since I signed up on this site. It is exactly for this reason that I do not tell any myths or whatever else, I simply talk about how to encounter what all the scriptures point to.

It is funny then that you seek the divine, yet when you are pointed at it you object.

You are quite mistaken. Number one I used no label. Number two, do you not find it a little difficult to keep a straight face and say "mind does not exist..only brain" and "the only thing that exists is consciousness, pure awareness"? See my post #248 at "Can...evolution" thread. Consciousness is (usually, at least among philosophers of the mind) defined as the relationship between mind and not-mind. So per the commonly accepted rules of English you statement is null and contradictory. Look up "David Chalmers" or "The Hard Problem of Consciousness".

I do not find it difficult at all, because I have encountered this truth. Mind is only a collection of thoughts, how can it exist without them? Where do these thoughts arise from, if not the brain? Yet, is a computer aware? This is all a brain really is, it is the computational center of the body. What then allows us to experience all that we encounter, to develop an identity, to form our own individuality?

Furthermore, quantum mechanics says matter is perception only, that our perception of solidarity in objects is merely one energy repelling another. If all is only energy, what is the nature of that energy? Another thing science has found is that all atoms are 99.999999% empty, what are the ramifications? If you are over 99% not there at all, what is it that you experience as yourself? Furthermore, what is the nature of that emptiness? Can you go into it? Its nature is pure love, but what knows this?

Some call it God, some call it divine, others call it many other things. What we can experience of it while in this place is that of the observer of all that arises and leaves, as if it is the ocean which all waves arise on and blend back into. Some call it the witness, but what are the qualities of God? One is that He is omniscient, it means he watches all things, not merely the relational things which we can be aware of - that we are looking at a computer screen, reading this word, sitting on this seat, etc. This can be raised a great deal for humans, you can be aware of all things for several hundred feet, including others feelings and thoughts etc... but this will have to be worked on. To manage this, simply be utterly aware of every single action, when you type, know exactly what key is pressed, what finger is doing it, the process of formulating the words being placed on the screen. When you eat, be aware of taking up the food from the plate, placing it in your mouth, chewing, and even the food going down into your stomach. When walking, be aware of every muscle involved in every step...

As you go into this more and more, you will see just how much happens without mind actually interfering. Gradually it will feel as though nothing happens because of you, not mind or body... you merely are watching them from a distance. What is the nature of that which is watching all of this? Enlightenment is the awareness of awareness itself - it is to turn the mirror back on itself and reflect its own nature...

Now to the point, I reject (do not hold that it is either reasonable to beleive or that it is factual) the notion that consciousness exists without mind. One needs a container for water, the mind is the container of consciousness (be it my puny consciousness or the consciousness that is all-inclusive). Consciousness can be individual (as can be experience). It can also be goup (as can be experience). If there is "one entity" (not something I claim) that one entity is the Kosmos (everything that is physcial and mental, the universe, and everything that is beyond).

You can watch mind, can you not? Can the eye see itself without a mirror? How then can consciousness be from mind, it is observing mind.

I think you have said you consider yourself a skeptic? This is the Buddhist method, whatsoever you can watch cannot be you, just as eye cannot watch itself. Go into this deeply as well, what can you be aware of? All of it is something arising and falling in you, feelings, thoughts, actions... all of it.

Eventually, there will be pure consciousness, but again you are aware that you are. From where is this assertion arising? If you go deeply into this, you will encounter non-duality, consciousness aware of consciousness, awareness aware of itself. This is the purpose of our existence, will you fulfill it or stay as a mediocre mind?

By your linear logic, if it is consciousness it must have a physical brain, where is it? Again, by your linear logic (an the definition of consciousness usually used in rational discourse in English) if there is consciousness there must be something to be conscious of and therefore the consciousness is either of everything except itself or of itself and all the above is meaningless. I do not care to believe that G!d or the Kosmos is so sinister that H! or Sh! would trick us in such a manner (this is similar to my problem with "G!d made the fossils to trick us" rap of various anti-evolutionists).

No, this is your logic, my logic is more similar to Quantum Consciousness combined with the Unity Field - although it is not from logic at all, it is from direct experience. You assume that what I say is from mind because what you say comes from mind, this is why you cannot accept what I say. Read my words from your heart and you will perhaps feel their truth.

God has not tricked us at all, he has tricked himself, because only he is. He has become completely identified with a particular experience of himself, he has forgotten this was merely a particular inquiry into himself. You are the result of that confusion - can you remember it again?

As far as my experience goes... reality is real. Reality is made up of the universe and that beyond the universe. The universe consists of the physical, the mental and the spiritual (which can be considered a apecial case of the mental) as made manifest in actual occasions or experiences. I believe the beyond is the mind of G!d (perhaps G!d H!rself) which contains the consciousness of all and, since it is consistent (a tautology of sorts), it is reasonable to believe this. But I do not know (it is unknowable in that I cannot prove it to be true), hence my claim to be agnostic. I do not claim this is the tao, it is rather my humble attenpt to model it in English.

This does not say much, during a dream, you will behave as if it is perfectly real - even when you wake up from some dreams, you will think it is continuing until you can snap out of it and realize it was not so. It is not very different at all.

What you have said here, however, is close to truth. All I say is that you can experience the absolute truth of this theory you have discussed.
I am not concerned with morals or how to live or whatever else, I am interested in creating a situation in you that you can become aware of all of these things yourself. When you are told "don't do this", if you are an individual at all you will want to rebel. If you encounter truth, then you will know why you should not do certain things... now there is no need to say "don't do it", you simply won't even consider to do it in the first place.

You will understand many things which the scriptures attempt to point at intuitively, then what is the need to describe them in a way which the mind can reconcile? This is my only interest, create at least the curiosity in everyone to encounter something higher, all else arises as a natural repercussion of this happening. I do not try to teach you anything else other than to know the "why" of whatsoever might be said if I wanted to teach you how to live your life like Jesus and Muhammad and Moses has done. If you know this why, if it is a truth deeply within your being, the questions and the instructions simply aren't necessary at all.

Children have rules, it is time humans be given more freedom, but adults which are unaware still must be controlled with societal laws. The natural result of an awakened society is that laws are no longer necessary either, then there is absolute freedom for all, there is simply no reason to be subject to any power - we will not need protecting if all act purely from a place of love.

This seems idealistic, but it is absolutely inevitable, whether it is a result of what science is learning and a deep contemplation on these findings by all or if it is from a particular spiritual discipline such as I have shown in my last post. One way or another society, the human condition, is going to continue maturing just as the individual human grows.

You will think this is anarchy perhaps, it is not so but if humanity does not mature as a whole then it will be a disaster. It must occur naturally, it cannot be forced or rushed. Many see that we are heading towards a catastrophe, this may be necessary, simply to remove all the immature souls from this earth to initiate this higher consciousness. It seems this is the plan... many see a reduction in humanity of at least a factor of 10. It is perfectly beautiful though if it results in a more conscious society, it is absolutely necessary that as many as possible wake up to prepare us for this, however. We have needed many people to bring about technology advances, but now they are wasted, machines will do their job far more efficiently... it will become absolutely impossible to sustain so many, it already is.
Sitting around understanding something.

There is life that will be perpetually understanding continuously at the area that is truth and there is life that will, within what is back and forth, continue to be composed of what it is that causes change. Change that moves life toward what is unity or change that move it into what is entropy. To be interested in what the Entity able to be called God is causing to be done with everyone and everything is to be understanding continuously from God as God provides to the place of truth without intermissions for soda and cocaine, to speak. There is a place for soda and cocaine, of course, temporarily, as it relates to full understandings about experiences and how they increase when what is negative energy (the life that is composed of chaos, aware with a different integrating consciousness back and forth) is removed from an existence area.

Nothing I say infers that we must not partake in the market - so to speak. I do not say we must remove ourselves from life, how will it be managed anyway? The world is everywhere, we cannot run from it we can only run from our own dissatisfaction. Will this result in a true growth though? You have only avoided what is... and yet a strange thing happens, it will actually bother you more because it is your whole motivation. You cannot run away from yourself, so I say go deeper into yourself and find out why you have felt to run.

It is almost like self-psychology, we have trained professionals today which try to cause this same thing, but they are easy to lie to so their assistance is limited to your willingness. It is much more difficult to lie to yourself because you know you are lying, unless you are utterly insane.

For me, it is not enough to simply be interested in That, for me, nothing but absolute merging is enough. I can cause it already whensoever I please, but it is always temporary, this is not good enough for me.
We can move around always within the area that is unity and in this area there is no dissatisfaction, drive for something else, or saying that is demand. There is an end to what is called growth (if you are understanding that with the word transformation). The end to transformation is positioning within perpetual understanding where you move around united the area (some say realm, some say a united one dimension) that understands and is doing what it will always do. I understand many of your communications as at unity with this area that understands from the One United Field continuously. When an existence is in this area perpetually, they are never understanding experiences with what is internal dialogue received to the area called the brain.

There is nothing I can cause myself to understand, however, I can be oriented to an interest that is happening with a lot of other life which can feel like I am causing myself to move over to something and that is an experience that God provides. This provision is what can be called a real experience with what this creation area is intersted with, freedom and control of yourself. Once how it is placed is understood completely, you have it.

I have no problem with anything you have said here, how do you suppose this understanding arises though? Do you think it is something which is learned, or is it something deeper?

I have tried to show those on this forum that what is known with mind is irrelevant on the search, it can only be useful if it provides you with a rationale to cease mind and go beyond. Devotion is perfectly good in this context, because it provides that love and trust which allows humans to go into that state. Too often though, people pursue religion with ego, now they will show off what they know about the books they read, or they will compete to be the best ascetic or meditator or most devoted to prayer...

This becomes a pursuit no different to any material pursuit, they have utterly missed the very point of this pursuit. It is very frustrating, what do they then feel is the point to religion? They have reduced religion to a game of follow the leader, it is very strange.
What you understand with vocabulary to call merging or going up and not back down occurs when as an existence area we can continue what we are understanding as a unit.

You are perfectly correct, these are simply words to express something, a pointer...

Better is to say non-duality, realizing we are already that. It is a remembering of what has always been the case, it is only that mind has identified itself with this particular experience, this particular expression of the beyond.

I like words relating to unit, unity, union, but again it does not express it correctly. It says there is something to do, there is nothing other than remembering to be done. Nothing but overcoming the illusions which we have embraced, removing the filter through which we perceive all.

An existence is caused to be returning to this area for two reasons:
1) there is something else for you to understand and you off and on are understanding what is nervous system integrations (or what some here call thinking to, of, or by themselves in the area of the brain and trying to understand some other human existence in the area of the brain who can not be understood as a single unit that way).

Firstly, the desire to return to this "area" is quite simply: we inherently recognize that this is our true being, but mind has convinced us merely to study it. This way, mind is still in control, it is mind which then learns all that it sees religion to be teaching.

Now to address your first point: Are you the brain? The brain constantly changes, we can see atrophy in old age, it is subject to the same things as any material thing.

It has been shown in scientific studies that a meditative person's brain is utterly integrated. This is perhaps because there is so much more input which it is subject to, so I can somewhat see why you will discuss the brain in this subject. Also, I can understand similarly why you discuss the nervous system, it will have to be changed a lot during the process of meditation to be able to sustain this new input. Many describe full enlightenment as a very painful process because their nervous system is not quite evolved enough. Some that try to rush the process have even died because their nervous systems have simply given up.

So it does not change what truly is, we merely must grow the capacity to reside there. This is why we must meditate regularly, it is like any muscle, use it and it gets stronger.

2) there is nothing else for you to understand and it is the case that there is life that God is causing to be interested in your existence and this life (consciousness, spirit, attention spans existing in a variety of ways) is being positioned as they always will (to one of three process places). They are positioned as they always will exist when they no longer are being caused to understand something about how to understand God looking into a human being. This communication is discussing life (circumstances) that will unite with the area that continuously understands and is not speaking now about the area of entropy that is aware off and on, like binary code, understanding information. That life is useful toward the uniting of future sets of circumstances (interest for united consciousness) and they understand their existence within what they are doing as able to be continued, back and forth.

With this statement, I am wondering whether you are speaking dualistically on purpose, or if you simply have not experienced the Ultimate? What is God? What is human? What is future? What is past? What is the purpose for communication? Is it necessary to talk to yourself to understand what you want? From where will the desire arise anyway when there is no mind to dream it?

This is being said for another area, back and forth of eye movements is something some areas understand within what is called the occult and it is also a "treatment" for PTSD (EMDR). That is interesting to understand together. Life moving out of back and forth, in whatever way it is being experienced (restlessness, confusion, indecision) looks into themes of balance and then rotation. This is done according to the experience of interest and what exists in someone earthly existence and can never be prescribed, so to speak.

When your state is that of non-dual, what can move back and forth, what can be rotated? The nature of your being, which this state shows you, is that you are utterly empty. Can emptiness move in any way at all? Can it even be said to be a balance? It is not at all, and yet it is everything, utterly pure love, such energy and vitality.

Of course, things will still arise and fade, life goes on as normal, but now there is a certain rhythm, it is like a breeze which you merely float with - yet you know none of it is happening to you, it is like a show. You enjoy it, are thankful for it all because without this interaction life simply becomes dull - it is why existence has been created, although it seems wrong to acknowledge it, it is simply for entertainment. It is not that you want something from it, it is merely to dance in it.
Originally Posted by Lunitik
I am interested in creating a situation in you that you can become aware of all of these things yourself. When you are told "don't do this", if you are an individual at all you will want to rebel. If you encounter truth, then you will know why you should not do certain things... now there is no need to say "don't do it", you simply won't even consider to do it in the first place.

This is pure psycho-fantasy. It is not bonefide knowledge --it's mental speculation, "not that there's anything wrong with that" ---it just simply the opposite of Bonefide.
All truths must be conferred upon the “Under-stander” Student by authority.
You do not know what to fear until it is reported as something to fear and avoid ---this knowledge descends from an unbroken chain of authorities who command the title of ‘Elders’ etc.

We must be taught right from wrong because our tendency is to be slovenly, lusty, lazy and stupid ---all are physical/mental Sense-Stimuli Faculties are inadequate ---our biological ability to see, feel, hear, smell & taste are limited and also simply a product of “Behavioral Conditioning”.

Originally Posted by Lunitik

I am trying to advance a dialog...

1] I have had satori's, I do not need your input about them.

2] Do you see any difference between "Being conscious . . . of Krishna" and satori though?

Is my eyes deceiving me?
Is your post requesting two-diametrically opposite requests?
Don’t you mean to say “You are trying to lecture”

Yes I have had such experiences too!
Yet my answering the morning constitution is much more common, daily in fact ---and I have no control except to clench and follow its dictates.

Having an experience that you could not describe to invoke and did not expect to suddenly occur is not a dependable bench-mark.

Astral-projection; or a moment of insight; or the sudden evaporation of all thoughts and memories, thus leaving one’s raw Pure-Consciousness exposed; or a fleeting glimpse of the Bio-mechanical-mathematical-emotional-economic “Order of Reality” does not make one and Enlightened being.

Krishna is a Person. The Krishna I refer to is Thee one and only God-Almighty that has been hidden from mankind.

To be Conscious of that revelation is enlightenment. Now the work of “re-linking” in the pastimes of Krishna’s existence and proceed.

Remember, the specificity of something Absolute cannot be replaced with any alternative. IE: You cannot open a safe with the wrong combination of numbers; nor can you call a telephone number dialing the wrong series of numbers.

Originally Posted by Lunitik http://www.interfaith.org/forum/hell-14703-post256928.html#post256928
So you do not believe it is possible to reside permanently in truth, in that united integrity? Not only is it possible to cease perceptions of chaos, but it is for me the only goal of spirituality...

Krishna, as the God, who is the Supreme Personality of Personal-ism is revealed in no other scriptural source. No scripture makes the same claims; nor can they ---they properly/honestly invoke the state of ignorance that we are living in ---only Absolute revelation of God and only by God Himself can pin-point God’s own Personality; and the nature of that personage would be an “Absolute”.

Originally Posted by Allelyah

There is life that will be perpetually understanding continuously at the area that is truth and there is life that will, within what is back and forth, continue to be composed of what it is that causes change.

Godhead’s personality and the very embodiment of God’s Transcendent Personage is the Goal of scriptural Salvation.

God’s personal attributes, especially His smile and embrace, along with His itinerary & pastimes & entourage are the “Absolute-Truth of existence”.

The “Absolute-Truth of existence” is not a thing that can be obtained --- the “Absolute-Truth of existence” is a person ---and that person is a sole autocrat.
It is not God’s fault that He is a singular Persona ---we must face the fact that we are seeking after the “Absolute-Truth of existence” aka the Supreme Personality of God so as to enjoy our soul’s birthrights in bliss.
This is the goal of Sankhya, gyana, dhayana & Vedanta’s final message to all yogis great and small.


An aspiring servant of the servants of Krishna,
Lunitik (Part 1)

Let me deconstruct (I hate that term, but it fits). In what follows my original post is in bold, yours not bolded, and my response in italics.

Kosmos is just a hellenic term for all that there is. Yes there is order but there is also an entirely unknowable disorder called quantum theory and chaos or complexity theory.

There is much truth to be found in the various Hellenistic lines of thought, but again it is restricted to mind. Greek thought is very interesting indeed, and I especially enjoy that they view all as a whole, they have not yet split the outer and the inner trains of thinking...
Our perceptions create a chaos or complexity, this reality is very simply in reality. All things much balance because they come from a singularity. This means that if we fight to take things in one direction, there must then be a response of reality to take it equally in another direction somewhere else. From this basic design, all of this has arisen. Starting first with unmanifest and manifest becoming a balance, as there is growth of That knowing itself, so the existence itself grows.

It is quite factually incorrect that quantum, chaos and complexity (QCC henceforth) theories are so trivial. You are describing what you see in a very simplistic manner. Things do not have to balance because they come from a singularity (whether metaphorically or in terms of relativity) the math says so. “Fighting to take things one direction” has nothing to do with QCC. The math in each simply state what happens given certain initial conditions. That we cannot in fact know what is happening at a deeper level. Applying QCC to the world (think of it as mapping what we perceive with something we think) what we find is that the collapse of this wavefunction or the behavior of this system is not knowable in advance.

You can believe that the universe originated in a singularity either literally or figuratively, however there are possible alternatives that cannot be disproved; hence “they come from a singularity” is an assertion.

The universe and that-which-is-beyond really cares not is we “fight to take things in one direction”. In the large sense anything we do here has no impact on the development of superclusters of galaxies 10 billion light years away. In the small sense the Cat in Schodinger’s experiment (or rather the one atom of radioactive uranium that determines the Cat’s status) does not care either; ceterus paribus it does not matter what we do the atom will decay or not and we cannot know it or stop it. Yes, Albert, G!d does play dice!

So while your postulated design may be true (and I very much think it is) we do not know it is. You design has no more substance than the sound of one hand clapping.

You can say that existence itself is also on a spiritual journey to find itself, we are the expressions of the investigation.

I have encountered it already"... since your postings show no evidence of this allow me to doubt. We hav had this discussion before, my "space" or "beyond" is not copasetic with yours. I seek only experience and knowledge of the Divine. And have no pre-determined dogma or beliefs to model that beyond with. "The tao that can be spoken of is not the tao" works for me.

What exactly are you expecting as evidence? I have attempted to cause it to arise in you, this is the only way to prove it that I see, but you are unwilling to go into what I point at.

Here “evidence” does not mean physical proof. Rather your postings to not evidence any kind of enlightenment or having gone “beyond”. Your ego (evidenced in your continual use of “all” and “truth” or the implication of such—General Semantics shows us that the use of these terms is inappropriate in most circumstances). In the vernacular, I meet a Holy Man, a Shaman and he shares his vision of the Kosmos with me. He does not say “this is how it is” or “you have missed the mark if you believe different”. Instead we sit down and share visions. I see no evidence of this kind of understanding of reality in anything you write.

You point at things as if they were real, stating they are truths. Sorry, Charlie, your truths are not mine. Moving on to discourse (moving from metaphors to the rules of communication in English) I would not consider my truths true (in the philosophical and scientific sense) and similarly judge yours. But you have shown no0 capability to make this distinction.

Your beliefs and explanations may well be true (I even believe a subset of them). It is your abuse of the rules of language, of discourse, of sharing (by caveating with something like IMO or IMHO) that let me know (and, yes, this is an absolute take-it-to-the-bank truth if the truth of spiritual advancement is evidenced by humility and humanity) you fall far short of the claims you make.

You stating it is true does not, ipso facto, make it so.

For me, knowledge of the divine is not good enough, but experiencing it is all I have pointed at since I signed up on this site. It is exactly for this reason that I do not tell any myths or whatever else, I simply talk about how to encounter what all the scriptures point to.
It is funny then that you seek the divine, yet when you are pointed at it you object.

I quite agree, knowledge is nothing next to experience. However, I believe this sight is dedicated to the discussion of faith, the exploration of G!d, reflexion on the Divine. Not preaching. You are entitled to believe your experience and what you point to is “what all the scriptures point to”. This is impossible to prove—you can say you experience it, you believe it. But you cannot prove it. See, experience of the Divine is like the experience of time. We know that if there exists a large difference in velocities between observers what one will experience (say simultaneity) will actually be different from the other’s experience. If that is true for something as trivial as time how much more must it be for G!d.

I object that you assume your experience is all there is… it alone is divine and true when such a clam has no basis in reality even for something as trivial as time.

You are quite mistaken. Number one I used no label. Number two, do you not find it a little difficult to keep a straight face and say "mind does not exist..only brain" and "the only thing that exists is consciousness, pure awareness"? See my post #248 at "Can...evolution" thread. Consciousness is (usually, at least among philosophers of the mind) defined as the relationship between mind and not-mind. So per the commonly accepted rules of English you statement is null and contradictory. Look up "David Chalmers" or "The Hard Problem of Consciousness".

I do not find it difficult at all, because I have encountered this truth. Mind is only a collection of thoughts, how can it exist without them? Where do these thoughts arise from, if not the brain? Yet, is a computer aware? This is all a brain really is, it is the computational center of the body. What then allows us to experience all that we encounter, to develop an identity, to form our own individuality?

See, this show that you are “stuck” in the maya of perception, of either/or. Computers do not think. Thoughts are not mind. If all thoughts depend on a “wet computer” where does the idea pi reside? Where was it before someone abstracted it. Don’t like pi, try truth, beauty, justice, love, empathy. If they are only “thoughts residing in the brain” where did they come from? If all physicsl brains died off, where would they be?

Here is the problem. Say all live on Earth is destroyed (not too farfetched). Where does pi or love so? Do they cease to exist? If they continue on in the mind of G!d, where is H!s brain? If those are too general, let’s try something no other being in the universe could know, the idea of Jesus or Hitler. By your definition (all thoughts exist in the brain) if all life here ceased so would Jesus and Hitler.

Read the references. Study up on things like qualia, the mind-body problem, the hard problem, substance or property dualists.

Since you (a seemingly rational and good non-Christian) and Luecy7, a seemingly good and rational Christian, both appear to have drunk to kool-aid of “materialistic scientism” (“wet computer” or brain-as-container-of-mind originates with them and their predecessors) perhaps I should begin a thread to explore this instead of weaving it into other discussions.

Furthermore, quantum mechanics says matter is perception only, that our perception of solidarity in objects is merely one energy repelling another. If all is only energy, what is the nature of that energy? Another thing science has found is that all atoms are 99.999999% empty, what are the ramifications? If you are over 99% not there at all, what is it that you experience as yourself? Furthermore, what is the nature of that emptiness? Can you go into it? Its nature is pure love, but what knows this?

I am afraid you are incorrect, what QM says is that we can measure or perceive complimentary things (like position and momentum or energy and time or wave and particle) but not simultaneously. It says that atoms are merely collections of potential (particle/waves, energy/frequency, position/momenta) which do not manifest until we measure. Nope, atoms are made up (depending on what you measure, particles (little hard bits of matter located in a specific location) or waves (diffuse bits of matter located in more extended volumes). Nowhere does it say “merely one energy repelling another”. What it does say is that our perception of atoms or particles as little hard, solid bits of matter is incorrect—it is more technically correct to say they are little chunks of potential that may or may not be particles or waves. However, an atom is (about) 10,000 times bigger than its nucleus (which contains .999 or more of the mass) but that less dense area is filled with an electron wave.

And it does not say all is energy. Relativity describes how mass and energy can be converted from one into another, quantum merely says what the limitations are. What is that energy? Watch a video of a nuclear weapon or look at the sun, the mass is converted into photons (particles of light) which deliver energy to other atoms (like when you get a sunburn). As above, science (my degree is in nuclear physics) does not say atoms are 99.99999999% empty. Rather 99.99999999% of the atom is made up of an electron wave (potentia). Hard to describe. You cannot say and cannot know where an electron is at any time, so you sum up where it could be and normalize to one (the electron is there somewhere). The “empty space) you refer to is a delusion, it is a space occupied by an electron that is “smeared up” by the fact that we cannot know where it is.

So (speaking only of my body) I am 100% there (the quantum uncertainty for 160 pounds is about the size of an atom, so I am very much here). Physically there is no emptiness. You cannot see it, you cannot measure it, you cannot quantify it, so why speak of it at all (you cannot know the emptiness is there). Your entire model is based on pseudo-scientific drivel and is objectively, scientifically not true.

But it is you trapped in physicality, by your scientistic materialism. My “self” (at least my conception of it) is really just a continuing and ever-changing experience in space and time, an entity of body, mind and spirit. But “self” implies unchanging stuff (atoms or thoughts) so prefer not to use it. I do not focus on the stuff you call “self” (the unchanging) but embrace the ever-changing and ever-flowing, the experience, the actual occasion, the entity. “Stuff” does not exist, flux does.

Panta Rhei! (Everything Flows!)
Lunitik (Part 2)

Let me deconstruct (I hate that term, but it fits). In what follows my original post is in bold, yours not bolded, and my response in italics.
Some call it God, some call it divine, others call it many other things. What we can experience of it while in this place is that of the observer of all that arises and leaves, as if it is the ocean which all waves arise on and blend back into. Some call it the witness, but what are the qualities of God? One is that He is omniscient, it means he watches all things, not merely the relational things which we can be aware of - that we are looking at a computer screen, reading this word, sitting on this seat, etc. This can be raised a great deal for humans, you can be aware of all things for several hundred feet, including others feelings and thoughts etc... but this will have to be worked on. To manage this, simply be utterly aware of every single action, when you type, know exactly what key is pressed, what finger is doing it, the process of formulating the words being placed on the screen. When you eat, be aware of taking up the food from the plate, placing it in your mouth, chewing, and even the food going down into your stomach. When walking, be aware of every muscle involved in every step...

As you go into this more and more, you will see just how much happens without mind actually interfering. Gradually it will feel as though nothing happens because of you, not mind or body... you merely are watching them from a distance. What is the nature of that which is watching all of this? Enlightenment is the awareness of awareness itself - it is to turn the mirror back on itself and reflect its own nature...

If by “it” you mean the physical emptiness you were referring to above you are quite incorrect. That physical emptiness is filled with potentia. See you are captured in this maya of “physicality is all”.
I deny that G!d or the divine or love exist in this physical emptiness. Why? That would make them physical, and none of them are.

I agree the is a G!d or the divine or love that can be experienced. It is beyond (not part of the universe, what physically and mentally exists). With that caveat I heartily accept and praise the above (except I dislike the “teaching” mode you take). Believe it or not ones can disagree with you on some things, see things from a different point-of-view (or experience) and come to the same conclusions (or experience). One does not have to follow a guru into their head. Indeed awareness of awareness is the kingdom of G!d, enlightenment and nirvana(IMHO).

Now to the point, I reject (do not hold that it is either reasonable to beleive or that it is factual) the notion that consciousness exists without mind. One needs a container for water, the mind is the container of consciousness (be it my puny consciousness or the consciousness that is all-inclusive). Consciousness can be individual (as can be experience). It can also be goup (as can be experience). If there is "one entity" (not something I claim) that one entity is the Kosmos (everything that is physcial and mental, the universe, and everything that is beyond).

You can watch mind, can you not? Can the eye see itself without a mirror? How then can consciousness be from mind, it is observing mind.

“Consciousness” (look it up in OED or on wiki) is properly used in English as that which occupies the mind. That is how I use the term. Awareness of awareness (with which I agreed with above) would then imply that the first awareness (let me call it meta-awareness) would imply being aware of the mind and it’s content (which is only awareness, whether sense datum or reflexion [I still believe in the independent existence of thought]). What you are suggesting is , I believe, an inappropriate physical metaphor. It is not looking into a mirror and seeing yourself (because you do not see yourself only a reflection) it is seeing the reflection (a thought or idea or perception of mind) and abstracting (going beyond) and knowing what it is an image of (the physical self, in the case of the mirror, the awareness within the mind in the metaphor).

The problem is still physicality. Drop it. Do not believe in the physical as thing-in-itself “out there”. Then you can see (perceive) that mentality does exist simultaneously with physicality (thoughts exist). Then realize both are but poor models of what is (the experience, the actual occasion, the entity).

Grok? Excuse my teaching/preaching mode there. I believe all the above to be true. But within my limitation (since I cannot even prove the existence of time or the consistency of higher mathematics) I cannot say I know it to be true.

I think you have said you consider yourself a skeptic? This is the Buddhist method, whatsoever you can watch cannot be you, just as eye cannot watch itself. Go into this deeply as well, what can you be aware of? All of it is something arising and falling in you, feelings, thoughts, actions... all of it.

Eventually, there will be pure consciousness, but again you are aware that you are. From where is this assertion arising? If you go deeply into this, you will encounter non-duality, consciousness aware of consciousness, awareness aware of itself. This is the purpose of our existence, will you fulfill it or stay as a mediocre mind?

Again, we agree (for the most part). I do not believe (and you cannot prove) that all there is is physicality. You speak of non-dualism. One of the aspects of non-dualism is the notion that all is mind (see Amit Goswami) or all is physical (see any scientistic materialist) or all is beyond (see AN Whitehead). See, my goal is to understand things, to be consistent and coherent (yeah, laff on the floor, I know). I know that the physical exists (yes, I have ducked when a gun was pointed at me). But I also know that the mental exists (I am discussing very complex and hopefully mutually beneficial ideas with you). But I opt for the third option, both really exist.

It just occurred to me how we can overcome this gulf. The physics of information. To wit, mentality is information which exists in addition to physical things.

BACK TO MY ORIGINAL POST (sorry for these poor transitions):
By your linear logic, if it is consciousness it must have a physical brain, where is it? Again, by your linear logic (an the definition of consciousness usually used in rational discourse in English) if there is consciousness there must be something to be conscious of and therefore the consciousness is either of everything except itself or of itself and all the above is meaningless. I do not care to believe that G!d or the Kosmos is so sinister that H! or Sh! would trick us in such a manner (this is similar to my problem with "G!d made the fossils to trick us" rap of various anti-evolutionists).

No, this is your logic, my logic is more similar to Quantum Consciousness combined with the Unity Field - although it is not from logic at all, it is from direct experience. You assume that what I say is from mind because what you say comes from mind, this is why you cannot accept what I say. Read my words from your heart and you will perhaps feel their truth.

Let me make this clear, you are the one who claimed mind does not exist, that thoughts arise within the “wet computer”. This is linear, scientistic logic. Quantum consciousness and unity field have nothing—nada to say about the ultimate physicality of thought. Rather they purport to explain the interaction between the mental and the physical (see any paper or write up of Lucas, Penrose, Stapp, Hameroff, Finkelstein, Tetlow, Zurek, Sarfatti, Wolfe, or Smolin). From years of study of this and conversations or e-mails with all but Lucas and Sir Roger I know that what these gentlemen were trying to do with QC was explain how mind and body could interact in a scientific way. I am not good enough a physicist to be in that group, so I adopted the rationalistic (proof by reasoning) method rather than the epistemological (proof by experiment) method of Whitehead. Though Stapp and Finkelstein (two of my instructors) are neo-Whiteheadians.

See, I deny your denial of the mind (mental events or information existing without physicality). Some of your words are very truthful. Some are pseudo-science.

God has not tricked us at all, he has tricked himself, because only he is. He has become completely identified with a particular experience of himself, he has forgotten this was merely a particular inquiry into himself. You are the result of that confusion - can you remember it again?

Sloppy sentimentality and that preaching kick again. If G!d created the perception of the mind, of awareness as a mental or informational entity not dependent on physicality (the crux of my belief) then H! tricked us. Why? H! created a creature with a built-in flaw that prevents us from seeing the truth.

I reverse your argument (again, you are entitled to your beliefs, just not to expect others to agree with the as truth, that is way I am having this discussion). Deconstructing you convoluted phraseology (I do it too). I do not confuse my experience with my mentality (do not identify with my mental image of myself). You however confuse what you are with a meat popsicle, a “wet computer”. We both seek to remember… no argument there. You are caught up in physicality, I argue for a less extreme view, that neither physicality nor mentality is true.

As far as my experience goes... reality is real. Reality is made up of the universe and that beyond the universe. The universe consists of the physical, the mental and the spiritual (which can be considered a apecial case of the mental) as made manifest in actual occasions or experiences. I believe the beyond is the mind of G!d (perhaps G!d H!rself) which contains the consciousness of all and, since it is consistent (a tautology of sorts), it is reasonable to believe this. But I do not know (it is unknowable in that I cannot prove it to be true), hence my claim to be agnostic. I do not claim this is the tao, it is rather my humble attenpt to model it in English

This does not say much, during a dream, you will behave as if it is perfectly real - even when you wake up from some dreams, you will think it is continuing until you can snap out of it and realize it was not so. It is not very different at all.

What you have said here, however, is close to truth. All I say is that you can experience the absolute truth of this theory you have discussed.

As I have continually pointed out, just apply the logic to yourself. The dream is that all is physical or that what pseudo-science you have learned to regurgitate is true. I have no need to “snap out of it”—you do. The issue is that you do not have correct information on two crucial points: the nature of mind and the nature of physics. Read the references, get back to me. Oh, a third thing: I do not consider myself in possession of absolute truth… I believe you do. I use the term agnostic because I do not claim truth, merely (a) a way to get closer, and (b) a reasonable basis for belief.

Panta Rhei! (Everything Flows!)
Understanding about Unity and words that relate to it. "It says there is something to do" and "Remembering" and "non-duality."

Again, you speak with mind, do you realize?

What is there to do, exactly? Mind wants something to come next, it wants plans and it wants a future. It wants to identify with the past, it wants to remember that has already happened to it.

As Buddha has said "Sitting quietly, doing nothing, spring comes, and the grass grows by itself". All we think to do is merely busy work, there is nothing meaningful in it at all.

Understanding about "True Being".

You again speak of a flux in perception here, this means you have only experienced at most a satori - a brief glimpse. This is not good enough for me, it is wholly possible to reside in that unity... all that comes and goes is false, and as such even a satori is utterly false.

Understanding about "The brain constantly changes".

Here, you again speak of your current state, you do not understand you are not mind or the brain, so you have spoken again my statements.

If you are mind or brain, how is it possible to watch these processes? In the state of Satori, there is nothing like mind, even body cannot be found in that space. You can utilize brain to recall, language is something which must be recalled. The difference is that it becomes merely a tool, where most people identify utterly with the processes of brain and mind.

I have spoken about how all which the body does is actually not managed by us, even those things we become involved in though is not really necessary to be involved in. We are merely a watcher, body can be allowed to do whatsoever it wishes with a complete separation that makes it clear you were never the doer in reality.

Understanding about "Utterly integrated."

Catholics have a vested interest in not permitting people to reach their heights. Where will their money come from, where will their power come from if everyone realizes truth? The only famous Catholic to actually attain to ultimate truth, they are debated whether he is actually a heretic. Why is it so? It is because Meister Eckhart has come to the same heights as Jesus, if what Jesus was is not unique at all, and in fact even the New Testament today says it is not unique - it says we are all Sons of God if we enter this condition - then where will they get their power from? They become utterly irrelevant... and they are.

Understanding Death. "Some that try to rush the process have even died because their nervous systems have simply given up."

The process I speak of is exactly what we encounter in death, it is a return of our conscious awareness back to the source of it. In this, there is a disconnect even from the body - some enlightened people will say they are connected to the body only on a very thin string. Physical death arises simply when that string snaps... now there is nothing relative about them, whereas before just to function and interact here there is some relativity necessary.

Understanding about "Muscle" who is interested in Miracles.

What do you think I mean by wholeness or oneness? I mean that you are all of existence, there is no separation between you and the whole at all and all barriers of your limited self which you have identified with have been broken. In this, you understand that you have never been at all, it was only an illusion, a dream. You are God, if you want to use these words, just an expression of his own spiritual pursuit - his own investigation into himself.

Understanding about "talking to yourself" and "desire" and "mind" and "dreams."

Here, you are plainly wrong, there is a height of spirituality where there is absolutely no experience at all. You have gone above time and space, because both are merely the perception of mind. Mind will try to make sense of it, this is what is called a Satori, and yet this glimpse will seem only a few seconds long but there will have been hours, days, months or even in some cases years which have passed.

Understanding about, "When your state is that of non-dual, what can move back and forth, what can be rotated?"

Life goes on, you merely watch and enjoy it, what is the need to become involved in it? It is happening of its own accord and it is beautiful...

Even what is perceived as negative in the world, it all has a reason. Why will you think it is negative when no thoughts arise, when you love all that is because you know its purpose? It is a very mediocre thing to look at the world and decide you know how to change it for the better...

It is absolutely perfect already, simply permit and melt into herenow... dropping past which is dead, dropping future which is not yet born, finding that place which is the only thing existing, the only thing which is real. When you find it, stay there, then what will be perceived of your surroundings? You will simply flow with it, knowing none of it is happening to you, you are simply observing it...

This is the reside in the Kingdom of God, since you seem to be Christian.

Understanding about "Utterly Empty."

Your statement here simply doesn't even jive scientific fact, let alone anything spiritual. Does a dream have material qualities? Yet it seems perfectly real while you are dreaming. The nature of each of us is utter emptiness, simply a void. The nature of everything is the same, science says this is true, spiritual experience knows it.

Your true nature is much like the difference between dreaming and waking up... you have realized upon waking that it was all you, you have imagined it all. This is the same realization upon spiritual encounters, although you will not wish to accept it.

Understanding about "It is like a show".

Again, you insist it is in the head, even though I have continuously discussed that head is a filter for what actually is.

Understanding about "Utterly pure love" and "vitality."

What is love to you? Objective love is not meaningful at all.