i have a question
about when a person (when u or i)
talks with Gyd ...
will a gentle heart hear gentle words ?
will an angry heart hear angry words ?
(will a person hear , basically what is in-their-character to hear ?
receive divine sanction to break-thru her or his reluctance to act ?
to act upon impulses which are deep-down character-traits ? )
or (rather)
will a gentle heart hear self-assertive words ?
will an angry heart hear soothing/calming words ?
(will a person hear words to balance-off the extremes ?
to bring counterweight to the imbalance in their emotional proclivities ?
to even-out the scales of her or his heart ? )
will Gyd guide u to do what is in u'r heart to do ?
to encourage u & to mobilize u to follow what u'r heart tells u ?
or (rather)
will Gyd guide u to see the world with a more whole outlook ? , &
to act in the world with a changed heart ?
how does Gyd talk with u ?