Thanks for sharing some details of your experiences, Lunitik. The Path of Initiation is one in which there is a Dark Night of the Soul taking place preceding, surrounding and even following upon the 4th Initiation, or `Renunciation.' The Buddha was said to have helped 900 such Arhats pass on through this stage in spiritual evolution.
The result? No more Causal Body. The Soul is Liberated ... and moves on to higher work. At that point, the Monad is directly incarnate via the personality ... a direct link occurs, and this means that the person in question literally incarnates the Divine.
Such beings, arhats or Adepts, are rare. Perhaps we have bumped into without knowing. Perhaps we have been fortunate enough to meet people like this, whether or not we realized just how evolved they are. The coming Buddha, Maitreya Bodhisattva, is called the Buddha of 10,000 Arhats ... suggesting that the number of souls to attain Liberation through his aegis, assistance and influence will be something like 10 times the number that achieved with Shakyamuni Buddha's help. This assumes that we are looking into the future, of course.
So, there are many experiences that we can undergo which could be comparable to the Long Dark Night of the Soul. The Tibetan Master assures us that even when we are certain that this must be what is happening, it is much more likely the 2nd Initiation, since this too can be extremely painful and challenging for some disciples ... especially students on the 2nd Ray, if I recall.
At any rate, there are many dozens of lesser initiations, and we all take these from day to day, or month to month, or year to year. Two significant `probationary' or preparatory initiations are said to precede the Birth, or first true Initiation. The Tibetan also reminds us, however, that the first SIRIAN Initiation is the 3rd, or Transfiguration [as it is known to Christian esotericists, or the Hamsa (swan), as it is known in the East]. Meeting a 3rd Degree Initiate is less rare ... but many of these do not carry the awareness in the brain consciousness. Rather, the proof of their attainment lies in their work, their character and in certain other indications which we can learn to see (or intuit).
Certainly it is possible to wrongly assess another person - or oneself - along these lines. Thus, we may vastly over-rate our spiritual status, or we may even under-estimate where we actually stand. Better not to obsess at all; better to
practice the Dharma, as a good Friend used to tell me.
Anyway, I certainly wish you the best in the Journey ahead. Each new day offers untold Opportunity. Before we know it, we'll be exactly where we need to be ... as indeed, the best way to prepare oneself for Initiation is to forget about it and simply carry out our spiritual (Service-oriented) Responsibility.
This doesn't mean we can't discuss the subject, or talk about how the Path Ideal has been presented in both East and West ... symbolized, illustrated and embodied. That, at least it seems to me, is an inexhaustible topic! We just have to be careful not to deceive ourselves. It is natural to want, to seek and to hope for spiritual Liberation. It is also possible to hypnotize oneself, or to become quite convinced we are
liberated ... when in fact, this is quite obviously not the case. Perhaps the best we can do in such situations, is to simply smile ... and offer encouragement.
Other times, we must remain altogether quiet, for while we may not wish to offend, we also must be careful not to add fuel to someone's fire. In this case, since we are discussing the subject frankly and openly, I am going to tread carefully ... but I am also not going to pretend, or join the tea party simply because the mad hatter sometimes amuses me. Therefore, my fellow Pilgrim, let's just agree that we are all
quite fortunate to have the opportunities that we have been given.
I dare say, pretty well everyone who posts or stops by at is on the Spiritual Path. But as for advanced Initiates? MAYBE ... again, who's to say? It certainly isn't you or me, however.
Maybe Nick has a thought or two. I feel quite certain that he has bumped into an old soul here or there (ha!). Some experiences, I realize, are quite personal ... and do not need posting on public forums. Others, especially if details are removed or identities preserved, can be shared. I have no problems whatsoever, for example, mentioning encounters with the Masters ... whether my own, or those of others. I am
especially careful in the latter case, and even where I have my own certainties or awareness, I do usually try to tailor what I have to say to the occasion.
Waiving a flag that says, "I am there, I have attained, I am done" however ... THIS really only proves one thing. And indeed, the Emperor does like to air out the wardrobe ... from time to time.