Spiritual Stages Advice?

There is no such spiritual growth in Catholic tradition.

Spiritual growth is organized in this way;
First we receive the sacrament of Baptism and the grace bestowed by the sacrament.
After the age of reason, about 7 yrs. of age other Sacraments follow and we receive even more grace.
With sacraments we receive Sanctifying Grace, actual grace, infused virtues, the gifts of the Holy Spirit and the final stage is fruits of the H. Spirit and Beatitudes.

But to reach the final stages we have to go through this:


7. Conversion From Sin
The Psychosomatic Structure
The Struggle Against Sin

8. Progressive Purgation
Purification of the External Senses
Purification of the Internal Senses
Purification of the Passions
Purification of the Intellect
Purification of the Will
Passive Purgations

9. Means of Spiritual Growth
The Sacraments
Meritorious Good Works
Prayer of Petition

10. The Theological Virtues
The Gift of Understanding
The Gift of Knowledge
The Gift of Fear
The Gift of Wisdom

11. The Moral Virtues
The Gift of Counsel
The Gift of Piety
The Gift of Fear
The Gift of Fortitude

12. Grades of Prayer
Vocal Prayer
Affective Prayer
Prayer of Simplicity
Contemplative Prayer
Prayer of Quiet
Prayer of Union
Prayer of Conforming Union
Prayer of Transforming Union

13. Aids to Spiritual Growth
The Presence of God
Examination of Conscience
The Desire for Perfection
Conformity to God's Will
Fidelity to Grace
Plan of Life
Spiritual Reading
Holy Friendships
Spiritual Direction

14. Discernment of Spirits
Types of Spirits
Psychosomatic Phenomena
Extraordinary Mystical Phenomena

I copied this from Spiritual Theology by Jordan Aumann. Basically speaking our spirituality is based on 3 spiritual ages.

[FONT=&quot]"The Fathers and theologians distinguish three stages or states of perfection. These are the states of beginners, the state of progress, and the state of the perfect. These states are also designated “ways”, because they are the ways of God by which souls are guided on the road to heaven." [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Another good book explaining the first stage and the beginning of the second is Introduction to Devout Life by St. Frances de Sales.[/FONT]

7 through 12 is a progression. A merging of ones lower self with ones higher self. As above so below.
How will you notice it if you cannot look at the intervention rightly?

The Jews killed Jesus because they could not look at him rightly, only through their scriptures. Was Jesus not heavenly intervention all those years ago?

You know not what is right if you knew right you would know me but as it is you reject the One who lives and therefore you shall die in your sins. For if you do not come to believe I Am you will surely die in your sins.Scripture has it;

"All those who do right shall rise to live."

'I the Lord speak the truth, I say what is right."

"You've been told what is good and what the Lord requires of you, only to do what is right love goodness and walk humbly with the Lord your God".

"Speak the truth.Gods word is truth".

"The one who comes from above is above all; He who is of the world belongs to the world and speaks in a worldly way. The one who comes from heaven is above all. He testifies to what he has seen and heard, yet no one accepts his testimony. Whoever accepts his testimony certifies that God is truthful. The One whom is sent by God, He speaks the words of God. His gift of the spirit is not rationed. The Father loves the Son and has given everything over to him. Whoever believes in the Son possesses eternal life; whoever disobeys the Son will not see life, but must endure the wrath of God".
You know not what is right if you knew right you would know me but as it is you reject the One who lives and therefore you shall die in your sins. For if you do not come to believe I Am you will surely die in your sins.Scripture has it;

"All those who do right shall rise to live."

'I the Lord speak the truth, I say what is right."

"You've been told what is good and what the Lord requires of you, only to do what is right love goodness and walk humbly with the Lord your God".

"Speak the truth.Gods word is truth".

"The one who comes from above is above all; He who is of the world belongs to the world and speaks in a worldly way. The one who comes from heaven is above all. He testifies to what he has seen and heard, yet no one accepts his testimony. Whoever accepts his testimony certifies that God is truthful. The One whom is sent by God, He speaks the words of God. His gift of the spirit is not rationed. The Father loves the Son and has given everything over to him. Whoever believes in the Son possesses eternal life; whoever disobeys the Son will not see life, but must endure the wrath of God".
That would be believing in the resurrection and true meaning of the cross. Who believes in an old man who tried to kill jesus....not me...he died ....jesus lives.
You know not what is right if you knew right you would know me.

I do know Christ, I speak from that mind which Jesus says to find, which in modern times is frequently called the Christ consciousness.

Indeed, he says to be perfect even as the father, this is the reality of Christ consciousness, although it is considered a behavioral command, yet how can the formless behave at all?
Ph. 2:5: "For, let this mind be in you that is also in Christ Jesus"


Mat. 5:48: "Be therefore perfect, just as your Father who is in Heaven is perfect."

The first points at the universal mind, Christ-consciousness. The second references God's oneness, for only that is perfection, all else is lacking in some way.

When these are realized, then it is possible to say: Jo. 10:30: "I and my father are one".

These are the only ways in which Jesus is distinct from you, and as he says Jo. 14:10: "Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father is in me? the sayings that I speak to you, from myself I speak not, and the Father who is abiding in me, Himself doth the works", because it is that which is truth, not the physical form.

If Jesus has any authority at all, why has he said he was sent?

Indeed in Jo. 8:54: "Jesus replied, "If I glorify myself, my glory means nothing. My Father, whom you claim as your God, is the one who glorifies me."

This is as I say, although not even this egoistically, for I am nothing without God who is within.

Why will he glorify me? Although certainly I am blessed.

Life itself, simply existing is a blessing!

How often are you thankful for this?
Ph. 2:5: "For, let this mind be in you that is also in Christ Jesus"


Mat. 5:48: "Be therefore perfect, just as your Father who is in Heaven is perfect."

JESUS never said that he alone was everything. As a matter of fact mary magdalene prophecies come from what he tought mary magdalene about everyone having one true opposite.
JESUS never said that he alone was everything. As a matter of fact mary magdalene prophecies come from what he tought mary magdalene about everyone having one true opposite.

That mind which was in Jesus is the mind of God, that perfection is to go beyond the opposites, to realize you are not half but rather the whole. You go on saying we should look for our true opposite, but what is the wholes opposite? Nothingness.

You can go directly, or you can take the long road, but that oneness is the goal - insisting you are half is illusion, you are settling for less than you are.

Find out what you are by dropping all you are not and seeing what is left...

The miracle is everything is left, but only when you are not.
That mind which was in Jesus is the mind of God, that perfection is to go beyond the opposites, to realize you are not half but rather the whole. You go on saying we should look for our true opposite, but what is the wholes opposite? Nothingness.

You can go directly, or you can take the long road, but that oneness is the goal - insisting you are half is illusion, you are settling for less than you are.

Find out what you are by dropping all you are not and seeing what is left...

The miracle is everything is left, but only when you are not.

Jesus never ever said anything like that. As a matter of fact everything I have been saying about opposites is the secret gospels he told mary magdalene. That there is no such thing as beyond opposites and that its all about opposites. It was hidden back then because women were treated unfairly and abused back then. They were not even allowed to enter the temples.
Lunitik, Thomas, NiceCupofTea, Princely, Donnann & Emil... :)
Thanks for the comments.
I'm going to process them more before I respond further.
Jesus never ever said anything like that. As a matter of fact everything I have been saying about opposites is the secret gospels he told mary magdalene. That there is no such thing as beyond opposites and that its all about opposites. It was hidden back then because women were treated unfairly and abused back then. They were not even allowed to enter the temples.

I have shown you the verses which say it :confused:

You are telling someone that has gone beyond the opposites that it is not possible, do you understand the absurdity of this?

I invite you to see for yourself, I have detailed how to do so, yet still you insist it cannot be done... simply go deeply into my words about oneness and you will see it can be so. Forget what you have read in the scriptures and simply try my device. I am telling you it is what Jesus pointed to in the scriptures, but you cannot see it because you lack spiritual eyes...

This experience, if you are willing to partake, will supply them. It is after this that you can even see the beauty in the scriptures, at least this was so for me. Before it just a crazy man talking nonsense, maybe you memorize, maybe you will repeat it to make points, but overall you cannot understand what is said.

Scriptures come from this place, but they are nothing by comparison. How can any description be very accurate? Try it, have a friend describe somewhere you have not been, try to imagine what it is like based on their words. Now simply go there and see whether it is at all even similar, it will not be.

Such is the problem with scriptures, the one they are about is long dead, you are relying on the opinions of those who do not understand themselves.
Ph. 2:5: "For, let this mind be in you that is also in Christ Jesus"


Mat. 5:48: "Be therefore perfect, just as your Father who is in Heaven is perfect."

The first points at the universal mind, Christ-consciousness. The second references God's oneness, for only that is perfection, all else is lacking in some way.

When these are realized, then it is possible to say: Jo. 10:30: "I and my father are one".

These are the only ways in which Jesus is distinct from you, and as he says Jo. 14:10: "Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father is in me? the sayings that I speak to you, from myself I speak not, and the Father who is abiding in me, Himself doth the works", because it is that which is truth, not the physical form.

If Jesus has any authority at all, why has he said he was sent?

Indeed in Jo. 8:54: "Jesus replied, "If I glorify myself, my glory means nothing. My Father, whom you claim as your God, is the one who glorifies me."

This is as I say, although not even this egoistically, for I am nothing without God who is within.

Why will he glorify me? Although certainly I am blessed.

Life itself, simply existing is a blessing!

How often are you thankful for this?

Yes, you must be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect.

This is what I give to those who follow me and my brother Jesus;

(Father) I have given them the glory you gave me , so that they may be One, as we are One, I in them and you in me, that they may be brought to perfection as One, that the world may know that you sent me, and that you loved them even as you loved me.
Father, they are your gift to me. I wish that where I am they also may be with me, that they may see my glory that you gave me, because you loved me before the foundation of the world. Righteous Father, the world also does not know you, but I know you, and they know that you sent me.
I made known to them your name and I will make it known, that the love with which you loved me may be in them and I in them."

Jesus and I are One in the Father. Whoever hates me hates my Father.
I would ask, are these past experience still your reality? Why are you pulling them along with you still? This is only going to be a burden, you can't change what has happened, only this moment is real, these things will pull you away from this. You must learn to be total in the moment, but these things are like resistors to the currents within you, they make it harder for your inner energies to circulate. You say you feel like a new person, yet the old person is still there in it it sounds like. Give yourself permission to drop these things, free yourself from all of this and reclaim your energies! If this is difficult, look within your reasons, see the validity of them.
Thanks for helping me explore this, Lunitik.
These past experiences are in the past, I realize... yet they affect my view, approach & feelings about sex now.
I think it's easier for men to be "in the moment" than it is for women. Yet, women tend to more easily grasp the big picture. Difference in brain wiring. This is why we need to learn from each other.
I don't know how to just drop them, though, Lunitik. If I did, I would have. I've tried pushing them aside, I've also struggled with anger, shame etc. Sometimes I feel like I just need a break (from sex) to sort it out - but that doesn't happen.

Alcoholics anonymous' serenity prayer is awesome:

"God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.
It is awesome, Lunitik.
I don't remember hearing the 2nd part you included.
My grandma was very big in AA & I associate the serenity prayer with her.
I also see it as the pure love that never fails - because through courage to change what we can or serenity to accept what we can't - either way, things will work out for the greater good.

The past is a dead thing, why carry a corpse with you?
The past is not dead - it is in every fiber of our being, until we deal with it. I haven't figured out how to deal with it yet.

Also, do not consider thoughts as illusion, this is not the case. What is an illusion is that you are the mind, that you are the body, but still these things are actual. You are to learn to utilize them, to be the master over them instead of letting them be your master, that is all. Do not look at things as false or true, this is another duality. Simply learn to be differentiated from them, find out what you actually are by going deeper into yourself, but first you have to look into them more - why have they happened, why are you carrying them still, did you learn what this has tried to show?
Why don't you consider thought illusion?
Do you think thoughts are 100% the whole nondual picture?

It will be hard, I remember looking at these types of words and wanting to get away from them, wanting to fight with it, I didn't want to know what the intent was. This also is ok, but you have to try to find out why this response is happening if it is there...

The spiritual path is about purifying your being, you can say like cleaning the mirror of your soul, cleansing it of all the dirt that has gathered during your life. When you can do this, absolute reality is all that is left - residing in absolute reality is enlightenment.
I like how you explained the spiritual path as purifying one's being... or peeling back layers to the "diamond in the rough."
I don't think it's possible to reside in enlightenment... maybe it is, but if so, I imagine it's extremely rare, because you can't function in this world while meditating in deep meditation. As much of a bad wrap the ego has, it's very needed. I've read that schizophrenia's spiritual reason is one's spiritual advancement getting too far ahead of one's ego advancement.

This can happen this moment, or you can continue avoiding, this is your choice and neither is bad. You cannot rush the process, it is already planned when and how you will be released from all of this. Simply find the nature of oneness within yourself, contemplate what remains when all opposites are dropped or merged - doesn't matter which - allow yourself to keep going until only that is left, even what you think you are is a duality somehow because you consider yourself separate, what is its opposite?
Nice way of explaining spirituality's incredible patience, compared to most of us in the ego state.
Sometimes I wonder - what's so important to want to go through hell... to purify myself? Is it going to be that much better?
Hi Persona —

Just for reference sake, with reference to your question, I've offered a Catholic overview of a system that seems to claim some Christian frame of reference, thereby necessarily assuming a complete overview of Christianity ... my primary issue is with common terms of reference that may not be properly understood in terms of an holistic Christian (and here I would say traditional) model.
Hi Thomas,
Jim Marion (who I got the stages from in "Putting on the Mind of Christ") grew up heavily involved in the Catholic church & was a monk, & attorney (nice balance, I think).

...The problem with systems is that man is not closed within a system, but creates systems to navigate through the infinite experience — he creates forms to render the formless intelligible, to the senses, the mind and the soul, but the spirit is beyond forms.

When one is 'in the spirit' the forms of its expression are translucent to it, indeed they become transparent ... to great an emphasis on the system, is to see the letter and not the spirit.

The seeker is always drawn beyond what is known, and what is not yet known is the dark night. God, for example, is beyond sensible forms, beyond rational forms, and beyond all finite forms ... the dark night always beckons, but it is always a progress made in faith, not in knowledge, knowledge is nothing but the systematic ordering of experience.
This is really interesting, how you explained systems and knowledge... & how faith is the basis of progress.
I agree!
Without faith, you can do nothing... not even type on the keyboard! :)

Eckhart traverses the Dark Night in all its forms.
I've read his, "Power of Now" but do you know if Tolle has written more specifically about this spiritual journey?

In closing, I would not be too quick to discount Scripture — it's been proven more than enough for the realisation of everything addressed here, and more. Without it, you're really in the dark altogether ... it's way beyond systems.

If one understood symbolism, or mythology which is a linguistic system to investigate symbolism (and definitely not something 'preadolescent') then read the Johannine account of the race of the two apostles to the tomb on the morning of the Resurrection (John 20) one would see a different story.

And if you want the utterly transcending exegesis, in Luke 24, only one of the two disciples is named (Cleophas), the other remains anonymous. In the Oral Tradition of the Ancient Church maintains the other disciple is you.

The way to the spirit is through the letter, not around it. Scripture is a way without compare.

Something of a lenten meditation.
I see what you mean - and there are times when I get so excited to realize deeper meaning of scriptures. Yet scriptures are not the same for everyone... Muslims - the Qur'an, Jews the Torah, Buddhists - Sutras?, Christians the OT, NT... Mormons the OT, NT, Book of Mormon, Doctrine & Covenants, Pearl of Great Price, Joseph Smith History & General Conference Speeches given by General Authority... Incidentally, I grew up Mormon & am currently surrounded by Mormons on all sides so I've come to question not only Mormonism but religion in general. I want to think for myself as much as possible, instead of blindly accepting others' thoughts, even if they've been accepted for centuries as scripture. I believe in the spirit of the law - but I can see how the only way we can think & communicate is through symbols... including letters that form words & words that form new perspectives, or "good news." And I have no intention of reinventing the wheel in any way.

I still appreciate scripture - & part of it is because I grew up with it, so that's what I resonate with. I'll have to relook at Luke 24 - intriguing that one name of the 2 disciples was left out. I also love Luke 17:20-21... "The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: Neither shall they say, Lo here! or lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you." It also goes along with the name of God... I AM that I AM. God is only experienced within us.

God bless,

Thanks again, Thomas, God bless you too.
if you want spiritual advice then my advice would be only to get it from those you know and trust. !

lots of people like to give it but very few are qualified to do so, also in spiritual matters follow your heart or your intuition or whatever you want to call it.

especially disregard any advice offered by those you need to be right all the time like luntik.

Follow your heart :)
Thank you.
There are few that I know & trust with this type of advice.
That's why I'm looking online.

I like what you mentioned about following your heart/intuition.
Lunitik isn't perfect (nobody is) - but he seems to have something to offer.
If he gets out of hand, I think I could handle him.
I have a black eye in Karate. :)
Revelation of John is exactly this, it is Johns enlightenment.
... Yeah, maybe...

1st seal, a crown is given - birth/life - Archaic & Magical Consciousness
2nd seal, a sword is given - ability to discern good from evil - Mythic Consciousness
3rd seal, balances are had - questioning myths - Rational Consciousness level
4th seal - power was given - can see many perspectives - Vision-Logic Consciousness
5th seal - Shown souls who were slain for the word of God - fears conquered for love - Psychic/Spirit Consciousness
6th seal - earthquakes, sun black, stars fall - see our imperfections "bursts our egotistical bubble" - Dark night of the senses
7th seal - silence, then "all hell breaks loose" with wars & plagues - Confronting "feelings buried alive"- Dark Night/Confronting Shadow Self
Christ reigns - Spiritual union with God, Our Creators - Christ Consciousness

This is what Christ has pointed all towards, and it is what I point to as well. Who will hear though? Jesus once said:

"Jesus said to them: when you make the two one,
and when you make the inner as the outer
and the outer as the inner, and the above as the below, and
When you make the male and the female into a single one,
so that the male will not be male and the female not be female,
then shall you enter the kingdom."
Beautiful! As above so below...
Since we remain the same sex our entire lives (at least naturally)... this seems to support the natural inclination of opposite sex attraction & incorporating their essence into our own - not just physically but also psychologically.

This is all I speak on, how to find that single one, how to find the key to the kingdom yourself. Christianity has become a self help group, yet Jesus also said "unless you hate your father, your mother, your brother and sister... indeed unless you hate your own life... you cannot be my disciple". I see no Christ disciples in the world today, all seem to be fixated on making themselves better people... how can you be born again without first dying? To permit death, you must not cling to life, in this is the secret to the crucifixion and resurrection. It is not something literal as Christians understand, it is dying to yourself and arising again in God.
That scripture you quoted, I imagine the word TRUTH in place of "my."
It does seem like a high price to pay for those who do seek truth over going with the crowd. Yet, it's the only way to have a "sure foundation" that won't fall in the face of storms.

Why do you think Christ is in such agony before the cross? You will say he is fulfilling prophecy, but this is not how it works. Prophecy looks into the future, it means they saw Jesus crying out and reported it. Earlier, he has only experienced what the Buddhists call satori, he has experienced oneness, but he is not residing in oneness yet. It is not until after the resurrection that Jesus has become fully enlightened, he was not before.

You have to be prepared to die to experience life fully, this is the message. Thy will be done, allow God, do not insist in your own desires. No matter, you must die, why not die willingly while the body still functions? Now you can enjoy it in this place, this very existence becomes heaven. Why will you want eternal life? No matter how good it is, if you are distinct it will become boring eventually. You are that which resides in all people, why not return home and observe that multitude of experiences? Why remain something false? You are not, only God is, are you prepared to see the truth in this statement?

If you are not, religion is just entertainment for you, you have not come rightly. Religion is to be sought when you understand the foolishness of separation, only then will you be transformed.

This understanding is the dark night of the soul, the resurrection is in God, it is the realization of what you truly always were. This is called Christ consciousness, and it is the experience of non-duality, in non-duality how can you be other than God yourself? If you are not God, there is still two.

This is the human opposite, it is objective love, we are subjective love. Now there is only love, but what is it really? It is simply energy peaking in the heart, in your center.

This is samadhi, death of the personal, life as the individual - the undivided one.
It sounds good... but I think there's a reason why many don't seek it... It's hard. It means confronting our own worst enemies (ourselves).
Often, I want the easy way... the path of least resistance.
Yet, what motivates me to push forward toward truth & God/Spiritual progress - is when I experience pain or watch others experience pain. There are a million remedies for trying to deal with pain - but probably the only one that will get at the root cause is this spiritual quest.
...Someone said here it is not all about bliss, why not?

It is selfish, it is to be the self!

Find the self, the soul, else you are not really alive at all, you are just accidental - the result of the merging of your mother and father. You must give birth to yourself, else you remain potential, you are never actualized.

Who are you?
Well put!
"Adam (& Even who represent us) fell that men might be & men (& women) are that they might have joy."
Gospel = being born again to good news, which IMO is the story of Jesus' birth, baptism, death & resurrection (why else would he tell us, given he spake not except in parables?)
Jesus has washed the feet of his disciples, he has insisted they are his equal.

Why are you something less?
Good point!
I think this is one of the twisting done by those in power (Constatine, Councils etc.), to keep people submissive through shame & fear.
Those in the dark cannot lead anyone into the light.
Unless they, like Jesus, "descend below all things so that they may raise others up."

The One who is sent by God he speaks the words of God.
The word of God is spirit, light & truth... which can only be discerned through:
1. Thought
2. Feeling
3. Courage to experience it for yourself (faith without works is dead)

The word of God is not just the words of other imperfect human beings who lived centuries ago. The word of God is any symbol that helps us resonate with & get closer to God, or that which is GOoD.
Man has created a daydream about love, something ideal and romanticized. It is not the reality... and what they uphold as love is simply an impossibility, it just blinds them from the actuality and ensures unhappiness if the ideal is continuously sought. It is why almost half of all marriages never succeed, the dream has been shattered and the reality has been missed. Few humans have ever encountered real love, this is why my tears drop.
I think many have encountered love - in one form or another, but I agree that few if any have encountered real (unconditional) love, because our condition itself is conditional. :)
To a church group, I brought up an idea about learning to love each other better. I realize we must find love within us, but I also think that the only way we can see ourselves (to heal) is through others. So I suggested that instead of having history lessons in church, that at least part of the time be for small group or one-on-one discussions. Simple, right? People thought I was crazy! They said it would never work because you can't force people to care. To me, ideally, church/religious gatherings - are primarily for learning to love others as ourselves.

Stop hating what you are, stop avoiding it and waiting for others to tell it to you. It is available this moment if you go within and touch it. Then love is known, and until you find love within you cannot share it. How can you possibly share what you do not have in the first place? So few Christians ever look at what Jesus said "Love your God with all your heart, and love your neighbor as yourself". It means you have to find that place of love within first, now love arises spontaneously because they ARE you, another expression of what you actually are.
Yeah... love others AS we also love ourselves.
I don't know how to just drop them, though, Lunitik. If I did, I would have. I've tried pushing them aside, I've also struggled with anger, shame etc. Sometimes I feel like I just need a break (from sex) to sort it out - but that doesn't happen.

Let me ask, which is easier, do you think?

Recalling and considering these things, or simply not?

It will look difficult, it is because some part of you wants to bring it in though, you will have to see why this is - have you simply not found a man you are completely comfortable around?

The past is not dead - it is in every fiber of our being, until we deal with it. I haven't figured out how to deal with it yet.

The past resides solely in our minds, it is not related to the present in any way shape or form, we have to bring it in.

Perhaps this is where you are getting stuck? You are not aware they do not have to be carried? If you have a couch you want to get rid of, will you carry with you all day long? You will just put it in the dumpster and forget about it. Why are thoughts different? It is because they are closer to you, yet still there is a distance, can you find it?

Why don't you consider thought illusion?
Do you think thoughts are 100% the whole nondual picture?

Our beliefs form the non-dual experience we have, but of themselves they have no power, it is our own being which gives them that power. They are not illusion because they are really there, yet the illusion arises because we identify with the thoughts, we think it is our thought - in reality most thoughts we have are community concepts, none have originated with us. The ones which are loudest are the ones we have identified with in some way, we must drop this identification.

Simply be aware that the thought is happening, watch the thought, you will see it is not actually you. If it were you, how could you possibly watch it? Think of it like the eye, it is the only thing the eye cannot see is itself. The religious inquiry is about finding who that internal eye is...

I don't think it's possible to reside in enlightenment... maybe it is, but if so, I imagine it's extremely rare, because you can't function in this world while meditating in deep meditation.

Certainly it is rare, but it is entirely possible. It is possible to function though, you have a wrong understanding of what meditation is though. Meditation is the awareness that whatsoever is happening is not happening to you, it is to be aware of your center while observing the circumference. When this space between the two has happened, you are enlightened. You will also understand what Jesus means when he says "It is not I who do these things, but the Father acting through me", this is actually always the case, even for sinners.

As much of a bad wrap the ego has, it's very needed. I've read that schizophrenia's spiritual reason is one's spiritual advancement getting too far ahead of one's ego advancement.

Schizophrenia is about splitting the mind and not knowing which is you. I have explained that part of spiritual practice is to create this divide between mind and being, mind will continuously arise to try to gain control though, it will be in a great panic as any actual person reacts to threats on their life. What happens sometimes though is that the person becomes identified with the minds struggle, it is the work of a guru really to ensure this doesn't happen, to try to console the seeker and to reassure them which is actually them. Even this struggle, your true being watches - it is actually quite bizarre and rather humorous if you can maintain calm through it.

Sometimes I wonder - what's so important to want to go through hell... to purify myself? Is it going to be that much better?

Better simply has no meaning in this state, it is simply pure bliss, peace, love. The state is impossible really to even fathom, it is the answer to every deep why which each of us carry.