Student of Knowledge
If God spoke again, would you listen?
Would you be able to recognize it, if God spoke again?
Would you be able to recognize it, if God spoke again?
Would you be able to recognize it, if God spoke again?
G!d, Kosmos, Humanity, Creation, Revelation, Redemption are all on-going processes. Saying they have stopped is like saying time and life and breathing have stopped. Just does not make sense.
Nor does having G!d's word the property of some individual or group. The G!d/dess speaks directly with that of G!d in everything. If the word is something "revealed" to only one or one group, IMHO, that alone is sufficient reason to question its authenticity.
What you said in your second paragraph is also said in the New Message Teachings. You are on the mark. In the Revelation it is said that God can only speak to what God created in you - which is called Knowledge. What each individual is to do is known within them and is something they were designed to do. So in that sense everyone, if prepared to listen, can hear God's word within themselves.
However, when a Revelation is given that will effect many people, or in this case the entire world, it is ALWAYS given through one individual. This preserves its integrity, its purity. There is no contention between multiple "Messengers" and that would surely happen given the nature of our personal minds and the fact that all of us, even God's Messengers are fallible and human.
This current Messenger makes no claims to greatness or power. He is simply God's Messenger. He has prepared himself and been prepared to receive this vast Revelation and attempt to present it to the world. That is all.
Contained within the Revelation is information for all to hear. It contains a preparation to effectively reclaim your relationship with Knowledge within you and others. It provides what we need at this time and the times to come. It is then everyone's responsibility to read it, study it, learn it and eventually practice and act upon what you see to do.
We all own it and are responsible to it. In fact everything that is essential in the Revelation is offered free of charge on the internet for the world. Would you expect anything else to be the case?
If you can over come your fear, skepticism, and presumptions, you may be able to see and hear clearly enough to recognize what has been given to you, to us as a world, from the Creator itself.
Blessings, Robert
so who is the current messenger ?
No, Robert, I reject any and all messages from G!d which are revealed to one and only one individual. Like the Church of Jesus Christ and Latter Day Saints, the New Message may appeal to some, but not I.
No, that is like saying "I see what I eat, therefore I eat what I see". I did read them, even went to the web-site where the "Messenger" has several hundreds of dollars of goods for sale. Bogus, in every way in every sentence, in every manner.
So bad is this message, I would rather debate with those little men with ties on who believe their message. Gold tablets that mysteriously disappear have a better chance of being real than this.
I will not debate, but every posting not in a new forum area (call it "New Message from God" or whatever). Will have this same weary reply.
Playing hide-and-go-seek, perhaps?like i've always maintained, if God wanted for me to know that God existed, it could certainly do so in a manner which would utter convince me. given that i'm not an omniscient being i don't know what manner that would take but then that is the provenance of God, yes?
like i've always maintained, if God wanted for me to know that God existed, it could certainly do so in a manner which would utter convince me. given that i'm not an omniscient being i don't know what manner that would take but then that is the provenance of God, yes?
I pose a challenge for anyone here - go and read/study any one of the Teachings that are free and available to you. Then come and discuss what your have learned and experienced.
The emphasis should never be on the Messenger. It is the Message that is important and what it invokes in you.
Blessings, Robert
what teachings ?