Ben-- you catch on. I have same kind of problem with Azure24 on another thread of yours.
I don't think you understood my post with this reply of yours. As far as I am concerned this is a non sequitur.
Ben-- you catch on. I have same kind of problem with Azure24 on another thread of yours.
The answer is there. I understood what you meant about Jesus not being morally correct but that is not what God looks for.
"Genuine worshipers will worship the Lord in spirit and in truth for it is just such worshipers the Lord looks for, for God is spirit and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and truth."
Good! That's what Jesus said in John 4:22, when he was having that dialogue with the Samaritan woman; a dialogue between two peoples: The Jews, represented by Jesus and the Gentiles, represented by the Samaritan woman. So, "such worshipers the Lord looks for,..." Do you have any idea what worshipers was Jesus talking about? He said, "you, (Gentiles) worship what you do not understand, while we, (Jews) understand what we worship." No wonder, he proceeded, "after all, salvation is from the Jews." And he said, "from the Jews" and not from one among the Jews.
No, you are putting your take on it. Because Jesus was not in agreement with the so called Jews that is why they had Him crucified. He was speaking of true worshipers like himself and the prophets before Him whom the so called Jews rejected. It is the prophets who are the genuine worshipers, those who keep the ways of the Lord and walk in His paths, who worship in spirit and in truth.
Sorry Princely, you are just telling me that you do not believe in your NT or even in what Jesus said. I am not putting anything of mine into the text. "You people worship what you do not unaderstand, while WE (and not I) understand what WE (and not I) worship." (John 4:22) Read it yourself before you say that I am adding anything of my taking.
I know what Jesus said,but I do not agree he was speaking for the Jews that you are thinking of.
Good! Do you know something? You almost said what I wanted to hear. I mean, to read. That Jesus was not a Jewish man. Perhaps that he was a Greek. If that could be verified, it would save a lot of troubles for Christianity. At least, Christians would not have to juggle around to explain why and how Jesus was a demigod, which is the son of a god with an earthly woman. A thing which is so foreign to Judaism.
I didn't say Jesus wasn't Jewish. I said He was not speaking of salvation coming from the Jews you think are Jews. Jews are those who serve the Lord in righteousness and walk in His ways as all the prophets do.
The Lord says this; "The Lord God does nothing without revealing His plans to HIS SERVANTS, THE PROPHETS."
"When the lion roars who will not fear it? When the Lord God speaks who will not prophecy."
If he was not speaking of salvation coming from the Jews, what was he speaking of in John 4:22? Care to enlighten me? IMHO, what he said couldn't be more clear than exactly that. Ben
What do you think I think are Jews? That's sounds funny. And who is judging that we don't serve the Lord in righteousness, you? And who has decided that we do not walk in His ways as the prophets do? I mean, did. We don't have any more prophets. The prophetical system was sealed up with the New Covenant at the return of the Jewish People from exile in Babylon. (Dan. 9:24)
And last but not least, the Lord no longer needs to reveal His plans to His servant the prophets. We have the Scriptures. We don't need prophets anymore. The Lord God speaks to us through the Scriptures. All we need is to reach for them, which are as near to us as our own mouth and heart.
(Deut. 30:11-14) Ben
Like I said the prophets are the Jews. Anyone who spreads the truth, the word of the Lord and teaches others to do so is a prophet.That is why Jesus came.That is why I am here. You may think the prophetical system is sealed up but you are not correct because only the servants ,Gods prophets understand and you are not one.
If the prophets are the Jews, when Jesus said that salvation comes from the Jews, he meant the Jewish People. (John 4:22) Jesus was just another Jew who was born in this world. Nothing more special than being a Rabbi. (John 3:1,2)
Have you read Daniel 9:24? It is not only that I think. "Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city to seal up the vision and prophecy."
According to Jeremiah 31:34, "And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, 'know the Lord'; for they shall all know Me from the least of them till the greatest of them." It means that there would be no longer need of prophets.
He was talking about the Jewish people, yes. But a true Jew is not the people that the world now thinks of as Jews. Like I said a true Jew spreads the word of the son of man and walks in the light of the Lord.
And who are you to judge? What makes you think I do not walk in the light of the Lord? I think you must be frustrated by what the Jewish People have achieved in making of this world a better place for all to live. That's the reason why you deny the present Jewish identity.
It is not to seal up vision and prophecy but to put Gods seal of approval on vision and prophecy or a stamp of approval on it. To anoint a most holy is done with prophecy and righteousness, which you are not allowed to comprehend, because you are not a prophet/servant.
Any claim of being a prophet today is tantamount to being a false prophet.
Chatham means: to seal, seal up, affix a seal
Do you have any idea why we seal up an envelop with a letter inside? It is because we have finished writing that letter. Doesn't it ring a bell in your ears to understand Daniel 9:24?
"Seventy weeks are decreed for your people and your holy city, to finish the transgression, to put an end to sin, and to atone for iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to put a seal on vision and prophecy, and to anoint a most holy."
Now, try to understand how all the above happened without a single sacrifice. Your Christian preconceived notion won't allow you to.
This is at the ends of the earth when Gods kingdom is here, obviously that is not the case. But will happen soon.
God's kingdom is not a place one is expected to get into. Jesus himself said that it is within ourselves. Esoteric therefore. (Luke 17:25)
The Lord who sent me says this; "Faithfulness has disappeared the word of God is gone from their speech."
Perhaps from your speech; not from mine.
"When the lion roars who will not fear it, when the Lord God speaks who will not prophecy."
What God has spoken has been recorded in the Scriptures. That's the Law and the Prophets. We no longer need any more prophets. (Dan. 9:24)
"All those who do right shall rise to live, the evildoers shall rise to be condemned."
The dead no longer do any right or wrong. They will never again have part in any thing that's done under the sun. (Eccl. 9:5,6)
"Seek justice seek humility perhaps you'll be sheltered on the day of the Lords anger."
Anger is an emotion. The Lord is not activated by emotions. This attribute belongs only to the gods of Greek Mythology. Read the Iliad of Homer.
Do what is right and just, says the Lord
Don't forget that!
And who are you to judge? What makes you think I do not walk in the light of the Lord? I think you must be frustrated by what the Jewish People have achieved in making of this world a better place for all to live. That's the reason why you deny the present Jewish identity.
Any claim of being a prophet today is tantamount to being a false prophet.
Do you have any idea why we seal up an envelop with a letter inside? It is because we have finished writing that letter. Doesn't it ring a bell in your ears to understand Daniel 9:24?
Now, try to understand how all the above happened without a single sacrifice. Your Christian preconceived notion won't allow you to.
God's kingdom is not a place one is expected to get into. Jesus himself said that it is within ourselves. Esoteric therefore. (Luke 17:25)
Perhaps from your speech; not from mine.
What God has spoken has been recorded in the Scriptures. That's the Law and the Prophets. We no longer need any more prophets. (Dan. 9:24)
The dead no longer do any right or wrong. They will never again have part in any thing that's done under the sun. (Eccl. 9:5,6)
Anger is an emotion. The Lord is not activated by emotions. This attribute belongs only to the gods of Greek Mythology. Read the Iliad of Homer.
Don't forget that! Ben
A prophet speaks or spreads the word of God, the law and the prophets. You misunderstand. If you continue in my teaching, you are truly my disciple, THEN YOU WILL KNOW THE TRUTH AND THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE.
That is why scripture says;Matt 7:12 "In everything, do to others as you would have done to you, this is the law and the prophets."
You see,do to others, the law and the prophets. In other words spread the word of God, the law and the prophets, prophecy.
Do you know the Truth? What is the Truth? Jesus himself said that the Truth is the Word of God. See John 17:17. That's the Word of God that the Psalmist said was entrusted to Israel only and to no other people on earth. See Psalm 147:19,20. If the Truth you claim to know, you did not learn from Israel, you can never be set free.
Now, about the Golden Rule that you have mentioned above from Matthew 7:12, is psychologically wrong, illogical and even dangerous. If one is to do unto others as one would have it done to him or herself, what about if one is masochist and loves to be whipped until he or she is bleeding? There are many of those around. Is he or she supposed to go around doing the same to others so that his or her desire be satisfied? Of course not! It would make no sense.
Therefore, here is the right version of the Golden Rule for your records: "Do not do unto others what you would not like they did unto you." That's how Hillel spoke and how Jesus learned from him. The Hellenistic guy who wrote the gospel of Matthew probably borrowed that version of his from Hellenistic Literature.
Whatever Jesus has said, I have as well. I know and hear what I post. You must not really read what I post because I spelled it out plainly that spreading the word of the Lord is doing to others as you would have them do to you.
Yes the word of the Lord is from Israel but Israel is the prophets of the Lord, the son of man.
I am Israel, the son of man ,son of God, the prophet of the Lord who is One in the Lord and serves Him in truth.
I am the light of the world, no one who comes to me shall ever walk in darkness because he will possess the light of life.
I am going to make right a measuring line and justice a level.
oh... reaaaaaalllly. so i'm not a true jew? where do you get off? i know it is usually ben masada that i end up telling to read the code of conduct, but in this case it's you. you do not get to tell jews who is a jew. we will do that for ourselves, thank you very much indeed.Princely said:But a true Jew is not the people that the world now thinks of as Jews.Like I said a true Jew spreads the word of the son of man and walks in the light of the Lord.
ok, this is starting to get silly. <mod>THIS IS A DIALOGUE BOARD!Because I know the Lord and I keep His words. You know neither me nor my Father. If you knew me, you would know my Father also. You belong to what is below, I belong to what is above. You belong to this world, but I do not belong to this world.