gods science



The age of Religions may be millions or billions years. What was/is the purpose of religions ? Salvation. To guide humankind to attain eternal life. Which religions was near to this attainment? Modern religions including Abrahamic religions ? Ancient ; Egyptians , Persians , Romans. . . ? What i think is, 'SALVATION ' to ancients is more scientific or practical than our time.
The age of Religions may be millions or billions years. What was/is the purpose of religions ? Salvation. To guide humankind to attain eternal life. Which religions was near to this attainment? Modern religions including Abrahamic religions ? Ancient ; Egyptians , Persians , Romans. . . ? What i think is, 'SALVATION ' to ancients is more scientific or practical than our time.
I tend to think religion is man-made. The purpose that religion fulfills is that of comforting and communion.

Salvation is a recent idea and had no life beyond the Abrahamic religions and their invention of Sin.

How do you define 'Salvation'?
I tend to think religion is man-made. The purpose that religion fulfills is that of comforting and communion.

Salvation is a recent idea and had no life beyond the Abrahamic religions and their invention of Sin.

How do you define 'Salvation'?

offcourse religion is manmade. Salvation is not recent idea ,it is with man thousands ,million and billion years. Salvation is the knowledge wisdom or science and its practice that saves you. You have potential to do any thing . This is your divine right.
offcourse religion is manmade. Salvation is not recent idea ,it is with man thousands ,million and billion years. Salvation is the knowledge wisdom or science and its practice that saves you. You have potential to do any thing . This is your divine right.
Man hasn't been around for millions or billions of years but I'm not big fan of divinity anyway . . . :rolleyes:

salvation is the phenomenon of being saved from the undesirable condition of bondage or suffering experienced by the psyche or soul that has arisen as a result of unskillful or immoral actions generically referred to as sins.

Morality is subjective
I don't believe in Sin
gods and men coexist ,without beginning without end. Do you think gods had a beginning ? It is the same with man. Man is eternal ,whole ,perfect. You can't separate man from god they exist as one . They are one. Salvation is not only moral freedom but also physical . If you work with divinity you are saved from sin sickness and death.

Are you saying this metaphorically or literally? The distinction is awfully important for us anally retentive logical types (oh, and for us free flowing mystics).
gods and men coexist ,without beginning without end. Do you think gods had a beginning ? It is the same with man. Man is eternal ,whole ,perfect. You can't separate man from god they exist as one . They are one. Salvation is not only moral freedom but also physical . If you work with divinity you are saved from sin sickness and death.
I'm certain the reality of this is that there are no divine beings, never were, never will be. As a Luciferian and of the Left Hand Path I seek to separate as much of my Self from anything remotely related to, associated with, any form of god or divine being.

*note: I am neither sick nor dead after 50 years on this planet
Radarmark i didn't your question. Literally metaphorically. Are you still believe the first man Adam created around 6,000 years ago ?do you the big bang occurs only once ? Big bang is like the birth of the universe. Before the 'birth' there was 'death' or contraction. It is cycle of life like we humans had. The universe had expansion and contraction periods seasons.
Man is spiritual. gods are material. Man is matter flesh physique and gods are spirits. Matter and spirit ,evil and good , life and death ,sickness and health ,sin and righteousness are eternal qualities . Both coexist eternally. Unifie spirits gods they could be and become ' our Lord ' our God. "Hear israel our god is one Lord " here unified and became one tribal god .
If you work with divinity you are saved from sin sickness and death.

On the other hand, Buddha presented an alternative path, without divinity, to "save" us from the suffering of sickness, old age, and death.

Big bang is like the birth of the universe. Before the 'birth' there was 'death' or contraction. It is cycle of life like we humans had. The universe had expansion and contraction periods seasons.

Similar to the Hindu belief system?
Buddhism and hinduism beliefs are connected to ancient Egyptians.
On the other hand, Buddha presented an alternative path, without divinity, to "save" us from the suffering of sickness, old age, and death.
jacob was ALONE . The bible tells you, he was fighting all night with somebody (angel god ) but HE WAS ALONE !! Read gerald massey's book ,he wrote about it. You, we are alone . No one with us. You are divine. Divinity is within you. Your spirit. Man is god's man and god is man's god . I will tell you again , man coexist with god. There is no god outside man and the universe.
An ignorant unwise unscientific man can create his idol. And his idol makes him mad ,sick and dying.
But learned wise and scientific man can create G D and this perfect G D form create make perfect man ; . . .matter can create spirit ,spirit can create matter. God created man and the universe. And Man made gods.
"Buddhism and hinduism beliefs are connected to ancient Egyptians."

--> For example?

Sun ,snake ,river ,cow ,lotus ,book of the dead ,garuda purana ,cat . These are keywords for you nick the pilot . For similarities between egyptian and hinduism religious beliefs.
Radarmark i didn't your question. Literally metaphorically. Are you still believe the first man Adam created around 6,000 years ago ?do you the big bang occurs only once ? Big bang is like the birth of the universe. Before the 'birth' there was 'death' or contraction. It is cycle of life like we humans had. The universe had expansion and contraction periods seasons.

I am assuming you did not understand my question. By "gods and men coexist ,without beginning without end. Do you think gods had a beginning ? It is the same with man. Man is eternal ,whole ,perfect. You can't separate man from god they exist as one . They are one. Salvation is not only moral freedom but also physical . If you work with divinity you are saved from sin sickness and death." do you mean this literally (there is more than one god, men have been around forever, "Salvation" saves from sin, sichness and death)? Or figuratively (these are not literally true but true in some spiritual way)?

As for your questions. I do not believe in the Biblical story of Creation in a literal sense (hamanity is much older). In a literal sense, I do not know if the Kosmos is a one-time shot (Big Bang) or cyclic (see Penrose and Heller). In a spiritual sense, too, I am agnostic about cyclicity versus linearity.
do you mean this literally (there is more than one god, men have been around forever, "Salvation" saves from sin, sichness and death)? Or figuratively

my answer both yes and no. To make it more clear what i mean ye can discuss it later. Literally and metaphorically. I can choose who i worship . Joshua said to the children of israel, " choose ye." And G D said to israel , ye are my people.
Ye can live forever "without tear sorrow " , but the scriptures says " today is the day of salvation. " wha about tomorrow ? May be in tears again . Or the worm of death wait for me. You understand what i mean ? Here when i said ' forever ' it is metaphorical and literal. No brim of everlasting fire and bliss state of paradise . But still i belive there is suffering /hell and salvation from sin sickness and death /heaven.
"Buddhism and hinduism beliefs are connected to ancient Egyptians."

--> For example?

I think, buddhism not, but hinduism yes.
For example hindu God Shiva is very similar like Egyptian Ammon Ra.
The third eye and Cobra for example.
But, buddha is not any god. Buddha is a man, who sed, that existence is a
harm, and that his goal is a Nirvana = end cycles of lifes
The age of Religions may be millions or billions years. What was/is the purpose of religions ? Salvation. To guide humankind to attain eternal life. Which religions was near to this attainment? Modern religions including Abrahamic religions ? Ancient ; Egyptians , Persians , Romans. . . ? What i think is, 'SALVATION ' to ancients is more scientific or practical than our time.

That, at first, is not SALVATION. GUIDANCE is what it is to guide mankind to attain eternal life. But if one's wishing for SALVATION, the answer for man is MERCY.