Not to speak for Artha, but in fact, tens of thousands of men & women
come from the sky every single day. This has been the case for decades.
Except for racial profiling at the airport, and this only in the case of Jesus appearing in *traditional* attire ... I doubt many people would recognize him or bat an eyelash these days.
And why on Earth
would Christ wish to be thus recognized and glorified??
Sounds like a really big ego-trip to me, and I refuse to believe that Christ Jesus is seeking this kind of thing.
Rather, I should expect him to do EXACTLY as the Bible says [for all the literalists out there] ... and display all the flamboyance, recognition-seeking and fanfare of
"a thief in the night."
[Has Christ in fact, come and gone? Not imho, as I don't think we'll see the Messiah for at least another decade. Look for him as Jesus of 2000 years ago, however, and you will miss him!]
Standard disclaimer should apply, btw, as Artha notes. I don't consider myself a conventional Christian by a long shot. Christian esotericist, maybe, as
I do believe in Christ Jesus. That's as much as I'm saying here, though.