If God spoke again, would you listen?

  • Thread starter Student of Knowledge
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G!d speaks directly to the open heart, this is the core of all religion (almost all Religions). The G!d/d!ss does not need some individual in a trance to provide Revelation, it is all about and within us. And if your Messenger is telling you that Moses, Buddah, Jesus, and Muhammed are the only "great turning points" I would point out that your Messenger is a bit Western in outlook, dismissive of indigenous wisdom, and preaches exclusivity. I do not trust, nor can I ever accept such as the true word.
Question . . . if there turns out to be no God, how will we then explain everything you just mentioned? "WHO" or "WHAT" is talking directly to the open heart (what does that even mean? lol)
you and i, Robert, apparently operate from different paradigms for i cannot convince myself of anything like that. i am persuaded to a point of view by evidence or the lack thereof and by evidence i mean of the intersubjective sort, naturally, though i wanted to add that to clear up any misconception that you may have regarding my thoughts on the matter.



Thank you for clarifying your position.

What I am saying is that our "surface" mind. The mind that we use daily, that is conditioned by the world is not the mind that knows. The mind that knows (the truth) is the deeper mind called Knowledge. That part of us all that is still connected to God. That mind does not evaluate, compare, conspire, fear, believe or anything like that. Those are the traits of our surface mind. The deeper mind is still most of the time. It simply knows and when it knows it acts - with certainty, direction and power. That mind is what our surface mind was designed to serve here in the physical.

So when I said convince ourselves of something, I refer to reconnecting with Knowledge and allowing it to guide and direct our surface mind to know the truth. Not think the truth, not evaluate the truth, but to Know the truth. The first is how we are before we have the experience of truth. The second is the experience itself.

Blessings, Robert
Question . . . if there turns out to be no God, how will we then explain everything you just mentioned? "WHO" or "WHAT" is talking directly to the open heart (what does that even mean? lol)

I dunno, by definition I call it G!d. "The Inner Light", "The Seed", "That of G!d Within" (taht is redundant) are Quakerly terms for it. Kinda sorta lika "the Higher Power" which could be my Norton (and was at a diffent kind of meeting). Pure consciousness? I do not mean a personal, omniscient, omnipotent, transcendent, paternal G!d.
Question . . . if there turns out to be no God, how will we then explain everything you just mentioned? "WHO" or "WHAT" is talking directly to the open heart (what does that even mean? lol)

I have a question to clarify something for me. You say you are an agnostic luciferian. What do you define as a luciferian? I thought that would mean you follow lucifer? If that were the case doesn't that paradigm require a God that lucifer would oppose?

I have a question to clarify something for me. You say you are an agnostic luciferian. What do you define as a luciferian? I thought that would mean you follow lucifer? If that were the case doesn't that paradigm require a God that lucifer would oppose?

I know, it's misleading . . . we gotta change that! :rolleyes:
Lucifer as the Principle of Higher Self, the True Self, our Dæmon.

Agnostic being that I accept that I, personally, do not know spiritual things as fact, I have my beliefs and I have my hopes that I am correct.
I know, it's misleading . . . we gotta change that! :rolleyes:
Lucifer as the Principle of Higher Self, the True Self, our Dæmon.

Agnostic being that I accept that I, personally, do not know spiritual things as fact, I have my beliefs and I have my hopes that I am correct.

Makes sense. Thank you.
You are sure? Do you truly speak? Do you truly have a voice?[/COLOR][/COLOR]

I’m not sure whether this “you” is referring to me or to a person in general. If you’re referring it to me, I’m not sure what you’re trying to say. Clearly, I’m not God. The topic is "If God spoke again, would you listen?" not "If I spoke again, would you listen?"
If you’re referring it to a person in general, you could perhaps clarify your questions for me.
G!d speaks directly to the open heart, this is the core of all religion (almost all Religions). The G!d/d!ss does not need some individual in a trance to provide Revelation, it is all about and within us. And if your Messenger is telling you that Moses, Buddah, Jesus, and Muhammed are the only "great turning points" I would point out that your Messenger is a bit Western in outlook, dismissive of indigenous wisdom, and preaches exclusivity. I do not trust, nor can I ever accept such as the true word.

God does “speak” to us, not so much in a voice, but through the deeper intelligence within us, called Knowledge in the Greater Community Spirituality. However, it is dormant, waiting for us to discover it, cultivate it, and express it in the world, in alignment with God’s will. It is “buried” deep underneath our surface minds, our personal minds that we created through familial conditioning, social conditioning, religious conditioning, cultural conditioning, etc., since we were born. So, God does “speak” to us through Knowledge. However, how will you be able to “listen” with all the “noises” your surface minds are making? Have you ever tried observing your thoughts objectively? It’s not easy. You must still your surface minds to gain this inner listening skill. Reclaiming Knowledge will take a lifelong journey called the Steps to Knowledge.

This era is the greatest turning point of human history, past, present, and future, for the humanity is emerging into the Greater Community of Worlds. The humanity has lived in a relative isolation, despite intermittent visitations by extraterrestrial beings in the past. The ET Intervention is already within this world, so our isolation is over forever. We will never be in isolation again. From here on, human beings will continuously encounter extraterrestrial beings scheming to overtake the world for its resources and human allegiance, or induce the humanity to cooperate with them for their advantage.

Yet, the humanity is not prepared for the future which will be unlike the past. Yes, God does speak to each one of us. However, how long will it take for every human being (or, at least, enough human beings) to determine to reclaim Knowledge, acquire inner listening skills, and come to the recognition that the humanity is emerging into the Greater Community? It may take eons for seven billion people on the face of the planet to come to this realization all separately, while interpreting their insights disjointedly with their surface minds. In the interim, the ET Intervention will have conquered the world already.

You can see how chaotic the result will be and highly unlikely for the humanity to come to consensus, let alone take joined actions to thwart the ET Intervention. Then there is the matter of how the humanity will gain the strength to thwart the extraterrestrial beings that are not only more advanced technologically than the humanity, but also have strong social cohesion and thus, stronger in the mental environment than the humanity unaware of the mental environment. (The ME is the environment of thoughts where more concentrated minds exert mental influence and persuasion on weaker minds.)

Thus, a Messenger was sent into the world, to receive the New Message from God, at this critical turning point of human history.

Everyone wants their religions to be validated and everyone wants to be validated as a “messenger” receiving messages from God. There have been others in the past, such as prophets who have reclaimed Knowledge within themselves, and contributed to the advancement of humanity by expressing Knowledge in the world, even though they may not have been recognized as extensively as some others. However, for true spiritual teachers, the focus wouldn’t be on themselves but on their teachings. If they don’t, we certainly don’t need to argue over why one is more recognized than another. What is important is that the New Message from God is here now, and the recognition that it is warning us of a very grave situation which, viewed from a correct perspective, is providing us with the only circumstance that would unite the humanity, for everyone in the world is in the same boat, dealing with the same circumstance and the same destiny.
It has always been that when a Messenger was brought into the world, there has always been only one Messenger of that era; there has been one Messenger in a period of about a millennium.

2390 B.C. < t < 1390 B.C. (1000 years) Moses (1319 B.C.)
1390 B.C. < t < 390 B.C. (1000 years) Buddha (563 B.C.)
390 B.C. < t < 570 A.D. (960 years) Jesus (7 B.C.)
570 A.D. < t < 1570 A.D. (1000 years) Muhammad (570 A.D.)
1570 A.D. < t < 2570 A.D.(?) (1000 years) Marshall Vian Summers (1949 A.D.)

[Here, the left inequalities should all be “less than or equal to”, rather than “less than.”]

A correction on one of my posts: Moses was born in 1391 BC, rather than 1319 BC. The millennium 2390 B.C.~1391 B.C. doesn’t even include the year 1319 BC. My apology….
We can never agree on this, I need no scripture, I experience G!d directly.

On the contrary, I do agree that you can only experience God. Believing in God is much weaker than knowing God through experiences. But how do you recognize it when and if God spoke to you, and whether it was, indeed, God that spoke to you through a profound insight or otherwise?
On the contrary, I do agree that you can only experience God. Believing in God is much weaker than knowing God through experiences. But how do you recognize it when and if God spoke to you, and whether it was, indeed, God that spoke to you through a profound insight or otherwise?
Yes, how do you know? What makes someone believe it is the Abrahamic god that is speaking to you?
Are there other gods? Can they speak to you if you are not of that religion?
Is hearing voices psychologically healthy?
I believe G!d speaks to me directly as a "still, small voice within". This is not the G!d of most Abrahamic believers, I admit. There is only one G!d, so I do not have to worry about others or voices.

The crucial question is "But how do you recognize it when and if God spoke to you, and whether it was, indeed, God that spoke to you through a profound insight or otherwise?" I grok the G!d/dess, I know experientially... I cannot express it in words. Like Buzzer White said about pornography, "I know it when I see it".
I believe G!d speaks to me directly as a "still, small voice within". This is not the G!d of most Abrahamic believers, I admit. There is only one G!d, so I do not have to worry about others or voices.

The crucial question is "But how do you recognize it when and if God spoke to you, and whether it was, indeed, God that spoke to you through a profound insight or otherwise?" I grok the G!d/dess, I know experientially... I cannot express it in words. Like Buzzer White said about pornography, "I know it when I see it".

The following is an excerpt from the Allies of Humanity - Book I.

Several groups of the "visitors" wish to establish themselves as spiritual agents because they know how to speak in the Mental Environment. They can communicate to people directly, and unfortunately, because there are very few people in the world who can discern the difference between a spiritual voice and the visitors’ voice, the situation becomes very difficult.

Therefore, the second area of activity is to gain people’s allegiance through their religious and spiritual motivations.

Actually, this can be done quite easily because humanity is not yet strong or developed in the Mental Environment. It is difficult for people to discern where these impulses are coming from. Many people want to give themselves to anything they think has a greater voice and a greater power.

- From Allies of Humanity

The Allies of Humanity stated that they are speaking to only the Messenger, Marshall Vian Summers. Rarely would anybody hear a divine voice.
That part actually seems quite common.

G!d told them to write in the books that nobody can ammend them, no adding or subtracting. G!d told Moses he was the last Prophet. G!d taught Joseph Smith and Joseph Smith only how to interpret the plates.

So if you want to be the new prophet, and new message from G!d it seems inherent that you follow the paradigm that only you can understand the message and everyone else should simply listen to you.
I am afraid we have to disagree there. A G!d speaking through a single entity is an athema (IMHO).

What is athema? Do you mean anathema?

G!d told them to write in the books that nobody can ammend them, no adding or subtracting. G!d told Moses he was the last Prophet. G!d taught Joseph Smith and Joseph Smith only how to interpret the plates.

God – actually the Angelic Presence translating God’s will – had undoubtedly instructed Moses, Buddha, Jesus, and Muhammad to write so that nobody can amend them. However, once the Messages were written, they would become corrupted by those individuals who had the means and intentions to use them for their benefits, and even by those with good intentions when teaching them in their own words from their own interpretations. However, this time, the Angelic Presence watching over the well-being and development of this world has instructed Marshall Vian Summers to record. This would preserve the integrity and purity of the New Message from God, and for the first time in human history, people can hear the voice of revelations, rather than just hear about it.

So if you want to be the new prophet, and new message from G!d it seems inherent that you follow the paradigm that only you can understand the message and everyone else should simply listen to you.

There is the New Message from God which is for the whole world, and there is Knowledge within you which is the bridge between God and you, through which God translates God’s will to you individually. So, yes, in essence, you must simply listen to the (Angelic) Voice of the New Message from God without any interpretations, evaluations, arguments, or judgments, for “God’s great Messages transcend the understanding and the awareness of the people at the time that the Great Messages are given.” This is a quote from the Teaching “How God Speaks to the World.” Also, yes, you must simply still your mind and cultivate the skill to listen at a deeper level, so that you can “hear” (it will not be a voice to you) God’s will.

I would like to share with you a few more passages from “How God Speaks to the World.” You can listen to the Voice of this Teaching from How God Speaks to the World | The New Message from God

No one has come here by accident. Everyone has been sent for a purpose. This purpose remains undiscovered within you, but you must find it, for that is the great pursuit in life. Beyond meeting your basic requirements to exist in this reality, you must find this purpose, for this is how God will speak to you, and this is how you will find your way.

……For God speaks to the world through a deeper Knowledge within the individual and through the power of united relationships, where this deeper power can be expressed and experienced between two or more people.

Periodically, God speaks to the world to deliver a message to the world. This is very infrequent, perhaps only happening every few centuries. God’s Message to the world is meant to last for a very long time and is meant to affect and influence the minds and hearts of people for a very long time. These Messages are given at pivotal points in evolution and at great times of change and times of great need.

……For while God speaks to you through a deeper Knowledge within yourself and through the power of united relationships, God’s Message to the world is to prepare humanity for what it cannot see and cannot know. It is to warn humanity. It is to empower humanity. It is to prepare humanity.

You can only be a witness to this. It will be beyond your current ideas. It will transcend your understanding. But God is not trying to reach your intellect as much as to resonate within you at a deeper level. For the intellect was created to navigate and to comprehend physical things, particular things. But the deeper resonance is of the soul, and that is how you will respond to God’s great but infrequent Messages for humanity.

People have many questions, but they must learn to listen at a deeper level, to still their minds and to listen, to be present, to be observant, to be reverent. For the intellect cannot know for sure if a New Message from God is authentic. They cannot know for sure if what they are hearing is absolutely the truth, the greater truth from the Creator of all life. They cannot know with the intellect if the Messenger is the real Messenger.

But in their heart they will know. The resonance will be deeper. The recognition will emerge from a deeper awareness within you and within others. This is what has kept religion alive. It is this deeper resonance. It is not the power of belief, for belief is weak and fallible, easily manipulated by others—by other powers and forces and so forth. But the resonance that keeps people responding to God’s great Messages is happening at a deeper level within the individual, beyond their intellect, beyond their ideas and comprehension, and this is what gives it power and magnificence, you see.

……God is not concerned if you have religion or not, but God is calling to you at this deeper level, you see, through the great Message for the world that is now being given to the world and through the power and the influence of Knowledge within yourself, and that happens every day, every moment, in every year, at every time, in every place.
Even if you read the Scriptures, and it moves you deeply, that is because of the resonance, not because of the ideas, you see? The power of God is not limited by human understanding or human ideas or the ideas of any race in the Universe, of which there
are so very many.

God is speaking now to the world through the New Message from God, through the Messenger that has been sent to the world to prepare humanity to face a world in decline, a world whose resources are diminishing, a world where people will have to cooperate with one another and end their ceaseless conflicts, a world that is entering a dangerous period—more dangerous than any period you have ever known—a world that is facing contact with life in the Universe, a world that is facing intervention from races in the Universe who are here to take advantage of a weak and divided humanity.

……People will think God’s New Message is irrelevant. It’s impossible. It will seem to not meet their daily concern. They will not see that it is here to save humanity itself! They will not see what it really is. So it will be neglected and avoided and criticized and ridiculed. People want bread for today. They do not see that when God speaks to the entire world it is for the preservation of the entire world. It is for the preservation of humanity. Without this, there will not be bread for anyone in the future. That is why the New Message has been given, you see.

- From “How God Speaks to the World”
How God Speaks to the World | The New Message from God
What is athema? Do you mean anathema?
Yes He means Anathema:
a person or thing accursed or consigned to damnation or destruction.

God – actually the Angelic Presence translating God’s will – had undoubtedly instructed Moses, Buddha, Jesus, and Muhammad to write so that nobody can amend them.
Oh really? Where the heck do you get this stupid misinformation on from?
However, once the Messages were written, they would become corrupted by those individuals who had the means and intentions to use them for their benefits
As if they weren't written for the intentions of other corrupted individuals?
This would preserve the integrity and purity of the New Message from God
So, now there's a New Message from god? Give it a rest, your losing the battle and becoming desperate like Islam.

and for the first time in human history, people can hear the voice of revelations, rather than just hear about it.
is this on IFC? NatGeo? Discovery?
you must simply listen to the (Angelic) Voice of the New Message from God without any interpretations, evaluations, arguments, or judgments
Doesn't this ring of the same sound that Hitler spoke?

This in my opinion is total BS, and religious fervor at it's worst.
EM, brava! It is a new message from the "New Boss"... same as the "Old Boss". Never trust anything you personally cannot experience (and no I do not experience little green men as G!d, not do I experience G!d speaking thought some oracle--especially when the message is 180 degrees out (I will come back as Christ because this is what you expect). G!d does nto fool us, in any way, in any manner.