You do not need ANYONE to show you the way



You seek you shall find it...
You do not need a priest, or a mufti, or a rabbi or a channeller or a psychic reader or any self anointed charlatan (who usually will ask for money) to show you where you want to go.
First hint when you are dealing with a crook that he/she will ask for money.
Second they want to teach you this or that without you even asking them a question. (they arrogantly think they know it all) - RUN, (not walk to the nearest exit)
You already have all the answers......
The problem is, who will show you the answers within yourself? Most are too much attached to their ideas, even if something profound is presented to them they will reject it.

A guru is necessary to show the tricks of the mind, but you are right that some can find by themselves.
Do you you have a guru?

My teacher used to say "there are no real guru's anymore (with a capital G)" and he was right, I (like to think that) know more than most of these so called guru's know...most people who actually know anything do not come out and announce it. I kinda follow one guy but he never calls himself a "guru"......

If I'm ever in need a guru I find a mirror :)

The problem is, who will show you the answers within yourself? Most are too much attached to their ideas, even if something profound is presented to them they will reject it.

A guru is necessary to show the tricks of the mind, but you are right that some can find by themselves.
Do you you have a guru?

My teacher used to say "there are no real guru's anymore (with a capital G)" and he was right, I (like to think that) know more than most of these so called guru's know...most people who actually know anything do not come out and announce it. I kinda follow one guy but he never calls himself a "guru"......

If I'm ever in need a guru I find a mirror :)

The true Guru is existence itself, but I have been assisted by several who have already cleared the way.

It is dangerous you say you look in the mirror to find your Guru though... it seems to express a certain attachment to the body still in you?
No we don't NEED a guru.

But for most it is quite helpful.

Most don't seek, they exist. Maybe that is good.

While I believe all will find the way many lives is that?

Will every raindrop eventually find its way into the ocean? After how many times of falling and evaporating?

Does the farmer improve the world by planting the seed and not letting nature take its course?

I am primarily lead by feelings.

I have read some, and listened some, and studied some. But my efforts in these realms are minute compared to so many....and so many here on this site.

As I read or listen or study, some resonates, some does not, some I am able to glean something from and some I am not.

But as I read what others write, or listen to what others say, I am enamoured, jealous even, of the depth and breadth of knowledge, of their time in studies. I've met folks who can recite the bible, not phrases, but the books. Folks that have a knowledge of scripture, or the vedas, or the sutras, or whatever that absolutely floors me with their abilities to locate this information in their memory and bring it forth.

This foundation I feel benefits them greatly. And I, I don't have that foundation and frankly yet, although I admire it, envy it, have not yet the desire or determination to gain it.

I am comfortable in my skin, I am comfortable with my feelings, my understandings, my lack of understanding, my happiness with not completely knowing and even with my inability to express succinctly that which I believe I do understand. (so many here have expressed better in fewer words that which I have tried)

So yeah, we don't NEED anyone to show us the way, but it is sooo pleasant to have you all along for the ride.
You don't need anyone to show you the way because Divine Wisdom resides inside of you. It will show you the way if you listen and understand Its messages.

However, it would probably be helpful to find a spiritual teacher who can help you along your path. One of the aspects which you should be aware of when working with a spiritual teacher is whether or not the person tells you what you have to do.

I am a spiritual teacher and in our tradition, we never tell someone what they should do. Based on the situation, I might suggest some things that an individual can try, but I don't tell them they have to do it. And the reason why we follow this tradition, is because the individual has access to the inner guidance which will lead them to the right path for them.

So you really need someone to show you the way, but it does make it a lot easier.
What makes you a spiritual teacher? Do you charge money for your services? How do you get pupils? Do you advertise? Hang out at psychic fairs? To do what you do, at least in the US, you must be ordained - you can get that thought the internet, via correspondence schools or a brick and mortar school.
You don't need anyone to show you the way because Divine Wisdom resides inside of you. It will show you the way if you listen and understand Its messages.

However, it would probably be helpful to find a spiritual teacher who can help you along your path. One of the aspects which you should be aware of when working with a spiritual teacher is whether or not the person tells you what you have to do.

I am a spiritual teacher and in our tradition, we never tell someone what they should do. Based on the situation, I might suggest some things that an individual can try, but I don't tell them they have to do it. And the reason why we follow this tradition, is because the individual has access to the inner guidance which will lead them to the right path for them.

So you really need someone to show you the way, but it does make it a lot easier.
even spiritual teachers have a need for money, food and housing costs money. unless you want all spiritual teachers to be destitute.

although i admit there are a lot frauds out there who are just in it for cushy job and paycheck.
What makes you a spiritual teacher? Do you charge money for your services? How do you get pupils? Do you advertise? Hang out at psychic fairs? To do what you do, at least in the US, you must be ordained - you can get that thought the internet, via correspondence schools or a brick and mortar school.

The only true ordaining is that of God, but how to prove it?

Pupils gather around a master of their own accord simply from hearing him speak, the soul of every man craves its return to the Spirit, and is naturally attracted to those that already have. How can you judge whether another is useful to that spiritual quest when you have not yourself walked it - and let me say that few priests have - it would simply be hypocritical.

Mastery of a bunch of texts doesn't mean you know the real, in fact it almost assures the opposite. Mind will be convinced you know a thing and you will know not, it is simply a delusion that you accept.
even spiritual teachers have a need for money, food and housing costs money. unless you want all spiritual teachers to be destitute.

although i admit there are a lot frauds out there who are just in it for cushy job and paycheck.

How can you say who is a fraud? If the students believe there is some benefit to this teacher, they should be with him, otherwise they should leave. People justify their rash judgement on the many malicious cults, but this is entirely due to ignorance on the part of the student. It is a problem with the society at large, since in Christianity it is taught that grace cannot be earned but a gift, since it is believed that Jesus was special and not just a mystic and occult show off, we do not recognize truth. When truth is revealed, those attempting to protect their tradition will lash out, it is naught but their own ego identification with it.

Since grace cannot be earned in Christendom and the Muslim world, there has been no study into the depths of the phenomenon - people merely accept it as a blessing and are thankful, which of course is perfectly good of itself. Any Master worth the title will simply serve to take the student first to the realization and then deeper into the phenomenon. This is done through many devices, and thus cannot be said it isn't earned, until finally the disciple is able to say also "I and my father are one". How will the priests earn a living though if millions and even billions can profess this honestly? They will have to become students again themselves because they are utterly ignorant to truth as it is, they merely believe in the conceptions they were taught.
I was tempted to but in an say no one needs a guru. As Monty Python's "Brian the Messiah" states: "You don't need to follow anyone. You're all individuals."

Perhaps a guru can help people look past the mental constructs we develop to help us deal with everyday life.

But. Really. There's no need to follow.
They can get a job or start a business. But when you call yourself a spiritual teacher and charge money for "services" that is not very pure nor spiritual. You cannot sell g-d as a sack of potatoes...again, I am not judging them only informing on that every act has karmic consequences.
even spiritual teachers have a need for money, food and housing costs money. unless you want all spiritual teachers to be destitute.

although i admit there are a lot frauds out there who are just in it for cushy job and paycheck.
They can get a job or start a business. But when you call yourself a spiritual teacher and charge money for "services" that is not very pure nor spiritual. You cannot sell g-d as a sack of potatoes...again, I am not judging them only informing on that every act has karmic consequences.

unfortunatley working for a living often leaves little time for anything else, and that includes the transmission of spiritual teachings.
They can get a job or start a business. But when you call yourself a spiritual teacher and charge money for "services" that is not very pure nor spiritual. You cannot sell g-d as a sack of potatoes...again, I am not judging them only informing on that every act has karmic consequences.
LOL . . . oh really? Tell that to the Church of England, to the Vatican, to name but two of in ocean of religious hypocrisy.