There is no such spiritual growth in Catholic tradition.
Spiritual growth is organized in this way;
First we receive the sacrament of Baptism and the grace bestowed by the sacrament.
After the age of reason, about 7 yrs. of age other Sacraments follow and we receive even more grace.
With sacraments we receive Sanctifying Grace, actual grace, infused virtues, the gifts of the Holy Spirit and the final stage is fruits of the H. Spirit and Beatitudes.
But to reach the final stages we have to go through this:
7. Conversion From Sin
The Psychosomatic Structure
The Struggle Against Sin
8. Progressive Purgation
Purification of the External Senses
Purification of the Internal Senses
Purification of the Passions
Purification of the Intellect
Purification of the Will
Passive Purgations
9. Means of Spiritual Growth
The Sacraments
Meritorious Good Works
Prayer of Petition
10. The Theological Virtues
The Gift of Understanding
The Gift of Knowledge
The Gift of Fear
The Gift of Wisdom
11. The Moral Virtues
The Gift of Counsel
The Gift of Piety
The Gift of Fear
The Gift of Fortitude
12. Grades of Prayer
Vocal Prayer
Affective Prayer
Prayer of Simplicity
Contemplative Prayer
Prayer of Quiet
Prayer of Union
Prayer of Conforming Union
Prayer of Transforming Union
13. Aids to Spiritual Growth
The Presence of God
Examination of Conscience
The Desire for Perfection
Conformity to God's Will
Fidelity to Grace
Plan of Life
Spiritual Reading
Holy Friendships
Spiritual Direction
14. Discernment of Spirits
Types of Spirits
Psychosomatic Phenomena
Extraordinary Mystical Phenomena
I copied this from Spiritual Theology by Jordan Aumann. Basically speaking our spirituality is based on 3 spiritual ages.
[FONT="]"The Fathers and theologians distinguish three stages or states of perfection. These are the states of beginners, the state of progress, and the state of the perfect. These states are also designated “ways”, because they are the ways of God by which souls are guided on the road to heaven." [/FONT]
[FONT="]Another good book explaining the first stage and the beginning of the second is Introduction to Devout Life by St. Frances de Sales.[/FONT]
7 through 12 is a progression. A merging of ones lower self with ones higher self. As above so below.