how does Gyd ... touch u'r heart ... ?


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Oregon coast

i have a question
about when a person (when u or i)
talks with Gyd ...

will a gentle heart hear gentle words ?
will an angry heart hear angry words ?
(will a person hear , basically what is in-their-character to hear ?
receive divine sanction to break-thru her or his reluctance to act ?
to act upon impulses which are deep-down character-traits ? )

or (rather)
will a gentle heart hear self-assertive words ?
will an angry heart hear soothing/calming words ?
(will a person hear words to balance-off the extremes ?
to bring counterweight to the imbalance in their emotional proclivities ?
to even-out the scales of her or his heart ? )


will Gyd guide u to do what is in u'r heart to do ?
to encourage u & to mobilize u to follow what u'r heart tells u ?

or (rather)
will Gyd guide u to see the world with a more whole outlook ? , &
to act in the world with a changed heart ?


how does Gyd talk with u ?

i have a question
about when a person (when u or i)
talks with Gyd ...

will a gentle heart hear gentle words ?
will an angry heart hear angry words ?
(will a person hear , basically what is in-their-character to hear ?
receive divine sanction to break-thru her or his reluctance to act ?
to act upon impulses which are deep-down character-traits ? )
will Gyd guide u to do what is in u'r heart to do ?
to encourage u & to mobilize u to follow what u'r heart tells u ?

when some spirit leaves a trace within me that is totally in line with my character (if I have any) or heart (if I have one) leads me towards, I run. My character that I try to shed is an empty husk chosen to fulfil some role or routine in the world. It is not I. My heart is limited and imperfect... all too ready to explode in my chest, yearning for things that were (or never were?), for lives lost (or found in a re-birth), and bitter pain painted with temporal tears and spacial sighs.

Gyd does not reply with anger or self or soothing.

or (rather)
will a gentle heart hear self-assertive words ?
will an angry heart hear soothing/calming words ?
(will a person hear words to balance-off the extremes ?
to bring counterweight to the imbalance in their emotional proclivities ?
to even-out the scales of her or his heart ? )
or (rather)
will Gyd guide u to see the world with a more whole outlook ? , &
to act in the world with a changed heart ?

The key must be not-self, not-I, not-part, not-this, not-that, not at all what you want or expect. What one wants or expects will only provide more of the same (the suffering, the killing, the pain, the lonliness, the agony, the bitterness, the hatred, the violence, the war, the famine).

It is only by how disconcerting the words are, how foreign the voice is, how jarring the experience that one can judge that it may come from the Light Within. No, not angelic choruses or earthquakes or pink Ubikian lights. Silent and still and serene and soft as a lover's lips...

The dance with the divine requires one to turn oneself inside out to see the world with new eyes unborn and uncreated. To leave character a shell, heart a husk, and self a broken vessel.

how does Gyd talk with u ?

With your lips, Beloved, and everyone else's when they utter any of the ten-thousand names of Gyd.
when some spirit leaves a trace within me that is totally in line with my character (if I have any) or heart (if I have one) leads me towards, I run. My character that I try to shed is an empty husk chosen to fulfil some role or routine in the world. It is not I. My heart is limited and imperfect... all too ready to explode in my chest, yearning for things that were (or never were?), for lives lost (or found in a re-birth), and bitter pain painted with temporal tears and spacial sighs.

Gyd does not reply with anger or self or soothing.

The key must be not-self, not-I, not-part, not-this, not-that, not at all what you want or expect. What one wants or expects will only provide more of the same (the suffering, the killing, the pain, the lonliness, the agony, the bitterness, the hatred, the violence, the war, the famine).

It is only by how disconcerting the words are, how foreign the voice is, how jarring the experience that one can judge that it may come from the Light Within. No, not angelic choruses or earthquakes or pink Ubikian lights. Silent and still and serene and soft as a lover's lips...

The dance with the divine requires one to turn oneself inside out to see the world with new eyes unborn and uncreated. To leave character a shell, heart a husk, and self a broken vessel.

With your lips, Beloved, and everyone else's when they utter any of the ten-thousand names of Gyd.

Infinite I love yous. Thats how I look at god and whoever my own opposite is. And my heavenly mother as well.
'The voice within' is very hard to pinpoint acurately at times; many a times it well could be the satan giving very subtle evil advice guised as good, this is why for Muslims, God talks to us through revelation; we look to the Quran and sunnah to see what he wants


PS; however, God does communicate the good and bad through 'feelings' in our hearts; the good actions will allways create a feeling of peace and goodness while the bad will create one of uneasiness and doubt

Sahih Muslim ,Book 32, Number 6195: Nawwas bin Sim'an al-Ansiri reported: I asked Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) about Al-Birr(Righteousness) and Al-Ithm(Evil).He (may peace be upon him) said,"Al-Bir (piety and righteousness) entails good conduct, while Al-Ithm (sin) is what rankles in your heart and that you disapprove that people should come to know of it,"

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Wabisah ibn Ma'bad said: "I came to the Messenger of Allah , who then said:

"You came to ask about Al-Bir?' I said "Yes." He said. "Seek the answer in your heart! Al- Bir is that which your inner self feels good about, and that which your heart feels good about. Al-Ithm is that (evil thought) which crosses your mind and which is persistent (as being evil) in your inner-self, even if the people give you a Fatawa, time and again allowing what you feel unease about"

Since you took the time to respond andfrom looking at your posts seem a knowldegeable sort, let me ask you a favor.

If you run across any really good Mulim sites that speak to the Imam Rauf kind of approach we uninformed yokels in the U.S. (myself) could understand, could you pass them in private message?

I try to look, but there are just soooooooooo many.

Peace, Salaam, Friend!
hmm i it was for research, then ofcourse! ;), but you seem to want to take that as the proper Islam?; in that case i'd be a sinner to assist you Radar so i hope you understand

why go for fake, when you can have the real thing? ;)

for my friends, i want only the best! ;), and you my dear Radar are no exception! ;):)

No as research. I do not know or care if it is proper Islam. I have no ear or tougne for language, so "proper Islam" is out for me (ditto with "proper Hasidism" if I were so inclined).

Thanks anyhow.
Hi Salishan,

how does Gyd talk with u ?

Primarily, through (imperfect) memory. I remember being born. Thus, Gyd –in this case, the descent of the spirit into matter- is to me the ultimate and indisputable reality. “I was cast upon Thee from my mother’s womb.”

I also learn through signs and symbols. For instance, in this situation, involving these people, I see this; in that symbol, I perceive that. Sometimes, when I strive for purity, I get flashes of satori, in full consciousness, but those are rare, and are as impersonal as fire. Dreams, too, are at times increasingly lucid, involving visitants. That (given that this is the Islam board) reminds me of one of my favorite, short, mysterious verses from the Quran. It is entitled the “Night Visitant” and I first heard it when I lived (as a civilian) in the Middle East. I have no idea what it means, but Yusef Ali translates it thus:

By the Sky and the Night-Visitant (therein) -
And what will explain to thee what the Night-Visitant is?
(It is) the Star of piercing brightness -
There is no soul but has a protector over it ...



Allah SWT has touched my heart in so many ways!! See, I look at the world and see His Mercy all around. The hurt, the pain--those I attribute to humans being humans, hurting each other and abusing pretty much everything Allah SWT has given them. But, I cannot help but stay astonished at the creation, and everything that has happend in my personal life that are but true miracles. I am not thinking of miracles like "water gushing from a stone out of blue," but miracles in many other ways (e.g. answered prayers, saving my life so many times). To me, everything is proof of Allah SWT. I see His works in all creation. And it is important to me to trust Him.
Allah SWT has touched my heart in so many ways!! See, I look at the world and see His Mercy all around. The hurt, the pain--those I attribute to humans being humans, hurting each other and abusing pretty much everything Allah SWT has given them. But, I cannot help but stay astonished at the creation, and everything that has happend in my personal life that are but true miracles. I am not thinking of miracles like "water gushing from a stone out of blue," but miracles in many other ways (e.g. answered prayers, saving my life so many times). To me, everything is proof of Allah SWT. I see His works in all creation. And it is important to me to trust Him.
I like the new faith hill song , the world isnt half as bad as they painted it to be is in the song and I have that train of thought. People do a lot of good things. I trust god but I also have faith in the heart of man.
No as research. I do not know or care if it is proper Islam. I have no ear or tougne for language, so "proper Islam" is out for me (ditto with "proper Hasidism" if I were so inclined).

Thanks anyhow.

yipee! :) this means i can help! :D

there you go my friend, but i'll add a 'warning' for our unsuspecting friends and visitors :):

the following are sites to beware of; the satan said he will leave no stones unturned in trying to make the people go astray; the following is one of its manifestations; the old 'try and twist Islam trick! :rolleyes::

Islam based on God alone, Quran alone

Progressive Muslims, a place to discover Islam based on 'GOD Alone'
