Wrong, the earliest fossil bats, which evolutionists date at more than 50 million years, are clearly identifiable as bats, with no hint that they have evolved from anything that was not a bat.
There are two suborders of bats:
1. The Megachiroptera, which includes the largest species of bats, such as fruit bats and flying foxes.
2. The Microchiroptera, which have small eyes, complex ears, and the ability to find prey and navigate by echolocation.
Differences between the two suborders in flight and sensory capabilities have led some biologists to propose that they evolved from separate ancestral lineages, and that the large Megachiropteran bats are more closely related to
primates, the order into which apes, monkeys and humans are classified.
Get your history and science together before claiming stupid stuff.
1. Science.jrank.org
2. Science Daily
3. Scientific American
4. Lostkingdoms factsheet
5. Science.jrank.org