We also need to mention that all Masters are Initiates, and that many of their teachings are not to be given to the general population.
Right. I think this distinction can be understood if we look at the relation between the
lesser and Greater Mysteries. Both are the esoteric
heart and Soul of every religion, like pieces of a mosiac or tapestry which only fully realizes its purpose once we see the woven or created patterns
as a whole.
The lesser mysteries are
always available to us ... perhaps most readily through the
meat & potatoes of religious myths, always with heroes embodying divine principles and winning struggles against adversity, holding some new spiritual Truth or Imperative on high. The Greater Mysteries I think we can study and understand in many, many forms. It can be in terms of the planes, the Seven principles of Consciousness in man, astrology, Archetypes and prototypes (with their obvious
instantiations upon this or any other planet) ... and so on. The example of the Five Initiations (now Six) as given by the Christ corresponds perfectly with the Eastern Teaching as taught by Lord Buddha. And of course, other teachers have presented the evolutionary Ideal accordingly.
Blavatsky familiarized her students with the same
Gupta Vidya that was presented in the Vedas [when the Buddha was incarnate as the poet Vyasa,
their author], and this is precisely what I think real Theosophy is all about. Those who are interested in a true
Apostolic lineage, or
Guru Parampara, can discover for themselves just why it is that the ROCK-solid foundation of this Tradition is what even
allows the proverbial Yggdrasil to grow upon ... our globe. It would also be true to say that Theosophy
is this Foundation, and that is equally valid an observation, but I believe the Wisdom Tradition itself must be carefully considered, lest we make the same mistake of objectification as we tend to do with so much else in our little worlds.
Consider, the Tradition
is in the man - just as much as
vice versa; I think this is what HPB meant by the statement that we must first
become the Path before we can tread it. It is a reminder that objectification is one form of the
mind slaying the Real, whereby we make ourself different than anyone or anything else ...
by simply dividing It [ourself from another, our environment from our body awareness, etc.]. This is understandable for the earlier, even the largest portion of the path of evolution ... but as we approach the threshhold of spiritual awareness it becomes necessary to learn to identify with a larger whole, a
greater sense of Self.
In order for the disciple to know the Master, and to work in the same worlds as do the Great Ones, wherein he also
is a Soul, we must point out, the man must grasp that Unity, Peace, Goodwill and even the Purpose of God are already accomplished facts, esoterically. He knows this because he is aware that God has a
blueprint or a literal
Plan for spiritual and material evolution, either of which can be imagined as quite an encompassing field or arena of activity. The student is at least somewhat aware of the
vast Hosts, the Angelic or Devic
Agencies [Orders] by Whom and which the Plan is worked out on various levels. He need only ask, if he is keen to serve,
how might he best meet a perceived need?
It is a path of Service, above all, which he is seeking to tread, the occultist. In this,
he himself is the initiating agent. I agree; we are doing this
in the footsteps of the Masters, as best as we are able. It is challenging at times, as we realize the great strain which all disciples and world aspirants are under, especially in the United States - as some can acknowledge. The current President is, my intuition tells me, the return of a Pharaoh of some renown from around the time of Akenaton's reign ... although that's just a general guess. This insight came to me probably about the time Obama was visiting Egypt in 2009, helping to set and keep in motion the wheels of progress in the political areana, where Democracy is especially needed. I was quite moved to realize that another of the Tibetan Master's prophecies is coming true in this capacity:
It is said that as the Reapperance of the World Teacher draws closer, several of the Masters' Ashrams are emerging again onto the physical plane, just as was the case long ago, in Atlantean days. Increasingly, we shall see evidence of the Christ's Reappearance as some of the Ashrams externalize ... and as disciples and Initiates move to leadership positions in many of the world's governments, religions and service organizations. As of several decades ago we already knew that a number of the Masters were active in various of the world's major cities, and the Work has progressed
tremendously since the first half of the 20th Century. Additional Teachings are not lacking, and the unbroken chain of the Wisdom Tradition lives on. All that is wanting is for the
practicing of Theosophy ...
operative vs. speculative. This is always the challenge, isn't it?
Not that I mean to diminish the value of
the more speculative, contemplative or philosophical contributions within modern Theosophy. There have been many opportunities over the years for me to study the recent incarnations of a dozen or so of the Masters. By comparing the contributions of numerous students of the Alice Bailey teachings and Theosophical schools, it is possible to gain considerable insight into the nature and variety of the many tests & trials [astrological sign by sign, or Ray temperament by Ray temperament, etc.] which we
all must undergo if we wish to accomplish the purpose for our present and future incarnations. I think this is where the crux of Theosophical Teaching rests. What
is our Purpose in being here? The question is perhaps the most important we shall ever ask. And its answer must change as the years progress, and that answer must
change our lives, else we ought know by now we are deceiving ourselves and losing precious time.
We have goals that we are working toward on a Planetary scale, just as on the individual, and the Masters' focus at this time is largely to assist Humanity by guaranteeing or safeguarding our adjustment to the Aquarian energies of the New Era. The Unity for which we strive, and which the Masters embody and represent,
does already exist ... but grasping this fact seems to be the problem often enough. It's as if some people prefer
not to imagine that an
Intelligent, Loving Deity might truly architect
worlds [even by the many billions] in which
far more yet exists to be discovered
UNDER {each respective} Heaven, than [is as yet known] in some of our wildest philosphies.
The lesser mysteries should never be given short shrift, since these are the true
foundation upon which our own individual [and collective] understanding must be
built in order for
greater Revelation to be afforded. This means that there is an
order in which we are asked to approach the Mysteries, or the waypoints along the Path. Christ symbolized these in
five great events in the life of Jesus, from Birth to Resurrection & Ascension. A man can certainly progress rapidly along the spiritual path, following in the footsteps of the Great Ones ... even emulating the Lord of Light and Love Himself. He cannot, however, skip any steps along the Way, and as always, he will have to learn to
walk before he is taught to fly.
"Fools rush in ..." as the adage goes. One great Initiate told me,
"If you want to study Kabbalah, first master the TORAH." Her words ring true on several levels!
Anyway, those are some thoughts that come to mind, as this is a study I have long been passionate about. In some instances, I believe it is helpful to focus upon the particular line of incarnations of some one of the Masters ... in order to help us see how a particular
type of soul tends to reincarnate - towards the end of the spiritual path. While there have been several projects put into print along these same lines, often looking at incarnations many dozens of lifetimes ago, I find it more useful to look toward the END of the series of embodiments, leading up to the higher initiations which each Master has taken. And again, although we know that each Masters is a master of ALL the Seven Rays, we also learn that each Master is most closely associated with some particular Ray, perhaps even expressing a sub-Ray of one of the Seven Ray Ashrams.
Master DK, for example, though a
2nd Ray Master under Master KH, has an Ashram which seems to be upon the
5th sub-Ray of the 2nd Ray. This is evident as you study his writings, and it will be confirmed by the intution ... if it is a correct observation. The Master Jupiter, or
Narayan {Lord Agastya, the `Old Gentleman,' as HPB called Him}
, is the senior ranking member of the Hierarchy, the Tibetan tells us ... being the oldest member. He takes other Masters as His students, and is very learned in astrology, as is Master DK, who knows more about the Rays than any of the Masters. These statements, of course, are seemingly paradoxical or problematic, if we forget that the Masters share the same awareness to such a degree ... that what is known by any one of them, can be easily and instantly shared with any other.
Master Jupiter is on the 2nd Ray, and has taken the Chohan Initiation, yet He is not the 2nd Ray Chohan ... as this is the Master K.H. Probably this is also true of the Tibetan, who tells us that he took the 5th Initiation in 1875. Students who want a good introduction to the subject of Initiation might look to Alice Bailey's first book, Initiation Human and Solar, which was dictated by the Tibetan to her and published in 1919. Leadbeater apparently picked up some of the same Teaching, although one should carefully note the
copyright date of
Masters and the Path in order to set matters straight. This should remove a bit of doubt, for those who might not yet have discovered the same
Voice speaking through AAB. It was Master DK, we find out, who dictated the largest portions of the Secret Doctrine, with assistance from Masters M and KH, Masters Rakoczy and Hilarion, Jupiter,
et al.
The subject is an never-ending ... but the importance of the Ideal of the Masters cannot be overemphsized, as they form the living
proof for us that the Spiritual Path
does lead to a future worth fighting for. Initiation is a forcing process, and our planet is very much undergoing a process of emergence into greater Light, coming under a greater measure and expression of
Love ... and for the first time in its ~4.5 billion year history, the
Purpose of God is beginning to occultly
Work out, via God's PLAN
Theosophists have the same opportunities as before, yet on a global scale and with altogether new forms of media ... to instruct the public on some of those methods by which they can
get in tune with the Sacred River Alpheus, and occultly
serve. It is non-glamorous, often very difficult and humble work, yet the reward is a Joy and an increased degree of Resonsibility and spiritual empowerment, just in proportion as the student demonstrates selfless, heartfelt motivation ... and puts these into Intelligent, Loving action. This has even been the Way:
Selfless, Loving SERVICE to one's fellow man as the surest, safest and swiftest way path ~ back to the Heart of God.