End of World



Hello friends.......
First of all Happy New Year to all of my Friends...........

Friends i like to ask something that is really going in everyone mind, I really like to ask That in 2012 as people talking our world goes to end. Is it true or a big fake.
Does any bosy know any thing about it.
There may be some earthquakes, etc., but I do not think it will be the end of the world. I am sure the human race will be around for thousands of years.
Pfft. The question to really ask is why those people who believe the end of a cycle of the Mayan calendar means the end of the world, don't presume the same with the changes in our own calendar. After all, last year has now been destroyed and a new year has started. :)
It's the end of the world as we know it......and I feel fine!

Mayans....tis the end of their calendar...how long did you want them to carve in that rock....heck they were wiped out long before their calendar ended.

It will be another glorious year, some ups, some downs, more births than deaths, more marriages than divorces, we'll sing, we'll dance, we'll drink, and 2013 we'll start all over again.
Pfft. The question to really ask is why those people who believe the end of a cycle of the Mayan calendar means the end of the world, don't presume the same with the changes in our own calendar. After all, last year has now been destroyed and a new year has started. :)

My son and I were talking about this Sunday. He decided that they had spent enough time on the calendar, and decided to do something else more productive.
Yep! And if you look into the "tie-ins" (the I Ching, Nostradamous, Merlin, et al) they are rather "forced" interpretations to "fit" the Mayan calendar. Rather the end of the world as it is is the end of each actual occasion, and its merging into the next. The world cycles a billion time a second.
My teacher who is clairvoyant, told me not to worry, there is no end of the world, no cataclysmic disasters in 2012.
hi friends.........
As i listed that most of things that is told by Mayan are true. And so many people have trust in Mayan Cal. my father tell me that it may be right. So does any one read news about solar cyclone, In it scientist are telling that in 2012-2013 sun going to put a biggest cyclone and due to this our earth going to finish.
hope it will not happen.....
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We have explanations stood through the science and its true that the world is going to be end but Its not that time . The world have more times to be like this and the process will take a long to be at that situation . I don't know through which calender its going to be true . :) its making me worried .
we did this year, have an large increase in solar activity, and there was some speculation that solar flares could knock out space sattelites and telecom systems on earth, but it didn't happen. We've also had several spectacular meteor showers. If I was the type to believe in celestial portends, I'd say yes, something big is due to occur, or end, quite soon.

Fortunately, I do not believe that a long dead civilsation has left me a cryptic message in their calendar. I think, instead, maybe they just got bored chisseling and thought -- we've done about a thousand years here -- surely that's enough, for now?
In "It's a wonderful Life", Sir Jimmy Stewart quotes Clarence the Angle, "Everytime a bell rings, an angle earned their wings"

But the facts of life is [esp for insurance company stock holders] ...evry second that ticks-by ... another statstistical event occurs.


Why do we think the end of the world requires a large chorus line and big brass orchestras? It occurs everytime a person dies.
No calender or prophesy or any other form of written or tableted memorandum will give you - us - a fore warning of pending doom, or natural universal occurances, as some might put it. Ok, yeah, we might (not me in particular I might add) create our own hell on earth by unleashing that much over hyped armageddon, but its the large asteroid strike that I fear most when I'm in any form of fear mode, which ain't often, so to speak. After all, remember the dinos?!? They were here, yes on earth, for 160 million years and three months or thereabouts, and they were 99% wiped out (apart from proto-birds and a few others) by the 7km sized chunk of orbiting solar system leftover that we got in the way of... I'm kinda hoping I won't be around for that one - which WILL happen, one day. I think its the vast tsunami it will create if it hits deep water that worries me - although I have good SCUBA training, so maybe things aren't so bad after all..
Hello friends.......
First of all Happy New Year to all of my Friends...........

Friends i like to ask something that is really going in everyone mind, I really like to ask That in 2012 as people talking our world goes to end. Is it true or a big fake.
Does any bosy know any thing about it.

I knew from my first reading about it that it was a big fake. Perhaps with the intent to sell VD's or books about the issue. How did I know it? From the allegorical Genesis account of the Flood when HaShem promised Noah that He would never allow another universal destruction to erase Mankind from the earth save the family of Noah He pledged His word based on the fact that soon afterwards Israel, the Jewish People would rise from the loins of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. So, His word would work as good as the natural laws functioned properly. (Gen. 8:21,22)

Prophet Jeremiah must have read that text and interpreted in a way that as long as the natural laws worked properly Israel would remain as a People before the Lord forever. (Jer. 31:35-37)

Jesus must have read both texts above, the one of Genesis and that of Jeremiah and concluded that salvation comes from the Jews. (John 4:22) That's salvation from universal destruction. I take from these three texts that Israel had been the pledge to guarantee God's promise to Noah.
utter silliness.... but we all knew that....

the world will end as we know it when man destroys its ability to sustain mankind...

the planet will last till it is absorbed by our star...
utter silliness.... but we all knew that....

the world will end as we know it when man destroys its ability to sustain mankind...

the planet will last till it is absorbed by our star...

Okay, in that case we have only to wait and see if Prophets Jeremiah and Isaiah, and Jesus were mistaken about Genesis 8:21,22. Isaiah has also testified about Israel as being Immanuel, the go-between God and man. (Isa. 8:8)