Interesting... where can one go to validate these "facts" that fly in the face of what Theosophy teaches? Are they as easily found as the problems of Scientology?
radarmark, which "facts" is it again that you are continuing to research?I was going to stop researching when I could find no original citations about these "facts" (so far I believe them about as much I believe the Truthers and Birthers). However, given AndrewX's response, I shall continue (I always assume the lady doth protestesth too much when she does). Thanks Sam, will let you know.
The "facts" Sam Albion claims. So far a lot of web hits, but no sources. Hence I would make the chances for his "facts" being facts 20 or 30 to 1.
Francis has done exactly what enemies of the Truth often do. She has chosen bits and pieces, out of context - or embellished and polished up quite nicely by those who are, likewise, representatives straight outta the Adversary's camp.The "facts" Sam Albion claims. So far a lot of web hits, but no sources. Hence I would make the chances for his "facts" being facts 20 or 30 to 1.
You just crucified your precious Christ, btw. Feel better now to see that I can do it too?
Show us all your great and worldly Wisdom, Francis. Tell us all about how it actually is?
Sound familiar?
Isn't it a pity
Now, isn't it a shame
How we break each other's hearts
And cause each other pain
How we take each other's love
Without thinking anymore
Forgetting to give back
Isn't it a pity
Some things take so long
But how do I explain
When not too many people
Can see we're all the same
And because of all their tears
Their eyes can't hope to see
The beauty that surrounds them
Isn't it a pity
Isn't it a pity
Isn't is a shame
How we break each other's hearts
And cause each other pain
How we take each other's love
Without thinking anymore
Forgetting to give back
Isn't it a pity
Forgetting to give back
Isn't it a pity
Forgetting to give back
Now, isn't it a pity
What a pity
What a pity, pity, pity
What a pity
What a pity, pity, pity
The fact is, Francis [aka Sam Albion] is here to stir and incur hatred.
--I'm not here for that. But, that's what people in cults usually say when they are contradicted.
"She is both practiced at her art, as well as devious and CUNning. I certainly give her that.
--devious, AND cunning. Thanks. That's quite a... compliment. Oh, hang on. Are you saying that because I'm a woman? Sheesh.
"She made it to my ignore list, however ... and I would advise you to take anything she posts - on this thread, at least - with about 2 kg of salt"
--but Andrew only says this because he thinks he is the pinnacle of all wisdom, and he takes it personally when someone knocks his guru, HPB, even though she's dead.
"Francis, in short, is a TROLL"
--mmm. A troll. One of those ugly things that sits under bridges demanding tolls? K, I can work with that...
"She is also of Roman Catholic alignment and background, throwing stones from within her glass house ... on a matter of someone's individual karma [C.W. Leadbeater - spell it correctly]. Really now. A Catholic spouting off about child molestation? Pointing her finger at Theosophists on the matter of pedophilia?
--I've obviously touched a raw nerve here... karma, though, is an apt word, here. I've never karma'ed with small boys... or girls for that matter. And I never will.
"What she *doesn't* know about the brothers Krishnamurti is say - 95% of the story. So, in true keeping with the SPIRIT OF HATRED
--I like that. spirit of hatred. powerful, man.
"we have the ultimate essence of KNOW-IT-ALL manifested here, when in fact, the party in question knows next to NOTHING on the matter she has tried to stir [up].
Well, she is free to speculate, as are we all. And, within reason, I am also free to point out the above FACTS.
So when you decide to set off for your research - confirming or disproving what the jaded MONSTER here has dragged out of the abyss - again, keep a few kilos of salt handy.
-- a monster, whose eyes you must throw salt in... very Biblical man, very Biblical...
"The facts on Nityananda are far from what our new Troll has suggested. he has no understanding or insight into WHY Nityananda had to die, as only an Initiate or Adept could understand the karma involved. Fortunately, we DO have ON RECORD statements from A MAHATMA regarding just this matter ... including discussion of Krishnaji's request to spare the life of his brother.
--Nityananda HAD to die? Sheesh. I hope everyone made sure he got laid before he went.
Such could not be done, owing to the KARMA of the individual in question ... and not for the B.S. reasons that our TROLL has produced. As I say, the discussion is there - "all over the internet" - but it takes someone of REAL INTELLIGENCE and a devotion to TRUTH to find it, an earnest seeker and not simply a know-it-all who actually knows very little from direct experience but likes to parade her book-learning about ... as if this is what gets people into her imaginary heaven.
--this is class, this bit. "It would take someone of intelligence and a devotion to truth to see the real truth, not a person parading their book learning about"... what do they say about pots and kettles? Stanzas of Dyzan, anyone...?
"No, I'm afraid Francis here had ONE AIM when she posted her invective the other day. She was after ONE THING ... and although I'm sure she has already garnered at least part of the smug self-satisfaction that she was after, I will do MY best at this point to deny her the remainder.
I have NO EARTHLY IDEA what she posts, or will post next, and I DON'T CARE. An ignore list exists for a purpose, and Francis has earned the #1 spot on mine!
--so, you want to fight, and then you hide behind the iggy wall... mmm... but, I know you will log on, under your assumed name, just so you can see what's been said. You know it too, Andrew...
Once upon a time I suppose it was possible for her to dialogue with people without attacking them, their Faith and beliefs ... but if that was the case, Francis has forgotten all about why it might be useful. She has no interest in pleasant discourse, as she has a personal vendetta against all things Theosophical and all persons of Theosophical inclination.
-- I made a casual remark about HPB and her reputed contact with the secret masters, and the allegations about leadbetter. You started flinging the excreta. I'm just volleying your serve. Isn't that how people play tennis?
"This comes, as I say, from smug self-certainty and self-righteousness"
--I couldn't have put it better myself, andrew.
YES ... if you want to understand something, DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH.
--again, I like it... That's like something I'd say...
If you only read in circular fashion, BEGINNING with your flawed, faulty conclusion [which itself, in her case, is based on nothing but hatred, jealousy and lies] ... then how ON EARTH do you expect to ever break free of your ignorance and learn even one iota of the Wisdom on a subject?
--I'd like to reiterate your finely expressed sentiment here, andrew, yet change the word "conclusion" to "theosophy books"...
HOW can a person gain insight when mired within pure EGO, blinded by such HATRED?
Honestly, I think I'd find that pretty embarrassing,
--I agree. It must smart, andrew...
in fact, her little rant and quite pointed attack backfires.
-- substitute her for my, here...
"Francis would love to make a fool of everyone that doesn't see things just as she does ... and this masks a basic insecurity, besides a good bit of self-loathing and childhood trauma, I suspect ~ although again, as neither Asekha Adept, nor enlightened Initiate, I cannot tell you what form of abuse(s) she suffered, or just where & how her personal karma began to manifest in such a way as to produce this rather unpleasant display currently witnessed. [My own story I know, yes, but will withhold, for the moment. ]
-- and again you get me wrong, Andrew. I don't want to make a fool of you. You've done it far more thoroughly than I ever could. Hats off to you! But, well, 'tis a low blow to suggest I am hating on leadbetter the boy-bummer because I too was cruelly bummed.
The only thing I resent is that she is clever enough, CUNning enough, that she realizes she can access the proverbial chink in the armor and go after others - at precisely their points of weakness ... some of which, at least in some cases, are all too resonant and/or aligned with some of her own.
--ah ha! So YOU were cruelly bummed, and this is all TRANSFERENCE... sorry, andrew. But, I wasn't referring to you in my opening post. Unless Leadbetter consecrated your anus with his Holy rood. I urge you to seek counselling, or Heroin, or something, if that's the case...
Now I don't give a rat's rear that or lovely little dear will deny such, and perhaps pretend that her post was anything other than mean-spirited and INTENDED as purely personal. She was, and is, as I say - out for ONE THING. But there are others here who perhaps can see such a broadside coming from a mile away ... as I WELL SHOULD HAVE ...
--Unless your name is Leadbetter, and you bum boys, my post was not directed at you. Unless you are the reincarnation of HPB, the same applies... (now I have a picture in my head that won't go away.... make it stop, Mommy, make it stop...)...
... and those who have long ago left Francis' poor, petty little understanding behind, ALSO KNOW that the very method of the Guru is sometimes - at a certain point - to specifically ALLOW the Dark Forces to have their way with the disciple or student being tested.
--ooh. Freud would have a field day with you, Andrew. "The guru sometimes allows the DARK FORCES to have their way with the disciple". Sheesh. Are you sure you're not all Crowleyites on the sly
The choice to take the HIGH ROAD, rather than allow penetration of the knife point at the chink in the armor ... is up to EACH PERSON.
In other words, for all that I have said about Francis - true as it may be - how any one of us REACTS or responds to her offensive attacks ... is what really matters.
That being said, she found her way to my ignore list, but not before helping me to realize that yes, this is simply typical ... and this kind of attack, though it's not something I'm used to dealing with except HERE, is just a simple matter of PRACTICE.
--i think you only have to press the button once. i don't know. I don't come hear just to listen to people I agree with. That's not what it's supposed to be about. Or maybe I don't see it like you do -- as a vehicle to promote the cult I'm in.
Well, practice makes PERFECT, and what I don't master on the 1st round, or the 2nd round, or even the 999th, I will certainly ONE DAY have to master - on the 1000th, or what-have-you.
I have Francis to THANK ... for being such a witch here of late. Without that, I wouldn't be able to head off certain possible confrontations from day to day, which I haven't had to deal with for quite some time.
--in the trade, this paragraph is referred to as "the sweetener".
Again, she's pretty ignorant when it comes to occult matters, including what's going on in the world today [beyond her little confused bubble of self-loathing] ... so she has no idea, apparently, that the Spirit which underlies the happenings of the time shall squash her little displays like a bug. Mine too, if I don't get house in proper order.
--you've already proclaimed my ignorance of occult matters.
But to be clear, and blunt, FRANCIS/Sam Albion wouldn't know the Christ if he sat down next to her on the tube ... or knocked on her door, smiling with outstretched hands and Loving heart.
--and this paragraph is the"covering all bases clincher"-- appeal to the xtian majority...
And that won't change very much ... until FRANCIS does.
Nonetheless, deary dear, THANKS for the challenge. It's already done me wonders. I heartily accept, btw, and in the true Spirit of the time, I will meet you whenever the time between us is RIGHT ... although I also don't mind if you want a few more times around the wheel to see, understand and know that IT IS SO.
After all, that's *your* loss ... and I couldn't care less.
Meanwhile, you're just a nuisance, and the less I have to deal with it, the better.
Francis has done exactly what enemies of the Truth often do. She has chosen bits and pieces, out of context - or embellished and polished up quite nicely by those who are, likewise, representatives straight outta the Adversary's camp.
the adversary. throw salt in my eyes, why do'nt ya?
She doesn't actually understand how well she represents the latter, doing his work FOR him.
Whose's work? Is he paying me? I better be getting paid.
Now on the specific matters she mentions, yes, C.W. Leadbeater probably WAS a pedophile (and her understanding of this, karmically, comes from WHERE?) ...
--and there, the argument falls... he went away, and realised -- ahh, Francis' flippant remark was, actually, a known fact. Here you are!
... while the matter with Krishnamurti is so misunderstood, that to the best of my knowledge, I really AM the only person on the site who has a bit of direct insight into it, and can tell you what really went on - as far as the `takeaway' goes.
Francis is just doing her best to stir up trouble, and while I quite understand the importance of devil's advocate as a philosophical position and opportunity for discourse, I reject the mean-spirited nature of the personal attack and VENDETTA which Francis has launched and is attempting to spearhead.
erm? mean spirited nature, personal attack, vendetta..? you really should look at your earlier posts, my man.
Besides, she wouldn't know the Spear of Longinus anyway ... IF she saw it, or if it came to her in a dream. And again, while SHE has no clue what I'm talking about ... I don't expect her to. She is, as I say, just a TROLL.
it sounds a bit, kinky... are you saying you wanna poke me?
Honestly though, and forgive me for saying so, she pisses me off ... because when I see crap like [her post], I just want to groan.
now you're backtracking. or trying to. and failing. pretty dismally, as it goes.
Yes, I have said plenty an unkind word or two about Roman Catholicism in the past, but Francis doesn't have any notion what she is messing with karmically ... in this case.
so, what should I infer from this... I feel you're trying to warn me, Andrew. Or threaten me. Or maybe, you're not trying to threaten me yourself. Maybe you're doing it on behalf of your dead fantasy masters? Well, I fart on your masters. phfffh.
All she knows - or believes, feels - is that she's stirring up trouble. And she has pointed it directly at ME.
no, and again, you err. this is that tranference thing again, remember? You feel like you have to defend your position, but you can't do that effectively enough without resorting to threats and petty, juvenile insults, even though you purport to be above such behaviours and abhor them in others. As I have said earlier, if I called you a bummer of boys, then you may have a point. I merely stated that HPB may not have been in direct telepathic communication with such wise masters and leadbetter liked to play holey moley milk shake with his prepubescent charges...
ignoring the facts doesn't make them go away, as andrew x and his hazy yet painful memories of the TS summer camp 1973 doth testify....
Truthers and Birthers