Yes, Christian, follower of our elder brother and wayshower, the Christ.yes of course you can.![]()
Now it is a little tougher to become African, or Italian, or German or Chinese....
Yes, Christian, follower of our elder brother and wayshower, the Christ.yes of course you can.![]()
funny having to disagree with a lunatik eh?i'm relaying the tradition from which i been part off, if you think it absurd thats your call
Hey Serv, that was cute, almost akin to funny. But there is some probability of a lesson to learn. If the event really happened, it is quite probable that the lady could have converted to Judaism. Judaism, I say, Christianity would need another 30 years to show up in scene. (Acts 11:26) If Jesus was trying to become a Talmudist, it is perfectly acceptable; it was all around, but a Christian? It did not exist yet. Paul had not yet fallen off his horse.
there are no miracles, and there are only miracles as it is all miraculous....
if only we could all understand...
look, the wand is in your hand...
yes of course you can.![]()
Cheers, Ben. To continue my cute and almost funny theme, it occurred to me that, if we use the so-called Old Testament to refute the New, it becomes evident, to me, that the whole story is –"oh me of little faith"- at best implausible and at worst a crock. I mean, after all, isn’t the woman supposed to have been a Canaanite? If so, a question arises. How could a Canaanite woman, and a fertile one with a daughter at that, even have been in the region at the time of Jesus? Had not the Jews, or, more accurately (and inclusively), the Children of Israel, under Joshua’s command some centuries before, pulverized the lot of them? It sounds to me as though the New Testament would have us accept that at least one Canaanite survived the ordeal. To me, that stretches credulity.
Are you the leader of some church that has that option available? Explain how one can be a Christian without converting to Christianity.
G!d? do you believe something can 'seem' to G!d? I don't believe in any G!d with human traits like thinking, seeing, chemically imbalanced soul tossing plagues, floods and bonuses as whim.To whom it is all miraculous? Not to God, I hope. And to us, what seems to be hard to understand at first, it will eventually be understood. Just give time to time. Science is working hand-in-hand with us. And as you properly say, the wand is in our hand.
Are you the leader of some church that has that option available? Explain how one can be a Christian without converting to Christianity.
Tell me, can I become a Christian without converting to some Christian church? Of course not! There we go!
funny having to disagree with a lunatik eh?
1 John 4:8:
"If you have not known love, you have not known the father, for God is love."
The traditions of men are warned against frequently in the Bible, simply grow your capacity to love and eventually you simply are love. Then you are part of the body of Christ, when you realize all is love.
You simply decide to follow Christ, to search for the Christ spirit within you, to put on the mind of Christ....tis a personal thing, you need no church, heirarchy or go between, no forms to fill out, no fee to pay, no license required.
G!d? do you believe something can 'seem' to G!d? I don't believe in any G!d with human traits like thinking, seeing, chemically imbalanced soul tossing plagues, floods and bonuses as whim. that is a horse of different color....and the time is now, has been for centuries, we aren't waiting for science, religions or anyone to catch up....just us.
Jesus did things that were not so nice at times, but he served the Lord and did what is right and just, that is what made Him righteous in the eyes of God.As scripture says;
"All those who do right shall rise to live, those who do evil shall rise to be damned".
"I the Lord speak the truth, I say what is right".
"Speak the truth to one another,judge justly, and let honesty and peace be in your home town."
1 John 4:8:
"If you have not known love, you have not known the father, for God is love."
The traditions of men are warned against frequently in the Bible, simply grow your capacity to love and eventually you simply are love. Then you are part of the body of Christ, when you realize all is love.
thats not what you previously said though
being a Christian is a personal thing though, it has the potential to be a Love Relationship with God. You dont need a particular Church for that.
It means that if Jesus AT TIMES did some not so nice things, no one can claim that he was perfect. He broke the Golden Rule of not doing unto others what we would not like they did unto us. Would he have liked to be called a dog? I doubt it. Therefore, Jesus was also under the same classification of us all: Sinners. Therefore, in need of a savior himself. So, he did not die for the sins of any one. (Exo. 32:33)
Being perfect in the eyes of God is to be blameless.The son of man and servant of God is blameless and walks in the law of the Lord. Jesus did not die for the sins of anyone else correct.What He did was to spread the word of God as He was instructed, and walk in the law of the Lord.That is what saves, to serve the Lord. As He said "Blessed is He who finds no stumbling block in me".Once you find it then you will have understanding.
"Blessed is he who's way is blameless who walks in the law of the Lord."
Sorry Princely, being perfect and blameless is one and the same. Jesus was neither if you insist in closing your eyes to his mistreatment of a desperate mother. Besides, didn't he attack the Jewish authorities with insults of hypocrites and so on? These are called the famous "woes" against the Pharisees. (Mat. 23:13-29) I prefer not to believe them but the gospels make no secret about them.
i'm sure lunatik is Mee with a change of clothes, from the same ilk of fundamentalism at least.